my @Index;
foreach my $file (@files) { ScanFile(\@Index, $Dir, $file); }
+ # Scan the crashes directory and use the information in the .info files
+ # to update the common prefix directory.
+ if (-d "$Dir/crashes") {
+ opendir(DIR, "$Dir/crashes");
+ my @files = grep { /[.]info$/; } readdir(DIR);
+ closedir(DIR);
+ foreach my $file (@files) {
+ open IN, "$Dir/crashes/$file" or DieDiag("cannot open $file\n");
+ my $Path = <IN>;
+ if (defined $Path) { UpdatePrefix($Path); }
+ close IN;
+ }
+ }
# Generate an index.html file.
my $FName = "$Dir/index.html";
open(OUT, ">", $FName) or DieDiag("Cannot create file '$FName'\n");
chomp $problem;
close (INFO);
# Print the information in the table.
+ my $prefix = GetPrefix();
+ if (defined $prefix) { $srcfile =~ s/^$prefix//; }
print OUT "<tr><td>$problem</td><td>$srcfile</td><td class=\"View\"><a href=\"crashes/$ppfile\">View</a></td></tr>\n";
-V - View analysis results in a web browser when the build
--view completes.
- print " Available Source Code Analyses (multiple analyses may be specified):\n\n";
+ Available Source Code Analyses (multiple analyses may be specified):
foreach my $Analysis (sort keys %AvailableAnalyses) {
if (defined $AnalysesDefaultEnabled{$Analysis}) {