+ set_entities/4,
+ delete_node/2,
+ create_new_node/2,
+ subscribe_node/3,
+ get_node_config/4,
+ set_node_config/4]).
-define(DICT, dict).
--define(MAXITEMS, 10).
+-define(MAXITEMS, 20).
+-define(MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE, 100000).
-record(pubsub_node, {host_node, host_parent, info}).
-record(nodeinfo, {items = [],
lists:foreach(fun(H) ->
create_new_node(Host, ["home", H], ?MYJID)
end, ServedHosts),
+ ets:new(gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, pubsub_presence), [set, named_table]),
loop(Host, Parent).
loop(Host, Parent) ->
loop(Host, Parent)
+%%% API functions
+delete_item(From, Node, ItemID) ->
+ delete_item(get_host(), From, Node, ItemID).
+delete_node(From, Node) ->
+ delete_node(get_host(), From, Node).
+create_new_node(Node, From) ->
+ create_new_node(get_host(), Node, From).
+subscribe_node(From, JID, Node) ->
+ subscribe_node(get_host(), From, JID, Node).
+set_node_config(From, Node, Els, Lang) ->
+ set_node_config(get_host(), From, Node, Els, Lang).
+get_host() ->
+ ejabberd_mod_pubsub ! {get_host, self()},
+ receive
+ {pubsub_host, Host} ->
+ Host
+ after 5000 ->
+ timeout
+ end.
+%%% Internal functions
do_route(Host, From, To, Packet) ->
{xmlelement, Name, Attrs, Els} = Packet,
Packet, Error)
ejabberd_router:route(To, From, Res);
- %#iq{type = get, xmlns = ?NS_REGISTER = XMLNS,
- % lang = Lang, sub_el = SubEl} = IQ ->
- % Res = IQ#iq{type = result,
- % sub_el = [{xmlelement, "query",
- % [{"xmlns", XMLNS}],
- % iq_get_register_info(
- % From, Lang)}]},
- % ejabberd_router:route(To,
- % From,
- % jlib:iq_to_xml(Res));
- %#iq{type = set, xmlns = ?NS_REGISTER = XMLNS,
- % sub_el = SubEl} = IQ ->
- % case process_iq_register_set(From, SubEl) of
- % {result, IQRes} ->
- % Res = IQ#iq{type = result,
- % sub_el = [{xmlelement, "query",
- % [{"xmlns", XMLNS}],
- % IQRes}]},
- % ejabberd_router:route(
- % To, From, jlib:iq_to_xml(Res));
- % {error, Error} ->
- % Err = jlib:make_error_reply(
- % Packet, Error),
- % ejabberd_router:route(
- % To, From, Err)
- % end;
#iq{type = Type, xmlns = ?NS_PUBSUB = XMLNS,
sub_el = SubEl} = IQ ->
Res =
Packet, Error)
ejabberd_router:route(To, From, Res);
+ #iq{type = Type, xmlns = ?NS_PUBSUB_OWNER = XMLNS,
+ lang = Lang, sub_el = SubEl} = IQ ->
+ Res =
+ case iq_pubsub_owner(
+ Host, From, Type, Lang, SubEl) of
+ {result, IQRes} ->
+ jlib:iq_to_xml(
+ IQ#iq{type = result,
+ sub_el = IQRes});
+ {error, Error} ->
+ jlib:make_error_reply(
+ Packet, Error)
+ end,
+ ejabberd_router:route(To, From, Res);
#iq{type = get, xmlns = ?NS_VCARD = XMLNS,
lang = Lang, sub_el = SubEl} = IQ ->
Res = IQ#iq{type = result,
_ ->
+ "presence" ->
+ Type = xml:get_attr_s("type", Attrs),
+ if
+ (Type == "unavailable") or (Type == "error") ->
+ ets:delete(
+ gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, pubsub_presence),
+ {From#jid.luser, From#jid.lserver});
+ true ->
+ ets:insert(
+ gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, pubsub_presence),
+ {{From#jid.luser, From#jid.lserver}, []})
+ end,
+ ok;
_ ->
[{"category", "pubsub"},
{"type", "generic"},
{"name", "ejabberd/mod_pubsub"}], []},
- %{xmlelement, "feature", [{"var", ?NS_REGISTER}], []},
{xmlelement, "feature", [{"var", ?NS_PUBSUB}], []},
{xmlelement, "feature", [{"var", ?NS_PUBSUB_EVENT}], []},
{xmlelement, "feature", [{"var", ?NS_PUBSUB_OWNER}], []},
-%-define(XFIELD(Type, Label, Var, Val),
-% {xmlelement, "field", [{"type", Type},
-% {"label", translate:translate(Lang, Label)},
-% {"var", Var}],
-% [{xmlelement, "value", [], [{xmlcdata, Val}]}]}).
-%iq_get_register_info(From, Lang) ->
-% {LUser, LServer, _} = jlib:jid_tolower(From),
-% LUS = {LUser, LServer},
-% Nick = case catch mnesia:dirty_read(muc_registered, LUS) of
-% {'EXIT', Reason} ->
-% "";
-% [] ->
-% "";
-% [#muc_registered{nick = N}] ->
-% N
-% end,
-% [{xmlelement, "instructions", [],
-% [{xmlcdata, translate:translate(
-% Lang, "You need a x:data capable client to register.")}]},
-% {xmlelement, "x",
-% [{"xmlns", ?NS_XDATA}],
-% [{xmlelement, "title", [],
-% [{xmlcdata,
-% translate:translate(
-% Lang, "Nick Registration")}]},
-% {xmlelement, "instructions", [],
-% [{xmlcdata,
-% translate:translate(
-% Lang, "Enter nick you want to register.")}]},
-% ?XFIELD("text-single", "Nick", "nick", Nick)]}].
-%iq_set_register_info(From, XData) ->
-% {LUser, LServer, _} = jlib:jid_tolower(From),
-% LUS = {LUser, LServer},
-% case lists:keysearch("nick", 1, XData) of
-% false ->
-% {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST};
-% {value, {_, [Nick]}} ->
-% F = fun() ->
-% case Nick of
-% "" ->
-% mnesia:delete({muc_registered, LUS}),
-% ok;
-% _ ->
-% Allow = case mnesia:index_read(
-% muc_registered,
-% Nick,
-% #muc_registered.nick) of
-% [] ->
-% true;
-% [#muc_registered{user = U}] ->
-% U == LUS
-% end,
-% if
-% Allow ->
-% mnesia:write(
-% #muc_registered{user = LUS,
-% nick = Nick}),
-% ok;
-% true ->
-% false
-% end
-% end
-% end,
-% case mnesia:transaction(F) of
-% {atomic, ok} ->
-% {result, []};
-% {atomic, false} ->
-% {error, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED};
-% _ ->
-% end
-% end.
-%process_iq_register_set(From, SubEl) ->
-% {xmlelement, Name, Attrs, Els} = SubEl,
-% case xml:remove_cdata(Els) of
-% [{xmlelement, "x", Attrs1, Els1} = XEl] ->
-% case {xml:get_tag_attr_s("xmlns", XEl),
-% xml:get_tag_attr_s("type", XEl)} of
-% {?NS_XDATA, "cancel"} ->
-% {result, []};
-% {?NS_XDATA, "submit"} ->
-% XData = jlib:parse_xdata_submit(XEl),
-% case XData of
-% invalid ->
-% {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST};
-% _ ->
-% iq_set_register_info(From, XData)
-% end;
-% _ ->
-% {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST}
-% end;
-% _ ->
-% {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST}
-% end.
iq_get_vcard(Lang) ->
[{xmlelement, "FN", [],
get_entities(Host, From, Node);
{set, "entities"} ->
set_entities(Host, From, Node, xml:remove_cdata(Els));
- %{get, "configure"} ->
- % get_node_config(From, Node);
+ {get, "affiliations"} ->
+ get_affiliations(Host, From);
_ ->
{"var", Var}],
[{xmlelement, "value", [], [{xmlcdata, Val}]}]}).
+-define(BOOLXFIELD(Label, Var, Val),
+ ?XFIELD("boolean", Label, Var,
+ case Val of
+ true -> "1";
+ _ -> "0"
+ end)).
+-define(STRINGXFIELD(Label, Var, Val),
+ ?XFIELD("text-single", Label, Var, Val)).
+-define(XFIELDOPT(Type, Label, Var, Val, Opts),
+ {xmlelement, "field", [{"type", Type},
+ {"label", translate:translate(Lang, Label)},
+ {"var", Var}],
+ lists:map(fun(Opt) ->
+ {xmlelement, "option", [],
+ [{xmlelement, "value", [],
+ [{xmlcdata, Opt}]}]}
+ end, Opts) ++
+ [{xmlelement, "value", [], [{xmlcdata, Val}]}]}).
+-define(LISTXFIELD(Label, Var, Val, Opts),
+ ?XFIELDOPT("list-single", Label, Var, Val, Opts)).
%% Create new pubsub nodes
%% This function is used during init to create the first bootstrap nodes
publish_item(Host, JID, Node, ItemID, Payload) ->
+ ejabberd_hooks:run(pubsub_publish_item, Host,
+ [JID, ?MYJID, Node, ItemID, Payload]),
Publisher = jlib:jid_tolower(jlib:jid_remove_resource(JID)),
F = fun() ->
case mnesia:read({pubsub_node, {Host, Node}}) of
[#pubsub_node{info = Info} = N] ->
Affiliation = get_affiliation(Info, Publisher),
+ Subscription = get_subscription(Info, Publisher),
+ MaxSize = get_node_option(Info, max_payload_size),
+ Model = get_node_option(Info, publish_model),
+ Size = size(term_to_binary(Payload)),
- (Affiliation == owner) or
- (Affiliation == publisher) ->
+ ((Model == open) or
+ ((Model == publishers) and
+ ((Affiliation == owner) or
+ (Affiliation == publisher))) or
+ ((Model == subscribers) and
+ (Subscription == subscribed))) and
+ (Size =< MaxSize) ->
NewInfo =
insert_item(Info, ItemID,
Publisher, Payload),
Subscriber = jlib:jid_tolower(SubscriberJID),
SubscriberWithoutResource = jlib:jid_remove_resource(Subscriber),
F = fun() ->
- case mnesia:read({pubsub_node, {Host, Node}}) of
- [#pubsub_node{info = Info} = N] ->
- Affiliation = get_affiliation(Info, Subscriber),
- if
- Affiliation /= outcast ->
- NewInfo =
- add_subscriber(Info, Subscriber),
- mnesia:write(
- N#pubsub_node{info = NewInfo}),
- {result, []};
- true ->
- {error, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED}
- end;
+ case mnesia:read({pubsub_node, {Host, Node}}) of
+ [#pubsub_node{info = Info} = N] ->
+ Affiliation = get_affiliation(Info, Subscriber),
+ AllowSubscriptions = get_node_option(Info, subscribe),
+ if
+ AllowSubscriptions and
+ (Affiliation /= outcast) ->
+ NewInfo = add_subscriber(Info, Subscriber),
+ mnesia:write(N#pubsub_node{info = NewInfo}),
+ {result, [], Info};
+ true ->
+ {error, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED}
+ end;
[] ->
case mnesia:transaction(F) of
{atomic, {error, _} = Error} ->
- {atomic, {result, Res}} ->
+ {atomic, {result, Res, Info}} ->
+ case get_node_option(Info, send_item_subscribe) of
+ true ->
+ ItemsEls =
+ lists:map(
+ fun(#item{id = ItemID,
+ payload = Payload}) ->
+ ItemAttrs = case ItemID of
+ "" -> [];
+ _ -> [{"id", ItemID}]
+ end,
+ {xmlelement, "item",
+ ItemAttrs, Payload}
+ end, Info#nodeinfo.items),
+ Stanza =
+ {xmlelement, "message",
+ [],
+ [{xmlelement, "x",
+ [{"xmlns", ?NS_PUBSUB_EVENT}],
+ [{xmlelement, "items",
+ [{"node", node_to_string(Node)}],
+ ItemsEls}]}]},
+ ejabberd_router:route(
+ ?MYJID, jlib:make_jid(Subscriber), Stanza);
+ false ->
+ ok
+ end,
{result, Res};
_ ->
{xmlelement, "item", ItemAttrs, Payload}
end, Items),
{result, [{xmlelement, "pubsub",
- [{"xmlns", ?NS_PUBSUB}],
+ [{"xmlns", ?NS_PUBSUB_EVENT}],
[{xmlelement, "items",
[{"node", node_to_string(Node)}],
Removed =
fun(#pubsub_node{host_node = {_, N},
- info = #nodeinfo{
- entities = Entities
- }}, Acc) ->
+ info = NInfo}, Acc) ->
case lists:prefix(Node, N) of
true ->
- [{N, Entities} | Acc];
+ [{N, NInfo} | Acc];
_ ->
[]} | Acc]
end, [], Entities),
{result, [{xmlelement, "pubsub",
- [{"xmlns", ?NS_PUBSUB}],
+ [{"xmlns", ?NS_PUBSUB_EVENT}],
[{xmlelement, "entities",
[{"node", node_to_string(Node)}],
-%get_node_config(OJID, Node) ->
-% Owner = jlib:jid_tolower(jlib:jid_remove_resource(OJID)),
-% case catch mnesia:dirty_read(pubsub_node, Node) of
-% [#pubsub_node{info = Info}] ->
-% case get_affiliation(Info, Owner) of
-% owner ->
-% Entities = Info#nodeinfo.entities,
-% EntitiesEls =
-% ?DICT:fold(
-% fun(JID,
-% #entity{affiliation = Affiliation,
-% subscription = Subscription},
-% Acc) ->
-% [{xmlelement, "entity",
-% [{"jid", jlib:jid_to_string(JID)},
-% {"affiliation",
-% affiliation_to_string(Affiliation)},
-% {"subscription",
-% subscription_to_string(Subscription)}],
-% []} | Acc]
-% end, [], Entities),
-% {result, [{xmlelement, "pubsub",
-% [{"xmlns", ?NS_PUBSUB_EVENT}],
-% [{xmlelement, "entities",
-% [{"node", node_to_string(Node)}],
-% EntitiesEls}]}]};
-% _ ->
-% {error, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED}
-% end;
-% _ ->
-% {error, ?ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND}
-% end.
+get_affiliations(Host, JID) ->
+ LJID = jlib:jid_tolower(jlib:jid_remove_resource(JID)),
+ case catch mnesia:dirty_select(
+ pubsub_node,
+ [{#pubsub_node{_ = '_'},
+ [],
+ ['$_']}]) of
+ {'EXIT', _} ->
+ Nodes ->
+ Entities =
+ lists:flatmap(
+ fun(#pubsub_node{host_node = {H, Node}, info = Info})
+ when H == Host ->
+ Affiliation = get_affiliation(Info, LJID),
+ Subscription = get_subscription(Info, LJID),
+ if
+ (Affiliation /= none) or
+ (Subscription /= none) ->
+ [{xmlelement, "entity",
+ [{"node", node_to_string(Node)},
+ {"jid", jlib:jid_to_string(JID)},
+ {"affiliation",
+ affiliation_to_string(Affiliation)},
+ {"subscription",
+ subscription_to_string(Subscription)}],
+ []}];
+ true ->
+ []
+ end;
+ (_) ->
+ []
+ end, Nodes),
+ {result, [{xmlelement, "pubsub",
+ [{"xmlns", ?NS_PUBSUB_EVENT}],
+ [{xmlelement, "affiliations", [],
+ Entities}]}]}
+ end.
end, Items),
Items2 = [#item{id = ItemID, publisher = Publisher, payload = Payload} |
- Items3 = lists:sublist(Items2, ?MAXITEMS),
+ Items3 = lists:sublist(Items2, get_max_items(Info)),
Info#nodeinfo{items = Items3}.
remove_item(Info, ItemID) ->
end, Info#nodeinfo.entities, Entities),
Info#nodeinfo{entities = NewEntities}.
broadcast_publish_item(Host, Node, ItemID, Payload) ->
[#pubsub_node{info = Info}] ->
fun(JID, #entity{subscription = Subscription}, _) ->
- if
+ Present = case get_node_option(
+ Info, presence_based_delivery) of
+ true ->
+ case ets:lookup(
+ gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, pubsub_presence),
+ {element(1, JID),
+ element(2, JID)}) of
+ [_] ->
+ true;
+ [] ->
+ false
+ end;
+ false ->
+ true
+ end,
+ if
(Subscription /= none) and
- (Subscription /= pending) ->
+ (Subscription /= pending) and
+ Present ->
ItemAttrs = case ItemID of
"" -> [];
_ -> [{"id", ItemID}]
+ Content = case get_node_option(
+ Info, deliver_payloads) of
+ true ->
+ Payload;
+ false ->
+ []
+ end,
Stanza =
{xmlelement, "message", [],
[{xmlelement, "event",
[{"node", node_to_string(Node)}],
[{xmlelement, "item",
- Payload}]}]}]},
+ Content}]}]}]},
?MYJID, jlib:make_jid(JID), Stanza);
true ->
broadcast_retract_item(Host, Node, ItemID) ->
case catch mnesia:dirty_read(pubsub_node, {Host, Node}) of
[#pubsub_node{info = Info}] ->
- ?DICT:fold(
- fun(JID, #entity{subscription = Subscription}, _) ->
- if
- (Subscription /= none) and
- (Subscription /= pending) ->
- ItemAttrs = case ItemID of
- "" -> [];
- _ -> [{"id", ItemID}]
- end,
- Stanza =
- {xmlelement, "message", [],
- [{xmlelement, "event",
- [{"xmlns", ?NS_PUBSUB_EVENT}],
- [{xmlelement, "items",
- [{"node", node_to_string(Node)}],
- [{xmlelement, "retract",
- ItemAttrs, []}]}]}]},
- ejabberd_router:route(
- ?MYJID, jlib:make_jid(JID), Stanza);
- true ->
- ok
- end
- end, ok, Info#nodeinfo.entities);
+ case get_node_option(Info, notify_retract) of
+ true ->
+ ?DICT:fold(
+ fun(JID, #entity{subscription = Subscription}, _) ->
+ if
+ (Subscription /= none) and
+ (Subscription /= pending) ->
+ ItemAttrs = case ItemID of
+ "" -> [];
+ _ -> [{"id", ItemID}]
+ end,
+ Stanza =
+ {xmlelement, "message", [],
+ [{xmlelement, "x",
+ [{"xmlns", ?NS_PUBSUB_EVENT}],
+ [{xmlelement, "items",
+ [{"node", node_to_string(Node)}],
+ [{xmlelement, "retract",
+ ItemAttrs, []}]}]}]},
+ ejabberd_router:route(
+ ?MYJID, jlib:make_jid(JID), Stanza);
+ true ->
+ ok
+ end
+ end, ok, Info#nodeinfo.entities);
+ false ->
+ ok
+ end;
_ ->
broadcast_removed_node(Host, Removed) ->
- fun({Node, Entities}) ->
- ?DICT:fold(
- fun(JID, #entity{subscription = Subscription}, _) ->
- if
- (Subscription /= none) and
- (Subscription /= pending) ->
- Stanza =
- {xmlelement, "message", [],
- [{xmlelement, "event",
- [{"xmlns", ?NS_PUBSUB_EVENT}],
- [{xmlelement, "delete",
- [{"node", node_to_string(Node)}],
- []}]}]},
- ejabberd_router:route(
- ?MYJID, jlib:make_jid(JID), Stanza);
- true ->
- ok
- end
- end, ok, Entities)
+ fun({Node, Info}) ->
+ case get_node_option(Info, notify_delete) of
+ true ->
+ Entities = Info#nodeinfo.entities,
+ ?DICT:fold(
+ fun(JID, #entity{subscription = Subscription}, _) ->
+ if
+ (Subscription /= none) and
+ (Subscription /= pending) ->
+ Stanza =
+ {xmlelement, "message", [],
+ [{xmlelement, "x",
+ [{"xmlns", ?NS_PUBSUB_EVENT}],
+ [{xmlelement, "delete",
+ [{"node", node_to_string(Node)}],
+ []}]}]},
+ ejabberd_router:route(
+ ?MYJID, jlib:make_jid(JID), Stanza);
+ true ->
+ ok
+ end
+ end, ok, Entities);
+ false ->
+ ok
+ end
end, Removed).
+broadcast_config_notification(Host, Node, Lang) ->
+ case catch mnesia:dirty_read(pubsub_node, {Host, Node}) of
+ [#pubsub_node{info = Info}] ->
+ case get_node_option(Info, notify_config) of
+ true ->
+ ?DICT:fold(
+ fun(JID, #entity{subscription = Subscription}, _) ->
+ Present = case get_node_option(
+ Info, presence_based_delivery) of
+ true ->
+ case ets:lookup(
+ gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, pubsub_presence),
+ {element(1, JID),
+ element(2, JID)}) of
+ [_] ->
+ true;
+ [] ->
+ false
+ end;
+ false ->
+ true
+ end,
+ if
+ (Subscription /= none) and
+ (Subscription /= pending) and
+ Present ->
+ Fields = get_node_config_xfields(
+ Node, Info, Lang),
+ Content = case get_node_option(
+ Info, deliver_payloads) of
+ true ->
+ [{xmlelement, "x",
+ [{"xmlns", ?NS_XDATA},
+ {"type", "form"}],
+ Fields}];
+ false ->
+ []
+ end,
+ Stanza =
+ {xmlelement, "message", [],
+ [{xmlelement, "x",
+ [{"xmlns", ?NS_PUBSUB_EVENT}],
+ [{xmlelement, "items",
+ [{"node", node_to_string(Node)}],
+ [{xmlelement, "item",
+ [{"id", "configuration"}],
+ Content}]}]}]},
+ ejabberd_router:route(
+ ?MYJID, jlib:make_jid(JID), Stanza);
+ true ->
+ ok
+ end
+ end, ok, Info#nodeinfo.entities);
+ false ->
+ ok
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end.
system_continue(Parent, _, State) ->
loop(State, Parent).
+iq_pubsub_owner(Host, From, Type, Lang, SubEl) ->
+ {xmlelement, _, _, SubEls} = SubEl,
+ case xml:remove_cdata(SubEls) of
+ [{xmlelement, Name, Attrs, Els}] ->
+ SNode = xml:get_attr_s("node", Attrs),
+ Node = string:tokens(SNode, "/"),
+ case {Type, Name} of
+ {get, "configure"} ->
+ get_node_config(Host, From, Node, Lang);
+ {set, "configure"} ->
+ set_node_config(Host, From, Node, Els, Lang);
+ _ ->
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST}
+ end.
+get_node_config(Host, From, Node, Lang) ->
+ case catch mnesia:dirty_read(pubsub_node, {Host, Node}) of
+ [#pubsub_node{info = Info}] ->
+ case get_affiliation(Info, From) of
+ owner ->
+ Fields = get_node_config_xfields(Node, Info, Lang),
+ {result, [{xmlelement, "pubsub",
+ [{"xmlns", ?NS_PUBSUB_OWNER}],
+ [{xmlelement, "configure",
+ [{"node", node_to_string(Node)}],
+ [{xmlelement, "x", [{"xmlns", ?NS_XDATA},
+ {"type", "form"}],
+ Fields}]}]}]};
+ _ ->
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ {error, ?ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND}
+ end.
+% TODO: move to jlib.hrl
+-define(NS_PUBSUB_NODE_CONFIG, "").
+-define(BOOL_CONFIG_FIELD(Label, Var),
+ ?BOOLXFIELD(Label, "pubsub#" ++ atom_to_list(Var),
+ get_node_option(Info, Var))).
+-define(STRING_CONFIG_FIELD(Label, Var),
+ ?STRINGXFIELD(Label, "pubsub#" ++ atom_to_list(Var),
+ get_node_option(Info, Var))).
+-define(INTEGER_CONFIG_FIELD(Label, Var),
+ ?STRINGXFIELD(Label, "pubsub#" ++ atom_to_list(Var),
+ integer_to_list(get_node_option(Info, Var)))).
+-define(JLIST_CONFIG_FIELD(Label, Var, Opts),
+ ?LISTXFIELD(Label, "pubsub#" ++ atom_to_list(Var),
+ jlib:jid_to_string(get_node_option(Info, Var)),
+ [jlib:jid_to_string(O) || O <- Opts])).
+-define(ALIST_CONFIG_FIELD(Label, Var, Opts),
+ ?LISTXFIELD(Label, "pubsub#" ++ atom_to_list(Var),
+ atom_to_list(get_node_option(Info, Var)),
+ [atom_to_list(O) || O <- Opts])).
+ [{deliver_payloads, true},
+ {notify_config, false},
+ {notify_delete, false},
+ {notify_retract, true},
+ {persist_items, true},
+ {max_items, ?MAXITEMS div 2},
+ {subscribe, true},
+ {subscription_model, open},
+ {publish_model, publishers},
+ {max_payload_size, ?MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE},
+ {send_item_subscribe, false},
+ {presence_based_delivery, false}]).
+get_node_option(Info, current_approver) ->
+ Default = hd(get_owners_jids(Info)),
+ Options = Info#nodeinfo.options,
+ element(
+ 2, element(2, lists:keysearch(
+ current_approver, 1,
+ Options ++ [{current_approver, Default}])));
+get_node_option(#nodeinfo{options = Options}, Var) ->
+ element(
+ 2, element(2, lists:keysearch(Var, 1, Options ++ ?DEFAULT_OPTIONS))).
+get_max_items(Info) ->
+ case get_node_option(Info, persist_items) of
+ true ->
+ get_node_option(Info, max_items);
+ false ->
+ 0
+ end.
+get_owners_jids(Info) ->
+ Entities = Info#nodeinfo.entities,
+ Owners =
+ ?DICT:fold(
+ fun(JID,
+ #entity{affiliation = Affiliation,
+ subscription = Subscription},
+ Acc) ->
+ case Affiliation of
+ owner ->
+ [JID | Acc];
+ _ ->
+ Acc
+ end
+ end, [], Entities),
+ lists:sort(Owners).
+get_node_config_xfields(Node, Info, Lang) ->
+ ?BOOL_CONFIG_FIELD("Deliver payloads with event notifications", deliver_payloads),
+ ?BOOL_CONFIG_FIELD("Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes", notify_config),
+ ?BOOL_CONFIG_FIELD("Notify subscribers when the node is deleted", notify_delete),
+ ?BOOL_CONFIG_FIELD("Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node", notify_retract),
+ ?BOOL_CONFIG_FIELD("Persist items to storage", persist_items),
+ ?INTEGER_CONFIG_FIELD("Max # of items to persist", max_items),
+ ?BOOL_CONFIG_FIELD("Whether to allow subscriptions", subscribe),
+ ?ALIST_CONFIG_FIELD("Specify the subscriber model", subscription_model,
+ [open]),
+ ?ALIST_CONFIG_FIELD("Specify the publisher model", publish_model,
+ [publishers, subscribers, open]),
+ ?INTEGER_CONFIG_FIELD("Max payload size in bytes", max_payload_size),
+ ?BOOL_CONFIG_FIELD("Send items to new subscribers", send_item_subscribe),
+ ?BOOL_CONFIG_FIELD("Only deliver notifications to available users", presence_based_delivery),
+ ?JLIST_CONFIG_FIELD("Specify the current subscription approver", current_approver,
+ get_owners_jids(Info))
+ ].
+set_node_config(Host, From, Node, Els, Lang) ->
+ case catch mnesia:dirty_read(pubsub_node, {Host, Node}) of
+ [#pubsub_node{info = Info} = N] ->
+ case get_affiliation(Info, From) of
+ owner ->
+ case xml:remove_cdata(Els) of
+ [{xmlelement, "x", _Attrs1, _Els1} = XEl] ->
+ case {xml:get_tag_attr_s("xmlns", XEl),
+ xml:get_tag_attr_s("type", XEl)} of
+ {?NS_XDATA, "cancel"} ->
+ {result, []};
+ {?NS_XDATA, "submit"} ->
+ CurOpts = Info#nodeinfo.options,
+ set_node_config1(
+ Host, From, Node, XEl, CurOpts, Lang);
+ _ ->
+ {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST}
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST}
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ {error, ?ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND}
+ end.
+set_node_config1(Host, From, Node, XEl, CurOpts, Lang) ->
+ XData = jlib:parse_xdata_submit(XEl),
+ case XData of
+ invalid ->
+ {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST};
+ _ ->
+ case set_xoption(XData, CurOpts) of
+ NewOpts when is_list(NewOpts) ->
+ change_node_opts(Host, NewOpts, Node, Lang);
+ Err ->
+ Err
+ end
+ end.
+add_opt(Key, Value, Opts) ->
+ Opts1 = lists:keydelete(Key, 1, Opts),
+ [{Key, Value} | Opts1].
+-define(SET_BOOL_XOPT(Opt, Val),
+ case Val of
+ "0" -> set_xoption(Opts, add_opt(Opt, false, NewOpts));
+ "1" -> set_xoption(Opts, add_opt(Opt, true, NewOpts));
+ _ -> {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST}
+ end).
+-define(SET_STRING_XOPT(Opt, Val),
+ set_xoption(Opts, add_opt(Opt, Val, NewOpts))).
+-define(SET_INTEGER_XOPT(Opt, Val, Min, Max),
+ case catch list_to_integer(Val) of
+ IVal when is_integer(IVal),
+ IVal >= Min,
+ IVal =< Max ->
+ set_xoption(Opts, add_opt(Opt, IVal, NewOpts));
+ _ ->
+ {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST}
+ end).
+-define(SET_ALIST_XOPT(Opt, Val, Vals),
+ case lists:member(Val, [atom_to_list(V) || V <- Vals]) of
+ true ->
+ set_xoption(Opts, add_opt(Opt, list_to_atom(Val), NewOpts));
+ false ->
+ {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST}
+ end).
+set_xoption([], NewOpts) ->
+ NewOpts;
+set_xoption([{"FORM_TYPE", _} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
+ set_xoption(Opts, NewOpts);
+set_xoption([{"pubsub#deliver_payloads", [Val]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
+ ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(deliver_payloads, Val);
+set_xoption([{"pubsub#notify_config", [Val]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
+ ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(notify_config, Val);
+set_xoption([{"pubsub#notify_delete", [Val]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
+ ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(notify_delete, Val);
+set_xoption([{"pubsub#notify_retract", [Val]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
+ ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(notify_retract, Val);
+set_xoption([{"pubsub#persist_items", [Val]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
+ ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(persist_items, Val);
+set_xoption([{"pubsub#max_items", [Val]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
+ ?SET_INTEGER_XOPT(max_items, Val, 0, ?MAXITEMS);
+set_xoption([{"pubsub#subscribe", [Val]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
+ ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(subscribe, Val);
+set_xoption([{"pubsub#subscription_model", [Val]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
+ ?SET_ALIST_XOPT(subscription_model, Val, [open]);
+set_xoption([{"pubsub#publish_model", [Val]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
+ ?SET_ALIST_XOPT(publish_model, Val, [publishers, subscribers, open]);
+set_xoption([{"pubsub#max_payload_size", [Val]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
+ ?SET_INTEGER_XOPT(max_payload_size, Val, 0, ?MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
+set_xoption([{"pubsub#send_item_subscribe", [Val]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
+ ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(send_item_subscribe, Val);
+set_xoption([{"pubsub#presence_based_delivery", [Val]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
+ ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(presence_based_delivery, Val);
+set_xoption([{"pubsub#current_approver", _} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
+ % TODO
+ set_xoption(Opts, NewOpts);
+%set_xoption([{"title", [Val]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
+% ?SET_STRING_XOPT(title, Val);
+set_xoption([_ | _Opts], _NewOpts) ->
+ {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST}.
+change_node_opts(Host, NewOpts, Node, Lang) ->
+ F = fun() ->
+ case mnesia:read({pubsub_node, {Host, Node}}) of
+ [#pubsub_node{info = Info} = N] ->
+ NewInfo = Info#nodeinfo{options = NewOpts},
+ mnesia:write(
+ N#pubsub_node{info = NewInfo}),
+ {result, []};
+ [] ->
+ {error, ?ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND}
+ end
+ end,
+ case mnesia:transaction(F) of
+ {atomic, {error, _} = Error} ->
+ Error;
+ {atomic, {result, Res}} ->
+ broadcast_config_notification(Host, Node, Lang),
+ {result, Res};
+ _ ->
+ end.
+find_my_host(LServer) ->
+ Parts = string:tokens(LServer, "."),
+ find_my_host(Parts, ?MYHOSTS).
+find_my_host([], _Hosts) ->
+find_my_host([_ | Tail] = Parts, Hosts) ->
+ Domain = parts_to_string(Parts),
+ case lists:member(Domain, Hosts) of
+ true ->
+ Domain;
+ false ->
+ find_my_host(Tail, Hosts)
+ end.
+parts_to_string(Parts) ->
+ string:strip(lists:flatten(lists:map(fun(S) -> [S, $.] end, Parts)),
+ right, $.).
update_table(Host) ->
Fields = record_info(fields, pubsub_node),
case mnesia:table_info(pubsub_node, attributes) of