* $Log$
+ * Revision 1.37 2003/08/01 23:22:44 jeffloun
+ * Altered the loader to use a (gid serial) type instead of just a (gid int4).
+ * Also the gid is now declared as a primary key.
+ *
* Revision 1.36 2003/07/01 18:30:55 pramsey
* Added CVS revision headers.
int dump_format = 0; //0=insert statements, 1 = dump
int quoteidentifiers = 0;
+char opt;
+char *col_names;
int Insert_attributes(DBFHandle hDBFHandle, int row);
char *make_good_string(char *str);
//start spitting out the sql for ordered entities now.
if (dump_format){
- printf("%i",rings);
+ if(opt != 'a'){
+ printf("%i\t",rings);
+ }
- if ( quoteidentifiers )
- printf("\nInsert into \"%s\" values('%i'",table,rings);
- else
- printf("\nInsert into %s values('%i'",table,rings);
+ if ( quoteidentifiers ){
+ if(opt == 'a'){
+ printf("\nInsert into \"%s\" %s values(",table,col_names);
+ }else{
+ printf("\nInsert into \"%s\" %s values('%i',",table,col_names,rings);
+ }
+ }else{
+ if(opt == 'a'){
+ printf("\nInsert into %s %s values(",table,col_names);
+ }else{
+ printf("\nInsert into %s %s values('%i',",table,col_names,rings);
+ }
+ }
//Insert the attributes from the correct row of dbf file
int Insert_attributes(DBFHandle hDBFHandle, int row){
int i,num_fields;
num_fields = DBFGetFieldCount( hDBFHandle );
- printf(",NULL");
+ if(i == 0){
+ printf("NULL");
+ }else{
+ printf(",NULL");
+ }
if (dump_format){
- if ( quoteidentifiers )
- printf("\t\"%s\"",make_good_string((char*)DBFReadStringAttribute( hDBFHandle,row, i )) );
- else
- printf("\t%s",make_good_string((char*)DBFReadStringAttribute( hDBFHandle,row, i )) );
+ if ( quoteidentifiers ){
+ if(i == 0){
+ printf("\"%s\"",make_good_string((char*)DBFReadStringAttribute( hDBFHandle,row, i )) );
+ }else{
+ printf("\t\"%s\"",make_good_string((char*)DBFReadStringAttribute( hDBFHandle,row, i )) );
+ }
+ }else{
+ if(i == 0){
+ printf("%s",make_good_string((char*)DBFReadStringAttribute( hDBFHandle,row, i )) );
+ }else{
+ printf("\t%s",make_good_string((char*)DBFReadStringAttribute( hDBFHandle,row, i )) );
+ }
+ }
- printf(",'%s'",protect_quotes_string((char*)DBFReadStringAttribute(hDBFHandle, row, i )) );
+ if(i == 0){
+ printf("'%s'",protect_quotes_string((char*)DBFReadStringAttribute(hDBFHandle, row, i )) );
+ }else{
+ printf(",'%s'",protect_quotes_string((char*)DBFReadStringAttribute(hDBFHandle, row, i )) );
+ }
int u,j,z,tot_rings,curindex;
SHPObject *obj=NULL;
char name[32];
- char opt;
char *sr_id,*shp_file,*table, *database;
char **names;
DBFFieldType type;
//-------------------------Drop the table--------------------------------
//drop the table given
printf("delete from geometry_columns where f_table_name = '%s';\n",table);
- if ( quoteidentifiers )
+ if ( quoteidentifiers ){
printf("\ndrop table \"%s\";\n",table);
- else
+ printf("\ndrop sequence \"%s_%s_seq\";\n",database,table);
+ }else{
printf("\ndrop table %s;\n",table);
+ printf("\ndrop sequence %s_%s_seq;\n",database,table);
+ }
+ }
+ //-------------------------Get the col names to fully specify them in inserts-------------------------------
+ num_fields = DBFGetFieldCount( hDBFHandle );
+ num_records = DBFGetRecordCount(hDBFHandle);
+ names = malloc((num_fields + 1)*sizeof(char*));
+ col_names = malloc(1000);
+ if(opt != 'a'){
+ strcpy(col_names, "(gid," );
+ }else{
+ strcpy(col_names, "(" );
+ for(j=0;j<num_fields;j++){
+ type = DBFGetFieldInfo(hDBFHandle, j, name, &field_width, &field_precision);
+ names[j] = malloc ( strlen(name)+3);
+ strcpy(names[j], name);
+ for(z=0; z < j ; z++){
+ if(strcmp(names[z],name)==0){
+ strcat(name,"__");
+ sprintf(name,"%s%i",name,j);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(strcasecmp(name,"gid")==0){
+ if(j ==0){
+ sprintf(col_names,"%s%s__2",col_names,name);
+ }else{
+ sprintf(col_names,"%s,%s__2",col_names,name);
+ }
+ }else{
+ if ( quoteidentifiers ){
+ if(j ==0){
+ sprintf(col_names,"%s\"%s\"",col_names,name);
+ }else{
+ sprintf(col_names,"%s,\"%s\"",col_names,name);
+ }
+ }else{
+ if(j ==0){
+ sprintf(col_names,"%s%s",col_names,name);
+ }else{
+ sprintf(col_names,"%s,%s",col_names,name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ strcat(col_names, ",the_geom)");
if(opt == 'c' || opt == 'd'){ //if opt is 'a' do nothing, go straight to making inserts
//-------------------------Create the table--------------------------------
//create a table for inserting the shapes into with appropriate columns and types
- if ( quoteidentifiers )
- printf("create table \"%s\" (gid int4 ",table);
- else
- printf("create table %s (gid int4 ",table);
+ if ( quoteidentifiers ){
+ printf("create table \"%s\" (gid serial ",table);
+ }else{
+ printf("create table %s (gid serial ",table);
+ }
num_fields = DBFGetFieldCount( hDBFHandle );
num_records = DBFGetRecordCount(hDBFHandle);
printf(", %s__2 ",name);
- if ( quoteidentifiers )
+ if ( quoteidentifiers ){
printf(", \"%s\" ",name);
- else
+ }else{
printf(", %s ",name);
+ }
if(hDBFHandle->pachFieldType[j] == 'D' ){
printf (");\n");
//finished creating the table
if (dump_format){
- printf("COPY \"%s\" from stdin;\n",table);
+ printf("COPY \"%s\" %s FROM stdin;\n",table, col_names);
// transaction stuff done
if (dump_format){
- printf("%i",j);
+ if(opt != 'a'){
+ printf("%i\t",j);
+ }
- if ( quoteidentifiers )
- printf("insert into \"%s\" values ('%i'",table,j);
- else
- printf("insert into %s values ('%i'",table,j);
+ if ( quoteidentifiers ){
+ if(opt == 'a'){
+ printf("insert into \"%s\" %s values (",table,col_names);
+ }else{
+ printf("insert into \"%s\" %s values ('%i',",table,col_names,j);
+ }
+ }else{
+ if(opt == 'a'){
+ printf("insert into %s %s values (",table,col_names);
+ }else{
+ printf("insert into %s %s values ('%i',",table,col_names,j);
+ }
+ }
Insert_attributes(hDBFHandle,j); //add the attributes for each entity to the insert statement
//end of transaction stuff
if (dump_format){
- printf("%i",j);
+ if(opt != 'a'){
+ printf("%i\t",j);
+ }
- if ( quoteidentifiers )
- printf("insert into \"%s\" values('%i'",table,j);
- else
- printf("insert into %s values('%i'",table,j);
+ if ( quoteidentifiers ){
+ if(opt == 'a'){
+ printf("insert into \"%s\" %s values(",table,col_names);
+ }else{
+ printf("insert into \"%s\" %s values('%i',",table,col_names,j);
+ }
+ }else{
+ if(opt == 'a'){
+ printf("insert into %s %s values(",table,col_names);
+ }else{
+ printf("insert into %s %s values('%i',",table,col_names,j);
+ }
+ }
obj = SHPReadObject(hSHPHandle,j);
// transaction stuff done
if (dump_format){
- printf("%i",j);
+ if(opt != 'a'){
+ printf("%i\t",j);
+ }
- if ( quoteidentifiers )
- printf("insert into \"%s\" values ('%i'",table,j);
- else
- printf("insert into %s values ('%i'",table,j);
+ if ( quoteidentifiers ){
+ if(opt == 'a'){
+ printf("insert into \"%s\" %s values (",table,col_names);
+ }else{
+ printf("insert into \"%s\" %s values ('%i',",table,col_names,j);
+ }
+ }else{
+ if(opt == 'a'){
+ printf("insert into %s %s values (",table,col_names);
+ }else{
+ printf("insert into %s %s values ('%i',",table,col_names,j);
+ }
+ }
Insert_attributes(hDBFHandle,j); //add the attributes for each entity to the insert statement
// transaction stuff done
if (dump_format){
- printf("%i",j);
+ if(opt != 'a'){
+ printf("%i\t",j);
+ }
- if ( quoteidentifiers )
- printf("insert into \"%s\" values ('%i'",table,j);
- else
- printf("insert into %s values ('%i'",table,j);
+ if ( quoteidentifiers ){
+ if(opt == 'a'){
+ printf("insert into \"%s\" %s values (",table,col_names);
+ }else{
+ printf("insert into \"%s\" %s values ('%i',",table,col_names,j);
+ }
+ }else{
+ if(opt == 'a'){
+ printf("insert into %s %s values (",table,col_names);
+ }else{
+ printf("insert into %s %s values ('%i',",table,col_names,j);
+ }
+ }
Insert_attributes(hDBFHandle,j); //add the attributes for each entity to the insert statement
//end transaction stuff
if (dump_format){
- printf("%i",j);
+ if(opt != 'a'){
+ printf("%i\t",j);
+ }
- if ( quoteidentifiers )
- printf("insert into \"%s\" values ('%i'",table,j);
- else
- printf("insert into %s values ('%i'",table,j);
+ if ( quoteidentifiers ){
+ if(opt == 'a'){
+ printf("insert into \"%s\" %s values (",table,col_names);
+ }else{
+ printf("insert into \"%s\" %s values ('%i',",table,col_names,j);
+ }
+ }else{
+ if(opt == 'a'){
+ printf("insert into %s %s values (",table,col_names);
+ }else{
+ printf("insert into %s %s values ('%i',",table,col_names,j);
+ }
+ }
obj = SHPReadObject(hSHPHandle,j);
//end of transaction stuff
if (dump_format){
- printf("%i",j);
+ if(opt != 'a'){
+ printf("%i\t",j);
+ }
- if ( quoteidentifiers )
- printf("insert into \"%s\" values('%i'",table,j);
- else
- printf("insert into %s values('%i'",table,j);
+ if ( quoteidentifiers ){
+ if(opt == 'a'){
+ printf("insert into \"%s\" %s values(",table,col_names);
+ }else{
+ printf("insert into \"%s\" %s values('%i',",table,col_names,j);
+ }
+ }else{
+ if(opt == 'a'){
+ printf("insert into %s %s values(",table,col_names);
+ }else{
+ printf("insert into %s %s values('%i',",table,col_names,j);
+ }
+ }
obj = SHPReadObject(hSHPHandle,j);
+ free(col_names);
+ if(opt != 'a'){
+ printf("\nALTER TABLE ONLY %s ADD CONSTRAINT %s_pkey PRIMARY KEY (gid);\n",table,table);
+ printf("SELECT pg_catalog.setval ('%s_gid_seq', %i, true);\n",table, j-1);
+ }
}//end main()