+ # Create a custom role which will be used to run pg_rewind. This
+ # role is used for all the tests, and has minimal permissions enough
+ # to rewind from an online source.
+ $node_master->psql('postgres', "
+ CREATE ROLE rewind_user LOGIN;
+ GRANT EXECUTE ON function pg_catalog.pg_ls_dir(text, boolean, boolean)
+ TO rewind_user;
+ GRANT EXECUTE ON function pg_catalog.pg_stat_file(text, boolean)
+ TO rewind_user;
+ GRANT EXECUTE ON function pg_catalog.pg_read_binary_file(text)
+ TO rewind_user;
+ GRANT EXECUTE ON function pg_catalog.pg_read_binary_file(text, bigint, bigint, boolean)
+ TO rewind_user;");
#### Now run the test-specific parts to initialize the master before setting
# up standby
my $standby_connstr = $node_standby->connstr('postgres');
my $tmp_folder = TestLib::tempdir;
+ # Append the rewind-specific role to the connection string.
+ $standby_connstr = "$standby_connstr user=rewind_user";
# Stop the master and be ready to perform the rewind