avoid impossible after eating the object the hero is hiding under
failed attempt to eat floor gold while polymorphed would lose the gold
running that stops for closed doors should stop at mimics mimicking closed doors
+allow wishing for magenta potions (ignoring the rank name 'mage')
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
if (strncmpi(bp, "wizard lock", 11)) /* not the "wizard" monster! */
if (strncmpi(bp, "ninja-to", 8)) /* not the "ninja" rank */
if (strncmpi(bp, "master key", 10)) /* not the "master" rank */
+ if (strncmpi(bp, "magenta", 7)) /* not the "mage" rank */
if (mntmp < LOW_PM && strlen(bp) > 2 &&
(mntmp = name_to_mon(bp)) >= LOW_PM) {
int mntmptoo, mntmplen; /* double check for rank title */