"syslog" option.)
By the way: The "virtual_host" parameter is a bad name for that
particular option, I think. "Virtual host" signals that PostgreSQL will
behave differently according to which IP address it's contacted (like
Apache's virtual host support which makes the web-server serve different
sites according to different criteria). A better word for the options
would be "tcpip_listen_addr" or something like that.
Troels Arvin
#unix_socket_directory = ''
#unix_socket_group = ''
#unix_socket_permissions = 0777 # octal
-#virtual_host = ''
+#virtual_host = '' # what interface to listen on; defaults to any
#rendezvous_name = '' # defaults to the computer name
# - Security & Authentication -
# - Syslog -
-#syslog = 0 # range 0-2
+#syslog = 0 # range 0-2; 0=stdout; 1=both; 2=syslog
#syslog_facility = 'LOCAL0'
#syslog_ident = 'postgres'