-Warning: sybase_set_message_handler(): First argumented is expected to be a valid callback, 'function_does_not_exist' was given in %stest.inc on line %d
+Warning: sybase_set_message_handler() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function 'function_does_not_exist' not found or invalid function name in %stest.inc on line %d
Static method: bool(true)
Instance method: bool(true)
Lambda function: bool(true)
Unset: bool(true)
Incorrect type:
-Warning: sybase_set_message_handler(): First argumented is expected to be either NULL, an array or string, integer given in %stest.inc on line %d
+Warning: sybase_set_message_handler() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, no array or string given in %stest.inc on line %d
Function: bool(true)
>>> Query: select getdate(NULL)
*** Caught Sybase Server Message #%d [Severity %d, state %d] at line %d