2.4.x patch: trunk works
+1: jailletc36,
+ *) core: ASCII string comparison functions optimized speed.
+ This proposal includes and renames ap_casecmpstr[n] functions available
+ in trunk.
+ The proposed names are the ones used in APR for the same kind of functions.
+ In order to avoid some new ap_ functions (which are just copies of what is
+ available in APR 1.6.0+), I propose to use exactly the same names and only
+ declare and define the functions in httpd if not available in APR.
+ The same approach has already been used for apr_time_from_msec() for example.
+ Also note that the implementation in APR and in httpd are slighly different.
+ If/when aggreed on this backport and function names in httpd, then trunk should
+ be upgraded accordingly. Uses of the functions could then be backported.
+ trunk patch: ?
+ 2.4.x patch: http://home.apache.org/~jailletc36/apr_cstr_casecmp.diff
+ +1: jailletc36,
*) http: Don't remove the Content-Length of zero from a HEAD response if