#iPod MP4 atom
if hash["Mp4iPodCompatible"].to_i == 1
- commandString << "job->ipod_atom = 1;\n "
+ commandString << "job->ipod_atom = 1;\n "
# 64-bit files
commandString << "job->crop[0] = " << hash["PictureTopCrop"].to_s << ";\n "
commandString << "job->crop[1] = " << hash["PictureBottomCrop"].to_s << ";\n "
commandString << "job->crop[2] = " << hash["PictureLeftCrop"].to_s << ";\n "
- commandString << "job->crop[4] - " << hash["PictureRightCrop"].to_s << ";\n "
+ commandString << "job->crop[4] = " << hash["PictureRightCrop"].to_s << ";\n "
if hash["VideoGrayScale"] == 1 then commandString << "job->grayscale = 1;\n " end
if hash["VideoTwoPass"] == 1 then commandString << "twoPass = 1;\n " end
if hash["VideoTurboTwoPass"] == 1 then commandString << "turbo_opts_enabled = 1;\n" end
+ commandString << "\n"
commandString << "}"
# That's it, print to screen now
# Direct the user to the help
puts "\n\tUsage: manicure.rb [options]"
puts "\tSee help with -h or --help"
\ No newline at end of file