--- /dev/null
+/* $Id$ $Revision$ */
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 ts=8: */
+* This software is part of the graphviz package *
+* http://www.graphviz.org/ *
+* *
+* Copyright (c) 1994-2004 AT&T Corp. *
+* and is licensed under the *
+* Common Public License, Version 1.0 *
+* by AT&T Corp. *
+* *
+* Information and Software Systems Research *
+* AT&T Research, Florham Park NJ *
+#include "render.h"
+#include "gd.h"
+#include "pathutil.h"
+extern char *get_ttf_fontpath(char *fontreq, int warn);
+#ifdef HAVE_GD_PNG
+typedef enum { FORMAT_VRML, } format_type;
+#ifndef MAXFLOAT
+#define MAXFLOAT 10000000.
+#define NONE 0
+#define NODE 1
+#define EDGE 2
+#define CLST 3
+/* font modifiers */
+#define REGULAR 0
+#define BOLD 1
+#define ITALIC 2
+/* patterns */
+#define P_SOLID 0
+#define P_NONE 15
+#define P_DOTTED 4 /* i wasn't sure about this */
+#define P_DASHED 11 /* or this */
+/* bold line constant */
+#define WIDTH_NORMAL 1
+#define WIDTH_BOLD 3
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned char r, g, b;
+} Color;
+/* static int N_pages; */
+/* static point Pages; */
+static double Scale;
+static int Rot;
+static box BB;
+static double MinZ;
+/* static int onetime = TRUE; */
+static int Saw_skycolor;
+static gdImagePtr im;
+static FILE *PNGfile;
+static int IsSegment; /* set true if edge is line segment */
+static double CylHt; /* height of cylinder part of edge */
+static double EdgeLen; /* length between centers of endpoints */
+static double HeadHt, TailHt; /* height of arrows */
+static double Fstz, Sndz; /* z values of tail and head points */
+typedef struct context_t {
+ unsigned char pencolor_ix, fillcolor_ix;
+ char *pencolor, *fillcolor;
+ char *fontfam, fontopt, font_was_set;
+ double r, g, b; /* fill color values */
+ char pen, fill, penwidth;
+ double fontsz;
+} context_t;
+#define MAXNEST 4
+static context_t cstk[MAXNEST];
+static int SP;
+/* gdirname:
+ * Returns directory pathname prefix
+ * Code adapted from dgk
+ */
+static char *gdirname(char *pathname)
+ char *last;
+ /* go to end of path */
+ for (last = pathname; *last; last++);
+ /* back over trailing '/' */
+ while (last > pathname && *--last == '/');
+ /* back over non-slash chars */
+ for (; last > pathname && *last != '/'; last--);
+ if (last == pathname) {
+ /* all '/' or "" */
+ if (*pathname != '/')
+ *last = '.';
+ /* preserve // */
+ else if (pathname[1] == '/')
+ last++;
+ } else {
+ /* back over trailing '/' */
+ for (; *last == '/' && last > pathname; last--);
+ /* preserve // */
+ if (last == pathname && *pathname == '/' && pathname[1] == '/')
+ last++;
+ }
+ last++;
+ *last = '\0';
+ return pathname;
+static char *nodefilename(char *filename, node_t * n, char *buf)
+ static char *dir;
+ static char disposable[1024];
+ if (dir == 0) {
+ if (filename)
+ dir = gdirname(strcpy(disposable, filename));
+ else
+ dir = ".";
+ }
+ sprintf(buf, "%s/node%d.png", dir, n->id);
+ return buf;
+static FILE *nodefile(char *filename, node_t * n)
+ FILE *rv;
+ char buf[1024];
+ rv = fopen(nodefilename(filename, n, buf), "wb");
+ return rv;
+static unsigned char vrml_resolve_color(char *name)
+ gvcolor_t color;
+ if (!(strcmp(name, "transparent"))) {
+ /* special case for "transparent" color */
+ return gdImageColorResolve(im, 255, 255, 254);
+ } else {
+ colorxlate(name, &color, RGBA_BYTE);
+ return gdImageColorResolve(im,
+ color.u.rgba[0], color.u.rgba[1],
+ color.u.rgba[2]);
+ }
+static void vrml_set_pencolor(char *name)
+ cstk[SP].pencolor = name;
+static void vrml_set_fillcolor(char *name)
+ gvcolor_t color;
+ cstk[SP].fillcolor = name;
+ colorxlate(name, &color, RGBA_BYTE);
+ cstk[SP].r = (double) color.u.rgba[0] / 255.0;
+ cstk[SP].g = (double) color.u.rgba[1] / 255.0;
+ cstk[SP].b = (double) color.u.rgba[2] / 255.0;
+static void init_png(gdImagePtr im)
+ int transparent;
+ if ((transparent = gdImageGetTransparent(im)) == -1) {
+ transparent = gdImageColorResolve(im, 255, 255, 254);
+ gdImageColorTransparent(im, transparent);
+ }
+static pointf vrml_node_point(node_t *n, point p)
+ pointf rv;
+ /* make mp relative to PNG canvas */
+ if (Rot == 0) {
+ rv.x = (p.x - ND_coord_i(n).x + ND_lw_i(n)) * Scale;
+ rv.y = (ND_coord_i(n).y - p.y + ND_ht_i(n) / 2) * Scale;
+ } else {
+ rv.x = (p.y - ND_coord_i(n).y + ND_lw_i(n)) * Scale;
+ rv.y = (ND_coord_i(n).x - p.x + ND_ht_i(n) / 2) * Scale;
+ }
+ return rv;
+static void vrml_font(context_t * cp)
+/* FIX
+ char *fw, *fa;
+ fw = fa = "Regular";
+ switch (cp->fontopt) {
+ case BOLD:
+ fw = "Bold";
+ break;
+ case ITALIC:
+ fa = "Italic";
+ break;
+ }
+/* warmed over VRML code starts here */
+static void vrml_begin_page(GVJ_t *job)
+ FILE *out = job->output_file;
+#if 0 /* scale not used */
+ Scale = scale * (double) DEFAULT_DPI / POINTS_PER_INCH;
+ Scale = (double) DEFAULT_DPI / POINTS_PER_INCH;
+ Rot = rot;
+ fprintf(out, "#VRML V2.0 utf8\n");
+ Saw_skycolor = FALSE;
+ BB = bb;
+ fprintf(out, "Group { children [\n");
+ fprintf(out, " Transform {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " scale %.3f %.3f %.3f\n", .0278, .0278, .0278);
+ fprintf(out, " children [\n");
+ SP = 0;
+ cstk[0].fillcolor = "white";
+ cstk[0].fontfam = "times"; /* font family name */
+ cstk[0].fontopt = REGULAR; /* modifier: REGULAR, BOLD or ITALIC */
+ cstk[0].pen = P_SOLID; /* pen pattern style, default is solid */
+ cstk[0].fill = P_NONE;
+ cstk[0].penwidth = WIDTH_NORMAL;
+static void vrml_end_page(GVJ_t *job)
+ FILE *out = job->output_file;
+ double d, z;
+ box bb = BB;
+ d = MAX(bb.UR.x - bb.LL.x,bb.UR.y - bb.LL.y);
+ /* Roughly fill 3/4 view assuming FOV angle of PI/4.
+ * Small graphs and non-square aspect ratios will upset this.
+ */
+ z = (0.6667*d)/tan(PI/8.0) + MinZ; /* fill 3/4 of view */
+ if (!Saw_skycolor)
+ fprintf(out, " Background { skyColor 1 1 1 }\n");
+ fprintf(out, " ] }\n");
+ fprintf(out, " Viewpoint {position %.3f %.3f %.3f}\n",
+ .0278 * (bb.UR.x + bb.LL.x) / 2.0,
+ .0278 * (bb.UR.y + bb.LL.y) / 2.0, .0278 * z);
+ fprintf(out, "] }\n");
+static void vrml_begin_node(GVJ_t *job)
+ FILE *out = job->output_file;
+ obj_state_t *obj = job->obj;
+ node_t *n = obj->n;
+ int width, height;
+ double z;
+ fprintf(out, "# node %s\n", n->name);
+ z = late_double(n, N_z, 0.0, -MAXFLOAT);
+ if (z < MinZ) MinZ = z;
+ if (shapeOf(n) != SH_POINT) {
+ PNGfile = nodefile(job->output_file_name, n);
+ width = (ND_lw_i(n) + ND_rw_i(n)) * Scale + 3;
+ height = (ND_ht_i(n)) * Scale + 3;
+ im = gdImageCreate(width, height);
+ init_png(im);
+ }
+static void vrml_end_node(GVJ_t *job)
+ obj_state_t *obj = job->obj;
+ node_t *n = obj->n;
+ if (shapeOf(n) != SH_POINT) {
+ gdImagePng(im, PNGfile);
+ gdImageDestroy(im);
+ im = 0;
+ fclose(PNGfile);
+ }
+static void vrml_begin_edge(GVJ_t *job)
+ FILE *out = job->output_file;
+ edge_t *e = job->obj->e;
+ IsSegment = 0;
+ fprintf(out, "# edge %s -> %s\n", e->tail->name, e->head->name);
+ fprintf(out, " Group { children [\n");
+static void
+finishSegment (FILE *out, edge_t *e)
+ point p0 = ND_coord_i(e->tail);
+ point p1 = ND_coord_i(e->head);
+ double o_x, o_y, o_z;
+ double x, y, y0, z, theta;
+ o_x = ((double)(p0.x + p1.x))/2;
+ o_y = ((double)(p0.y + p1.y))/2;
+ o_z = (Fstz + Sndz)/2;
+ /* Compute rotation */
+ /* Pick end point with highest y */
+ if (p0.y > p1.y) {
+ x = p0.x;
+ y = p0.y;
+ z = Fstz;
+ }
+ else {
+ x = p1.x;
+ y = p1.y;
+ z = Sndz;
+ }
+ /* Translate center to the origin */
+ x -= o_x;
+ y -= o_y;
+ z -= o_z;
+ if (p0.y > p1.y)
+ theta = acos(2*y/EdgeLen) + PI;
+ else
+ theta = acos(2*y/EdgeLen);
+ if (!x && !z) /* parallel to y-axis */
+ x = 1;
+ y0 = (HeadHt-TailHt)/2.0;
+ fprintf(out, " ]\n");
+ fprintf(out, " center 0 %f 0\n", y0);
+ fprintf(out, " rotation %f 0 %f %f\n", -z, x, -theta);
+ fprintf(out, " translation %.3f %.3f %.3f\n", o_x, o_y - y0, o_z);
+ fprintf(out, " }\n");
+static void vrml_end_edge(GVJ_t *job)
+ if (IsSegment)
+ finishSegment(job->output_file, job->obj->e);
+ fprintf(job->output_file, "] }\n");
+static void vrml_begin_context(void)
+ assert(SP + 1 < MAXNEST);
+ cstk[SP + 1] = cstk[SP];
+ SP++;
+static void vrml_end_context(void)
+ int psp = SP - 1;
+ assert(SP > 0);
+ if (cstk[SP].font_was_set)
+ vrml_font(&(cstk[psp]));
+ /* free(cstk[psp].fontfam); */
+ SP = psp;
+static void vrml_set_font(char *name, double size)
+ char *p, *q;
+ context_t *cp;
+ cp = &(cstk[SP]);
+ cp->font_was_set = TRUE;
+ cp->fontsz = size;
+ p = strdup(name);
+ if ((q = strchr(p, '-'))) {
+ *q++ = 0;
+ if (strcasecmp(q, "italic") == 0)
+ cp->fontopt = ITALIC;
+ else if (strcasecmp(q, "bold") == 0)
+ cp->fontopt = BOLD;
+ }
+ cp->fontfam = p;
+ vrml_font(&cstk[SP]);
+static void vrml_set_style(char **s)
+ char *line;
+ context_t *cp;
+ cp = &(cstk[SP]);
+ while ((line = *s++)) {
+ if (streq(line, "solid"))
+ cp->pen = P_SOLID;
+ else if (streq(line, "dashed"))
+ cp->pen = P_DASHED;
+ else if (streq(line, "dotted"))
+ cp->pen = P_DOTTED;
+ else if (streq(line, "bold"))
+ cp->penwidth = WIDTH_BOLD;
+ else if (streq(line, "invis"))
+ cp->pen = P_NONE;
+ else if (streq(line, "filled"))
+ cp->fill = P_SOLID;
+ else if (streq(line, "unfilled"))
+ cp->fill = P_NONE;
+ else {
+ agerr(AGWARN,
+ "vrml_set_style: unsupported style %s - ignoring\n",
+ line);
+ }
+ }
+static void vrml_textpara(GVJ_t *job, point p, textpara_t * para)
+ obj_state_t *obj = job->obj;
+ char *fontlist, *err;
+ pointf mp;
+ int brect[8];
+ extern gdFontPtr gdFontSmall;
+ if (! obj->n)
+ return;
+ cstk[SP].pencolor_ix = vrml_resolve_color(cstk[SP].pencolor);
+ fontlist = (char*)(para->layout); /* FIXME - kluge */
+ switch (para->just) {
+ case 'l':
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ p.x -= para->width;
+ break;
+ default:
+ case 'n':
+ p.x -= para->width / 2;
+ break;
+ }
+/* p.y += cstk[SP].fontsz*2/3; */
+ mp = vrml_node_point(obj->n, p);
+ err = gdImageStringFT(im, brect, cstk[SP].pencolor_ix, fontlist,
+ cstk[SP].fontsz, (Rot ? 90.0 : 0.0) * PI / 180.0,
+ ROUND(mp.x), ROUND(mp.y), para->str);
+ if (err) {
+ /* revert to builtin fonts */
+ gdImageString(im, gdFontSmall, ROUND(mp.x), ROUND(mp.y),
+ (unsigned char *) para->str, cstk[SP].pencolor_ix);
+ }
+/* interpolate_zcoord:
+ * Given 2 points in 3D p = (fst.x,fst.y,fstz) and q = (snd.x, snd.y, sndz),
+ * and a point p1 in the xy plane lying on the line segment connecting
+ * the projections of the p and q, find the z coordinate of p1 when it
+ * is projected up onto the segment (p,q) in 3-space.
+ *
+ * Why the special case for ranks? Is the arithmetic really correct?
+ */
+static double
+interpolate_zcoord(GVJ_t *job, pointf p1, point fst, double fstz, point snd, double sndz)
+ obj_state_t *obj = job->obj;
+ edge_t *e = obj->e;
+ double len, d, rv;
+ if (fstz == sndz)
+ return fstz;
+ if (ND_rank(e->tail) != ND_rank(e->head)) {
+ if (snd.y == fst.y)
+ rv = (fstz + sndz) / 2.0;
+ else
+ rv = fstz + (sndz - fstz) * (p1.y - fst.y) / (snd.y - fst.y);
+ }
+ else {
+ len = DIST(fst, snd);
+ d = DIST(p1, fst)/len;
+ rv = fstz + d*(sndz - fstz);
+ }
+ return rv;
+/* collinear:
+ * Return true if the 3 points starting at A are collinear.
+ */
+static int
+collinear (point * A)
+ Ppoint_t a, b, c;
+ double w;
+ a.x = A->x;
+ a.y = A->y;
+ A++;
+ b.x = A->x;
+ b.y = A->y;
+ A++;
+ c.x = A->x;
+ c.y = A->y;
+ w = wind(a,b,c);
+ return (fabs(w) <= 1);
+/* straight:
+ * Return true if bezier points are collinear
+ * At present, just check with 4 points, the common case.
+ */
+static int
+straight (point * A, int n)
+ if (n != 4) return 0;
+ return (collinear(A) && collinear(A+1));
+static void
+doSegment (FILE *out, point* A, point p0, double z0, point p1, double z1)
+ double d1, d0;
+ double delx, dely, delz;
+ delx = p0.x - p1.x;
+ dely = p0.y - p1.y;
+ delz = z0 - z1;
+ EdgeLen = sqrt(delx*delx + dely*dely + delz*delz);
+ d0 = DIST(A[0],p0);
+ d1 = DIST(A[3],p1);
+ CylHt = EdgeLen - d0 - d1;
+ TailHt = HeadHt = 0;
+ IsSegment = 1;
+ fprintf(out, "Transform {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " children [\n");
+ fprintf(out, " Shape {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " geometry Cylinder {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " bottom FALSE top FALSE\n");
+ fprintf(out, " height %f radius %d }\n", CylHt, cstk[SP].penwidth);
+ fprintf(out, " appearance Appearance {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " material Material {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " ambientIntensity 0.33\n");
+ fprintf(out, " diffuseColor %f %f %f\n",
+ cstk[SP].r,cstk[SP].g,cstk[SP].b);
+ fprintf(out, " }\n");
+ fprintf(out, " }\n");
+ fprintf(out, " }\n");
+static void
+vrml_bezier(GVJ_t *job, point * A, int n, int arrow_at_start, int arrow_at_end, int filled)
+ FILE *out = job->output_file;
+ obj_state_t *obj = job->obj;
+ edge_t *e = obj->e;
+ pointf p1, V[4];
+ int i, j, step;
+ double fstz, sndz;
+ context_t *cp;
+ assert(obj->e);
+ cp = &(cstk[SP]);
+ if (cp->pen == P_NONE)
+ return;
+ fstz = Fstz = late_double(e->tail, N_z, 0.0, -1000.0);
+ sndz = Sndz = late_double(e->head, N_z, 0.0, -MAXFLOAT);
+ if (straight(A,n)) {
+ doSegment (out, A, ND_coord_i(e->tail),Fstz,ND_coord_i(e->head),Sndz);
+ return;
+ }
+ fprintf(out, "Shape { geometry Extrusion {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " spine [");
+ V[3].x = A[0].x;
+ V[3].y = A[0].y;
+ for (i = 0; i + 3 < n; i += 3) {
+ V[0] = V[3];
+ for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) {
+ V[j].x = A[i + j].x;
+ V[j].y = A[i + j].y;
+ }
+ for (step = 0; step <= BEZIERSUBDIVISION; step++) {
+ p1 = Bezier(V, 3, (double) step / BEZIERSUBDIVISION, NULL,
+ NULL);
+ fprintf(out, " %.3f %.3f %.3f", p1.x, p1.y,
+ interpolate_zcoord(job, p1, A[0], fstz, A[n - 1], sndz));
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(out, " ]\n");
+ fprintf(out, " crossSection [ %d %d, %d %d, %d %d, %d %d ]\n",
+ (cp->penwidth), (cp->penwidth), -(cp->penwidth),
+ (cp->penwidth), -(cp->penwidth), -(cp->penwidth),
+ (cp->penwidth), -(cp->penwidth));
+ fprintf(out, "}\n");
+ fprintf(out, " appearance DEF E%d Appearance {\n", e->id);
+ fprintf(out, " material Material {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " ambientIntensity 0.33\n");
+ fprintf(out, " diffuseColor %.3f %.3f %.3f\n",
+ cstk[SP].r, cstk[SP].g, cstk[SP].b);
+ fprintf(out, " }\n");
+ fprintf(out, " }\n");
+ fprintf(out, "}\n");
+/* doArrowhead:
+ * If edge is straight, we attach a cone to the edge as a group.
+ */
+static void
+doArrowhead (GVJ_t *job, point* A)
+ FILE *out = job->output_file;
+ obj_state_t *obj = job->obj;
+ edge_t *e = obj->e;
+ double rad, ht, y;
+ pointf p0; /* center of triangle base */
+ point tp,hp;
+ p0.x = (A[0].x + A[2].x)/2.0;
+ p0.y = (A[0].y + A[2].y)/2.0;
+ rad = DIST(A[0],A[2])/2.0;
+ ht = DIST(p0,A[1]);
+ y = (CylHt + ht)/2.0;
+ tp = ND_coord_i(e->tail);
+ hp = ND_coord_i(e->head);
+ fprintf(out, "Transform {\n");
+ if (DIST2(A[1], tp) < DIST2(A[1], hp)) {
+ TailHt = ht;
+ fprintf(out, " translation 0 -%.3f 0\n", y);
+ fprintf(out, " rotation 0 0 1 %.3f\n", PI);
+ }
+ else {
+ HeadHt = ht;
+ fprintf(out, " translation 0 %.3f 0\n", y);
+ }
+ fprintf(out, " children [\n");
+ fprintf(out, " Shape {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " geometry Cone {bottomRadius %.3f height %.3f }\n",
+ rad, ht);
+ fprintf(out, " appearance Appearance {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " material Material {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " ambientIntensity 0.33\n");
+ fprintf(out, " diffuseColor %f %f %f\n", cstk[SP].r,cstk[SP].g,cstk[SP].b);
+ fprintf(out, " }\n");
+ fprintf(out, " }\n");
+ fprintf(out, " }\n");
+ fprintf(out, " ]\n");
+ fprintf(out, "}\n");
+static void vrml_polygon(GVJ_t *job, point * A, int n, int filled)
+ FILE *out = job->output_file;
+ obj_state_t *obj = job->obj;
+ graph_t *g = obj->g;
+ node_t *n = obj->n;
+ edge_t *e = obj->e;
+ pointf p, mp;
+ int i;
+ gdPoint *points;
+ int style[20];
+ int pen, width;
+ gdImagePtr brush = NULL;
+ double theta, z;
+ node_t *endp;
+ if (g) {
+ fprintf(out, " Background { skyColor %.3f %.3f %.3f }\n",
+ cstk[SP].r, cstk[SP].g, cstk[SP].b);
+ Saw_skycolor = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (n) {
+ if (cstk[SP].pen != P_NONE) {
+ cstk[SP].pencolor_ix = vrml_resolve_color(cstk[SP].pencolor);
+ cstk[SP].fillcolor_ix = vrml_resolve_color(cstk[SP].fillcolor);
+ if (cstk[SP].pen == P_DASHED) {
+ for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+ style[i] = cstk[SP].pencolor_ix;
+ for (; i < 20; i++)
+ style[i] = gdTransparent;
+ gdImageSetStyle(im, style, 20);
+ pen = gdStyled;
+ } else if (cstk[SP].pen == P_DOTTED) {
+ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ style[i] = cstk[SP].pencolor_ix;
+ for (; i < 12; i++)
+ style[i] = gdTransparent;
+ gdImageSetStyle(im, style, 12);
+ pen = gdStyled;
+ } else {
+ pen = cstk[SP].pencolor_ix;
+ }
+ if (cstk[SP].penwidth != WIDTH_NORMAL) {
+ width = cstk[SP].penwidth;
+ brush = gdImageCreate(width, width);
+ gdImagePaletteCopy(brush, im);
+ gdImageFilledRectangle(brush,
+ 0, 0, width - 1, width - 1,
+ cstk[SP].pencolor_ix);
+ gdImageSetBrush(im, brush);
+ if (pen == gdStyled)
+ pen = gdStyledBrushed;
+ else
+ pen = gdBrushed;
+ }
+ points = N_GNEW(n, gdPoint);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ mp = vrml_node_point(A[i]);
+ points[i].x = ROUND(mp.x);
+ points[i].y = ROUND(mp.y);
+ }
+ if (filled)
+ gdImageFilledPolygon(im, points, n, cstk[SP].fillcolor_ix);
+ gdImagePolygon(im, points, n, pen);
+ free(points);
+ if (brush)
+ gdImageDestroy(brush);
+ }
+ z = late_double(n, N_z, 0.0, -MAXFLOAT);
+ fprintf(out, "Shape {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " appearance Appearance {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " material Material {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " ambientIntensity 0.33\n");
+ fprintf(out, " diffuseColor 1 1 1\n");
+ fprintf(out, " }\n");
+ fprintf(out, " texture ImageTexture { url \"node%d.png\" }\n",
+ n->id);
+ fprintf(out, " }\n");
+ fprintf(out, " geometry Extrusion {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " crossSection [");
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ p.x = A[i].x - ND_coord_i(n).x;
+ p.y = A[i].y - ND_coord_i(n).y;
+ fprintf(out, " %.3f %.3f,", p.x, p.y);
+ }
+ p.x = A[0].x - ND_coord_i(n).x;
+ p.y = A[0].y - ND_coord_i(n).y;
+ fprintf(out, " %.3f %.3f ]\n", p.x, p.y);
+ fprintf(out, " spine [ %d %d %.3f, %d %d %.3f ]\n",
+ ND_coord_i(n).x, ND_coord_i(n).y, z - .01,
+ ND_coord_i(n).x, ND_coord_i(n).y, z + .01);
+ fprintf(out, " }\n");
+ fprintf(out, "}\n");
+ }
+ else if (e) {
+ if (cstk[SP].pen == P_NONE)
+ return;
+ if (n != 3) {
+ static int flag;
+ if (!flag) {
+ flag++;
+ agerr(AGWARN,
+ "vrml_polygon: non-triangle arrowheads not supported - ignoring\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (IsSegment) {
+ doArrowhead (job, A);
+ return;
+ }
+ p.x = p.y = 0.0;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ p.x += A[i].x;
+ p.y += A[i].y;
+ }
+ p.x = p.x / n;
+ p.y = p.y / n;
+ /* it is bad to know that A[1] is the aiming point, but we do */
+ theta =
+ atan2((A[0].y + A[2].y) / 2.0 - A[1].y,
+ (A[0].x + A[2].x) / 2.0 - A[1].x) + PI / 2.0;
+ /* this is gruesome, but how else can we get z coord */
+ if (DIST2(p, ND_coord_i(e->tail)) <
+ DIST2(p, ND_coord_i(e->head)))
+ endp = e->tail;
+ else
+ endp = e->head;
+ z = late_double(endp, N_z, 0.0, -MAXFLOAT);
+ /* FIXME: arrow vector ought to follow z coord of bezier */
+ fprintf(out, "Transform {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " translation %.3f %.3f %.3f\n", p.x, p.y, z);
+ fprintf(out, " children [\n");
+ fprintf(out, " Transform {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " rotation 0 0 1 %.3f\n", theta);
+ fprintf(out, " children [\n");
+ fprintf(out, " Shape {\n");
+ fprintf(out,
+ " geometry Cone {bottomRadius %.3f height %.3f }\n",
+ cstk[SP].penwidth * 2.5, cstk[SP].penwidth * 10.0);
+ fprintf(out, " appearance USE E%d\n", e->id);
+ fprintf(out, " }\n");
+ fprintf(out, " ]\n");
+ fprintf(out, " }\n");
+ fprintf(out, " ]\n");
+ fprintf(out, "}\n");
+ }
+/* doSphere:
+ * Output sphere in VRML for point nodes.
+ */
+static void
+doSphere (FILE *out, node_t *n, point p, int rx, int ry)
+ pointf mp;
+ double z;
+ if (!(strcmp(cstk[SP].fillcolor, "transparent"))) {
+ return;
+ }
+ mp.x = ND_coord_i(n).x;
+ mp.y = ND_coord_i(n).y;
+ z = late_double(n, N_z, 0.0, -MAXFLOAT);
+ fprintf(out, "Transform {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " translation %.3f %.3f %.3f\n", mp.x, mp.y, z);
+ fprintf(out, " scale %d %d %d\n", rx, rx, rx);
+ fprintf(out, " children [\n");
+ fprintf(out, " Transform {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " children [\n");
+ fprintf(out, " Shape {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " geometry Sphere { radius 1.0 }\n");
+ fprintf(out, " appearance Appearance {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " material Material {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " ambientIntensity 0.33\n");
+ fprintf(out, " diffuseColor %f %f %f\n",
+ cstk[SP].r,cstk[SP].g,cstk[SP].b);
+ fprintf(out, " }\n");
+ fprintf(out, " }\n");
+ fprintf(out, " }\n");
+ fprintf(out, " ]\n");
+ fprintf(out, " }\n");
+ fprintf(out, " ]\n");
+ fprintf(out, "}\n");
+static void vrml_ellipse(GVJ_t *job, point p, int rx, int ry, int filled)
+ FILE *out = job->output_file;
+ obj_state_t *obj = job->obj;
+ graph_t *g = obj->g;
+ node_t *n = obj->n;
+ edge_t *e = obj->e;
+ pointf mp;
+ int i;
+ node_t *endp;
+ int style[40]; /* need 2* size for arcs, I don't know why */
+ int pen, width;
+ gdImagePtr brush = NULL;
+ double z;
+ if (n) {
+ if (shapeOf(n) == SH_POINT) {
+ doSphere (out, n, p, rx, ry);
+ return;
+ }
+ cstk[SP].pencolor_ix = vrml_resolve_color(cstk[SP].pencolor);
+ cstk[SP].fillcolor_ix = vrml_resolve_color(cstk[SP].fillcolor);
+ if (cstk[SP].pen != P_NONE) {
+ if (cstk[SP].pen == P_DASHED) {
+ for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)
+ style[i] = cstk[SP].pencolor_ix;
+ for (; i < 40; i++)
+ style[i] = gdTransparent;
+ gdImageSetStyle(im, style, 40);
+ pen = gdStyled;
+ } else if (cstk[SP].pen == P_DOTTED) {
+ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ style[i] = cstk[SP].pencolor_ix;
+ for (; i < 24; i++)
+ style[i] = gdTransparent;
+ gdImageSetStyle(im, style, 24);
+ pen = gdStyled;
+ } else {
+ pen = cstk[SP].pencolor_ix;
+ }
+ if (cstk[SP].penwidth != WIDTH_NORMAL) {
+ width = cstk[SP].penwidth;
+ brush = gdImageCreate(width, width);
+ gdImagePaletteCopy(brush, im);
+ gdImageFilledRectangle(brush,
+ 0, 0, width - 1, width - 1,
+ cstk[SP].pencolor_ix);
+ gdImageSetBrush(im, brush);
+ if (pen == gdStyled)
+ pen = gdStyledBrushed;
+ else
+ pen = gdBrushed;
+ }
+ mp = vrml_node_point(p);
+ if (filled) {
+ gdImageFilledEllipse(im, ROUND(mp.x), ROUND(mp.y),
+ ROUND(Scale * (rx + rx)),
+ ROUND(Scale * (ry + ry)),
+ cstk[SP].fillcolor_ix);
+ }
+ gdImageArc(im, ROUND(mp.x), ROUND(mp.y),
+ ROUND(Scale * (rx + rx)), ROUND(Scale * (ry + ry)),
+ 0, 360, pen);
+ if (brush)
+ gdImageDestroy(brush);
+ }
+ mp.x = ND_coord_i(n).x;
+ mp.y = ND_coord_i(n).y;
+ z = late_double(n, N_z, 0.0, -MAXFLOAT);
+ fprintf(out, "Transform {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " translation %.3f %.3f %.3f\n", mp.x, mp.y, z);
+ fprintf(out, " scale %d %d 1\n", rx, ry);
+ fprintf(out, " children [\n");
+ fprintf(out, " Transform {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " rotation 1 0 0 1.57\n");
+ fprintf(out, " children [\n");
+ fprintf(out, " Shape {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " geometry Cylinder { side FALSE }\n");
+ fprintf(out, " appearance Appearance {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " material Material {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " ambientIntensity 0.33\n");
+ fprintf(out, " diffuseColor 1 1 1\n");
+ fprintf(out, " }\n");
+ fprintf(out, " texture ImageTexture { url \"node%d.png\" }\n", n->id);
+ fprintf(out, " }\n");
+ fprintf(out, " }\n");
+ fprintf(out, " ]\n");
+ fprintf(out, " }\n");
+ fprintf(out, " ]\n");
+ fprintf(out, "}\n");
+ }
+ else if (e) {
+ if (cstk[SP].pen == P_NONE)
+ return;
+ mp.x = (double) p.x;
+ mp.y = (double) p.y;
+ /* this is gruesome, but how else can we get z coord */
+ if (DIST2(mp, ND_coord_i(e->tail)) <
+ DIST2(mp, ND_coord_i(e->head)))
+ endp = e->tail;
+ else
+ endp = e->head;
+ z = late_double(endp, N_z, 0.0, -MAXFLOAT);
+ fprintf(out, "Transform {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " translation %.3f %.3f %.3f\n", mp.x, mp.y, z);
+ fprintf(out, " children [\n");
+ fprintf(out, " Shape {\n");
+ fprintf(out, " geometry Sphere {radius %.3f }\n", (double) rx);
+ fprintf(out, " appearance USE E%d\n", e->id);
+ fprintf(out, " }\n");
+ fprintf(out, " ]\n");
+ fprintf(out, "}\n");
+ }
+static void vrml_polyline(point * A, int n)
+ pointf p, p1;
+ int i;
+ if (cstk[SP].pen != P_NONE) {
+ p.x = A[0].x;
+ p.y = A[0].y;
+ for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
+ p1.x = A[i].x;
+ p1.y = A[i].y;
+ if (cstk[SP].pen == P_DASHED) {
+ gdImageDashedLine(im, ROUND(p.x), ROUND(p.y),
+ ROUND(p1.x), ROUND(p1.y), cstk[SP].color_ix);
+ } else {
+ gdImageLine(im, ROUND(p.x), ROUND(p.y),
+ ROUND(p1.x), ROUND(p1.y), cstk[SP].color_ix);
+ }
+ p.x = p1.x;
+ p.y = p1.y;
+ }
+ }
+static void vrml_usershape(usershape_t *us, boxf b, point *A, int n, bool filled)
+/* FIXME */
+ vrml_polygon(A, n, filled);
+codegen_t VRML_CodeGen = {
+ 0, /* vrml_reset */
+ vrml_begin_job, 0, /* vrml_end_job */
+ vrml_begin_graph, vrml_end_graph,
+ vrml_begin_page, 0, /* vrml_end_page */
+ 0, /* vrml_begin_layer */ 0, /* vrml_end_layer */
+ 0, /* vrml_begin_cluster */ 0, /* vrml_end_cluster */
+ 0, /* vrml_begin_nodes */ 0, /* vrml_end_nodes */
+ 0, /* vrml_begin_edges */ 0, /* vrml_end_edges */
+ vrml_begin_node, vrml_end_node,
+ vrml_begin_edge, vrml_end_edge,
+ vrml_begin_context, vrml_end_context,
+ 0, /* vrml_begin_anchor */ 0, /* vrml_end_anchor */
+ vrml_set_font, vrml_textpara,
+ vrml_set_pencolor, vrml_set_fillcolor, vrml_set_style,
+ vrml_ellipse, vrml_polygon,
+ vrml_bezier, vrml_polyline,
+ 0, /* bezier_has_arrows */
+ 0, /* comment */
+ vrml_usershape
+#endif /* HAVE_GD_PNG */