echo pg_last_error()."\n";
+// Create view here
echo "OK";
--- /dev/null
+Bug 73498 Incorrect DELIMITER syntax for pg_copy_to()
+<?php include(""); ?>
+$db = pg_connect($conn_str);
+$rows = pg_copy_to($db, "(select * from {$view_name})");
+var_dump(count($rows) > 0);
+string(5) "array"
$db = pg_connect($conn_str);
+pg_query($db, "DROP VIEW {$view_name}");
pg_query($db, "DROP TABLE ".$table_name);
@pg_query($db, "DROP TABLE ".$table_name_92);
$table_name_92 = "php_pgsql_test_92"; // test table that will be created
$num_test_record = 1000; // Number of records to create
+// Test view
+$view_name = "php_pgsql_viewtest";
+$view_def = "CREATE VIEW {$view_name} AS SELECT * FROM {$table_name};";
// Test table
$table_def = "CREATE TABLE ${table_name} (num int, str text, bin bytea);";
$table_def_92 = "CREATE TABLE ${table_name_92} (textary text[], jsn json);";