-Project: "mod_charset_lite"=.\modules\experimental\mod_charset_lite.dsp - Package Owner=<4>
+Project: "mod_charset_lite"=.\modules\filters\mod_charset_lite.dsp - Package Owner=<4>
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_dumpio.mak CFG="mod_dumpio - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
cd ..\..
cd modules\experimental
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_charset_lite.mak CFG="mod_charset_lite - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
cd ..\..
cd modules\filters
!IF EXIST("srclib\zlib")
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_deflate.mak CFG="mod_deflate - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
+ $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_charset_lite.mak CFG="mod_charset_lite - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_ext_filter.mak CFG="mod_ext_filter - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_include.mak CFG="mod_include - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
cd ..\..
copy modules\dav\main\$(LONG)\mod_dav.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\debug\$(LONG)\mod_bucketeer.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\debug\$(LONG)\mod_dumpio.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\experimental\$(LONG)\mod_charset_lite.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
+ copy modules\filters\$(LONG)\mod_charset_lite.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
!IF EXIST("srclib\zlib")
copy modules\filters\$(LONG)\mod_deflate.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
!IF EXIST("srclib\zlib\zlib1.$(src_dll)")
# If there is an NLM target, put it here
TARGET_nlm = \
- $(OBJDIR)/charsetl.nlm \
$(OBJDIR)/example.nlm \
- $(OBJDIR)/mod_filter.nlm \
-if test "$ac_cv_ebcdic" = "yes"; then
+#if test "$ac_cv_ebcdic" = "yes"; then
# mod_charset_lite can be very useful on an ebcdic system,
# so include it by default
- APACHE_MODULE(charset_lite, character set translation, , , yes)
- APACHE_MODULE(charset_lite, character set translation, , , no)
+# APACHE_MODULE(charset_lite, character set translation, , , yes)
+# APACHE_MODULE(charset_lite, character set translation, , , no)
APACHE_MODULE(example, example and demo module, , , no)
APACHE_MODULE(case_filter, example uppercase conversion filter, , , no)
APACHE_MODULE(case_filter_in, example uppercase conversion input filter, , , no)
-APACHE_MODULE(filter, smart filtering module, , , no)
+#APACHE_MODULE(filter, smart filtering module, , , no)
APACHE_MODULE(dbd, Apache DBD Framework, , , no)
TARGET_nlm = \
$(OBJDIR)/extfiltr.nlm \
+ $(OBJDIR)/charsetl.nlm \
+ $(OBJDIR)/mod_filter.nlm \
# If the zlib libraries source exists then build the mod_deflate module
APACHE_MODULE(ext_filter, external filter module, , , most)
APACHE_MODULE(include, Server Side Includes, , , yes)
+APACHE_MODULE(filter, Smart Filtering, , , yes)
+if test "$ac_cv_ebcdic" = "yes"; then
+# mod_charset_lite can be very useful on an ebcdic system,
+# so include it by default
+ APACHE_MODULE(charset_lite, character set translation, , , yes)
+ APACHE_MODULE(charset_lite, character set translation, , , no)
APACHE_MODULE(deflate, Deflate transfer encoding support, , , most, [
AC_ARG_WITH(z, APACHE_HELP_STRING(--with-z=DIR,use a specific zlib library),