let err['background'] = 'Should not issue :syn on'
- " 7) Does not define filetype specfic groups like vimCommand, htmlTag,
+ " 7) Does not define filetype specific groups like vimCommand, htmlTag,
let hi_groups = ['vim', 'html', 'python', 'sh', 'ruby']
for group in hi_groups
let pat='\Chi\%[ghlight]\s*\zs'.group.'\w\+\>'
ExitPre When using `:quit`, `:wq` in a way it makes
Vim exit, or using `:qall`, just after
|QuitPre|. Can be used to close any
- non-essential window.
+ non-essential window. Exiting may still be
+ cancelled if there is a modified buffer that
+ isn't automatically saved, use |VimLeavePre|
+ for really exiting.
FileChangedShell When Vim notices that the modification time of
a file has changed since editing started.
In commands which expect a file name, you can use "<afile>" for the file name
that is being read |:<afile>| (you can also use "%" for the current file
name). "<abuf>" can be used for the buffer number of the currently effective
-buffer. This also works for buffers that doesn't have a name. But it doesn't
+buffer. This also works for buffers that don't have a name. But it doesn't
work for files without a buffer (e.g., with ":r file").
The user can go to Normal mode and navigate through the buffer. This can be
useful see older output or copy text.
+The CTRL-W key can be used to start a window command, such as CTRL-W w to
+switch to the next window. This also works in Insert mode (use Shift-CTRL-W
+to delete a word). When leaving the window Insert mode will be stopped. When
+coming back to the prompt window Insert mode will be restored.
Any command that starts Insert mode, such as "a", "i", "A" and "I", will move
-the cursor to the last line, after the prompt.
+the cursor to the last line. "A" will move to the end of the line, "I" to the
+start of the line.
:. Reduce file name to be relative to current directory, if
possible. File name is unmodified if it is not below the
- current directory.
+ current directory, but on MS-Windows the drive is removed if
+ it is the current drive.
For maximum shortness, use ":~:.".
:h Head of the file name (the last component and any separators
removed). Cannot be used with :e, :r or :t.
The returned Job object can be used to get the status with
|job_status()| and stop the job with |job_stop()|.
+ Note that the job object will be deleted if there are no
+ references to it. This closes the stdin and stderr, which may
+ cause the job to fail with an error. To avoid this keep a
+ reference to the job. Thus instead of: >
+ call job_start('my-command')
+< use: >
+ let myjob = job_start('my-command')
+< and unlet "myjob" once the job is not needed or is past the
+ point where it would fail (e.g. when it prints a message on
+ startup). Keep in mind that variables local to a function
+ will cease to exist if the function returns. Use a
+ script-local variable if needed: >
+ let s:myjob = job_start('my-command')
{options} must be a Dictionary. It can contain many optional
items, see |job-options|.
External command used for |g:decada.Make()| (|'makeprg'|).
-g:decada.Error_Format| string
+g:decada.Error_Format string
Error format (|'errorformat'|).
-*ft_rust.txt* Filetype plugin for Rust
+*ft_rust.txt* For Vim version 8.1. Last change: 2017 Nov 02
+This is documentation for the Rust filetype plugin.
This makes it possible to use the cursor keys in Insert mode, without breaking
the undo sequence and therefore using |.| (redo) will work as expected.
-Also entering a text like (with the "(" mapping from above): >
+Also entering a text like (with the "(" mapping from above):
Lorem ipsum (dolor
-will be repeatable by the |.|to the expected
+will be repeatable by using |.| to the expected
Lorem ipsum (dolor)
The normal value is /boot/home/config/share/vim. If you don't like it you can
-set the Vim environment variable to override this, or set 'helpfile' in your
+set the VIM environment variable to override this, or set 'helpfile' in your
.vimrc: >
:if version >= 500
6. Running under Windows 3.1 *win32-win3.1*
- *win32s* *windows-3.1* *gui-w32s*
+ *win32s* *windows-3.1* *gui-w32s* *win16*
There was a special version of gvim that runs under Windows 3.1 and 3.11.
Support was removed in patch 7.4.1363.
LPC *lpc.vim* *ft-lpc-syntax*
-LPC stands for a simple, memory-efficient language: Lars Pensj| C. The
+LPC stands for a simple, memory-efficient language: Lars Pensjö C. The
file name of LPC is usually *.c. Recognizing these files as LPC would bother
users writing only C programs. If you want to use LPC syntax in Vim, you
should set a variable in your .vimrc file: >
ap motion.txt /*ap*
apache.vim syntax.txt /*apache.vim*
append() eval.txt /*append()*
+appendbufline() eval.txt /*appendbufline()*
aquote motion.txt /*aquote*
arabic.txt arabic.txt /*arabic.txt*
arabicfonts arabic.txt /*arabicfonts*
delete() eval.txt /*delete()*
delete-insert change.txt /*delete-insert*
delete-menus gui.txt /*delete-menus*
+deletebufline() eval.txt /*deletebufline()*
deleting change.txt /*deleting*
demoserver.py channel.txt /*demoserver.py*
design-assumptions develop.txt /*design-assumptions*
progname-variable eval.txt /*progname-variable*
progpath-variable eval.txt /*progpath-variable*
progress.vim syntax.txt /*progress.vim*
+prompt-buffer channel.txt /*prompt-buffer*
+prompt_setcallback() eval.txt /*prompt_setcallback()*
+prompt_setinterrupt() eval.txt /*prompt_setinterrupt()*
+prompt_setprompt() eval.txt /*prompt_setprompt()*
pronounce intro.txt /*pronounce*
psql ft_sql.txt /*psql*
ptcap.vim syntax.txt /*ptcap.vim*
termdebug-communication terminal.txt /*termdebug-communication*
termdebug-customizing terminal.txt /*termdebug-customizing*
termdebug-example terminal.txt /*termdebug-example*
+termdebug-prompt terminal.txt /*termdebug-prompt*
termdebug-starting terminal.txt /*termdebug-starting*
termdebug-stepping terminal.txt /*termdebug-stepping*
termdebug-variables terminal.txt /*termdebug-variables*
termdebug_popup terminal.txt /*termdebug_popup*
+termdebug_shortcuts terminal.txt /*termdebug_shortcuts*
+termdebug_use_prompt terminal.txt /*termdebug_use_prompt*
termdebug_wide terminal.txt /*termdebug_wide*
terminal terminal.txt /*terminal*
terminal-api terminal.txt /*terminal-api*
wildcard editing.txt /*wildcard*
wildcards editing.txt /*wildcards*
wildmenumode() eval.txt /*wildmenumode()*
+win16 os_win32.txt /*win16*
win32 os_win32.txt /*win32*
win32-!start gui_w32.txt /*win32-!start*
win32-PATH os_win32.txt /*win32-PATH*
If this is done while Vim is running the 't_BD' will be sent to the terminal
to disable bracketed paste.
+If your terminal supports bracketed paste, but the options are not set
+automatically, you can try using something like this: >
+ if &term =~ "screen"
+ let &t_BE = "\e[?2004h"
+ let &t_BD = "\e[?2004l"
+ exec "set t_PS=\e[200~"
+ exec "set t_PE=\e[201~"
+ endif
Note: If the terminal settings are changed after running Vim, you might have
an illegal combination of settings. This has been reported on Solaris 2.5
Resizing |terminal-resizing|
Terminal Modes |Terminal-mode|
Cursor style |terminal-cursor-style|
- Special keys |terminal-special-keys|
Session |terminal-session|
+ Special keys |terminal-special-keys|
Unix |terminal-unix|
MS-Windows |terminal-ms-windows|
2. Terminal communication |terminal-communication|
< *options-in-terminal*
After opening the terminal window and setting 'buftype' to "terminal" the
-BufWinEnter autocommand event is triggered. This makes it possible to set
+TerminalOpen autocommand event is triggered. This makes it possible to set
options specifically for the window and buffer. Example: >
- au BufWinEnter * if &buftype == 'terminal' | setlocal bufhidden=hide | endif
+ au TerminalOpen * if &buftype == 'terminal' | setlocal bufhidden=hide | endif
+The <abuf> is set to the terminal buffer, but if there is no window (hidden
+terminal) then setting options will happen in the wrong buffer, therefore the
+check for &buftype in the example.
Mouse events (click and drag) are passed to the terminal. Mouse move events
are only passed when Vim itself is receiving them. For a terminal that is
of the terminal and {argument}, the decoded JSON argument.
The function name must start with "Tapi_" to avoid
accidentally calling a function not meant to be used for the
- terminal API
+ terminal API.
The user function should sanity check the argument.
The function can use |term_sendkeys()| to send back a reply.
Example in JSON: >
let g:termdebug_wide = 163
This will set &columns to 163 when :Termdebug is used. The value is restored
when quitting the debugger.
-If g:termdebug_wide is set and &Columns is already larger than
+If g:termdebug_wide is set and &columns is already larger than
g:termdebug_wide then a vertical split will be used without changing &columns.
Set it to 1 to get a vertical split without every changing &columns (useful
for when the terminal can't be resized by Vim).
- Add a command line history.
- delay next prompt until plugin gives OK?
+Terminal debugger:
+- Using terminal window: after "cont" in gdb window CTRL-C interrupts, but
+ after :Continue it does not. Mode of UI is changed? :Stop does work.
+- patch from Christian to handle changing 'background'
+ and a patch to show breakpoint nr in sign. (June 14)
+- Make prompt-buffer variant work better.
+- Termdebug does not work when Vim was build with mzscheme: gdb hangs just
+ after "run". Everything else works, including communication channel. Not
+ initializing mzscheme avoid the problem, thus it's not some #ifdef.
+- Show breakpoint number in the sign? (Uri Moszkowicz, 2018 Jun 13, #3007)
+- Allow for users to create their own gdb mappings. Perhaps by making the gdb
+ buffer global? (Uri Moszkowicz, #3012) Or with a function to send a command
+ to gdb.
Terminal emulator window:
-- Win32: Termdebug doesn't work, because gdb does not support mi2 on a tty.
- This plugin: https://github.com/cpiger/NeoDebug runs gdb as a job,
- redirecting input and output.
- Open new console for for program with: "set new-console on"
+- With a vertical split only one window is updated. (Linwei, 2018 Jun 2,
+ #2977)
+- When typing : at the more prompt, instead of entering a new Vim command, the
+ : is inserted in the terminal window. Should skip terminal_loop here.
+ ()
+- When pasting should call vterm_keyboard_start_paste(), e.g. when using
+ K_MIDDLEMOUSE, calling insert_reg().
+- Users expect parsing the :term argument like a shell does, also support
+ single quotes. E.g. with: :term grep 'alice says "hello"' (#1999)
+- When running a shell in a terminal to run Vim tests, CTRL-W : the command
+ line keeps getting cleard. Doing the same in another window is OK. (Jason
+ Franklin, 2018 Jun 17)
+- How to access selection in Terminal running a shell? (damnskippy, 2018 May
+ 27, #29620 When terminal doesn't use the mouse, use modeless selection.
- Win32: Redirecting input does not work, half of Test_terminal_redir_file()
is disabled.
- Win32: Redirecting output works but includes escape sequences.
- When 'encoding' is not utf-8, or the job is using another encoding, setup
-- Termdebug does not work when Vim was build with mzscheme: gdb hangs just
- after "run". Everything else works, including communication channel. Not
- initializing mzscheme avoid the problem, thus it's not some #ifdef.
Does not build with MinGW out of the box:
- _stat64 is not defined, need to use "struct stat" in vim.h
On Win32 when not in the console and t_Co >= 256, allow using 'tgc'.
(Nobuhiro Takasaki, #2833) Also check t_Co.
-Patch to fix arguments of :edit. (Dominique Pelle, 2018 May 28 #2966)
-Ptch to update html syntax. (Jorge Maldonado Ventura, #2974)
-Patch to fix that restoring window doesn't work when 'winheight' is large.
-(Darrell Nash, 2018 May 30, #2971) Doesn't work? Issue #2970
-Patch to add completion to :unlet for environment vars. (Jason Franklin, 2018
-May 30) Last update.
Errors found with random data:
heap-buffer-overflow in alist_add (#2472)
More warnings from static analysis:
-Patch to make "is" and "as" work bettter. (Jason Franklin, 2018 May 19)
+Patch to make "is" and "as" work better. (Jason Franklin, 2018 May 19)
Patch to add tests for user and language completion. (Dominique Pelle, 2018
-Jun 2, #2978)
+Jun 2, #2978) typo wk -> we
+Patch to support user name completion on MS-Windows. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, 2012
+Aug 16)
+Patch to add tests for libcall() and libcallnr(). (Dominique Pelle, #2982)
+Patch to fix that v:shell_error is always zero when using terminal for shell
+command. (Ichizok, 2018 Jun 8, #2994)
+Patch to make test for terminal out&error more reliable. (Ichizok, 2018 Jun 8,
+Patch to fix duplicate entry in tagfiles() and add a test. (Dominique Pelle,
+Pasting foo} causes Vim to behave weird. (John Little, 2018 Jun 17)
+Related to bracketed paste.
Using ":file" in quickfix window during an autocommand doesn't work.
(Jason Franklin, 2018 May 23) Allow for using it when there is no argument.
Patch to add more testing for :cd command. (Dominique Pelle, 2018 May 30,
+Patch to make mode() return something different for Normal mode when coming
+from Insert mode with CTRL-O. (#3000)
Script generated by :mksession does not work well if there are windows with
modified buffers
change "silent only" into "silent only!"
Should add a test for every command line argument. Check coverage for what is
missing: --nofork, -A , -b, -h, etc.
+":au * * command" should not be allowed, only use * for event when listing or
+deleting autocmds, not when adding them.
+Quickfix window height is not kept with a vertical split. (Lifepillar, 2018
+Jun 10, #2998)
Patch for variable tabstops. On github (Christian Brabandt, 2014 May 15)
Update 2018 March 12, #2711
Avoid that "sign unplace id" does a redraw right away, esp. when there is a
sequence of these commands. (Andy Stewart, 2018 Mar 16)
-ch_sendraw() with long string does not try to read inbetween, which may cause
+ch_sendraw() with long string does not try to read in between, which may cause
a deadlock if the reading side is waiting for the write to finish. (Nate
Bosch, 2018 Jan 13, #2548)
Patch to support ":tag <tagkind> <tagname". (emmrk, 2018 May 7, #2871)
+Inserting a line in a CompleteDone autocommand may confuse undo. (micbou,
+2018 Jun 18, #3027)
Implement option_save() and option_restore():
option_restore({list}) *option_restore()*
Restore options previously saved by option_save().
Add a way to restart a timer. It's similar to timer_stop() and timer_start(),
but the reference remains valid.
-Need to try out instructions in INSSTALLpc.txt about how to install all
+Need to try out instructions in INSTALLpc.txt about how to install all
interfaces and how to build Vim with them.
Appveyor build with self-installing executable, includes getting most
interfaces: https://github.com/k-takata/vim/tree/chrisbra-appveyor-build
Suggestion for another map. (Philip Mat, 2012 Jun 18)
But use "gi" instead of "a". Or use CTRL-\ CTRL-O.
-Patch to support user name completion on MS-Windows. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, 2012
-Aug 16)
When there are no command line arguments ":next" and ":argu" give E163, which
is confusing. Should say "the argument list is empty".
virtualmode() add argument to obtain whether "$" was used in
Visual block mode.
getacp() Win32: get codepage (Glenn Maynard)
- deletebufline() delete line in any buffer
- appendbufline() append line in any buffer
libcall() Allow more than one argument.
libcallext() Like libcall(), but using a callback function
to allow the library to execute a command or
file twice, the autocommands in it will be defined twice. To avoid this, do
one of these:
-- Remove any autocommands that might potentially defined twice before
- defining them. Example: >
+- Remove any autocommands that might already be defined before defining
+ them. Example: >
:au! * *.ext
:au BufEnter *.ext ...
Patch 8.0.0248
Problem: vim_strcat() cannot handle overlapping arguments.
-Solution: Use mch_memmove() instead of strcpy(). (Justin M Keyes,
+Solution: Use mch_memmove() instead of strcpy(). (Justin M. Keyes,
closes #1415)
Files: src/misc2.c
Patch 8.0.0287
Problem: Cannot access the arguments of the current function in debug mode.
(Luc Hermitte)
-Solution: use get_funccal(). (Lemonboy, closes #1432, closes #1352)
+Solution: use get_funccal(). (LemonBoy, closes #1432, closes #1352)
Files: src/userfunc.c
Patch 8.0.0288 (after 8.0.0284)
Patch 8.0.0350
Problem: Not enough test coverage for Perl.
-Solution: Add more Perl tests. (Dominique Perl, closes #1500)
+Solution: Add more Perl tests. (Dominique Pelle, closes #1500)
Files: src/testdir/test_perl.vim
Patch 8.0.0351
Patch 8.0.0597
Problem: Off-by-one error in buffer size computation.
-Solution: Use ">=" instead of ">". (Lemonboy, closes #1694)
+Solution: Use ">=" instead of ">". (LemonBoy, closes #1694)
Files: src/quickfix.c
Patch 8.0.0598
Problem: When setting the cterm background with ":hi Normal" the value of
'background' may be set wrongly.
Solution: Check that the color is less than 16. Don't set 'background' when
- it was set explicitly. (Lemonboy, closes #1710)
+ it was set explicitly. (LemonBoy, closes #1710)
Files: src/syntax.c, src/testdir/test_syntax.vim
Patch 8.0.0617 (after 8.0.0615)
Patch 8.0.0638
Problem: Cannot build with new MSVC version VS2017.
-Solution: Change the compiler arguments. (Leonardo Manera, closes #1731,
- closes #1747)
+Solution: Change the compiler arguments. (Leonardo Valeri Manera,
+ closes #1731, closes #1747)
Files: src/GvimExt/Makefile, src/Make_mvc.mak
Patch 8.0.0639
Patch 8.0.0724
Problem: The message for yanking doesn't indicate the register.
-Solution: Show the register name in the "N lines yanked" message. (Lemonboy,
+Solution: Show the register name in the "N lines yanked" message. (LemonBoy,
closes #1803, closes #1809)
Files: src/ops.c, src/Makefile, src/testdir/test_registers.vim,
Patch 8.0.1157
Problem: Compiler warning on MS-Windows.
-Solution: Add type cast. (Yasuhiro Matsomoto)
+Solution: Add type cast. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
Files: src/main.c
Patch 8.0.1158
Patch 8.0.1207
Problem: Profiling skips the first and last script line.
-Solution: Check for BOM after setting script ID. (Lemonboy, closes #2103,
+Solution: Check for BOM after setting script ID. (LemonBoy, closes #2103,
closes #2112) Add a test. List the trailing script lines.
Files: src/testdir/test_profile.vim, src/ex_cmds2.c
Solution: Make feature names more consistent, add "osxdarwin". Rename
feature flags, cleanup Mac code. (Kazunobu Kuriyama, closes #2178)
Also includes a fix for when Ruby throws an exception inside
- :rubyfile.(ujihisa)
+ :rubyfile. (ujihisa)
Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, runtime/doc/os_mac.txt, src/auto/configure,
src/config.h.in, src/configure.ac, src/digraph.c, src/edit.c,
src/evalfunc.c, src/feature.h, src/fileio.c, src/getchar.c,
Patch 8.0.1423
Problem: Error in return not caught by try/catch.
-Solution: Call update_force_abort(). (Yasuhiro Matsomoto, closes #2483)
+Solution: Call update_force_abort(). (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, closes #2483)
Files: src/testdir/test_eval.in, src/testdir/test_eval_stuff.vim,
src/Makefile, src/testdir/Make_all.mak, src/userfunc.c
Patch 8.0.1429
Problem: Crash when calling term_start() with empty argument.
-Solution: Check for invalid argument. (Yasuhiro Matsomoto, closes #2503)
+Solution: Check for invalid argument. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, closes #2503)
Fix memory leak.
Files: src/terminal.c, src/testdir/test_terminal.vim
Patch 8.0.1493
Problem: Completion items cannot be annotated.
Solution: Add a "user_data" entry to the completion item. (Ben Jackson,
- coses #2608, closes #2508)
+ closes #2608, closes #2508)
Files: runtime/doc/insert.txt, src/edit.c, src/structs.h,
Patch 8.0.1573
Problem: getwinpos(1) may cause response to be handled as command.
-Solution: Handle any cursor position report once one was request. (partly by
- Hirohito Higashi)
+Solution: Handle any cursor position report once one was requested. (partly
+ by Hirohito Higashi)
Files: src/term.c
Patch 8.0.1574
Patch 8.0.1656
Problem: No option to have xxd produce upper case variable names.
-Solution: Add the -C argument. (Matt Panaro closes #2772)
+Solution: Add the -C argument. (Matt Panaro, closes #2772)
Files: src/xxd/xxd.c
Patch 8.0.1657
Patch 8.0.1782
Problem: No simple way to label quickfix entries.
Solution: Add the "module" item, to be used instead of the file name for
- display purposes. (Martin Szamotulski, closes #1757)
+ display purposes. (Marcin Szamotulski, closes #1757)
Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, runtime/doc/quickfix.txt, src/alloc.h,
src/quickfix.c, src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
and edit buffer N.
-CTRL-W : Does the same as typing |:| : edit a command line. Useful in a
+CTRL-W : Does the same as typing |:| - enter a command line. Useful in a
terminal window, where all Vim commands must be preceded with
- CTRL-W or 'termkey'.
+ CTRL-W or 'termwinkey'.
Note that the 'splitbelow' and 'splitright' options influence where a new
window will appear.
" Maintainer: Debian Vim Maintainers
" Former Maintainers: Gerfried Fuchs <alfie@ist.org>
" Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma@debian.org>
-" Last Change: 2018 Jan 28
+" Last Change: 2018 May 31
" URL: https://salsa.debian.org/vim-team/vim-debian/blob/master/syntax/debcontrol.vim
" Standard syntax initialization
" Define some common expressions we can use later on
syn keyword debcontrolArchitecture contained all any
-exe 'syn keyword debcontrolArchitecture contained '. join(map(s:kernels, {k,v -> v .'-any'}))
-exe 'syn keyword debcontrolArchitecture contained '. join(map(s:archs, {k,v -> 'any-'.v}))
+exe 'syn keyword debcontrolArchitecture contained '. join(map(copy(s:kernels), {k,v -> v .'-any'}))
+exe 'syn keyword debcontrolArchitecture contained '. join(map(copy(s:archs), {k,v -> 'any-'.v}))
exe 'syn keyword debcontrolArchitecture contained '. join(s:archs)
exe 'syn keyword debcontrolArchitecture contained '. join(s:pairs)
" Maintainer: Jorge Maldonado Ventura <jorgesumle@freakspot.net>
" Previous Maintainer: Claudio Fleiner <claudio@fleiner.com>
" Repository: https://notabug.org/jorgesumle/vim-html-syntax
-" Last Change: 2017 Dec 16
-" Included patch from Jorge Maldonado Ventura to add the dialog element
+" Last Change: 2018 May 31
+" Included patch from Jay Sitter to add WAI-ARIA htmlArg keywords
" Please check :help html.vim for some comments and a description of the options
syn keyword htmlArg contained usemap ismap valign value vlink vspace width wrap
syn match htmlArg contained "\<\(http-equiv\|href\|title\)="me=e-1
+" aria attributes
+syn match htmlArg contained "\<\(aria-activedescendant\|aria-atomic\)\>"
+syn match htmlArg contained "\<\(aria-autocomplete\|aria-busy\|aria-checked\)\>"
+syn match htmlArg contained "\<\(aria-colcount\|aria-colindex\|aria-colspan\)\>"
+syn match htmlArg contained "\<\(aria-controls\|aria-current\)\>"
+syn match htmlArg contained "\<\(aria-describedby\|aria-details\)\>"
+syn match htmlArg contained "\<\(aria-disabled\|aria-dropeffect\)\>"
+syn match htmlArg contained "\<\(aria-errormessage\|aria-expanded\)\>"
+syn match htmlArg contained "\<\(aria-flowto\|aria-grabbed\|aria-haspopup\)\>"
+syn match htmlArg contained "\<\(aria-hidden\|aria-invalid\)\>"
+syn match htmlArg contained "\<\(aria-keyshortcuts\|aria-label\)\>"
+syn match htmlArg contained "\<\(aria-labelledby\|aria-level\|aria-live\)\>"
+syn match htmlArg contained "\<\(aria-modal\|aria-multiline\)\>"
+syn match htmlArg contained "\<\(aria-multiselectable\|aria-orientation\)\>"
+syn match htmlArg contained "\<\(aria-owns\|aria-placeholder\|aria-posinset\)\>"
+syn match htmlArg contained "\<\(aria-pressed\|aria-readonly\|aria-relevant\)\>"
+syn match htmlArg contained "\<\(aria-required\|aria-roledescription\)\>"
+syn match htmlArg contained "\<\(aria-rowcount\|aria-rowindex\|aria-rowspan\)\>"
+syn match htmlArg contained "\<\(aria-selected\|aria-setsize\|aria-sort\)\>"
+syn match htmlArg contained "\<\(aria-valuemax\|aria-valuemin\)\>"
+syn match htmlArg contained "\<\(aria-valuenow\|aria-valuetext\)\>"
+syn keyword htmlArg contained role
" Netscape extensions
syn keyword htmlTagName contained frame noframes frameset nobr blink
syn keyword htmlTagName contained layer ilayer nolayer spacer
- Edit Makefile to add xx to LANGUAGES and xx.mo to MOFILES.
-- Copy the header of an existing file, e.g., de.po, to xx.po. Do not copy any
- of the translated messages, delete everything after the "msgstr".
+- If you haven't done so already, run ./configure in the top vim directory
+ (i.e. go up two directories) and then come back here afterwards.
+- Execute these commands:
+ % make vim.pot
+ % msginit -l xx
+ % rm vim.pot
+ The first command will generate a vim.pot file which is used by msginit to
+ generate a correct xx.po file. After that vim.pot is not needed.
- The remaining work is like updating, see the next section.
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <toestel>\t\tGebruik <toestel> vir I/O"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
-msgstr "-A\t\t\tbegin in Arabiese modus"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
+msgstr "-A\t\t\tBegin in Arabiese modus"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
msgstr "-H\t\t\tBegin in Hebreeuse modus"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <dispositiu>\t\tUsa <dispositiu> per a l'E/S"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\tComença en mode aràbic"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
msgstr "E878: (NFA) Memòria insuficient per a recórrer la branca!"
msgid ""
-"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr ... "
-msgstr "No es pot obrir un fitxer temporal de logs, s'escriu a stderr ... "
+"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr... "
+msgstr "No es pot obrir un fitxer temporal de logs, s'escriu a stderr... "
#, c-format
msgid "(NFA) COULD NOT OPEN %s !"
msgstr "E782: error en llegir el fitxer .sug: %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
-msgstr "Llegint el fitxer d'afixos %s ..."
+msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
+msgstr "Llegint el fitxer d'afixos %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Conversion failure for word in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "el valor %s difereix de l'usat en un altre fitxer .aff"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
-msgstr "Llegint el fitxer de diccionari %s ..."
+msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
+msgstr "Llegint el fitxer de diccionari %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "E760: No word count in %s"
msgstr "S'ignora/en %d paraula/es amb caràcters no-ASCII a %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
-msgstr "Llegint el fitxer de paraules %s ..."
+msgid "Reading word file %s..."
+msgstr "Llegint el fitxer de paraules %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate /encoding= line ignored in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Nombre total de paraules: %d"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing suggestion file %s ..."
-msgstr "Escrivint el fitxer de suggeriments %s ..."
+msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
+msgstr "Escrivint el fitxer de suggeriments %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Estimated runtime memory use: %d bytes"
msgstr "Atenció: s'ha especificat composició i NOBREAK alhora"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
-msgstr "Escrivint el fitxer d'ortografia %s ..."
+msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
+msgstr "Escrivint el fitxer d'ortografia %s..."
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "Fet!"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <device>\t\tVerwende <device> for I/O"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\tStart im Arabischen Modus"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
msgstr "E878: (NFA) Konnte nicht Speicher allokieren um Äste zu durchlaufen!"
msgid ""
-"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr ... "
+"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr... "
msgstr ""
"Konnte temporäre Datei zum Schreiben öffnen, zeige auf Standard "
-"Fehlerausgabe ... "
+"Fehlerausgabe... "
#, c-format
msgid "(NFA) COULD NOT OPEN %s !"
msgstr "E782: Fehler beim Lesen der .sug Datei: %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
-msgstr "Lese Affix-Datei %s ..."
+msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
+msgstr "Lese Affix-Datei %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Conversion failure for word in %s line %d: %s"
"verwendet wird"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
-msgstr "Lese Wörterbuch-Datei %s ..."
+msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
+msgstr "Lese Wörterbuch-Datei %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "E760: No word count in %s"
msgstr "%d Wort(e) mit nicht-ASCII Zeichen ignoriert in %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
-msgstr "Lese Wort-Datei %s ..."
+msgid "Reading word file %s..."
+msgstr "Lese Wort-Datei %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate /encoding= line ignored in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Gesamte Anzahl von Wörtern: %d"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing suggestion file %s ..."
-msgstr "Schreibe Datei %s für Vorschläge ..."
+msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
+msgstr "Schreibe Datei %s für Vorschläge..."
#, c-format
msgid "Estimated runtime memory use: %d bytes"
msgstr "Achtung: Sowohl zusammengesetzte Wörter als auch NOBREAK angegeben"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
-msgstr "Schreibe Rechtschreibwörterbuch %s ..."
+msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
+msgstr "Schreibe Rechtschreibwörterbuch %s..."
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "Fertig!"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <aparatdosiero>\t\tUzi <aparatdosiero>-n por eneligo"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\tKomenci en araba reĝimo"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
msgstr "E878: (NFA) Ne povis asigni memoron por traigi branĉojn!"
msgid ""
-"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr ... "
+"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr... "
msgstr ""
"Ne povis malfermi provizoran protokolan dosieron por skribi, nun montras sur "
-"stderr ..."
#, c-format
msgid "(NFA) COULD NOT OPEN %s !"
msgstr "E782: eraro dum legado de dosiero .sug: %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
-msgstr "Legado de afiksa dosiero %s ..."
+msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
+msgstr "Legado de afiksa dosiero %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Conversion failure for word in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Valoro de %s malsamas ol tiu en alia dosiero .aff"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
-msgstr "Legado de vortardosiero %s ..."
+msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
+msgstr "Legado de vortardosiero %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "E760: No word count in %s"
msgstr "%d ignorita(j) vorto(j) kun neaskiaj signoj en %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
-msgstr "Legado de dosiero de vortoj %s ..."
+msgid "Reading word file %s..."
+msgstr "Legado de dosiero de vortoj %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate /encoding= line ignored in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Totala nombro de vortoj: %d"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing suggestion file %s ..."
-msgstr "Skribado de dosiero de sugesto %s ..."
+msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
+msgstr "Skribado de dosiero de sugesto %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Estimated runtime memory use: %d bytes"
msgstr "Averto: ambaŭ NOBREAK kaj NOBREAK specifitaj"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
-msgstr "Skribado de literuma dosiero %s ..."
+msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
+msgstr "Skribado de literuma dosiero %s..."
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "Farita!"
msgstr "-dev <dispositivo>\t\tUsar <dispositivo> para I/O"
#: main.c:3104
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\tIniciar en modo árabe"
#: main.c:3107
#: spell.c:5307
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
+msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
msgstr "Leyendo el archivo de afijos \"%s\"..."
#: spell.c:5355 spell.c:6699 spell.c:7278
#: spell.c:6660
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
-msgstr "Leyendo el archivo de diccionario %s ..."
+msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
+msgstr "Leyendo el archivo de diccionario %s..."
#: spell.c:6669
#, c-format
#: spell.c:7247
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
-msgstr "Leyendo archivo de palabras \"%s\" ..."
+msgid "Reading word file %s..."
+msgstr "Leyendo archivo de palabras \"%s\"..."
#: spell.c:7297
#, c-format
#: spell.c:9096
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing suggestion file %s ..."
-msgstr "Escribiendo el archivo de sugerencias %s ..."
+msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
+msgstr "Escribiendo el archivo de sugerencias %s..."
#: spell.c:9157 spell.c:9418
#, c-format
#: spell.c:9411
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
-msgstr "Escribiendo archivo de ortografía \"%s\" ..."
+msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
+msgstr "Escribiendo archivo de ortografía \"%s\"..."
#: spell.c:9416
msgid "Done!"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <laite>\t\tKäytä <laitetta> IO:hon"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\tkäynnistä arabia-tilassa"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
msgstr "E878: (NFA) Ei voitu allokoida muistia polkujen läpikäyntiin"
msgid ""
-"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr ... "
+"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr... "
msgstr ""
"Ei voitu avata väliaikaislokitiedosta kirjoittamista varten, joten virheet "
"näytetään vakiovirhevirrassa. "
msgstr "E782: virhe luettaessa .sug-tiedostoa: %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
+msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
msgstr "Luetaan affiksitiedostoa %s..."
#, c-format
msgstr "%s-arvo eroaa toisessa .aff-tiedostossa olevasta"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
+msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
msgstr "Luetaan sanakirjatiedostoa %s"
#, c-format
msgstr "Ei-ASCII-merkkien takia ohitettuja sanoja %d kohteessa %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
+msgid "Reading word file %s..."
msgstr "Luetaan sanatiedostoa %s..."
#, c-format
msgstr "Sanoja yhteensä: %d"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing suggestion file %s ..."
+msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
msgstr "Kirjoitetaan ehdotustiedostoa %s..."
#, c-format
msgstr "Varoitus: sekä yhdyssanamuodostus että NOBREAK käytössä"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
+msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
msgstr "Kirjoitetaan oikaisulukutiedostoa %s..."
msgid "Done!"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <périph>\tUtiliser <périphérique> pour les E/S"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\tDémarrer en mode arabe"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
"E878: (NFA) Impossible d'allouer la mémoire pour parcourir les branches !"
msgid ""
-"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr ... "
+"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr... "
msgstr ""
"Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier de log temporaire en écriture, affichage sur "
-"stderr ... "
+"stderr... "
#, c-format
msgid "(NFA) COULD NOT OPEN %s !"
msgstr "E782: Erreur lors de la lecture de fichier de suggestions : %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
+msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
msgstr "Lecture du fichier d'affixes %s..."
#, c-format
msgstr "La valeur de %s est différente de celle d'un autre fichier .aff"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
+msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
msgstr "Lecture du fichier orthographique %s..."
#, c-format
msgstr "%d mot(s) ignoré(s) avec des caractères non-ASCII dans %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
+msgid "Reading word file %s..."
msgstr "Lecture de la liste de mots %s..."
#, c-format
msgstr "Nombre total de mots : %d"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing suggestion file %s ..."
+msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
msgstr "Écriture du fichier de suggestions %s..."
#, c-format
msgstr "Alerte : la composition et NOBREAK sont tous les deux spécifiés"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
+msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
msgstr "Écriture du fichier orthographique %s..."
msgid "Done!"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <gléas>\t\tBain úsáid as <gléas> do I/A"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
-msgstr "-A\t\t\ttosaigh sa mhód Araibise"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
+msgstr "-A\t\t\tTosaigh sa mhód Araibise"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
msgstr "-H\t\t\tTosaigh sa mhód Eabhraise"
msgid ""
-"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr ... "
+"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr... "
msgstr ""
"Níorbh fhéidir logchomhad sealadach a oscailt le scríobh ann, á thaispeáint "
"ar stderr..."
msgstr "E782: earráid agus comhad .sug á léamh: %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
+msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
msgstr "Comhad foircinn %s á léamh..."
#, c-format
msgstr "Tá difear idir luach %s agus an luach i gcomhad .aff eile"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
-msgstr "Foclóir %s á léamh ..."
+msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
+msgstr "Foclóir %s á léamh..."
#, c-format
msgid "E760: No word count in %s"
msgstr "Rinneadh neamhshuim ar %d focal le carachtair neamh-ASCII i %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
-msgstr "Comhad focail %s á léamh ..."
+msgid "Reading word file %s..."
+msgstr "Comhad focail %s á léamh..."
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate /encoding= line ignored in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Líon iomlán na bhfocal: %d"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing suggestion file %s ..."
-msgstr "Comhad moltaí %s á scríobh ..."
+msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
+msgstr "Comhad moltaí %s á scríobh..."
#, c-format
msgid "Estimated runtime memory use: %d bytes"
msgstr "Rabhadh: sonraíodh comhfhocail agus NOBREAK araon"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
-msgstr "Comhad litrithe %s á scríobh ..."
+msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
+msgstr "Comhad litrithe %s á scríobh..."
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "Críochnaithe!"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <dispositivo>\t\tUsa <dispositivo> per I/O"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\tComincia in modalità Araba"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
msgstr "E878: (NFA) Non posso allocare memoria per il zigzag di ramo!"
msgid ""
-"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr ... "
+"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr... "
msgstr ""
-"Non posso aprire il file temporaneo per la scrittura, mostro su stderr ... "
+"Non posso aprire il file temporaneo per la scrittura, mostro su stderr... "
#, c-format
msgid "(NFA) COULD NOT OPEN %s !"
msgstr "E782: Errore leggendo il file .sug: %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
-msgstr "Lettura file affissi %s ..."
+msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
+msgstr "Lettura file affissi %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Conversion failure for word in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Il valore di %s è diverso da quello usato in un altro file .aff"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
-msgstr "Lettura file dizionario %s ..."
+msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
+msgstr "Lettura file dizionario %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "E760: No word count in %s"
msgstr "%d parole con caratteri non-ASCII ignorate in %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
-msgstr "Lettura file parole %s ..."
+msgid "Reading word file %s..."
+msgstr "Lettura file parole %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate /encoding= line ignored in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Conteggio totale delle parole: %d"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing suggestion file %s ..."
-msgstr "Scrivo file di suggerimenti %s ..."
+msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
+msgstr "Scrivo file di suggerimenti %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Estimated runtime memory use: %d bytes"
msgstr "Avviso: specificati sia composizione sia NOBREAK"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
-msgstr "Scrivo file ortografico %s ..."
+msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
+msgstr "Scrivo file ortografico %s..."
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "Fatto!"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <device>\t\tI/O¤Ë <device> ¤ò»ÈÍѤ¹¤ë"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\t¥¢¥é¥Ó¥¢¸ì¥â¡¼¥É¤Çµ¯Æ°¤¹¤ë"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
msgstr "E878: (NFA) ¸½ºß²£ÃÇÃæ¤Î¥Ö¥é¥ó¥Á¤Ë½½Ê¬¤Ê¥á¥â¥ê¤ò³ä¤êÅö¤Æ¤é¤ì¤Þ¤»¤ó!"
msgid ""
-"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr ... "
+"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr... "
msgstr ""
msgstr "E782: .sug ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤ÎÆɹþÃæ¤Ë¥¨¥é¡¼¤¬È¯À¸¤·¤Þ¤·¤¿: %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
+msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
msgstr "affix ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë %s ¤òÆɹþÃæ..."
#, c-format
msgstr "ÃÍ %s ¤Ï¾¤Î .aff ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤Ç»ÈÍѤµ¤ì¤¿¤Î¤È°Û¤Ê¤ê¤Þ¤¹"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
+msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
msgstr "¼½ñ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë %s ¤ò¥¹¥¥ã¥óÃæ..."
#, c-format
msgstr "ÈóASCIIʸ»ú¤ò´Þ¤à %d ¸Ä¤Îñ¸ì¤ò̵»ë¤·¤Þ¤·¤¿ (%s Æâ)"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
-msgstr "ɸ½àÆþÎϤ«¤éÆɹþ¤ßÃæ %s ..."
+msgid "Reading word file %s..."
+msgstr "ɸ½àÆþÎϤ«¤éÆɹþ¤ßÃæ %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate /encoding= line ignored in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Áíñ¸ì¿ô: %d"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing suggestion file %s ..."
+msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
msgstr "½¤Àµ¸õÊä¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë \"%s\" ¤ò½ñ¹þ¤ßÃæ..."
#, c-format
msgstr "·Ù¹ð: Ê£¹ç¥Õ¥é¥°¤È NOBREAK ¤¬Î¾Êý¤È¤â»ØÄꤵ¤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
+msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
msgstr "¥¹¥Ú¥ë¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë %s ¤ò½ñ¹þ¤ßÃæ..."
msgid "Done!"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <device>\t\tI/Oに <device> を使用する"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\tアラビア語モードで起動する"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
msgstr "E878: (NFA) 現在横断中のブランチに十分なメモリを割り当てられません!"
msgid ""
-"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr ... "
+"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr... "
msgstr ""
msgstr "E782: .sug ファイルの読込中にエラーが発生しました: %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
+msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
msgstr "affix ファイル %s を読込中..."
#, c-format
msgstr "値 %s は他の .aff ファイルで使用されたのと異なります"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
+msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
msgstr "辞書ファイル %s をスキャン中..."
#, c-format
msgstr "非ASCII文字を含む %d 個の単語を無視しました (%s 内)"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
-msgstr "標準入力から読込み中 %s ..."
+msgid "Reading word file %s..."
+msgstr "標準入力から読込み中 %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate /encoding= line ignored in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "総単語数: %d"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing suggestion file %s ..."
+msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
msgstr "修正候補ファイル \"%s\" を書込み中..."
#, c-format
msgstr "警告: 複合フラグと NOBREAK が両方とも指定されました"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
+msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
msgstr "スペルファイル %s を書込み中..."
msgid "Done!"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <device>\t\tI/O\82É <device> \82ð\8eg\97p\82·\82é"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\t\83A\83\89\83r\83A\8cê\83\82\81[\83h\82Å\8bN\93®\82·\82é"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
msgstr "E878: (NFA) \8c»\8dÝ\89¡\92f\92\86\82Ì\83u\83\89\83\93\83`\82É\8f\\\95ª\82È\83\81\83\82\83\8a\82ð\8a\84\82è\93\96\82Ä\82ç\82ê\82Ü\82¹\82ñ!"
msgid ""
-"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr ... "
+"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr... "
msgstr ""
msgstr "E782: .sug \83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82Ì\93Ç\8d\9e\92\86\82É\83G\83\89\81[\82ª\94\90¶\82µ\82Ü\82µ\82½: %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
+msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
msgstr "affix \83t\83@\83C\83\8b %s \82ð\93Ç\8d\9e\92\86..."
#, c-format
msgstr "\92l %s \82Í\91¼\82Ì .aff \83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82Å\8eg\97p\82³\82ê\82½\82Ì\82Æ\88Ù\82È\82è\82Ü\82·"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
+msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
msgstr "\8e«\8f\91\83t\83@\83C\83\8b %s \82ð\83X\83L\83\83\83\93\92\86..."
#, c-format
msgstr "\94ñASCII\95¶\8e\9a\82ð\8aÜ\82Þ %d \8cÂ\82Ì\92P\8cê\82ð\96³\8e\8b\82µ\82Ü\82µ\82½ (%s \93à)"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
-msgstr "\95W\8f\80\93ü\97Í\82©\82ç\93Ç\8d\9e\82Ý\92\86 %s ..."
+msgid "Reading word file %s..."
+msgstr "\95W\8f\80\93ü\97Í\82©\82ç\93Ç\8d\9e\82Ý\92\86 %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate /encoding= line ignored in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "\91\8d\92P\8cê\90\94: %d"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing suggestion file %s ..."
+msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
msgstr "\8fC\90³\8có\95â\83t\83@\83C\83\8b \"%s\" \82ð\8f\91\8d\9e\82Ý\92\86..."
#, c-format
msgstr "\8cx\8d\90: \95¡\8d\87\83t\83\89\83O\82Æ NOBREAK \82ª\97¼\95û\82Æ\82à\8ew\92è\82³\82ê\82Ü\82µ\82½"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
+msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
msgstr "\83X\83y\83\8b\83t\83@\83C\83\8b %s \82ð\8f\91\8d\9e\82Ý\92\86..."
msgid "Done!"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <장치>\t\tI/O에 <장치> 사용"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\tArabic 모드로 시작"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr ... "
+#~ "Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr... "
#~ msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgstr "E782: .sug 파일 읽기 에러: %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
+msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
msgstr "affix 파일 %s 읽는 중"
#, c-format
msgstr "%s 값이 다른 .aff 파일에서 사용된 것과 다릅니다"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
+msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
msgstr "사전 파일 %s 읽는 중 ..."
#, c-format
msgstr "무시된 %d개의 아스키문자열이 아닌 단어가 %s에 있습니다"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
+msgid "Reading word file %s..."
msgstr "단어 파일 %s 읽는 중 ..."
#, c-format
msgstr "총 단어 수: %d"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing suggestion file %s ..."
+msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
msgstr "%s 제안 파일을 쓰는 중 ..."
#, c-format
msgstr "경고: compound와 NOBREAK 둘 다 명시됨"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
+msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
msgstr "spell 파일 %s 쓰는 중 ..."
msgid "Done!"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <ÀåÄ¡>\t\tI/O¿¡ <ÀåÄ¡> »ç¿ë"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\tArabic ¸ðµå·Î ½ÃÀÛ"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr ... "
+#~ "Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr... "
#~ msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgstr "E782: .sug ÆÄÀÏ Àб⠿¡·¯: %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
+msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
msgstr "affix ÆÄÀÏ %s Àд Áß"
#, c-format
msgstr "%s °ªÀÌ ´Ù¸¥ .aff ÆÄÀÏ¿¡¼ »ç¿ëµÈ °Í°ú ´Ù¸¨´Ï´Ù"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
+msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
msgstr "»çÀü ÆÄÀÏ %s Àд Áß ..."
#, c-format
msgstr "¹«½ÃµÈ %d°³ÀÇ ¾Æ½ºÅ°¹®ÀÚ¿ÀÌ ¾Æ´Ñ ´Ü¾î°¡ %s¿¡ ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
+msgid "Reading word file %s..."
msgstr "´Ü¾î ÆÄÀÏ %s Àд Áß ..."
#, c-format
msgstr "ÃÑ ´Ü¾î ¼ö: %d"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing suggestion file %s ..."
-msgstr "%s Á¦¾È ÆÄÀÏÀ» ¾²´Â Áß ..."
+msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
+msgstr "%s Á¦¾È ÆÄÀÏÀ» ¾²´Â Áß..."
#, c-format
msgid "Estimated runtime memory use: %d bytes"
msgstr "°æ°í: compound¿Í NOBREAK µÑ ´Ù ¸í½ÃµÊ"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
-msgstr "spell ÆÄÀÏ %s ¾²´Â Áß ..."
+msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
+msgstr "spell ÆÄÀÏ %s ¾²´Â Áß..."
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "³¡!"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <enhet>\t\tBruk <enhet> for I/U"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\tStart i arabisk modus"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
msgstr "Advarsel: Region %s ikke støttet"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
-msgstr "Leser affiksfil %s ..."
+msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
+msgstr "Leser affiksfil %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Conversion failure for word in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "%s-verdi er forskjellig fra det som er bruk i en annen .aff-fil"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
-msgstr "Leser ordlistefil %s ..."
+msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
+msgstr "Leser ordlistefil %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "E760: No word count in %s"
msgstr "Ignorerte %d ord med ikke-ASCII-tegn i %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
-msgstr "Leser ordfil %s ..."
+msgid "Reading word file %s..."
+msgstr "Leser ordfil %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate /encoding= line ignored in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Totalt antall ord: %d"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing suggestion file %s ..."
-msgstr "Skriver forslagsfil %s ..."
+msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
+msgstr "Skriver forslagsfil %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Estimated runtime memory use: %d bytes"
#~ msgstr ""
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
-msgstr "Lagrer stavefil %s ..."
+msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
+msgstr "Lagrer stavefil %s..."
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "Ferdig!"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <device>\t\tGebruik <device> voor in- en uitvoer"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\tIn Arabische modus starten"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
#~ msgstr ""
#, c-format
-#~ msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
+#~ msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
#~ msgstr ""
#, c-format
#~ msgstr ""
#, c-format
-#~ msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
+#~ msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
#~ msgstr ""
#, c-format
#~ msgstr ""
#, c-format
-#~ msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
+#~ msgid "Reading word file %s..."
#~ msgstr ""
#, c-format
#~ msgstr ""
#, c-format
-#~ msgid "Writing suggestion file %s ..."
+#~ msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
#~ msgstr ""
#, c-format
#~ msgstr ""
#, c-format
-#~ msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
+#~ msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Done!"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <enhet>\t\tBruk <enhet> for I/U"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\tStart i arabisk modus"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
msgstr "Advarsel: Region %s ikke støttet"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
-msgstr "Leser affiksfil %s ..."
+msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
+msgstr "Leser affiksfil %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Conversion failure for word in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "%s-verdi er forskjellig fra det som er bruk i en annen .aff-fil"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
-msgstr "Leser ordlistefil %s ..."
+msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
+msgstr "Leser ordlistefil %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "E760: No word count in %s"
msgstr "Ignorerte %d ord med ikke-ASCII-tegn i %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
-msgstr "Leser ordfil %s ..."
+msgid "Reading word file %s..."
+msgstr "Leser ordfil %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate /encoding= line ignored in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Totalt antall ord: %d"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing suggestion file %s ..."
-msgstr "Skriver forslagsfil %s ..."
+msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
+msgstr "Skriver forslagsfil %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Estimated runtime memory use: %d bytes"
#~ msgstr ""
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
-msgstr "Lagrer stavefil %s ..."
+msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
+msgstr "Lagrer stavefil %s..."
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "Ferdig!"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <device>\t\tUżywaj <device> do I/O"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\trozpocznij w trybie arabskim"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
msgstr "E878: (NFA) Nie można przydzielić pamięci do przejścia przez gałęzie!"
msgid ""
-"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr ... "
+"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr... "
msgstr "Nie można otworzyć do zapisu tymczasowego pliku, pokazuję na stderr... "
#, c-format
msgstr "Ostrzeżenie: region %s nie jest wspierany"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
-msgstr "Czytam plik afiksów %s ..."
+msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
+msgstr "Czytam plik afiksów %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Conversion failure for word in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Wartość %s różni się od tej użytej w innym pliku .aff"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
-msgstr "Czytam plik słownika %s ..."
+msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
+msgstr "Czytam plik słownika %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "E760: No word count in %s"
msgstr "Zignorowałem %d słów ze znakami nie ASCII w %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
-msgstr "Odczytuję plik wyrazów %s ..."
+msgid "Reading word file %s..."
+msgstr "Odczytuję plik wyrazów %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate /encoding= line ignored in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Całkowita liczba słów: %d"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing suggestion file %s ..."
-msgstr "Zapisuję plik sugestii %s ..."
+msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
+msgstr "Zapisuję plik sugestii %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Estimated runtime memory use: %d bytes"
msgstr "Ostrzeżenie: określono zarówno złożenia jak i NOBREAK"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
-msgstr "Zapisuję plik sprawdzania pisowni %s ..."
+msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
+msgstr "Zapisuję plik sprawdzania pisowni %s..."
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "Zrobione!"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <device>\t\tU¿ywaj <device> do I/O"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\trozpocznij w trybie arabskim"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
msgstr "E878: (NFA) Nie mo¿na przydzieliæ pamiêci do przej\9ccia przez ga³êzie!"
msgid ""
-"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr ... "
+"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr... "
msgstr "Nie mo¿na otworzyæ do zapisu tymczasowego pliku, pokazujê na stderr... "
#, c-format
msgstr "Ostrze¿enie: region %s nie jest wspierany"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
-msgstr "Czytam plik afiksów %s ..."
+msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
+msgstr "Czytam plik afiksów %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Conversion failure for word in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Warto\9cæ %s ró¿ni siê od tej u¿ytej w innym pliku .aff"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
-msgstr "Czytam plik s³ownika %s ..."
+msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
+msgstr "Czytam plik s³ownika %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "E760: No word count in %s"
msgstr "Zignorowa³em %d s³ów ze znakami nie ASCII w %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
-msgstr "Odczytujê plik wyrazów %s ..."
+msgid "Reading word file %s..."
+msgstr "Odczytujê plik wyrazów %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate /encoding= line ignored in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Ca³kowita liczba s³ów: %d"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing suggestion file %s ..."
-msgstr "Zapisujê plik sugestii %s ..."
+msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
+msgstr "Zapisujê plik sugestii %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Estimated runtime memory use: %d bytes"
msgstr "Ostrze¿enie: okre\9clono zarówno z³o¿enia jak i NOBREAK"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
-msgstr "Zapisujê plik sprawdzania pisowni %s ..."
+msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
+msgstr "Zapisujê plik sprawdzania pisowni %s..."
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "Zrobione!"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <device>\t\tU¿ywaj <device> do I/O"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\trozpocznij w trybie arabskim"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
msgstr "E878: (NFA) Nie mo¿na przydzieliæ pamiêci do przej¶cia przez ga³êzie!"
msgid ""
-"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr ... "
+"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr... "
msgstr "Nie mo¿na otworzyæ do zapisu tymczasowego pliku, pokazujê na stderr... "
#, c-format
msgstr "Ostrze¿enie: region %s nie jest wspierany"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
-msgstr "Czytam plik afiksów %s ..."
+msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
+msgstr "Czytam plik afiksów %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Conversion failure for word in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Warto¶æ %s ró¿ni siê od tej u¿ytej w innym pliku .aff"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
-msgstr "Czytam plik s³ownika %s ..."
+msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
+msgstr "Czytam plik s³ownika %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "E760: No word count in %s"
msgstr "Zignorowa³em %d s³ów ze znakami nie ASCII w %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
-msgstr "Odczytujê plik wyrazów %s ..."
+msgid "Reading word file %s..."
+msgstr "Odczytujê plik wyrazów %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate /encoding= line ignored in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Ca³kowita liczba s³ów: %d"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing suggestion file %s ..."
-msgstr "Zapisujê plik sugestii %s ..."
+msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
+msgstr "Zapisujê plik sugestii %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Estimated runtime memory use: %d bytes"
msgstr "Ostrze¿enie: okre¶lono zarówno z³o¿enia jak i NOBREAK"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
-msgstr "Zapisujê plik sprawdzania pisowni %s ..."
+msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
+msgstr "Zapisujê plik sprawdzania pisowni %s..."
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "Zrobione!"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <dispositivo>\tUsar <dispositivo> para E/S"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\tiniciar no modo Árabe"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
msgstr "E878: (NFA) memória não pôde ser alocada para percorrer os ramos!"
msgid ""
-"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr ... "
+"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr... "
msgstr ""
-"Arquivo de log temporário não pôde ser gravado, mostrando no stderr ... "
+"Arquivo de log temporário não pôde ser gravado, mostrando no stderr... "
#, c-format
msgid "(NFA) COULD NOT OPEN %s !"
msgstr "E782: erro ao ler o arquivo .sug: %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
+msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
msgstr "Lendo arquivo de afixos %s..."
#, c-format
msgstr "O valor de %s é diferente daquele usado em outro arquivo .aff"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
-msgstr "Lendo arquivo-dicionário %s ..."
+msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
+msgstr "Lendo arquivo-dicionário %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "E760: No word count in %s"
msgstr "Foram ignoradas %d palavra(s) com caracteres não-ASCII em %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
-msgstr "Lendo arquivo de palavras %s ..."
+msgid "Reading word file %s..."
+msgstr "Lendo arquivo de palavras %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate /encoding= line ignored in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Número total de palavras: %d"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing suggestion file %s ..."
-msgstr "Gravando arquivo de sugestões %s ..."
+msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
+msgstr "Gravando arquivo de sugestões %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Estimated runtime memory use: %d bytes"
msgstr "Aviso: tanto composição quanto NOBREAK foram especificados"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
-msgstr "Gravando arquivo de verificação ortográfica %s ..."
+msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
+msgstr "Gravando arquivo de verificação ortográfica %s..."
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "Concluído!"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <óñòðîéñòâî>\t\tÈñïîëüçîâàòü äëÿ I/O óêàçàííîå <óñòðîéñòâî>"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\tÇàïóñê â Àðàáñêîì ðåæèìå"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
msgstr "E878: (ÍÊÀ) íåâîçìîæíî âûäåëèòü ïàìÿòü äëÿ ïðîõîäà âåòâè!"
msgid ""
-"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr ... "
+"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr... "
msgstr ""
"Íåâîçìîæíî îòêðûòü ôàéë âðåìåííîãî æóðíàëà äëÿ çàïèñè, âûâîä íà stderr..."
msgstr "E782: Îøèáêà ïðè ÷òåíèè ôàéëà .sug: %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
-msgstr "×òåíèå ôàéëà àôôèêñîâ %s ..."
+msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
+msgstr "×òåíèå ôàéëà àôôèêñîâ %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Conversion failure for word in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "%s èìååò äðóãîå çíà÷åíèå, ÷åì â ôàéëå .aff"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
-msgstr "×òåíèå ôàéëà ñëîâàðÿ %s ..."
+msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
+msgstr "×òåíèå ôàéëà ñëîâàðÿ %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "E760: No word count in %s"
msgstr "Ïðîïóùåíî %d ñëîâ ñ íå ASCII ñèìâîëàìè â %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
-msgstr "×òåíèå ôàéëà ñëîâ %s ..."
+msgid "Reading word file %s..."
+msgstr "×òåíèå ôàéëà ñëîâ %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate /encoding= line ignored in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Îáùåå êîëè÷åñòâî ñëîâ: %d"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing suggestion file %s ..."
+msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
msgstr "Çàïèñü ôàéëà ïðåäëîæåíèÿ èñïðàâëåíèé ïðàâîïèñàíèÿ %s"
#, c-format
msgstr "Ïðåäóïðåæäåíèå: îáà ñîñòàâíûå è óêàçàíî NOBREAK"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
-msgstr "Çàïèñü ôàéëà ïðàâîïèñàíèÿ %s ..."
+msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
+msgstr "Çàïèñü ôàéëà ïðàâîïèñàíèÿ %s..."
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "Çàâåðøåíî!"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <устройство>\t\tИспользовать для I/O указанное <устройство>"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\tЗапуск в Арабском режиме"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
msgstr "E878: (НКА) невозможно выделить память для прохода ветви!"
msgid ""
-"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr ... "
+"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr... "
msgstr ""
"Невозможно открыть файл временного журнала для записи, вывод на stderr..."
msgstr "E782: Ошибка при чтении файла .sug: %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
-msgstr "Чтение файла аффиксов %s ..."
+msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
+msgstr "Чтение файла аффиксов %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Conversion failure for word in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "%s имеет другое значение, чем в файле .aff"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
-msgstr "Чтение файла словаря %s ..."
+msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
+msgstr "Чтение файла словаря %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "E760: No word count in %s"
msgstr "Пропущено %d слов с не ASCII символами в %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
-msgstr "Чтение файла слов %s ..."
+msgid "Reading word file %s..."
+msgstr "Чтение файла слов %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate /encoding= line ignored in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Общее количество слов: %d"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing suggestion file %s ..."
+msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
msgstr "Запись файла предложения исправлений правописания %s"
#, c-format
msgstr "Предупреждение: оба составные и указано NOBREAK"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
-msgstr "Запись файла правописания %s ..."
+msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
+msgstr "Запись файла правописания %s..."
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "Завершено!"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <zariadenie>\t\tPou\9ei\9d <zariadenie> pre I/O"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\tspusti v Arabic móde"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
msgstr "Varovanie: región %s nie je podporovaný"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
-msgstr "Naèítavam súbor s príponami %s ..."
+msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
+msgstr "Naèítavam súbor s príponami %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Conversion failure for word in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Hodnota %s sa odli\9auje od hodnoty pou\9eitej v inom .aff súbore"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
-msgstr "Naèítavam slovník %s ..."
+msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
+msgstr "Naèítavam slovník %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "E760: No word count in %s"
msgstr "Ignorovaných %d slov s nepísmennými znakmi v %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
-msgstr "Naèítavam súbor so slovami %s ..."
+msgid "Reading word file %s..."
+msgstr "Naèítavam súbor so slovami %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate /encoding= line ignored in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Varovanie: \9apecifikované spájanie a nezalamovanie"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
-msgstr "Ukládám slovníkový súbor %s ..."
+msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
+msgstr "Ukládám slovníkový súbor %s..."
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "Hotovo!"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <zariadenie>\t\tPou¾i» <zariadenie> pre I/O"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\tspusti v Arabic móde"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
msgstr "Varovanie: región %s nie je podporovaný"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
-msgstr "Naèítavam súbor s príponami %s ..."
+msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
+msgstr "Naèítavam súbor s príponami %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Conversion failure for word in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Hodnota %s sa odli¹uje od hodnoty pou¾itej v inom .aff súbore"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
-msgstr "Naèítavam slovník %s ..."
+msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
+msgstr "Naèítavam slovník %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "E760: No word count in %s"
msgstr "Ignorovaných %d slov s nepísmennými znakmi v %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
-msgstr "Naèítavam súbor so slovami %s ..."
+msgid "Reading word file %s..."
+msgstr "Naèítavam súbor so slovami %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate /encoding= line ignored in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Varovanie: ¹pecifikované spájanie a nezalamovanie"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
-msgstr "Ukládám slovníkový súbor %s ..."
+msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
+msgstr "Ukládám slovníkový súbor %s..."
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "Hotovo!"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <уређај>\t\tКористи <уређај> за У/И"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\tПокрени у Арапском режиму"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
msgstr "E878: (NFA) Није могла да се алоцира меморија за обилазак грана!"
msgid ""
-"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr ... "
+"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr... "
msgstr ""
"Привремена лог датотека није могла да се отвори за упис, приказује се на "
-"stderr ... "
+"stderr... "
#, c-format
msgid "(NFA) COULD NOT OPEN %s !"
msgstr "E782: грешка приликом читања .sug датотеке: %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
-msgstr "Читање датотеке наставака %s ..."
+msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
+msgstr "Читање датотеке наставака %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Conversion failure for word in %s line %d: %s"
"%s вредност се разликује од онога што је коришћено у другој .aff датотеци"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
-msgstr "Читање датотеке речника %s ..."
+msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
+msgstr "Читање датотеке речника %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "E760: No word count in %s"
msgstr "Игнорисана/о %d реч(и) са не-ASCII карактерима у %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
-msgstr "Читање датотеке речи %s ..."
+msgid "Reading word file %s..."
+msgstr "Читање датотеке речи %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate /encoding= line ignored in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Укупан број речи: %d"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing suggestion file %s ..."
-msgstr "Уписивање датотеке предлога %s ..."
+msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
+msgstr "Уписивање датотеке предлога %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Estimated runtime memory use: %d bytes"
msgstr "Упозорење: наведени су и слагање и NOBREAK"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
-msgstr "Уписивање правописне датотеке %s ..."
+msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
+msgstr "Уписивање правописне датотеке %s..."
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "Завршено!"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <enhet>\t\tAnvänd <enhet> för I/O"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
-msgstr "-A\t\t\tstarta i arabiskt läge"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
+msgstr "-A\t\t\tStarta i arabiskt läge"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
msgstr "-H\t\t\tStarta i hebreiskt läge"
msgstr "Varning: region %s stöds inte"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
-msgstr "Läser affix-fil %s ..."
+msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
+msgstr "Läser affix-fil %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Conversion failure for word in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "%s värde skiljer sig från vad som används i en annan .aff-fil."
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
-msgstr "Läser ordboksfil %s ..."
+msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
+msgstr "Läser ordboksfil %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "E760: No word count in %s"
msgstr "Ignorerade %d ord med icke-ASCII tecken i %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
-msgstr "Läser ordfil %s ..."
+msgid "Reading word file %s..."
+msgstr "Läser ordfil %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate /encoding= line ignored in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Totalt antal ord: %d"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing suggestion file %s ..."
-msgstr "Skriver förslagsfil %s ..."
+msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
+msgstr "Skriver förslagsfil %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Estimated runtime memory use: %d bytes"
msgstr "Varning: både sammansättning och NOBREAK specifierad"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
-msgstr "Skriver stavningsfil %s ..."
+msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
+msgstr "Skriver stavningsfil %s..."
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "Klar!"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <ïðèñòð³é>\t\t\tÂèêîðèñòîâóâàòè <ïðèñòð³é> äëÿ ââîäó/âèâîäó"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\tÇàïóñòèòè â ðåæèì³ àðàáñüêî¿ ìîâè"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
msgstr "E878: (NFA) Íå âäàëîñÿ îòðèìàòè ïàì\92ÿòü äëÿ îáõîäó ã³ëîê!"
msgid ""
-"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr ... "
+"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr... "
msgstr ""
"Íå âäàëîñÿ â³äêðèòè òèì÷àñîâèé ôàéë æóðíàëó äëÿ çàïèñó, ïîêàçóºòüñÿ íà "
-"stderr ... "
+"stderr... "
#, c-format
msgid "(NFA) COULD NOT OPEN %s !"
msgstr "E782: Ïîìèëêà ÷èòàííÿ ôàéëó .sug: %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
-msgstr "×èòàºòüñÿ ôàéë àô³êñ³â %s ..."
+msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
+msgstr "×èòàºòüñÿ ôàéë àô³êñ³â %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Conversion failure for word in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Çíà÷åííÿ %s â³äð³çíÿºòüñÿ â³ä òîãî, ùî âæèòî ó ³íøîìó ôàéë³ .aff"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
-msgstr "Ç÷èòóºòüñÿ ñëîâíèêîâèé ôàéë %s ..."
+msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
+msgstr "Ç÷èòóºòüñÿ ñëîâíèêîâèé ôàéë %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "E760: No word count in %s"
msgstr "Ïðîïóùåíî %d ñë³â(~) ³ç íå-ASCII ñèìâîëàìè ó %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
-msgstr "×èòàºòüñÿ ôàéë ñë³â %s ..."
+msgid "Reading word file %s..."
+msgstr "×èòàºòüñÿ ôàéë ñë³â %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate /encoding= line ignored in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Ïîâíà ê³ëüê³ñòü ñë³â: %d"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing suggestion file %s ..."
-msgstr "Çàïèñóºòüñÿ ôàéë ïðèïóùåíü %s ..."
+msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
+msgstr "Çàïèñóºòüñÿ ôàéë ïðèïóùåíü %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Estimated runtime memory use: %d bytes"
msgstr "Çàñòåðåæåííÿ: çàçíà÷åíî îáèäâà `ñêëàäí³ ñëîâà' ³ NOBREAK"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
-msgstr "Çàïèñóºòüñÿ ôàéë îðôîãðàô³¿ %s ..."
+msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
+msgstr "Çàïèñóºòüñÿ ôàéë îðôîãðàô³¿ %s..."
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "Çðîáëåíî!"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <пристрій>\t\t\tВикористовувати <пристрій> для вводу/виводу"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\tЗапустити в режимі арабської мови"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
msgstr "E878: (NFA) Не вдалося отримати пам’ять для обходу гілок!"
msgid ""
-"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr ... "
+"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr... "
msgstr ""
"Не вдалося відкрити тимчасовий файл журналу для запису, показується на "
-"stderr ... "
+"stderr... "
#, c-format
msgid "(NFA) COULD NOT OPEN %s !"
msgstr "E782: Помилка читання файлу .sug: %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
-msgstr "Читається файл афіксів %s ..."
+msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
+msgstr "Читається файл афіксів %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Conversion failure for word in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Значення %s відрізняється від того, що вжито у іншому файлі .aff"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
-msgstr "Зчитується словниковий файл %s ..."
+msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
+msgstr "Зчитується словниковий файл %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "E760: No word count in %s"
msgstr "Пропущено %d слів(~) із не-ASCII символами у %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
-msgstr "Читається файл слів %s ..."
+msgid "Reading word file %s..."
+msgstr "Читається файл слів %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate /encoding= line ignored in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Повна кількість слів: %d"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing suggestion file %s ..."
-msgstr "Записується файл припущень %s ..."
+msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
+msgstr "Записується файл припущень %s..."
#, c-format
msgid "Estimated runtime memory use: %d bytes"
msgstr "Застереження: зазначено обидва `складні слова' і NOBREAK"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
-msgstr "Записується файл орфографії %s ..."
+msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
+msgstr "Записується файл орфографії %s..."
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "Зроблено!"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <thiết bị>\t\tSử dụng <thiết bị> cho I/O"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\tKhởi động vào chế độ Ả Rập"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <device>\t\t使用 <device> 进行输入输出"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\t以 Arabic 模式启动"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
msgstr "警告: 区域 %s 不支持"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
+msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
msgstr "读取附加文件 %s ……"
#, c-format
msgstr "%s 的值与另一个 .aff 文件中使用的值不相同"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
+msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
msgstr "读取字典文件 %s ……"
#, c-format
msgstr "忽略了含有非 ASCII 字符的 %d 个单词,在 %s 中"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
+msgid "Reading word file %s..."
msgstr "读取单词文件 %s ……"
#, c-format
msgstr "单词总数: %d"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing suggestion file %s ..."
+msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
msgstr "写入建议文件 %s ……"
#, c-format
msgstr "警告: 同时指定了 compounding 和 NOBREAK"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
+msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
msgstr "写入拼写文件 %s ……"
msgid "Done!"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <device>\t\tʹÓà <device> ½øÐÐÊäÈëÊä³ö"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\tÒÔ Arabic ģʽÆô¶¯"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
msgstr "¾¯¸æ: ÇøÓò %s ²»Ö§³Ö"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
+msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
msgstr "¶ÁÈ¡¸½¼ÓÎļþ %s ¡¡"
#, c-format
msgstr "%s µÄÖµÓëÁíÒ»¸ö .aff ÎļþÖÐʹÓõÄÖµ²»Ïàͬ"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
+msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
msgstr "¶ÁÈ¡×ÖµäÎļþ %s ¡¡"
#, c-format
msgstr "ºöÂÔÁ˺¬ÓÐ·Ç ASCII ×Ö·ûµÄ %d ¸öµ¥´Ê£¬ÔÚ %s ÖÐ"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
+msgid "Reading word file %s..."
msgstr "¶ÁÈ¡µ¥´ÊÎļþ %s ¡¡"
#, c-format
msgstr "µ¥´Ê×ÜÊý: %d"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing suggestion file %s ..."
+msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
msgstr "дÈ뽨ÒéÎļþ %s ¡¡"
#, c-format
msgstr "¾¯¸æ: ͬʱָ¶¨ÁË compounding ºÍ NOBREAK"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
+msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
msgstr "дÈëƴдÎļþ %s ¡¡"
msgid "Done!"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <device>\t\tʹÓà <device> ½øÐÐÊäÈëÊä³ö"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\tÒÔ Arabic ģʽÆô¶¯"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
msgstr "¾¯¸æ: ÇøÓò %s ²»Ö§³Ö"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading affix file %s ..."
+msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
msgstr "¶ÁÈ¡¸½¼ÓÎļþ %s ¡¡"
#, c-format
msgstr "%s µÄÖµÓëÁíÒ»¸ö .aff ÎļþÖÐʹÓõÄÖµ²»Ïàͬ"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading dictionary file %s ..."
+msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
msgstr "¶ÁÈ¡×ÖµäÎļþ %s ¡¡"
#, c-format
msgstr "ºöÂÔÁ˺¬ÓÐ·Ç ASCII ×Ö·ûµÄ %d ¸öµ¥´Ê£¬ÔÚ %s ÖÐ"
#, c-format
-msgid "Reading word file %s ..."
+msgid "Reading word file %s..."
msgstr "¶ÁÈ¡µ¥´ÊÎļþ %s ¡¡"
#, c-format
msgstr "µ¥´Ê×ÜÊý: %d"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing suggestion file %s ..."
+msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
msgstr "дÈ뽨ÒéÎļþ %s ¡¡"
#, c-format
msgstr "¾¯¸æ: ͬʱָ¶¨ÁË compounding ºÍ NOBREAK"
#, c-format
-msgid "Writing spell file %s ..."
+msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
msgstr "дÈëƴдÎļþ %s ¡¡"
msgid "Done!"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <device>\t\t使用 <device> 做輸出入"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\t啟動為 Arabic 模式"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"
msgid "-dev <device>\t\tUse <device> for I/O"
msgstr "-dev <device>\t\t¨Ï¥Î <device> °µ¿é¥X¤J"
-msgid "-A\t\t\tstart in Arabic mode"
+msgid "-A\t\t\tStart in Arabic mode"
msgstr "-A\t\t\t±Ò°Ê¬° Arabic ¼Ò¦¡"
msgid "-H\t\t\tStart in Hebrew mode"