"" -> jlib:make_error_reply(Packet, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST);
_ -> Packet
- %%do_client_version(To, From),
+ do_client_version(disabled, To, From), % Put 'enabled' to enable it
ejabberd_router:route(To, From, Packet2),
{noreply, State};
handle_info(_Info, State) ->
%% Example of routing XMPP packets using Erlang's message passing
-%% To enable this educational example, uncomment the call to the
-%% function do_client_version in handle_info.
+%% To enable this educational example, edit the function handle_info:
+%% replace the argument 'disabled' with 'enabled' in the call to the
+%% function do_client_version.
%% ejabberd provides a method to receive XMPP packets using Erlang's
%% message passing mechanism.
%% using exactly the same JID. We add a (mostly) random resource to
%% try to guarantee that the received response matches the request sent.
%% Finally, the received response is printed in the ejabberd log file.
-do_client_version(From, To) ->
+do_client_version(disabled, _From, _To) ->
+ ok;
+do_client_version(enabled, From, To) ->
ToS = jlib:jid_to_string(To),
%% It is important to identify this process and packet
Random_resource = integer_to_list(random:uniform(100000)),