--- /dev/null
+/** @file DualIterator.inc
+ * @ingroup Examples
+ * @brief class DualIterator
+ * @author Marcus Boerger
+ * @date 2003 - 2006
+ *
+ * SPL - Standard PHP Library
+ */
+/** @ingroup Examples
+ * @brief Synchronous iteration over two iterators
+ * @author Marcus Boerger
+ * @version 1.1
+ */
+class DualIterator implements Iterator
+ const CURRENT_LHS = 0x01;
+ const CURRENT_RHS = 0x02;
+ const CURRENT_ARRAY = 0x03;
+ const CURRENT_0 = 0x00;
+ const KEY_LHS = 0x10;
+ const KEY_RHS = 0x20;
+ const KEY_ARRAY = 0x30;
+ const KEY_0 = 0x00;
+ const DEFAULT_FLAGS = 0x33;
+ private $lhs;
+ private $rhs;
+ private $flags;
+ /** construct iterator from two iterators
+ *
+ * @param lhs Left Hand Side Iterator
+ * @param rhs Right Hand Side Iterator
+ * @param flags iteration flags
+ */
+ function __construct(Iterator $lhs, Iterator $rhs,
+ $flags = 0x33 /*DualIterator::DEFAULT_FLAGS*/)
+ {
+ $this->lhs = $lhs;
+ $this->rhs = $rhs;
+ $this->flags = $flags;
+ }
+ /** @return Left Hand Side Iterator
+ */
+ function getLHS()
+ {
+ return $this->lhs;
+ }
+ /** @return Right Hand Side Iterator
+ */
+ function getRHS()
+ {
+ return $this->rhs;
+ }
+ /** @param flags new flags
+ */
+ function setFlags($flags)
+ {
+ $this->flags = $flags;
+ }
+ /** @return current flags
+ */
+ function getFlags()
+ {
+ return $this->flags;
+ }
+ /** rewind both inner iterators
+ */
+ function rewind()
+ {
+ $this->lhs->rewind();
+ $this->rhs->rewind();
+ }
+ /** @return whether both inner iterators are valid
+ */
+ function valid()
+ {
+ return $this->lhs->valid() && $this->rhs->valid();
+ }
+ /** @return current value depending on CURRENT_* flags
+ */
+ function current()
+ {
+ switch($this->flags & 0x0F)
+ {
+ default:
+ case self::CURRENT_ARRAY:
+ return array($this->lhs->current(), $this->rhs->current());
+ case self::CURRENT_LHS:
+ return $this->lhs->current();
+ case self::CURRENT_RHS:
+ return $this->rhs->current();
+ case self::CURRENT_0:
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ /** @return current value depending on KEY_* flags
+ */
+ function key()
+ {
+ switch($this->flags & 0xF0)
+ {
+ default:
+ case self::CURRENT_ARRAY:
+ return array($this->lhs->key(), $this->rhs->key());
+ case self::CURRENT_LHS:
+ return $this->lhs->key();
+ case self::CURRENT_RHS:
+ return $this->rhs->key();
+ case self::CURRENT_0:
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ /** move both inner iterators forward
+ */
+ function next()
+ {
+ $this->lhs->next();
+ $this->rhs->next();
+ }
+ /** @return whether both inner iterators are valid and have identical
+ * current and key values or both are non valid.
+ */
+ function areIdentical()
+ {
+ return $this->valid()
+ ? $this->lhs->current() === $this->rhs->current()
+ && $this->lhs->key() === $this->rhs->key()
+ : $this->lhs->valid() == $this->rhs->valid();
+ }
+ /** @return whether both inner iterators are valid and have equal current
+ * and key values or both are non valid.
+ */
+ function areEqual()
+ {
+ return $this->valid()
+ ? $this->lhs->current() == $this->rhs->current()
+ && $this->lhs->key() == $this->rhs->key()
+ : $this->lhs->valid() == $this->rhs->valid();
+ }
+ /** Compare two iterators
+ *
+ * @param lhs Left Hand Side Iterator
+ * @param rhs Right Hand Side Iterator
+ * @param identical whether to use areEqual() or areIdentical()
+ * @return whether both iterators are equal/identical
+ *
+ * @note If one implements RecursiveIterator the other must do as well.
+ * And if both do then a recursive comparison is being used.
+ */
+ static function compareIterators(Iterator $lhs, Iterator $rhs,
+ $identical = false)
+ {
+ if ($lhs instanceof RecursiveIterator)
+ {
+ if ($rhs instanceof RecursiveIterator)
+ {
+ $it = new RecursiveDualIterator($lhs, $rhs,
+ self::CURRENT_0 | self::KEY_0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $it = new DualIterator($lhs, $rhs, self::CURRENT_0 | self::KEY_0);
+ }
+ if ($identical)
+ {
+ foreach(new RecursiveIteratorIterator($it) as $n)
+ {
+ if (!$it->areIdentical())
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ foreach($it as $n)
+ {
+ if (!$it->areEqual())
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $identical ? $it->areIdentical() : $it->areEqual();
+ }
--- /dev/null
+/** @file recursivedualiterator.inc
+ * @ingroup Examples
+ * @brief class RecursiveDualIterator
+ * @author Marcus Boerger
+ * @date 2003 - 2006
+ *
+ * SPL - Standard PHP Library
+ */
+/** @ingroup Examples
+ * @brief Synchronous iteration over two recursive iterators
+ * @author Marcus Boerger
+ * @version 1.0
+ */
+class RecursiveDualIterator extends DualIterator implements RecursiveIterator
+ private $ref;
+ /** construct iterator from two iterators
+ *
+ * @param lhs Left Hand Side Iterator
+ * @param rhs Right Hand Side Iterator
+ * @param flags iteration flags
+ */
+ function __construct(RecursiveIterator $lhs, RecursiveIterator $rhs,
+ $flags = 0x33 /*DualIterator::DEFAULT_FLAGS*/)
+ {
+ parent::__construct($lhs, $rhs, $flags);
+ }
+ /** @return whether both LHS and RHS have children
+ */
+ function hasChildren()
+ {
+ return $this->getLHS()->hasChildren() && $this->getRHS()->hasChildren();
+ }
+ /** @return new RecursiveDualIterator (late binding) for the two inner
+ * iterators current children.
+ */
+ function getChildren()
+ {
+ if (empty($this->ref))
+ {
+ $this->ref = new ReflectionClass($this);
+ }
+ return $this->ref->newInstance(
+ $this->getLHS()->getChildren(), $this->getRHS()->getChildren(), $this->getFlags());
+ }
+ /** @return whether both inner iterators are valid, have same hasChildren()
+ * state and identical current and key values or both are non valid.
+ */
+ function areIdentical()
+ {
+ return $this->getLHS()->hasChildren() === $this->getRHS()->hasChildren()
+ && parent::areIdentical();
+ }
+ /** @return whether both inner iterators are valid, have same hasChildren()
+ * state and equal current and key values or both are invalid.
+ */
+ function areEqual()
+ {
+ return $this->getLHS()->hasChildren() === $this->getRHS()->hasChildren()
+ && parent::areEqual();
+ }
--- /dev/null
+SPL: DualIterator
+<?php if (!extension_loaded("spl")) print "skip"; ?>
+function spl_examples_autoload($classname)
+ include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../' . strtolower($classname) . '.inc');
+function test($a, $b, $identical = false)
+ var_dump(DualIterator::compareIterators(
+ new RecursiveArrayIterator($a),
+ new RecursiveArrayIterator($b),
+ $identical));
+test(array(1,2,3), array(1,2,3));
+test(array(1,2,3), array(1,2));
+test(array(1,array(21,22),3), array(1,array(21,22),3));
+test(array(1,array(21,22),3), array(1,array(21,22,23),3));
+test(array(1,array(21,22),3), array(1,array(21,22,3)));
+test(array(1,array(21,22),3), array(1,array(21),array(22),3));
+test(array(1,2,3), array(1,"2",3), false);
+test(array(1,2,3), array(1,"2",3), true);
+test(array(1,array(21,22),3), array(1,array(21,"22"),3), false);
+test(array(1,array(21,22),3), array(1,array(21,"22"),3), true);