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+<table width="100%"><tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#F0F0F0" width="145">
+ <big><big><big><b>
+ <font color="#800080"><sup>Z</sup>ZIP<sub>lib</sub></font>
+ </b></big></big></big>
+<br><big><b> <!--VERSION--> </b></big>
+<hr> <a alt="zzip-index - Overview"
+ href="zzip-index.html">Library</a>
+<br>-<a alt="zzip-zip - Accessing Zip Archives with ZLib Decompression"
+ href="zzip-zip.html">ZIP Access</a>
+<br>-<a alt="zzip-file - Using Zipped Files Transparently"
+ href="zzip-file.html">Transparently</a>
+<br>-<a alt="zzip-sdl-rwops - Example to make an SDL_rwops Inteface"
+ href="zzip-sdl-rwops.html">SDLrwops Example</a>
+<br>-<a alt="zzip-extio - Customizing the file access"
+ href="zzip-extio.html">ext/io Customization</a>
+<br>-<a alt="zzip-xor - Using obfuscations like xor"
+ href="zzip-xor.html">xor/io Obfuscation</a>
+<br>-<a alt="zzip-api - The complete API description"
+ href="zzip-api.html">Library API</a>
+<br>-<a alt="zzip-parse - About zip parsing internals"
+ href="zzip-parse.html">Parsing ZIPs</a>
+<br>-<a alt="64on32 - About largefile problems"
+ href="64on32.html">64on32 extras</a>
+<br>-<a alt="future - What next to come"
+ href="future.html">Next To Come</a>
+<br>-<a alt="configs - To Configure Your zziplib-based software"
+ href="configs.html">Config Helpers</a>
+<br>-<a alt="sfx-make - to combine an EXE with a ZIP archive"
+ href="sfx-make.html">Making a zip/exe</a>
+<br>-<a alt="history - Hints And Links"
+ href="history.html">Hints And Links</a>
+<br>-<a alt="referentials - Where it is used"
+ href="referentials.html">Referentials</a>
+<br> -<a alt="zziplib - The Functions List (autogenerated)"
+ href="zziplib.html">Functions List #</a>
+<br> -<a alt="zzip/man - The Manual Pages (autogenerated)"
+ href="man/index.html">The Manual Pages #</a>
+<br>    <small>(# autogenerated)</small>
+<br> <hr>
+<br><b><a alt="Tarballs, RPM-archive and windll-ZIPs can be downloaded from"
+ href="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=6389">
+ Download Area *</a></b>
+<br><a alt="Sourceforge Project CVS web access"
+ href="http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=6389">Sourceforge CVS</a>
+<br><a alt="Sourceforge Project Index Page"
+ href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/zziplib">Sourceforge Project</a>
+<br><a alt="the zziplib webpage at sourceforge"
+ href="http://zziplib.sourceforge.net">zziplib.sf.net
+ <small><i>Home</i></small></a>
+<br><small><a alt="zziplib - license details"
+ href="copying.html">LGPL/MPL license</a></small>
+ <a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/?group_id=6389">
+ <img src="http://sourceforge.net/sflogo.php?group_id=6389&type=2"
+ border="0" alt="sourceforge.net" width="125" height="37">
+ </a>
+<p align="right"><small>
+generated <!--DATE-->
+<br> <small>(C)</small> Guido Draheim
+<br><i> guidod<small>@</small>gmx.de</i>