# List of PCI ID's
-# Version: 2018.10.18
-# Date: 2018-10-18 03:15:02
+# Version: 2018.10.20
+# Date: 2018-10-20 03:15:02
# Maintained by Albert Pool, Martin Mares, and other volunteers from
# the PCI ID Project at https://pci-ids.ucw.cz/.
1137 012c VIC 1340 MLOM Userspace NIC
1137 012e VIC 1227 PCIe Userspace NIC
1137 0137 VIC 1380 Mezzanine Userspace NIC
+ 023e 1GigE I350 LOM
1138 Ziatech Corporation
8905 8905 [STD 32 Bridge]
1139 Dynamic Pictures, Inc
1014 0621 PCIe3 1.6TB NVMe Flash Adapter II x8
1014 0622 PCIe3 3.2TB NVMe Flash Adapter II x8
1014 0629 PCIe3 6.4TB NVMe Flash Adapter II x8
+ 1014 064a PCIe3 1.6TB NVMe Flash Adapter III x8
+ 1014 064b PCIe3 3.2TB NVMe Flash Adapter III x8
+ 1014 064c PCIe3 6.4TB NVMe Flash Adapter III x8
1028 1fd9 Express Flash PM1725a 800GB SFF
1028 1fda Express Flash PM1725a 1.6TB SFF
1028 1fdb Express Flash PM1725a 3.2TB SFF
0008 ExaNIC V5P
0009 ExaNIC X25
0100 ExaDISK FX1
+1cf0 Akitio
1cf7 Subspace Dynamics
1d00 Pure Storage
1d05 Tongfang Hongkong Limited
8086 0008 Ethernet Network Adapter OCP XXV710-1
8086 0009 Ethernet 25G 2P XXV710 Adapter
8086 4001 Ethernet Network Adapter XXV710-2
+ 1591 Ethernet Controller E810-C for backplane
+ 1592 Ethernet Controller E810-C for QSFP
+ 1593 Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP
15a0 Ethernet Connection (2) I218-LM
15a1 Ethernet Connection (2) I218-V
15a2 Ethernet Connection (3) I218-LM
# Stone Peak 1x1
8086 4210 Dual Band Wireless AC 3165
3166 Dual Band Wireless-AC 3165 Plus Bluetooth
+ 3184 UHD Graphics 605
3200 GD31244 PCI-X SATA HBA
1775 c200 C2K onboard SATA host bus adapter
3310 IOP348 I/O Processor