* trying to change the pg_class row to the same thing, so it doesn't
* matter which goes first).
- * 4. Even with just a single CREATE INDEX, there's a risk factor because
- * someone else might be trying to open the rel while we commit, and this
- * creates a race condition as to whether he will see both or neither of
- * the pg_class row versions as valid. Again, a non-transactional update
- * avoids the risk. It is indeterminate which state of the row the other
- * process will see, but it doesn't matter (if he's only taking
- * AccessShareLock, then it's not critical that he see relhasindex true).
- *
* It is safe to use a non-transactional update even though our
* transaction could still fail before committing. Setting relhasindex
* true is safe even if there are no indexes (VACUUM will eventually fix