Problem: .po files do not use recommended names.
Solution: Give a warning if the recommended name is not used. Accept the
recommended name for conversion. (Christian Brabandt, Ken Takata)
ja.euc-jp.po: ja.po
iconv -f utf-8 -t euc-jp ja.po | \
- sed -e 's/charset=utf-8/charset=euc-jp/' -e 's/# Original translations/# Generated from ja.po, DO NOT EDIT/' > ja.euc-jp.po
+ sed -e 's/charset=[uU][tT][fF]-8/charset=euc-jp/' -e 's/# Original translations/# Generated from ja.po, DO NOT EDIT/' > ja.euc-jp.po
# Convert cs.po to create cs.cp1250.po.
cs.cp1250.po: cs.po
pl.UTF-8.po: pl.po
rm -f pl.UTF-8.po
iconv -f iso-8859-2 -t utf-8 pl.po | \
- sed -e 's/charset=ISO-8859-2/charset=utf-8/' -e 's/# Original translations/# Generated from pl.po, DO NOT EDIT/' > pl.UTF-8.po
+ sed -e 's/charset=ISO-8859-2/charset=UTF-8/' -e 's/# Original translations/# Generated from pl.po, DO NOT EDIT/' > pl.UTF-8.po
# Convert sk.po to create sk.cp1250.po.
sk.cp1250.po: sk.po
zh_CN.cp936.po: zh_CN.UTF-8.po
rm -f zh_CN.cp936.po
iconv -f UTF-8 -t cp936 zh_CN.UTF-8.po | \
- sed -e 's/charset=utf-8/charset=gbk/' -e 's/# Original translations/# Generated from zh_CN.UTF-8.po, DO NOT EDIT/' > zh_CN.cp936.po
+ sed -e 's/charset=[uU][tT][fF]-8/charset=gbk/' -e 's/# Original translations/# Generated from zh_CN.UTF-8.po, DO NOT EDIT/' > zh_CN.cp936.po
# Convert ko.UTF-8.po to create ko.po.
ko.po: ko.UTF-8.po
" We allow for a stray plural header, msginit adds one.
+" Check that 8bit encoding is used instead of 8-bit
+let cte = search('^"Content-Transfer-Encoding:\s\+8-bit', 'n')
+let ctc = search('^"Content-Type:.*;\s\+\<charset=[iI][sS][oO]_', 'n')
+let ctu = search('^"Content-Type:.*;\s\+\<charset=utf-8', 'n')
+if cte
+ echomsg "Content-Transfer-Encoding should be 8bit instead of 8-bit"
+ " TODO: make this an error
+ " if error == 0
+ " let error = cte
+ " endif
+elseif ctc
+ echomsg "Content-Type charset should be 'ISO-...' instead of 'ISO_...'"
+ " TODO: make this an error
+ " if error == 0
+ " let error = ct
+ " endif
+elseif ctu
+ echomsg "Content-Type charset should be 'UTF-8' instead of 'utf-8'"
+ " TODO: make this an error
+ " if error == 0
+ " let error = ct
+ " endif
if error == 0
" If all was OK restore the view.
call winrestview(wsv)
echomsg "OK"
+ " Put the cursor on the line with the error.
exe error
for (p = buffer; *p != 0; p++)
- if (strncmp(p, "charset=utf-8", 13) == 0)
+ if (strncmp(p, "charset=utf-8", 13) == 0
+ || strncmp(p, "charset=UTF-8", 13) == 0)
fputs("charset=cp932", stdout);
p += 12;
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 111,