FROM (SELECT ST_BandMetaData(rast,generate_series(1,2)) As bmd
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid = 10) AS foo;
--result --
- pixeltype | hasnodata | nodatavalue | isoutdb | path
+ pixeltype | nodatavalue | isoutdb | path
- 1BB | f | 0 | f |
- 4BUI | f | 0 | f |
+ 1BB | | f |
+ 4BUI | | f |
-- output meta data of raster -
<para>Returns basic meta data about a raster band. Columns returned
- pixeltype | hasnodata | nodatavalue | isoutdb | path.
+ pixeltype | nodatavalue | isoutdb | path.
If raster contains no bands then an error is thrown.
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ If band has no NODATA value, nodatavalue will be NULL.
+ </para>
+ </note>
FROM (SELECT rid, ST_BandMetaData(rast,1) As md
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid=2) As foo;
- rid | pixeltype | hasnodata | nodatavalue | isoutdb | path
+ rid | pixeltype | nodatavalue | isoutdb | path
- 2 | 8BUI | t | 0 | f |
+ 2 | 8BUI | 0 | f |
struct bandmetadata *bmd2 = NULL;
bool *nulls = NULL;
- int values_length = 6;
+ int values_length = 5;
Datum values[values_length];
HeapTuple tuple;
Datum result;
values[0] = UInt32GetDatum(bmd2[call_cntr].bandnum);
values[1] = CStringGetTextDatum(bmd2[call_cntr].pixeltype);
- values[2] = BoolGetDatum(bmd2[call_cntr].hasnodata);
- values[3] = Float8GetDatum(bmd2[call_cntr].nodataval);
- values[4] = BoolGetDatum(bmd2[call_cntr].isoutdb);
+ if (bmd2[call_cntr].hasnodata)
+ values[2] = Float8GetDatum(bmd2[call_cntr].nodataval);
+ else
+ nulls[2] = TRUE;
+ values[3] = BoolGetDatum(bmd2[call_cntr].isoutdb);
if (bmd2[call_cntr].bandpath && strlen(bmd2[call_cntr].bandpath))
- values[5] = CStringGetTextDatum(bmd2[call_cntr].bandpath);
+ values[4] = CStringGetTextDatum(bmd2[call_cntr].bandpath);
- nulls[5] = TRUE;
+ nulls[4] = TRUE;
/* build a tuple */
tuple = heap_form_tuple(tupdesc, values, nulls);
band int[],
OUT bandnum int,
OUT pixeltype text,
- OUT hasnodata boolean,
OUT nodatavalue double precision,
OUT isoutdb boolean,
OUT path text
rast raster,
band int DEFAULT 1,
OUT pixeltype text,
- OUT hasnodata boolean,
OUT nodatavalue double precision,
OUT isoutdb boolean,
OUT path text
- AS $$ SELECT pixeltype, hasnodata, nodatavalue, isoutdb, path FROM st_bandmetadata($1, ARRAY[$2]::int[]) LIMIT 1 $$
+ AS $$ SELECT pixeltype, nodatavalue, isoutdb, path FROM st_bandmetadata($1, ARRAY[$2]::int[]) LIMIT 1 $$
convexhull := ST_ConvexHull(rast);
- SELECT bmd.hasnodata INTO hasnodata FROM ST_BandMetaData(rast, nband) AS bmd;
+ SELECT CASE WHEN bmd.nodatavalue IS NULL THEN FALSE ELSE NULL END INTO hasnodata FROM ST_BandMetaData(rast, nband) AS bmd;
IF ST_Intersects(geom, convexhull) IS NOT TRUE THEN
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _raster_constraint_nodata_values(rast raster)
RETURNS double precision[] AS
- $$ SELECT array_agg(CASE WHEN hasnodata IS TRUE THEN nodatavalue ELSE NULL END)::double precision[] FROM st_bandmetadata($1, ARRAY[]::int[]); $$
+ $$ SELECT array_agg(nodatavalue)::double precision[] FROM st_bandmetadata($1, ARRAY[]::int[]); $$
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _add_raster_constraint_nodata_values(rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name)
round(upperleftx::numeric, 3) AS upperleftx,
round(upperlefty::numeric, 3) AS upperlefty,
- hasnodata,
round(nodatavalue::numeric, 3) AS nodatavalue,
count > 0 AS count_check,
round(min::numeric, 3) AS min,
NOTICE: The two rasters provided have different scales on the X axis
NOTICE: The two rasters provided have different scales on the X axis
NOTICE: The two rasters provided have different scales on the X axis
- hasnodata,
+ round(nodatavalue::numeric, 3),
+ isoutdb,
+ path
+FROM ST_BandMetaData(
+ ST_SetBandNoDataValue(make_test_raster(10, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0), NULL)
+ pixeltype,
round(nodatavalue::numeric, 3),
- hasnodata,
round(nodatavalue::numeric, 3),
- hasnodata,
round(nodatavalue::numeric, 3),
- hasnodata,
round(nodatavalue::numeric, 3),
- hasnodata,
round(nodatavalue::numeric, 3),
- hasnodata,
round(nodatavalue::numeric, 3),
- hasnodata,
round(nodatavalue::numeric, 3),
NOTICE: Invalid band index: 6. Indices must be 1-based. Returning NULL
- hasnodata,
round(nodatavalue::numeric, 3) AS nodatavalue
1|1|1|1|1||POLYGON((0 0,1 0,1 -1,0 -1,0 0))
1|1|1|1|2||POLYGON((0 -1,1 -1,1 -2,0 -2,0 -1))
1|1|1|1|3||POLYGON((0 -2,1 -2,1 -3,0 -3,0 -2))
- hasnodata,
round(nodatavalue::numeric, 3) AS nodatavalue,
round(firstvalue::numeric, 3) AS firstvalue,
round(lastvalue::numeric, 3) AS lastvalue
0|1|1|1|1|1|POLYGON((0 0,1 0,1 1,0 1,0 0))
0|1|1|1|2|1|POLYGON((0 1,1 1,1 2,0 2,0 1))
0|1|1|2|1|1|POLYGON((1 0,2 0,2 1,1 1,1 0))
- hasnodata,
round(nodatavalue::numeric, 3) AS nodatavalue,
round(firstvalue::numeric, 3) AS firstvalue,
round(lastvalue::numeric, 3) AS lastvalue
NOTICE: The two rasters provided are NULL. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
- hasnodata,
round(nodatavalue::numeric, 3) AS nodatavalue,
round(firstvalue::numeric, 3) AS firstvalue,
round(lastvalue::numeric, 3) AS lastvalue
NOTICE: The two rasters provided are NULL. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
-NOTICE: Raster provided has no bands
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL
NOTICE: Could not find raster band of index 1 when getting pixel value. Returning NULL