add_record_route_and_set_uri(URI, LServer, #sip{hdrs = Hdrs} = Req) ->
case is_request_within_dialog(Req) of
false ->
- RR_URI = #uri{host = LServer, params = [{<<"lr">>, <<"">>}]},
+ RR_URI = get_configured_route(LServer),
Hdrs1 = [{'record-route', [{<<>>, RR_URI, []}]}|Hdrs],
Req#sip{uri = URI, hdrs = Hdrs1};
true ->
end, L)
end, []).
+get_configured_route(LServer) ->
+ gen_mod:get_module_opt(
+ LServer, mod_sip, route,
+ fun(IOList) ->
+ S = iolist_to_binary(IOList),
+ #uri{} = esip:decode_uri(S)
+ end, #uri{host = LServer, params = [{<<"lr">>, <<"">>}]}).
mark_transaction_as_complete(TrID, State) ->
NewTrIDs = lists:delete(TrID, State#state.tr_ids),
State#state{tr_ids = NewTrIDs}.
-prepare_request(Host, #sip{hdrs = Hdrs} = Req) ->
+%% TODO: this is *totally* wrong.
+%% Rewrite this using URI comparison rules
+cmp_uri(#uri{user = U, host = H, port = P},
+ #uri{user = U, host = H, port = P}) ->
+ true;
+cmp_uri(_, _) ->
+ false.
+prepare_request(LServer, #sip{hdrs = Hdrs} = Req) ->
+ ConfiguredRoute = get_configured_route(LServer),
Hdrs1 = lists:flatmap(
fun({Hdr, HdrList}) when Hdr == 'route';
Hdr == 'record-route' ->
case lists:filter(
- fun({_, #uri{user = <<"">>, host = Host1}, _}) ->
- Host1 /= Host
+ fun({_, URI, _}) ->
+ not cmp_uri(URI, ConfiguredRoute)
end, HdrList) of
[] ->