Problem: A bit of code is not covered by tests.
Solution: Add a few more test cases. (Dominique Pellé, closes #8857)
call assert_fails('eval trim(" vim ", " ", [])', 'E745:')
call assert_fails('eval trim(" vim ", " ", -1)', 'E475:')
call assert_fails('eval trim(" vim ", " ", 3)', 'E475:')
+ call assert_fails('eval trim(" vim ", 0)', 'E475:')
let chars = join(map(range(1, 0x20) + [0xa0], {n -> n->nr2char()}), '')
call assert_equal("x", trim(chars . "x" . chars))
call assert_fails('call histdel(":", "\\%(")', 'E53:')
+function Test_history_truncates_long_entry()
+ " History entry short enough to fit on the screen should not be truncated.
+ call histadd(':', 'echo x' .. repeat('y', &columns - 17) .. 'z')
+ let a = execute('history : -1')
+ call assert_match("^\n # cmd history\n"
+ \ .. "> *\\d\\+ echo x" .. repeat('y', &columns - 17) .. 'z$', a)
+ " Long history entry should be truncated to fit on the screen, with, '...'
+ " inserted in the string to indicate the that there is truncation.
+ call histadd(':', 'echo x' .. repeat('y', &columns - 16) .. 'z')
+ let a = execute('history : -1')
+ call assert_match("^\n # cmd history\n"
+ \ .. "> *\\d\\+ echo xy\\+\.\.\.y\\+z$", a)
function Test_Search_history_window()
call setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'a', 'b'])
call assert_equal('More info with: "vim -h"', out[2])
if has('quickfix')
- " Detect invalid repeated arguments '-t foo -t foo", '-q foo -q foo'.
+ " Detect invalid repeated arguments '-t foo -t foo', '-q foo -q foo'.
for opt in ['-t', '-q']
let out = split(system(GetVimCommand() .. repeat(' ' .. opt .. ' foo', 2)), "\n")
call assert_equal(1, v:shell_error)
call writefile([' first', ' second', ' third'], 'Xfile1')
for t_arg in ['-t second', '-tsecond']
- if RunVim(before, after, '-t second')
+ if RunVim(before, after, t_arg)
call assert_equal(['Xfile1:L2C5'], readfile('Xtestout'), t_arg)
call delete('Xtestout')
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 3421,