-*builtin.txt* For Vim version 9.0. Last change: 2022 Nov 09
+*builtin.txt* For Vim version 9.0. Last change: 2022 Nov 14
-*cmdline.txt* For Vim version 9.0. Last change: 2022 Sep 26
+*cmdline.txt* For Vim version 9.0. Last change: 2022 Nov 11
-*eval.txt* For Vim version 9.0. Last change: 2022 Oct 07
+*eval.txt* For Vim version 9.0. Last change: 2022 Nov 13
Unlock the internal variable {name}. Does the
opposite of |:lockvar|.
+ If {name} does not exist:
+ - In |Vim9| script an error is given.
+ - In legacy script this is silently ignored.
:if {expr1} *:if* *:end* *:endif* *:en* *E171* *E579* *E580*
:en[dif] Execute the commands until the next matching `:else`
or `:endif` if {expr1} evaluates to non-zero.
-*gui.txt* For Vim version 9.0. Last change: 2022 Apr 03
+*gui.txt* For Vim version 9.0. Last change: 2022 Nov 17
Note that hitting <Tab> while entering a menu name after a menu command may
be used to complete the name of the menu item.
+It is not allowed to change menus while listing them. *E1310*
+This doesn't normally happen, only when, for example, you would have a timer
+callback define a menu and the user lists menus in a way it shows
5.4 Executing Menus *execute-menus*
-*map.txt* For Vim version 9.0. Last change: 2022 Oct 19
+*map.txt* For Vim version 9.0. Last change: 2022 Nov 14
The |:filter| command can be used to select what mappings to list. The
pattern is matched against the {lhs} and {rhs} in the raw form.
+While mappings are being listed, it is not possible to add or clear mappings,
+e.g. from a timer callback. *E1309*
When 'verbose' is non-zero, listing a key map will also display where it was
last defined. Example: >
:delc[ommand] {cmd} *:delc* *:delcommand* *E184*
Delete the user-defined command {cmd}.
+ This is not allowed while listing commands, e.g. from
+ a timer. *E1311*
:delc[ommand] -buffer {cmd} *E1237*
Delete the user-defined command {cmd} that was defined
-*options.txt* For Vim version 9.0. Last change: 2022 Oct 28
+*options.txt* For Vim version 9.0. Last change: 2022 Nov 12
-*syntax.txt* For Vim version 9.0. Last change: 2022 Nov 06
+*syntax.txt* For Vim version 9.0. Last change: 2022 Nov 15
Now you just need to make sure that you add all regions that contain
the preprocessor language to the cluster htmlPreproc.
+ *html-folding*
+The HTML syntax file provides syntax |folding| (see |:syn-fold|) between start
+and end tags. This can be turned on by >
+ :let g:html_syntax_folding = 1
+ :set foldmethod=syntax
+Note: Syntax folding might slow down syntax highlighting significantly,
+especially for large files.
HTML/OS (by Aestiva) *htmlos.vim* *ft-htmlos-syntax*
MatchParen Character under the cursor or just before it, if it
is a paired bracket, and its match. |pi_paren.txt|
-MessageWindow Messages popup window used when 'cmdheight' is zero. If not
- defined |hl-WarningMsg| is used.
+MessageWindow Messages popup window used by `:echowindow`. If not defined
+ |hl-WarningMsg| is used.
ModeMsg 'showmode' message (e.g., "-- INSERT --").
:r! insert.txt /*:r!*
:range cmdline.txt /*:range*
:range! change.txt /*:range!*
+:range-closed-fold cmdline.txt /*:range-closed-fold*
+:range-offset cmdline.txt /*:range-offset*
+:range-pattern cmdline.txt /*:range-pattern*
:re insert.txt /*:re*
:read insert.txt /*:read*
:read! insert.txt /*:read!*
E1306 vim9.txt /*E1306*
E1307 vim9.txt /*E1307*
E1308 builtin.txt /*E1308*
+E1309 map.txt /*E1309*
E131 userfunc.txt /*E131*
+E1310 gui.txt /*E1310*
+E1311 map.txt /*E1311*
E132 userfunc.txt /*E132*
E133 userfunc.txt /*E133*
E134 change.txt /*E134*
getmarklist() builtin.txt /*getmarklist()*
getmatches() builtin.txt /*getmatches()*
getmousepos() builtin.txt /*getmousepos()*
+getmouseshape() builtin.txt /*getmouseshape()*
getpid() builtin.txt /*getpid()*
getpos() builtin.txt /*getpos()*
getqflist() builtin.txt /*getqflist()*
hpterm term.txt /*hpterm*
hpterm-color syntax.txt /*hpterm-color*
html-flavor insert.txt /*html-flavor*
+html-folding syntax.txt /*html-folding*
html-indent indent.txt /*html-indent*
html-indenting indent.txt /*html-indenting*
html.vim syntax.txt /*html.vim*
termdebug_shortcuts terminal.txt /*termdebug_shortcuts*
termdebug_use_prompt terminal.txt /*termdebug_use_prompt*
termdebug_wide terminal.txt /*termdebug_wide*
+termdebug_winbar terminal.txt /*termdebug_winbar*
terminal terminal.txt /*terminal*
terminal-api terminal.txt /*terminal-api*
terminal-autoshelldir terminal.txt /*terminal-autoshelldir*
-*terminal.txt* For Vim version 9.0. Last change: 2022 Oct 10
+*terminal.txt* For Vim version 9.0. Last change: 2022 Nov 10
Environment variables are used to pass information to the running job:
VIM_SERVERNAME v:servername
2. Terminal functions *terminal-function-details*
Creating a screen dump ~
To create the screen dump, run Vim (or any other program) in a terminal and
make it show the desired state. Then use the |term_dumpwrite()| function to
create a screen dump file. For example: >
Comparing screen dumps ~
|assert_equalfile()| does not make it easy to see what is different.
To spot the problem use |term_dumpdiff()|: >
call term_dumpdiff("mysyntax.dump", "test.dump")
Eval `:Evaluate`
This way you can use the mouse to perform the most common commands. You need
to have the 'mouse' option set to enable mouse clicks.
+See |termdebug_winbar| for configuring this toolbar.
You can add the window toolbar in other windows you open with: >
the state before the debugging was restored.
+Customizing ~
+ *termdebug-customizing* *g:termdebug_config*
+In the past several global variables were used for configuration. These are
+deprecated and using the g:termdebug_config dictionary is preferred. When
+g:termdebug_config exists the other global variables will NOT be used.
+The recommended way is to start with an empty dictionary: >
+ let g:termdebug_config = {}
+Then you can add entries to the dictionary as mentioned below. The
+deprecated global variable names are mentioned for completeness. If you are
+switching over to using g:termdebug_config you can find the old variable name
+and take over the value, then delete the deprecated variable.
Prompt mode ~
When the |+terminal| feature is not supported and on MS-Windows, gdb will run
Prompt mode can be used even when the |+terminal| feature is present with: >
let g:termdebug_config['use_prompt'] = 1
-Or if there is no g:termdebug_config: >
+If there is no g:termdebug_config you can use: >
let g:termdebug_use_prompt = 1
The K key is normally mapped to :Evaluate. If you do not want this use: >
let g:termdebug_config['map_K'] = 0
-Or if there is no g:termdebug_config: >
+If there is no g:termdebug_config you can use: >
let g:termdebug_map_K = 0
the "disasm_window_height" entry can be used to set the window height: >
let g:termdebug_config['disasm_window'] = 1
let g:termdebug_config['disasm_window_height'] = 15
-or, if there is no g:termdebug_config: >
+If there is no g:termdebug_config you can use: >
let g:termdebug_disasm_window = 15
Any value greater than 1 will set the Asm window height to that value.
communication channel.
-Customizing ~
- *termdebug-customizing* *g:termdebug_config*
-In the past several global variables were used for configuration. These are
-deprecated, using the g:termdebug_config dictionary is preferred. When
-g:termdebug_config exists the other global variables will not be used.
GDB command ~
To change the name of the gdb command, set "debugger" entry in
g:termdebug_config or the "g:termdebugger" variable before invoking
`:Termdebug`: >
let g:termdebug_config['command'] = "mygdb"
-Or if there is no g:termdebug_config: >
+If there is no g:termdebug_config you can use: >
let g:termdebugger = "mygdb"
If the command needs an argument use a List: >
let g:termdebug_config['command'] = ['rr', 'replay', '--']
-Or if there is no g:termdebug_config: >
+If there is no g:termdebug_config you can use: >
let g:termdebugger = ['rr', 'replay', '--']
Several arguments will be added to make gdb work well for the debugger.
Colors ~
- *hl-debugPC* *hl-debugBreakpoint*
+ *hl-debugPC* *hl-debugBreakpoint*
The color of the signs can be adjusted with these highlight groups:
- debugPC the current position
- debugBreakpoint a breakpoint
Shortcuts ~
You can define your own shortcuts (mappings) to control gdb, that can work in
any window, using the TermDebugSendCommand() function. Example: >
map ,w :call TermDebugSendCommand('where')<CR>
Popup menu ~
By default the Termdebug plugin sets 'mousemodel' to "popup_setpos" and adds
these entries to the popup menu:
Set breakpoint `:Break`
Evaluate `:Evaluate`
If you don't want this then disable it with: >
let g:termdebug_config['popup'] = 0
-or if there is no g:termdebug_config: >
+If there is no g:termdebug_config you can use: >
let g:termdebug_popup = 0
+Window toolbar ~
+ *termdebug_winbar*
+By default the Termdebug plugin creates a window toolbar if the mouse is
+enabled (see |:Winbar|). If you don't want this then disable it with: >
+ let g:termdebug_config['winbar'] = 0
Vim window width ~
To change the width of the Vim window when debugging starts and use a vertical
split: >
let g:termdebug_config['wide'] = 163
-Or if there is no g:termdebug_config: >
+If there is no g:termdebug_config you can use: >
let g:termdebug_wide = 163
This will set 'columns' to 163 when `:Termdebug` is used. The value is
-*todo.txt* For Vim version 9.0. Last change: 2022 Nov 09
+*todo.txt* For Vim version 9.0. Last change: 2022 Nov 18
-------------------- Known bugs and current work -----------------------
-Add test for what 9.0.0827 fixes - '@' in termcap key code
+virtual text issues:
+- #11463 `after` is sometimes wrapped with `list`, `nowrap` and
+ `listchars+=extends:>`, cursor position is also wrong
+- #11520 `below` cannot be placed below empty lines
+ James Alvarado looks into it
+- PR #11502 - cursor position wrong
+- PR #11514 - mouse click is off
- CTRL-E and gj in long line with 'scrolloff' 5 not working well yet.
- computing 'scrolloff' position row use w_skipcol
-- PR: Error in screen dump for Test_smoothscroll_one_long_line. (PR #11436)
+- Check this list: https://github.com/vim/vim/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+smoothscroll+author%3Aychin
+- Long line spanning multiple pages: After a few CTRL-E then gj causes a
+ scroll. (Ernie Rael, 18 Nov) Also pressing space or "l"
+Switching to window for a buffer in set_buffer_lines() doesn't work if there
+is no window. Use aucmd_prepbuf() instead. #11558
+Upcoming larger works:
+- Make spell checking work with recent .dic/.aff files, e.g. French. #4916
+ Make Vim understand the format somehow? Search for "spell" below.
+ Make sure suggestions are speedy, also with composed words (German).
+- Discuss alternatives for using other grammars (treesitter, TextMate).
+ - Possibly conversion to Vim syntax rules.
+ - Other mechanism than group and cluster to nest syntax items, to be used
+ for grammars.
+ - Possibly keeping the parsed syntax tree and incremental updates.
+ - Make clear how it relates to LSP.
+ - example plugin: https://github.com/uga-rosa/dps-vsctm.vim
+- Better support for detecting terminal emulator behavior (esp. special key
+ handling) and taking away the need for users to tweak their config.
+ > In the libvterm fork properly implement:
+ - modifyOtherKeys 2 - follow xterm implementation as close as possible
+ - Kitty key protocol - just like the latest Kitty
+ So that in TermDebug the key handling can be stepped through (instead of
+ having to log messages all over the place to see what happens). Ask
+ Leonerd about location of code, he might want to take over some of it.
+ > In the table of names pointing to the list of entries, with an additional
+ one. So that "xterm-kitty" can first load "xterm" and then add "kitty"
+ entries.
+ > Add an "expectKittyEsc" flag (Esc is always sent as a sequence, not one
+ character) and always wait after an Esc for more to come, don't leave
+ Insert mode.
+ -> Request code for Esc after outputting t_KI, use "k!" value.
+ Use response to set "expectKittyEsc".
+ -> Add ESC[>1uESC[?u to t_KI, parse flag response.
+ -> May also send t_RV and delay starting a shell command until the
+ response has been seen, to make sure the other responses don't get read
+ by a shell command.
+ > Add an option with a list of names that, when matching $TERM, indicate the
+ kitty keyboard protocol should be used? Allows adding "foot" and others
+ later, without modifying Vim. Perhaps a pattern-value pair:
+ set keyprotocol=kitty:kitty,foot:kitty,xterm:mok2,doggy:mok2
+ Here "mok2" means modifyOtherKeys level 2.
+ > Can we use the req_more_codes_from_term() mechanism with more terminals?
+ Should we repeat it after executing a shell command?
+ Can also add this to the 'keyprotocol' option: "mok2+tcap"
Further Vim9 improvements, possibly after launch:
- Use Vim9 for more runtime files.
- implement :type
- implement :enum
-- implement :class and :interface: See |vim9-classes|
+- implement :class and :interface: See |vim9-classes| #11544
- Inline call to map() and filter(), better type checking.
- When evaluating constants for script variables, some functions could work:
has(featureName), len(someString)
Add winid arg to col() and charcol() #11466 (request #11461)
+Make the default for 'ttyfast' on, checking $TERM names doesn't make much
+sense right now, most terminals are fast. #11549
+Can we make 'noendofline' and 'endoffile' visible? Should show by default,
+since it's an unusual situation.
+- Show 'noendofline' when it would be used for writing ('fileformat' "dos")
+ with an upside down exclamation mark? NonText highlighting.
+- Show 'endoffile' when it would be used for writing ('fileformat' "dos") with
+ "CTRL-Z", NonText highlighting.
+- Add 'fillchars' items to change this, default behavior like:
+ noeol:¡
+ eof:CTRL-Z
Test property disappears when using CR twice in a row. OK when some text was
entered. (#11151)
+Add 'keywordprg' to various ftplugin files:
+Add some kind of ":whathappend" command and functions to make visible what the
+last few typed keys and executed commands are. To be used when the user
+wonders what went wrong.
+- typed keys - Normal mode command - like what is recorded in a register and
+ displayed by 'showcmd'.
+- executed command lines
+- with more verbosity: what scripts/functions/autocommands were executed
NFA regexp does not handle composing characters well: #10286
[ɔ̃] matches both ɔ and ɔ̃
\(ɔ\|ɔ̃\) matches ɔ and not ɔ̃
Horizontal mouse scroll only works when compiled with GUI? #11374
-In the libvterm fork properly implement:
-- modifyOtherKeys 2 - follow xterm implementation as close as possible, that
- is the reference.
-- Kitty key protocol - just like the latest Kitty
-So that in TermDebug the key handling can be stepped through (instead of
-having to log messages all over the place to see what happens).
-Ask Leonerd about location of code, he might want to take over some of it.
Using "A" and "o" in manually created fold (in empty buffer) does not behave
consistenly (James McCoy, #10698)
Syntax include problem: #11277. Related to Patch 8.2.2761
+Add str2blob() and blob2str() ? #4049
To avoid flicker: add an option that when a screen clear is requested, instead
of clearing it draws everything and uses "clear to end of line" for every line.
Resetting 't_ut' already causes this?
interrupt does not work. Where to add ui_breakcheck()?
New English spell files also have very slow suggestions.
-French spell files don't work correctly. #4916
- Make Vim understand the format somehow?
When 'spelloptions' is "camel" then zG doesn't work on some words.
(Gary Johnson, 17 Oct 2022)
-*userfunc.txt* For Vim version 9.0. Last change: 2022 Sep 09
+*userfunc.txt* For Vim version 9.0. Last change: 2022 Nov 17
This is introduced in section |41.7| of the user manual.
-1. Defining a fuction |define-function|
-2. Calling a fuction |:call|
+1. Defining a function |define-function|
+2. Calling a function |:call|
3. Cleaning up in a function |:defer|
4. Automatically loading functions |autoload-functions|
-*usr_41.txt* For Vim version 9.0. Last change: 2022 Oct 07
+*usr_41.txt* For Vim version 9.0. Last change: 2022 Nov 14
VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
-*vim9.txt* For Vim version 9.0. Last change: 2022 Oct 11
+*vim9.txt* For Vim version 9.0. Last change: 2022 Nov 14
- `class` / `endclass`, the whole class must be in one file
- Class names are always CamelCase (to avoid a name clash with builtin types)
-- A single constructor called "constructor"
-- Single inheritance with `class ThisClass extends BaseClass`
-- `abstract class` (class with incomplete implementation)
-- `interface` / `endinterface` (abstract class without any implementation)
-- `class SomeClass implements SomeInterface`
+- A single constructor called "constructor" (similar to TypeScript)
+- Single inheritance: `class ThisClass extends BaseClass`
+- `interface` / `endinterface` (looks like a class without any implementation)
+- Explicit declaration that the class supports an interface, so that type
+ checking works properly:
+ `class SomeClass implements SomeInterface, OtherInterface`
+- `abstract class` (class with incomplete implementation) - not really needed?
+- Class (static) methods and Object methods: syntax to be defined.
+- Class (static) members and Object members: syntax to be defined.
+- Access control: private / protected / shared / public ? Keep it simple.
+- Access object members with `this.member` ?
- Generics for class: `class <Tkey, Tentry>`
- Generics for function: `def <Tkey> GetLast(key: Tkey)`
+- Method overloading (two methods with the same name but different argument
+ types): Most likely not
+- Mixins: not sure if that is useful, leave out for simplicity.
Again, much of this is from TypeScript with a slightly different syntax.
" Vim support file to detect file types
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org>
-" Last Change: 2022 Nov 07
+" Last Change: 2022 Nov 17
" Listen very carefully, I will say this only once
if exists("did_load_filetypes")
" Previous Maintainer: Max Ischenko <mfi@ukr.net>
" Contributor: Dorai Sitaram <ds26@gte.com>
" C.D. MacEachern <craig.daniel.maceachern@gmail.com>
-" Last Change: 2022 Oct 15
+" Last Change: 2022 Nov 16
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
let &l:define = '\<function\|\<local\%(\s\+function\)\='
" TODO: handle init.lua
-setlocal includeexpr=substitute(v:fname,'\\.','/','g')
+setlocal includeexpr=substitute(v:fname,'\.','/','g')
setlocal suffixesadd=.lua
let b:undo_ftplugin = "setlocal cms< com< def< fo< inex< sua<"
" Menu Translations: Danish
" Maintainer: scootergrisen
-" Last Change: 2020 Apr 23
+" Last Change: 2022 Nov 17
" Original translations
" Quit when menu translations have already been done.
menut Save\ &As\.\.\.<Tab>:sav Gem\ som\.\.\.<Tab>:sav
" -SEP2-
menut Split\ &Diff\ with\.\.\. Opdel\ diff\ med\.\.\.
-menut Split\ Patched\ &By\.\.\. Opdel\ patchet\ af\.\.\.
+menut Split\ Patched\ &By\.\.\. Opdel\ patched\ af\.\.\.
" -SEP3-
menut &Print Udskriv
" -SEP4-
" Author: Bram Moolenaar
" Copyright: Vim license applies, see ":help license"
-" Last Change: 2022 Jun 24
+" Last Change: 2022 Nov 10
" WORK IN PROGRESS - The basics works stable, more to come
" Note: In general you need at least GDB 7.12 because this provides the
if has('menu') && &mouse != ''
- call s:InstallWinbar()
+ " install the window toolbar by default, can be disabled in the config
+ let winbar = 1
+ if exists('g:termdebug_config')
+ let winbar = get(g:termdebug_config, 'winbar', 1)
+ endif
+ if winbar
+ call s:InstallWinbar()
+ endif
let popup = 1
if exists('g:termdebug_config')
" go.vim: Vim syntax file for Go.
" Language: Go
" Maintainer: Billie Cleek <bhcleek@gmail.com>
-" Latest Revision: 2021-09-18
+" Latest Revision: 2022-11-17
" License: BSD-style. See LICENSE file in source repository.
" Repository: https://github.com/fatih/vim-go
hi def link goRepeat Repeat
" Predefined types
-syn keyword goType chan map bool string error
+syn keyword goType chan map bool string error any comparable
syn keyword goSignedInts int int8 int16 int32 int64 rune
syn keyword goUnsignedInts byte uint uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 uintptr
syn keyword goFloats float32 float64
syn region goRawString start=+`+ end=+`+
+syn match goImportString /^\%(\s\+\|import \)\(\h\w* \)\?\zs"[^"]\+"$/ contained containedin=goImport
if s:HighlightFormatStrings()
" [n] notation is valid for specifying explicit argument indexes
" 1. Match a literal % not preceded by a %.
hi def link goFormatSpecifier goSpecialString
+hi def link goImportString String
hi def link goString String
hi def link goRawString String
" import
if s:FoldEnable('import')
- syn region goImport start='import (' end=')' transparent fold contains=goImport,goString,goComment
+ syn region goImport start='import (' end=')' transparent fold contains=goImport,goImportString,goComment
- syn region goImport start='import (' end=')' transparent contains=goImport,goString,goComment
+ syn region goImport start='import (' end=')' transparent contains=goImport,goImportString,goComment
" var, const
syn match goSingleDecl /\%(import\|var\|const\) [^(]\@=/ contains=goImport,goVar,goConst
" Integers
-syn match goDecimalInt "\<-\=\(0\|[1-9]_\?\(\d\|\d\+_\?\d\+\)*\)\%([Ee][-+]\=\d\+\)\=\>"
-syn match goDecimalError "\<-\=\(_\(\d\+_*\)\+\|\([1-9]\d*_*\)\+__\(\d\+_*\)\+\|\([1-9]\d*_*\)\+_\+\)\%([Ee][-+]\=\d\+\)\=\>"
-syn match goHexadecimalInt "\<-\=0[xX]_\?\(\x\+_\?\)\+\>"
-syn match goHexadecimalError "\<-\=0[xX]_\?\(\x\+_\?\)*\(\([^ \t0-9A-Fa-f_)]\|__\)\S*\|_\)\>"
-syn match goOctalInt "\<-\=0[oO]\?_\?\(\o\+_\?\)\+\>"
-syn match goOctalError "\<-\=0[0-7oO_]*\(\([^ \t0-7oOxX_/)\]\}\:;]\|[oO]\{2,\}\|__\)\S*\|_\|[oOxX]\)\>"
-syn match goBinaryInt "\<-\=0[bB]_\?\([01]\+_\?\)\+\>"
-syn match goBinaryError "\<-\=0[bB]_\?[01_]*\([^ \t01_)]\S*\|__\S*\|_\)\>"
+syn match goDecimalInt "\<-\=\%(0\|\%(\d\|\d_\d\)\+\)\>"
+syn match goHexadecimalInt "\<-\=0[xX]_\?\%(\x\|\x_\x\)\+\>"
+syn match goOctalInt "\<-\=0[oO]\?_\?\%(\o\|\o_\o\)\+\>"
+syn match goBinaryInt "\<-\=0[bB]_\?\%([01]\|[01]_[01]\)\+\>"
hi def link goDecimalInt Integer
hi def link goDecimalError Error
hi def link Integer Number
" Floating point
-syn match goFloat "\<-\=\d\+\.\d*\%([Ee][-+]\=\d\+\)\=\>"
-syn match goFloat "\<-\=\.\d\+\%([Ee][-+]\=\d\+\)\=\>"
+"float_lit = decimal_float_lit | hex_float_lit .
+"decimal_float_lit = decimal_digits "." [ decimal_digits ] [ decimal_exponent ] |
+" decimal_digits decimal_exponent |
+" "." decimal_digits [ decimal_exponent ] .
+"decimal_exponent = ( "e" | "E" ) [ "+" | "-" ] decimal_digits .
+"hex_float_lit = "0" ( "x" | "X" ) hex_mantissa hex_exponent .
+"hex_mantissa = [ "_" ] hex_digits "." [ hex_digits ] |
+" [ "_" ] hex_digits |
+" "." hex_digits .
+"hex_exponent = ( "p" | "P" ) [ "+" | "-" ] decimal_digits .
+" decimal floats with a decimal point
+syn match goFloat "\<-\=\%(0\|\%(\d\|\d_\d\)\+\)\.\%(\%(\%(\d\|\d_\d\)\+\)\=\%([Ee][-+]\=\%(\d\|\d_\d\)\+\)\=\>\)\="
+syn match goFloat "\s\zs-\=\.\%(\d\|\d_\d\)\+\%(\%([Ee][-+]\=\%(\d\|\d_\d\)\+\)\>\)\="
+" decimal floats without a decimal point
+syn match goFloat "\<-\=\%(0\|\%(\d\|\d_\d\)\+\)[Ee][-+]\=\%(\d\|\d_\d\)\+\>"
+" hexadecimal floats with a decimal point
+syn match goHexadecimalFloat "\<-\=0[xX]\%(_\x\|\x\)\+\.\%(\%(\x\|\x_\x\)\+\)\=\%([Pp][-+]\=\%(\d\|\d_\d\)\+\)\=\>"
+syn match goHexadecimalFloat "\<-\=0[xX]\.\%(\x\|\x_\x\)\+\%([Pp][-+]\=\%(\d\|\d_\d\)\+\)\=\>"
+" hexadecimal floats without a decimal point
+syn match goHexadecimalFloat "\<-\=0[xX]\%(_\x\|\x\)\+[Pp][-+]\=\%(\d\|\d_\d\)\+\>"
hi def link goFloat Float
+hi def link goHexadecimalFloat Float
" Imaginary literals
-syn match goImaginary "\<-\=\d\+i\>"
-syn match goImaginary "\<-\=\d\+[Ee][-+]\=\d\+i\>"
-syn match goImaginaryFloat "\<-\=\d\+\.\d*\%([Ee][-+]\=\d\+\)\=i\>"
-syn match goImaginaryFloat "\<-\=\.\d\+\%([Ee][-+]\=\d\+\)\=i\>"
-hi def link goImaginary Number
-hi def link goImaginaryFloat Float
+syn match goImaginaryDecimal "\<-\=\%(0\|\%(\d\|\d_\d\)\+\)i\>"
+syn match goImaginaryHexadecimal "\<-\=0[xX]_\?\%(\x\|\x_\x\)\+i\>"
+syn match goImaginaryOctal "\<-\=0[oO]\?_\?\%(\o\|\o_\o\)\+i\>"
+syn match goImaginaryBinary "\<-\=0[bB]_\?\%([01]\|[01]_[01]\)\+i\>"
+" imaginary decimal floats with a decimal point
+syn match goImaginaryFloat "\<-\=\%(0\|\%(\d\|\d_\d\)\+\)\.\%(\%(\%(\d\|\d_\d\)\+\)\=\%([Ee][-+]\=\%(\d\|\d_\d\)\+\)\=\)\=i\>"
+syn match goImaginaryFloat "\s\zs-\=\.\%(\d\|\d_\d\)\+\%([Ee][-+]\=\%(\d\|\d_\d\)\+\)\=i\>"
+" imaginary decimal floats without a decimal point
+syn match goImaginaryFloat "\<-\=\%(0\|\%(\d\|\d_\d\)\+\)[Ee][-+]\=\%(\d\|\d_\d\)\+i\>"
+" imaginary hexadecimal floats with a decimal point
+syn match goImaginaryHexadecimalFloat "\<-\=0[xX]\%(_\x\|\x\)\+\.\%(\%(\x\|\x_\x\)\+\)\=\%([Pp][-+]\=\%(\d\|\d_\d\)\+\)\=i\>"
+syn match goImaginaryHexadecimalFloat "\<-\=0[xX]\.\%(\x\|\x_\x\)\+\%([Pp][-+]\=\%(\d\|\d_\d\)\+\)\=i\>"
+" imaginary hexadecimal floats without a decimal point
+syn match goImaginaryHexadecimalFloat "\<-\=0[xX]\%(_\x\|\x\)\+[Pp][-+]\=\%(\d\|\d_\d\)\+i\>"
+hi def link goImaginaryDecimal Number
+hi def link goImaginaryHexadecimal Number
+hi def link goImaginaryOctal Number
+hi def link goImaginaryBinary Number
+hi def link goImaginaryFloat Float
+hi def link goImaginaryHexadecimalFloat Float
" Spaces after "[]"
if s:HighlightArrayWhitespaceError()
syn match goOperator /\%(<<\|>>\|&^\)=\?/
" match remaining two-char operators: := && || <- ++ --
syn match goOperator /:=\|||\|<-\|++\|--/
+ " match ~
+ syn match goOperator /\~/
" match ...
hi def link goPointerOperator goOperator
hi def link goOperator Operator
+" -> type constraint opening bracket
+" |-> start non-counting group
+" || -> any word character
+" || | -> at least one, as many as possible
+" || | | -> start non-counting group
+" || | | | -> match ~
+" || | | | | -> at most once
+" || | | | | | -> allow a slice type
+" || | | | | | | -> any word character
+" || | | | | | | | -> start a non-counting group
+" || | | | | | | | | -> that matches word characters and |
+" || | | | | | | | | | -> close the non-counting group
+" || | | | | | | | | | | -> close the non-counting group
+" || | | | | | | | | | | |-> any number of matches
+" || | | | | | | | | | | || -> start a non-counting group
+" || | | | | | | | | | | || | -> a comma and whitespace
+" || | | | | | | | | | | || | | -> at most once
+" || | | | | | | | | | | || | | | -> close the non-counting group
+" || | | | | | | | | | | || | | | | -> at least one of those non-counting groups, as many as possible
+" || | | | | | -------- | | | | || | | | | | -> type constraint closing bracket
+" || | | | | || | | | | | || | | | | | |
+syn match goTypeParams /\[\%(\w\+\s\+\%(\~\?\%(\[]\)\?\w\%(\w\||\)\)*\%(,\s*\)\?\)\+\]/ nextgroup=goSimpleParams,goDeclType contained
" Functions;
if s:HighlightFunctions() || s:HighlightFunctionParameters()
syn match goDeclaration /\<func\>/ nextgroup=goReceiver,goFunction,goSimpleParams skipwhite skipnl
+ syn match goReceiverDecl /(\s*\zs\%(\%(\w\+\s\+\)\?\*\?\w\+\%(\[\%(\%(\[\]\)\?\w\+\%(,\s*\)\?\)\+\]\)\?\)\ze\s*)/ contained contains=goReceiverVar,goReceiverType,goPointerOperator
syn match goReceiverVar /\w\+\ze\s\+\%(\w\|\*\)/ nextgroup=goPointerOperator,goReceiverType skipwhite skipnl contained
syn match goPointerOperator /\*/ nextgroup=goReceiverType contained skipwhite skipnl
- syn match goFunction /\w\+/ nextgroup=goSimpleParams contained skipwhite skipnl
- syn match goReceiverType /\w\+/ contained
+ syn match goFunction /\w\+/ nextgroup=goSimpleParams,goTypeParams contained skipwhite skipnl
+ syn match goReceiverType /\w\+\%(\[\%(\%(\[\]\)\?\w\+\%(,\s*\)\?\)\+\]\)\?\ze\s*)/ contained
if s:HighlightFunctionParameters()
syn match goSimpleParams /(\%(\w\|\_s\|[*\.\[\],\{\}<>-]\)*)/ contained contains=goParamName,goType nextgroup=goFunctionReturn skipwhite skipnl
syn match goFunctionReturn /(\%(\w\|\_s\|[*\.\[\],\{\}<>-]\)*)/ contained contains=goParamName,goType skipwhite skipnl
hi def link goReceiverVar goParamName
hi def link goParamName Identifier
- syn match goReceiver /(\s*\w\+\%(\s\+\*\?\s*\w\+\)\?\s*)\ze\s*\w/ contained nextgroup=goFunction contains=goReceiverVar skipwhite skipnl
+ syn match goReceiver /(\s*\%(\w\+\s\+\)\?\*\?\s*\w\+\%(\[\%(\%(\[\]\)\?\w\+\%(,\s*\)\?\)\+\]\)\?\s*)\ze\s*\w/ contained nextgroup=goFunction contains=goReceiverDecl skipwhite skipnl
syn keyword goDeclaration func
" Function calls;
if s:HighlightFunctionCalls()
- syn match goFunctionCall /\w\+\ze(/ contains=goBuiltins,goDeclaration
+ syn match goFunctionCall /\w\+\ze\%(\[\%(\%(\[]\)\?\w\+\(,\s*\)\?\)\+\]\)\?(/ contains=goBuiltins,goDeclaration
hi def link goFunctionCall Type
if s:HighlightTypes()
syn match goTypeConstructor /\<\w\+{\@=/
syn match goTypeDecl /\<type\>/ nextgroup=goTypeName skipwhite skipnl
- syn match goTypeName /\w\+/ contained nextgroup=goDeclType skipwhite skipnl
+ syn match goTypeName /\w\+/ contained nextgroup=goDeclType,goTypeParams skipwhite skipnl
syn match goDeclType /\<\%(interface\|struct\)\>/ skipwhite skipnl
hi def link goReceiverType Type
" The rs=s+2 option lets the \s*+build portion be part of the inner region
" instead of the matchgroup so it will be highlighted as a goBuildKeyword.
syn region goBuildComment matchgroup=goBuildCommentStart
- \ start="//\s*+build\s"rs=s+2 end="$"
+ \ start="//\(\s*+build\s\|go:build\)"rs=s+2 end="$"
\ contains=goBuildKeyword,goBuildDirectives
hi def link goBuildCommentStart Comment
hi def link goBuildDirectives Type
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Vim help file
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar (Bram@vim.org)
-" Last Change: 2022 Nov 09
+" Last Change: 2022 Nov 13
" Quit when a (custom) syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
-syn match helpHeadline "^[A-Z.][-A-Z0-9 .,()_]*?\=\ze\(\s\+\*\|$\)"
+syn match helpHeadline "^[A-Z.][-A-Z0-9 .,()_']*?\=\ze\(\s\+\*\|$\)"
syn match helpSectionDelim "^===.*===$"
syn match helpSectionDelim "^---.*--$"
if has("conceal")
" Maintainer: Doug Kearns <dougkearns@gmail.com>
" Previous Maintainers: Jorge Maldonado Ventura <jorgesumle@freakspot.net>
" Claudio Fleiner <claudio@fleiner.com>
-" Last Change: 2022 Jul 20
+" Last Change: 2022 Nov 18
" Please check :help html.vim for some comments and a description of the options
syn sync minlines=10
+" Folding
+" Originally by Ingo Karkat and Marcus Zanona
+if get(g:, "html_syntax_folding", 0)
+ syn region htmlFold start="<\z(\<\%(area\|base\|br\|col\|command\|embed\|hr\|img\|input\|keygen\|link\|meta\|param\|source\|track\|wbr\>\)\@![a-z-]\+\>\)\%(\_s*\_[^/]\?>\|\_s\_[^>]*\_[^>/]>\)" end="</\z1\_s*>" fold transparent keepend extend containedin=htmlHead,htmlH\d
+ " fold comments (the real ones and the old Netscape ones)
+ if exists("html_wrong_comments")
+ syn region htmlComment start=+<!--+ end=+--\s*>\%(\n\s*<!--\)\@!+ contains=@Spell fold
+ endif
" The default highlighting.
hi def link htmlTag Function
hi def link htmlEndTag Identifier
" Maintainer: Ken Takata
" URL: https://github.com/k-takata/vim-nsis
" Previous Maintainer: Alex Jakushev <Alex.Jakushev@kemek.lt>
-" Last Change: 2020-10-18
+" Last Change: 2022-11-05
" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
syn region nsisCreateShortcutOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisCreateShortcutKwd
syn match nsisCreateShortcutKwd contained "/NoWorkingDir\>"
+syn keyword nsisInstruction contained GetWinVer nextgroup=nsisGetWinVerOpt skipwhite
+syn region nsisGetWinVerOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisGetWinVerKwd
+syn keyword nsisGetWinVerKwd contained Major Minor Build ServicePack
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained GetDLLVersion GetDLLVersionLocal nextgroup=nsisGetDLLVersionOpt skipwhite
-syn region nsisGetDLLVersionOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisGetDLLVersionKwd
-syn match nsisGetDLLVersionKwd contained "/ProductVersion\>"
+syn region nsisGetDLLVersionOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisGetDLLVersionKwd
+syn match nsisGetDLLVersionKwd contained "/ProductVersion\>"
syn keyword nsisInstruction contained GetFullPathName nextgroup=nsisGetFullPathNameOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisGetFullPathNameOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisGetFullPathNameKwd
syn match nsisSystem contained "!makensis\>"
syn match nsisSystem contained "!packhdr\>"
syn match nsisSystem contained "!finalize\>"
+syn match nsisSystem contained "!uninstfinalize\>"
syn match nsisSystem contained "!system\>"
syn match nsisSystem contained "!tempfile\>"
-syn match nsisSystem contained "!getdllversion\>"
-syn match nsisSystem contained "!gettlbversion\>"
+" Add 'P' to avoid conflicts with nsisGetDLLVersionOpt. ('P' for preprocessor.)
+syn match nsisSystem contained "!getdllversion\>" nextgroup=nsisPGetdllversionOpt skipwhite
+syn region nsisPGetdllversionOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisPGetdllversionKwd
+syn match nsisPGetdllversionKwd contained "/\%(noerrors\|packed\|productversion\)\>"
+syn match nsisSystem contained "!gettlbversion\>" nextgroup=nsisPGettlbversionOpt skipwhite
+syn region nsisPGettlbversionOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisPGettlbversionKwd
+syn match nsisPGettlbversionKwd contained "/\%(noerrors\|packed\)\>"
syn match nsisSystem contained "!warning\>"
syn match nsisSystem contained "!pragma\>" nextgroup=nsisPragmaOpt skipwhite
syn region nsisDefineOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisDefineKwd
syn match nsisDefineKwd contained "/\%(ifndef\|redef\|date\|utcdate\|file\|intfmt\|math\)\>"
-syn match nsisDefine contained "!undef\>"
+syn match nsisDefine contained "!undef\>" nextgroup=nsisUndefineOpt skipwhite
+syn region nsisUndefineOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisUndefineKwd
+syn match nsisUndefineKwd contained "/noerrors\>"
syn match nsisPreCondit contained "!ifdef\>"
syn match nsisPreCondit contained "!ifndef\>"
hi def link nsisSetRegViewKwd Constant
hi def link nsisCopyFilesKwd Constant
hi def link nsisCreateShortcutKwd Constant
+hi def link nsisGetWinVerKwd Constant
hi def link nsisGetDLLVersionKwd Constant
hi def link nsisGetFullPathNameKwd Constant
hi def link nsisFileAttrib Constant
hi def link nsisAddplugindirKwd Constant
hi def link nsisAppendfileKwd Constant
hi def link nsisDelfileKwd Constant
+hi def link nsisPGetdllversionKwd Constant
+hi def link nsisPGettlbversionKwd Constant
hi def link nsisPragmaKwd Constant
hi def link nsisVerboseKwd Constant
hi def link nsisDefineKwd Constant
+hi def link nsisUndefineKwd Constant
hi def link nsisIfKwd Constant
hi def link nsisSearchparseKwd Constant
hi def link nsisSearchreplaceKwd Constant
" The `=' operator assigns a string to the preceding flag
syn match ptcapOperator "[@#=]" contained
-" Some terminal capabilites have special names like `#5' and `@1', and we
+" Some terminal capabilities have special names like `#5' and `@1', and we
" need special rules to match these properly
syn match ptcapSpecialCap "\W[#@]\d" contains=ptcapDelimiter contained
" Contributor: Leonard Ehrenfried <leonard.ehrenfried@web.de>
" Contributor: Karsten Hopp <karsten@redhat.com>
" Contributor: Dean, Adam Kenneth <adam.ken.dean@hpe.com>
-" Last Change: 2022 Nov 09
+" Last Change: 2022 Nov 10
" Added RemoteCommand from pull request #4809
" Included additional keywords from Martin.
" Included PR #5753
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword EscapeChar
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ExitOnForwardFailure
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword FingerprintHash
+syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ForkAfterAuthentication
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ForwardAgent
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ForwardX11
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ForwardX11Timeout
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword RemoteCommand
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword RemoteForward
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword RequestTTY
+syn keyword sshconfigKeyword RequiredRSASize
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword RevokedHostKeys
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword SecurityKeyProvider
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword SendEnv
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ServerAliveCountMax
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ServerAliveInterval
+syn keyword sshconfigKeyword SessionType
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword SmartcardDevice
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword SetEnv
+syn keyword sshconfigKeyword StdinNull
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword StreamLocalBindMask
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword StreamLocalBindUnlink
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword StrictHostKeyChecking
" Contributor: Leonard Ehrenfried <leonard.ehrenfried@web.de>
" Contributor: Karsten Hopp <karsten@redhat.com>
" Originally: 2009-07-09
-" Last Change: 2022 Nov 09
+" Last Change: 2022 Nov 10
" SSH Version: 8.5p1
syn keyword sshdconfigKeyword MaxAuthTries
syn keyword sshdconfigKeyword MaxSessions
syn keyword sshdconfigKeyword MaxStartups
+syn keyword sshdconfigKeyword ModuliFile
syn keyword sshdconfigKeyword PasswordAuthentication
syn keyword sshdconfigKeyword PerSourceMaxStartups
syn keyword sshdconfigKeyword PerSourceNetBlockSize
syn keyword sshdconfigKeyword PubkeyAuthOptions
syn keyword sshdconfigKeyword RSAAuthentication
syn keyword sshdconfigKeyword RekeyLimit
+syn keyword sshdconfigKeyword RequiredRSASize
syn keyword sshdconfigKeyword RevokedKeys
syn keyword sshdconfigKeyword RDomain
syn keyword sshdconfigKeyword RhostsRSAAuthentication