# (mandatory), BIN_D, TEST_D, UTIL_D and RESULT_D.
my %directories = ();
+# The environment variables that gave us the contents in %directories. These
+# get modified whenever we change directories, so that subprocesses can use
+# the values of those environment variables as well
+my @direnv = ();
# A bool saying if we shall stop all testing if the current recipe has failing
# tests or not. This is set by setup() if the environment variable STOPTEST
# is defined with a non-empty value.
$directories{SRCTEST} = __srctop_dir("test");
$directories{RESULTS} = $ENV{RESULT_D} || $directories{BLDTEST};
+ push @direnv, "TOP" if $ENV{TOP};
+ push @direnv, "SRCTOP" if $ENV{SRCTOP};
+ push @direnv, "BLDTOP" if $ENV{BLDTOP};
+ push @direnv, "BIN_D" if $ENV{BIN_D};
+ push @direnv, "TEST_D" if $ENV{TEST_D};
+ push @direnv, "RESULT_D" if $ENV{RESULT_D};
$end_with_bailout = $ENV{STOPTEST} ? 1 : 0;
+ # Treat each environment variable that was used to get us the values in
+ # %directories the same was as the paths in %directories, so any sub
+ # process can use their values properly as well
+ foreach (@direnv) {
+ if (!file_name_is_absolute($ENV{$_})) {
+ my $newpath = abs2rel(rel2abs($ENV{$_}), rel2abs($dir));
+ $ENV{$_} = $newpath;
+ }
+ }
if ($debug) {
print STDERR "DEBUG: __cwd(), directories and files:\n";
print STDERR " \$directories{BLDTEST} = \"$directories{BLDTEST}\"\n";