- prefer the regular "dies from hunger" message over "leash goes slack"
in this case.
two bad wizkit items in a row shouldn't make the user hit space many times
kicking thrones no longer loosens rocks
wall symbol not replaced when digging while blind and levitating
+print regular death message when leashed, mounted steed dies of starvation
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
} else if (monstermoves > edog->hungrytime + 750 || mtmp->mhp < 1) {
- if (mtmp->mleashed)
+ if (mtmp->mleashed
+#ifdef STEED
+ && mtmp != u.usteed
+ )
Your("leash goes slack.");
else if (cansee(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my))
pline("%s dies%s.", Monnam(mtmp),