goto out;
- mutt_message(_("Copying %d messages to %s..."), rc, mbox);
+ {
+ mutt_message(ngettext("Copying %d message to %s...", "Copying %d messages to %s...", rc),
+ rc, mbox);
+ }
/* let's get it on */
rc = imap_exec(idata, NULL, IMAP_CMD_FAIL_OK);
msgid "Error: %s can't be used as the final remailer of a chain."
msgstr "Грешка: %s не може да се използва като последен remailer във веригата."
+#. L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19
#: remailer.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."
msgid "Error: %s can't be used as the final remailer of a chain."
msgstr "Error: No es pot emprar «%s» com a redistribuïdor final d’una cadena."
+#. L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19
#: remailer.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."
msgid "Error: %s can't be used as the final remailer of a chain."
msgstr "Chyba: %s nelze použít jako poslední článek řetězu remailerů."
+#. L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19
#: remailer.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."
msgid "Error: %s can't be used as the final remailer of a chain."
msgstr "Fejl: %s kan ikke være sidste led i kæden."
+#. L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19
#: remailer.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."
msgstr ""
"Fehler: %s kann nicht als letzter Remailer einer Kette verwendet werden."
+#. L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19
#: remailer.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."
msgstr ""
"Σφάλμα: το %s δεν μπορεί να είναι ο τελικός επαναποστολέας της αλυσίδας."
+#. L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19
#: remailer.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."
msgid "Error: %s can't be used as the final remailer of a chain."
msgstr "Error: %s can't be used as the final remailer of a chain."
+#. L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19
#: remailer.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."
msgid "Error: %s can't be used as the final remailer of a chain."
msgstr "Eraro: %s ne estas uzebla kiel la fina plusendilo de ĉeno."
+#. L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19
#: remailer.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."
msgid "Error: %s can't be used as the final remailer of a chain."
msgstr "Error: %s no puede ser usado como remailer final de una cadena."
+#. L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19
#: remailer.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."
msgid "Error: %s can't be used as the final remailer of a chain."
msgstr "Viga: %s ei saa ahela viimase vahendajana kasutada."
+#. L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19
#: remailer.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."
msgid "Error: %s can't be used as the final remailer of a chain."
msgstr "Errorea: %s ezin da katearen azken berbidaltze bezala erabili."
+#. L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19
#: remailer.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."
msgid "Error: %s can't be used as the final remailer of a chain."
msgstr "Erreur : %s ne peut pas être utilisé comme redistributeur final."
+#. L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19
#: remailer.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."
msgid "Error: %s can't be used as the final remailer of a chain."
msgstr "Earráid: ní féidir %s a úsáid mar an t-athphostóir deiridh i slabhra."
+#. L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19
#: remailer.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."
msgid "Error: %s can't be used as the final remailer of a chain."
msgstr "Erro: %s non pode ser usado como remailer final dunha cadea."
+#. L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19
#: remailer.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."
msgid "Error: %s can't be used as the final remailer of a chain."
msgstr "Hiba: %s-t nem lehet használni a lánc utolsó újraküldőjeként."
+#. L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19
#: remailer.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."
msgid "Error: %s can't be used as the final remailer of a chain."
msgstr "Error: %s tidak dapat digunakan sebagai akhir rangkaian remailer."
+#. L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19
#: remailer.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."
msgid "Error: %s can't be used as the final remailer of a chain."
msgstr "Errore: %s non può essere usato come remailer finale di una catena."
+#. L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19
#: remailer.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."
msgid "Error: %s can't be used as the final remailer of a chain."
msgstr "エラー: %s は最後の remailer チェーンには使えない。"
+#. L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19
#: remailer.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."
msgid "Error: %s can't be used as the final remailer of a chain."
msgstr "오류: %s는 체인의 마지막 리메일러로 사용할수 없음."
+#. L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19
#: remailer.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."
msgstr ""
"Klaida: %s negali būti naudojamas kaip galutinis persiuntėjas grandinėje."
+#. L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19
#: remailer.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."
msgid "Error: %s can't be used as the final remailer of a chain."
msgstr "Fout: %s kan niet gebruikt worden als laaste remailer van een lijst."
+#. L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19
#: remailer.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."
msgid "Error: %s can't be used as the final remailer of a chain."
msgstr "Błąd: nie można użyć %s jako finalnego remailera łańcucha."
+#. L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19
#: remailer.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."
msgid "Error: %s can't be used as the final remailer of a chain."
msgstr "Erro: %s não pode ser usado como reenviador final de uma sequência."
+#. L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19
#: remailer.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."
msgid "Error: %s can't be used as the final remailer of a chain."
msgstr "Ошибка: %s не может быть использован как последний remailer"
+#. L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19
#: remailer.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."
msgid "Error: %s can't be used as the final remailer of a chain."
msgstr ""
+#. L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19
#: remailer.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."
msgid "Error: %s can't be used as the final remailer of a chain."
msgstr "Fel: %s kan inte användas som den sista återpostaren i en kedja."
+#. L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19
#: remailer.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."
msgid "Error: %s can't be used as the final remailer of a chain."
msgstr "Hata: %s, zincirdeki son postacı olarak kullanılamaz."
+#. L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19
#: remailer.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."
msgid "Error: %s can't be used as the final remailer of a chain."
msgstr "Помилка: %s неможливо використати як останній remailer ланцюжку."
+#. L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19
#: remailer.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."
msgid "Error: %s can't be used as the final remailer of a chain."
msgstr "错误:%s 不能用作链的最终转发者。"
+#. L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19
#: remailer.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."
msgid "Error: %s can't be used as the final remailer of a chain."
msgstr "錯誤:%s 不能用作鏈結的最後一個郵件轉接器"
+#. L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19
#: remailer.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."
c_redraw = true;
+ {
+ /* L10N The '%d' here hard-coded to 19 */
mutt_error(_("Mixmaster chains are limited to %d elements."), MAXMIXES);
+ }