+2000-03-18 Sander Steffann <steffann@nederland.net>
+ * ext/gd/config.m4: A small fix when checking for libjpeg
+2000-03-18 Sascha Schumann <sascha@schumann.cx>
+ * .cvsignore
+ configure.in: on platforms which support it (i.e. Linux) (Sascha)
+ Additionally, we enforce passing pthread_cflags to the compiler, if
+ libtool chooses it as linker.
+ * sapi/aolserver/aolserver.c: Make it compile
+2000-03-18 Andi Gutmans <andi@php.net>
+ * ext/standard/dl.c: - Fix compile problem on FreeBSD.
+2000-03-18 Thies C. Arntzen <thies@digicol.de>
+ * NEWS: *** empty log message ***
+ * ext/standard/var.c
+ (serialize/unserialize) _sleep_() -> __sleep(), _wakeup_() -> __wakeup() rename.
+2000-03-18 Zeev Suraski <zeev@php.net>
+ * NEWS: *** empty log message ***
2000-03-17 Hartmut Holzgraefe <hholzgra@media-engineering.de>
* ext/standard/filestat.c: is_executable() for root fixed