return StringPiece(start, length);
+struct UnitsTestContext {
+ UnitsTest *unitsTest;
+ ConversionRates *conversionRates;
- * Deals with a single data-driven unit test for unit conversions. This
- * UParseLineFn for use by u_parseDelimitedFile is intended for "unitsTest.txt".
+ * WIP(hugovdm): deals with a single data-driven unit test for unit conversions.
+ * This is a UParseLineFn as required by u_parseDelimitedFile.
+ *
+ * context must point at a UnitsTestContext struct.
void unitsTestDataLineFn(void *context, char *fields[][2], int32_t fieldCount, UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
- if (U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) return;
- UnitsTest* unitsTest = (UnitsTest*)context;
+ if (U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) { return; }
+ UnitsTestContext *ctx = (UnitsTestContext *)context;
+ UnitsTest* unitsTest = ctx->unitsTest;
(void)fieldCount; // unused UParseLineFn variable
IcuTestErrorCode status(*unitsTest, "unitsTestDatalineFn");
MeasureUnit sourceUnit = MeasureUnit::forIdentifier(x, status);
- if (status.errIfFailureAndReset("forIdentifier(\"%.*s\")", x.length(), return;
+ if (status.errIfFailureAndReset("forIdentifier(\"%.*s\")", x.length(), { return; }
MeasureUnit targetUnit = MeasureUnit::forIdentifier(y, status);
- if (status.errIfFailureAndReset("forIdentifier(\"%.*s\")", y.length(), return;
+ if (status.errIfFailureAndReset("forIdentifier(\"%.*s\")", y.length(), { return; }
unitsTest->logln("Quantity (Category): \"%.*s\", "
"Expected value of \"1000 %.*s in %.*s\": %f, "
quantity.length(),, x.length(),, y.length(),,
expected, commentConversionFormula.length(),;
- // WIP(hugovdm): hook this up to actual tests.
- // // Convertibility:
- // MaybeStackVector<MeasureUnit> units;
- // units.emplaceBack(sourceUnit);
- // units.emplaceBack(targetUnit);
- // const auto &conversionRateInfoList = getConversionRatesInfo(units, status);
- // if (status.errIfFailureAndReset("getConversionRatesInfo(...)")) return;
- // auto actualState = checkUnitsState(sourceUnit, targetUnit, conversionRateInfoList, status);
- // if (status.errIfFailureAndReset("checkUnitsState(<%s>, <%s>, ...)", sourceUnit.getIdentifier(),
- // targetUnit.getIdentifier())) {
- // return;
- // }
- // CharString msg;
- // msg.append("convertible: ", status)
- // .append(sourceUnit.getIdentifier(), status)
- // .append(" -> ", status)
- // .append(targetUnit.getIdentifier(), status);
- // if (status.errIfFailureAndReset("msg construction")) return;
- // unitsTest->assertTrue(, actualState != UNCONVERTIBLE);
- // TODO(hugovdm,younies): add conversion testing in unitsTestDataLineFn:
- //
- // UnitConverter converter(sourceUnit, targetUnit, status);
- // double got = converter.convert(1000, status);
- // unitsTest->assertEqualsNear(, expected, got, 0.0001);
+ bool FIXME_skip_tests = false;
+ if (FIXME_skip_tests) {
+ unitsTest->logln("FIXME: skipping tests related to UnitConverter(«%s», «%s», status).",
+ sourceUnit.getIdentifier(), targetUnit.getIdentifier());
+ } else {
+ // Convertibility:
+ auto convertibility = checkConvertibility(sourceUnit, targetUnit, *ctx->conversionRates, status);
+ if (status.errIfFailureAndReset("checkConvertibility(<%s>, <%s>, ...)",
+ sourceUnit.getIdentifier(), targetUnit.getIdentifier())) {
+ return;
+ }
+ CharString msg;
+ msg.append("convertible: ", status)
+ .append(sourceUnit.getIdentifier(), status)
+ .append(" -> ", status)
+ .append(targetUnit.getIdentifier(), status);
+ if (status.errIfFailureAndReset("msg construction")) { return; }
+ unitsTest->assertTrue(, convertibility != UNCONVERTIBLE);
+ // TODO(hugovdm,younies): the following code can be uncommented (and
+ // fixed) once merged with a UnitConverter branch:
+ // UnitConverter converter(sourceUnit, targetUnit, unitsTest->conversionRates_, status);
+ // if (status.errIfFailureAndReset("constructor: UnitConverter(<%s>, <%s>, status)",
+ // sourceUnit.getIdentifier(), targetUnit.getIdentifier())) {
+ // return;
+ // }
+ // double got = converter.convert(1000);
+ // unitsTest->assertEqualsNear(fields[0][0], expected, got, 0.0001);
+ }
path.appendPathPart("units", errorCode);
path.appendPathPart(filename, errorCode);
- u_parseDelimitedFile(, ';', fields, kNumFields, unitsTestDataLineFn, this, errorCode);
- if (errorCode.errIfFailureAndReset("error parsing %s: %s\n",, u_errorName(errorCode)))
+ ConversionRates rates(errorCode);
+ UnitsTestContext ctx = {this, &rates};
+ u_parseDelimitedFile(, ';', fields, kNumFields, unitsTestDataLineFn, &ctx, errorCode);
+ if (errorCode.errIfFailureAndReset("error parsing %s: %s\n",, u_errorName(errorCode))) {
+ }
-#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
\ No newline at end of file
+#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */