/// Multiple results occur when using matchers like \c forEachDescendant,
/// which generate a result for each sub-match.
+/// \see selectFirst
/// @{
template <typename MatcherT, typename NodeT>
SmallVector<BoundNodes, 1>
ASTContext &Context);
/// @}
+/// \brief Returns the first result of type \c NodeT bound to \p BoundTo.
+/// Returns \c NULL if there is no match, or if the matching node cannot be
+/// casted to \c NodeT.
+/// This is useful in combanation with \c match():
+/// \code
+/// Decl *D = selectFirst<Decl>("id", match(Matcher.bind("id"),
+/// Node, Context));
+/// \endcode
+template <typename NodeT>
+NodeT *
+selectFirst(StringRef BoundTo, const SmallVectorImpl<BoundNodes> &Results) {
+ for (SmallVectorImpl<BoundNodes>::const_iterator I = Results.begin(),
+ E = Results.end();
+ I != E; ++I) {
+ if (NodeT *Node = I->getNodeAs<NodeT>(BoundTo))
+ return Node;
+ }
+ return NULL;
namespace internal {
class CollectMatchesCallback : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback {
template <typename T> class VerifyMatchOnNode : public BoundNodesCallback {
- VerifyMatchOnNode(StringRef Id, const internal::Matcher<T> &InnerMatcher)
- : Id(Id), InnerMatcher(InnerMatcher) {
+ VerifyMatchOnNode(StringRef Id, const internal::Matcher<T> &InnerMatcher,
+ StringRef InnerId)
+ : Id(Id), InnerMatcher(InnerMatcher), InnerId(InnerId) {
virtual bool run(const BoundNodes *Nodes) { return false; }
virtual bool run(const BoundNodes *Nodes, ASTContext *Context) {
const T *Node = Nodes->getNodeAs<T>(Id);
- SmallVector<BoundNodes, 1> Result = match(InnerMatcher, *Node, *Context);
- return !Result.empty();
+ return selectFirst<const T>(InnerId,
+ match(InnerMatcher, *Node, *Context)) != NULL;
std::string Id;
internal::Matcher<T> InnerMatcher;
+ std::string InnerId;
TEST(MatchFinder, CanMatchDeclarationsRecursively) {
"class X { class Y {}; };", recordDecl(hasName("::X")).bind("X"),
new VerifyMatchOnNode<clang::Decl>(
- "X", decl(hasDescendant(recordDecl(hasName("X::Y")))))));
+ "X", decl(hasDescendant(recordDecl(hasName("X::Y")).bind("Y"))),
+ "Y")));
"class X { class Y {}; };", recordDecl(hasName("::X")).bind("X"),
new VerifyMatchOnNode<clang::Decl>(
- "X", decl(hasDescendant(recordDecl(hasName("X::Z")))))));
+ "X", decl(hasDescendant(recordDecl(hasName("X::Z")).bind("Z"))),
+ "Z")));
TEST(MatchFinder, CanMatchStatementsRecursively) {
"void f() { if (1) { for (;;) { } } }", ifStmt().bind("if"),
- new VerifyMatchOnNode<clang::Stmt>("if",
- stmt(hasDescendant(forStmt())))));
+ new VerifyMatchOnNode<clang::Stmt>(
+ "if", stmt(hasDescendant(forStmt().bind("for"))), "for")));
"void f() { if (1) { for (;;) { } } }", ifStmt().bind("if"),
- new VerifyMatchOnNode<clang::Stmt>("if",
- stmt(hasDescendant(declStmt())))));
+ new VerifyMatchOnNode<clang::Stmt>(
+ "if", stmt(hasDescendant(declStmt().bind("decl"))), "decl")));
TEST(MatchFinder, CanMatchSingleNodesRecursively) {
"class X { class Y {}; };", recordDecl(hasName("::X")).bind("X"),
new VerifyMatchOnNode<clang::Decl>(
- "X", recordDecl(has(recordDecl(hasName("X::Y")))))));
+ "X", recordDecl(has(recordDecl(hasName("X::Y")).bind("Y"))), "Y")));
"class X { class Y {}; };", recordDecl(hasName("::X")).bind("X"),
new VerifyMatchOnNode<clang::Decl>(
- "X", recordDecl(has(recordDecl(hasName("X::Z")))))));
+ "X", recordDecl(has(recordDecl(hasName("X::Z")).bind("Z"))), "Z")));
class VerifyStartOfTranslationUnit : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback {