*(tr_completeness*)user_data = completeness;
+#define check_file_location(tor, i, expected_path) \
+ do { \
+ char * path = tr_torrentFindFile (tor, i); \
+ char * expected = expected_path; \
+ check_streq (expected, path); \
+ tr_free (expected); \
+ tr_free (path); \
+ } while (0)
static int
test_incomplete_dir_is_subdir_of_download_dir (void)
- tr_file_index_t i;
- char * path;
char * incomplete_dir;
- char * expected_path;
tr_torrent * tor;
tr_completeness completeness;
+ const tr_completeness completeness_unset = -1;
+ const time_t deadline = time(NULL) + 5;
/* init the session */
libtransmission_test_session_init ();
tr_sessionSetIncompleteDir (session, incomplete_dir);
tr_sessionSetIncompleteDirEnabled (session, true);
- /* init an incomplete torrent */
+ /* init an incomplete torrent.
+ the test zero_torrent will be missing its first piece */
tor = libtransmission_test_zero_torrent_init ();
libtransmission_test_zero_torrent_populate (tor, false);
check (tr_torrentStat(tor)->leftUntilDone == tor->info.pieceSize);
- path = tr_torrentFindFile (tor, 0);
- expected_path = tr_strdup_printf ("%s/%s.part", incomplete_dir, tor->info.files[0].name);
- check_streq (expected_path, path);
- tr_free (expected_path);
- tr_free (path);
- path = tr_torrentFindFile (tor, 1);
- expected_path = tr_buildPath (incomplete_dir, tor->info.files[1].name, NULL);
- check_streq (expected_path, path);
- tr_free (expected_path);
- tr_free (path);
+ check_file_location (tor, 0, tr_strdup_printf("%s/%s.part", incomplete_dir, tor->info.files[0].name));
+ check_file_location (tor, 1, tr_buildPath(incomplete_dir, tor->info.files[1].name, NULL));
check_int_eq (tor->info.pieceSize, tr_torrentStat(tor)->leftUntilDone);
/* now finish writing it */
- //char * block;
uint32_t offset;
- tr_block_index_t i;
- tr_block_index_t first;
- tr_block_index_t last;
- char * tobuf;
- struct evbuffer * buf;
+ tr_block_index_t first, last, i;
+ struct evbuffer * buf = evbuffer_new ();
+ char * zero_block = tr_new0 (char, tor->blockSize);
- tobuf = tr_new0 (char, tor->blockSize);
- buf = evbuffer_new ();
+ completeness = completeness_unset;
+ tr_torrentSetCompletenessCallback (tor, zeroes_completeness_func, &completeness);
tr_torGetPieceBlockRange (tor, 0, &first, &last);
for (offset=0, i=first; i<=last; ++i, offset+=tor->blockSize)
- evbuffer_add (buf, tobuf, tor->blockSize);
+ evbuffer_add (buf, zero_block, tor->blockSize);
tr_cacheWriteBlock (session->cache, tor, 0, offset, tor->blockSize, buf);
tr_torrentGotBlock (tor, i);
+ sync ();
+ tr_torrentVerify (tor);
+ while ((completeness==completeness_unset) && (time(NULL)<=deadline))
+ tr_wait_msec (50);
+ check_int_eq (TR_SEED, completeness);
+ for (i=0; i<tor->info.fileCount; ++i)
+ check_file_location (tor, i, tr_buildPath (downloadDir, tor->info.files[i].name, NULL));
evbuffer_free (buf);
- tr_free (tobuf);
+ tr_free (zero_block);
- completeness = -1;
- tr_torrentSetCompletenessCallback (tor, zeroes_completeness_func, &completeness);
- tr_torrentRecheckCompleteness (tor);
- check_int_eq (TR_SEED, completeness);
- sync ();
- for (i=0; i<tor->info.fileCount; ++i)
- {
- path = tr_torrentFindFile (tor, i);
- expected_path = tr_buildPath (downloadDir, tor->info.files[i].name, NULL);
- check_streq (expected_path, path);
- tr_free (expected_path);
- tr_free (path);
- }
/* cleanup */
tr_torrentRemove (tor, true, remove);