* $Log$
+ * Revision 1.44 2004/06/03 16:44:56 strk
+ * Added expand_geometry - expand(geometry, int8)
+ *
* Revision 1.43 2004/03/26 00:54:09 dblasby
* added full support for fluffType(<geom>)
* postgis09=# select fluffType('POINT(0 0)');
Datum distance(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum expand_bbox(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+Datum expand_geometry(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum srid_geom(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum geometry_from_text(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
* $Log$
+ * Revision 1.36 2004/06/03 16:44:56 strk
+ * Added expand_geometry - expand(geometry, int8)
+ *
* Revision 1.35 2004/04/28 22:26:02 pramsey
* Fixed spelling mistake in header text.
+// makes a polygon of the expanded features bvol - 1st point = LL 3rd=UR
+// 2d only
+// create new geometry of type polygon, 1 ring, 5 points
+Datum expand_geometry(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
+ double d = PG_GETARG_FLOAT8(1);
+ GEOMETRY *result;
+ POLYGON3D *poly;
+ POINT3D pts[5]; //5 points around box
+ int pts_per_ring[1];
+ int poly_size;
+ //use LLB's z value (we're going to set is3d to false)
+ //0,1,2,3,4 --> CCW order, 4,3,2,1,0 --> CW order
+ set_point( &pts[4], geom->bvol.LLB.x - d, geom->bvol.LLB.y - d,
+ geom->bvol.LLB.z - d );
+ set_point( &pts[3], geom->bvol.URT.x + d, geom->bvol.LLB.y - d,
+ geom->bvol.LLB.z - d );
+ set_point( &pts[2], geom->bvol.URT.x + d, geom->bvol.URT.y + d,
+ geom->bvol.LLB.z - d);
+ set_point( &pts[1], geom->bvol.LLB.x - d, geom->bvol.URT.y + d,
+ geom->bvol.LLB.z - d);
+ memcpy(&pts[0], &pts[4], sizeof(POINT3D));
+ pts_per_ring[0] = 5; //ring has 5 points
+ //make a polygon
+ poly = make_polygon(1, pts_per_ring, pts, 5, &poly_size);
+ result = make_oneobj_geometry(poly_size, (char *)poly, POLYGONTYPE, FALSE,geom->SRID, geom->scale, geom->offsetX, geom->offsetY);
//startpoint(geometry) :- if geometry is a linestring, return the first
//point. Otherwise, return NULL.