-import sys
-import os
-import plistlib
+from collections import defaultdict
from math import log
from optparse import OptionParser
+import json
+import os
+import plistlib
+import re
+import sys
+STATS_REGEXP = re.compile(r"Statistics: (\{.+\})", re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
+class Colors:
+ """
+ Color for terminal highlight.
+ """
+ RED = '\x1b[2;30;41m'
+ GREEN = '\x1b[6;30;42m'
+ CLEAR = '\x1b[0m'
# Information about analysis run:
# path - the analysis output directory
# Cumulative list of all diagnostics from all the reports.
self.diagnostics = []
self.clang_version = None
+ self.stats = []
def getClangVersion(self):
return self.clang_version
def readSingleFile(self, p, deleteEmpty):
data = plistlib.readPlist(p)
+ if 'statistics' in data:
+ self.stats.append(json.loads(data['statistics']))
+ data.pop('statistics')
# We want to retrieve the clang version even if there are no
# reports. Assume that all reports were created using the same
return res
+def deriveStats(results):
+ # Assume all keys are the same in each statistics bucket.
+ combined_data = defaultdict(list)
+ for stat in results.stats:
+ for key, value in stat.iteritems():
+ combined_data[key].append(value)
+ combined_stats = {}
+ for key, values in combined_data.iteritems():
+ combined_stats[str(key)] = {
+ "max": max(values),
+ "min": min(values),
+ "mean": sum(values) / len(values),
+ "median": sorted(values)[len(values) / 2],
+ "total": sum(values)
+ }
+ return combined_stats
+def compareStats(resultsA, resultsB):
+ statsA = deriveStats(resultsA)
+ statsB = deriveStats(resultsB)
+ keys = sorted(statsA.keys())
+ for key in keys:
+ print key
+ for kkey in statsA[key]:
+ valA = float(statsA[key][kkey])
+ valB = float(statsB[key][kkey])
+ report = "%.3f -> %.3f" % (valA, valB)
+ # Only apply highlighting when writing to TTY and it's not Windows
+ if sys.stdout.isatty() and os.name != 'nt':
+ if valA != 0:
+ ratio = (valB - valA) / valB
+ if ratio < -0.2:
+ report = Colors.GREEN + report + Colors.CLEAR
+ elif ratio > 0.2:
+ report = Colors.RED + report + Colors.CLEAR
+ print "\t %s %s" % (kkey, report)
def dumpScanBuildResultsDiff(dirA, dirB, opts, deleteEmpty=True,
# Load the run results.
resultsA = loadResults(dirA, opts, opts.rootA, deleteEmpty)
resultsB = loadResults(dirB, opts, opts.rootB, deleteEmpty)
+ if resultsA.stats:
+ compareStats(resultsA, resultsB)
+ if opts.stats_only:
+ return
# Open the verbose log, if given.
if opts.verboseLog:
help="Show histogram of absolute paths differences. \
Requires matplotlib")
+ parser.add_option("--stats-only", action="store_true", dest="stats_only",
+ default=False, help="Only show statistics on reports")
return parser