-/* SCCS Id: @(#)pray.c 3.5 2005/06/21 */
+/* SCCS Id: @(#)pray.c 3.5 2005/06/24 */
/* Copyright (c) Benson I. Margulies, Mike Stephenson, Steve Linhart, 1989. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
#define on_shrine() ((levl[u.ux][u.uy].altarmask & AM_SHRINE) != 0)
#define a_align(x,y) ((aligntyp)Amask2align(levl[x][y].altarmask & AM_MASK))
+/* criticially low hit points if hp <= 5 or hp <= maxhp/N for some N */
+boolean only_if_injured; /* determines whether maxhp <= 5 matters */
+ int divisor, hplim,
+ curhp = Upolyd ? u.mh : u.uhp,
+ maxhp = Upolyd ? u.mhmax : u.uhpmax;
+ if (only_if_injured && !(curhp < maxhp)) return FALSE;
+ /* if maxhp is extremely high, use lower threshold for the division test
+ (golden glow cuts off at 11+5*lvl, nurse interaction at 25*lvl; this
+ ought to use monster hit dice--and a smaller multiplier--rather than
+ ulevel when polymorphed, but polyself doesn't maintain that) */
+ hplim = 15 * u.ulevel;
+ if (maxhp > hplim) maxhp = hplim;
+ /* 7 used to be the unconditional divisor */
+ switch (xlev_to_rank(u.ulevel)) { /* maps 1..30 into 0..8 */
+ case 0: case 1: divisor = 5; break; /* explvl 1 to 5 */
+ case 2: case 3: divisor = 6; break; /* explvl 6 to 13 */
+ case 4: case 5: divisor = 7; break; /* explvl 14 to 21 */
+ case 6: case 7: divisor = 8; break; /* explvl 22 to 29 */
+ default: divisor = 9; break; /* explvl 30+ */
+ }
+ /* 5 is a magic number in TROUBLE_HIT handling below */
+ return (curhp <= 5 || curhp * divisor <= maxhp);
if(u.utrap && u.utraptype == TT_LAVA) return(TROUBLE_LAVA);
if(Sick) return(TROUBLE_SICK);
if(u.uhs >= WEAK) return(TROUBLE_STARVING);
- if (Upolyd ? (u.mh <= 5 || u.mh*7 <= u.mhmax) :
- (u.uhp <= 5 || u.uhp*7 <= u.uhpmax)) return TROUBLE_HIT;
+ if (critically_low_hp(FALSE)) return TROUBLE_HIT;
if(u.ulycn >= LOW_PM) return(TROUBLE_LYCANTHROPE);
if(near_capacity() >= EXT_ENCUMBER && AMAX(A_STR)-ABASE(A_STR) > 3)