*much* less overhead.
XXX: current implementation of HAMT is *not* portable due to pointer alignment
restrictions (it uses the LSB of a pointer to store a flag). Need to write a
portable (if not so space-efficient) equivalent.
svn path=/trunk/yasm/; revision=363
--- /dev/null
+ * Hash Array Mapped Trie (HAMT) implementation
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2001 Peter Johnson
+ *
+ * Based on the paper "Ideal Hash Tries" by Phil Bagwell [2000].
+ * One algorithmic change from that described in the paper: we use the LSB's
+ * of the key to index the root table and move upward in the key rather than
+ * use the MSBs as described in the paper. The LSBs have more entropy.
+ *
+ * This file is part of YASM.
+ *
+ * YASM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * YASM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "util.h"
+/*@unused@*/ RCSID("$IdPath$");
+#include "errwarn.h"
+#include "hamt.h"
+typedef struct HAMTEntry {
+ SLIST_ENTRY(HAMTEntry) next; /* next hash table entry */
+ /*@dependent@*/ const char *str; /* string being hashed */
+ /*@owned@*/ void *data; /* data pointer being stored */
+} HAMTEntry;
+typedef struct HAMTNode {
+ unsigned long BitMapKey; /* 32 bits, bitmap or hash key */
+ void *BaseValue; /* Base of HAMTNode list or value */
+} HAMTNode;
+struct HAMT {
+ SLIST_HEAD(HAMTEntryHead, HAMTEntry) entries;
+ HAMTNode *root;
+/* XXX make a portable version of this. This depends on the pointer being
+ * 4 or 2-byte aligned (as it uses the LSB of the pointer variable to store
+ * the subtrie flag!
+ */
+#define IsSubTrie(n) ((unsigned long)((n)->BaseValue) & 1)
+#define SetSubTrie(n, v) do { \
+ if ((unsigned long)(v) & 1) \
+ InternalError(_("Subtrie is seen as subtrie before flag is set (misaligned?)")); \
+ (n)->BaseValue = (void *)((unsigned long)(v) | 1); \
+ } while (0)
+#define GetSubTrie(n) (HAMTNode *)((unsigned long)((n)->BaseValue)&~1UL)
+/* Bit-counting */
+#define SK5 0x55555555
+#define SK3 0x33333333
+#define SKF0 0x0F0F0F0F
+#define BitCount(d, s) do { \
+ d = s; \
+ d -= (d>>1) & SK5; \
+ d = (d & SK3) + ((d>>2) & SK3); \
+ d = (d & SKF0) + ((d>>4) & SKF0); \
+ d += d>>16; \
+ d += d>>8; \
+ } while (0)
+static unsigned long
+HashKey(const char *key)
+ unsigned long a=31415, b=27183, vHash;
+ for (vHash=0; *key; key++, a*=b)
+ vHash = a*vHash + *key;
+ return vHash;
+static unsigned long
+ReHashKey(const char *key, int Level)
+ unsigned long a=31415, b=27183, vHash;
+ for (vHash=0; *key; key++, a*=b)
+ vHash = a*vHash*(unsigned long)Level + *key;
+ return vHash;
+/*@-compdef -nullret@*/
+ HAMT *hamt;
+ int i;
+ hamt = xmalloc(sizeof(HAMT));
+ SLIST_INIT(&hamt->entries);
+ hamt->root = xmalloc(32*sizeof(HAMTNode));
+ for (i=0; i<32; i++)
+ hamt->root[i].BaseValue = NULL;
+ return hamt;
+/*@=compdef =nullret@*/
+static void
+HAMT_delete_trie(HAMTNode *node)
+ if (IsSubTrie(node)) {
+ unsigned long i, Size;
+ /* Count total number of bits in bitmap to determine size */
+ BitCount(Size, node->BitMapKey);
+ Size &= 0x1F; /* Clamp to <32 */
+ for (i=0; i<Size; i++)
+ HAMT_delete_trie(&(GetSubTrie(node))[i]);
+ xfree(GetSubTrie(node));
+ }
+HAMT_delete(HAMT *hamt, void (*deletefunc) (/*@keep@*/ void *data))
+ int i;
+ /* delete entries */
+ while (!SLIST_EMPTY(&hamt->entries)) {
+ HAMTEntry *entry;
+ entry = SLIST_FIRST(&hamt->entries);
+ SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&hamt->entries, next);
+ deletefunc(entry->data);
+ xfree(entry);
+ }
+ /* delete trie */
+ for (i=0; i<32; i++)
+ HAMT_delete_trie(&hamt->root[i]);
+ xfree(hamt->root);
+ xfree(hamt);
+HAMT_traverse(HAMT *hamt, void *d,
+ int (*func) (/*@dependent@*/ /*@null@*/ void *node,
+ /*@null@*/ void *d))
+ HAMTEntry *entry;
+ SLIST_FOREACH(entry, &hamt->entries, next)
+ if (func(entry->data, d) == 0)
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+/*@-temptrans -kepttrans -mustfree@*/
+void *
+HAMT_insert(HAMT *hamt, const char *str, void *data, int *replace,
+ void (*deletefunc) (/*@only@*/ void *data))
+ HAMTNode *node, *newnodes;
+ HAMTEntry *entry;
+ unsigned long key, keypart, Map;
+ int keypartbits = 0;
+ int level = 0;
+ key = HashKey(str);
+ keypart = key & 0x1F;
+ node = &hamt->root[keypart];
+ if (!node->BaseValue) {
+ node->BitMapKey = key;
+ entry = xmalloc(sizeof(HAMTEntry));
+ entry->str = str;
+ entry->data = data;
+ SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&hamt->entries, entry, next);
+ node->BaseValue = entry;
+ if (IsSubTrie(node))
+ InternalError(_("Data is seen as subtrie (misaligned?)"));
+ *replace = 1;
+ return data;
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ if (!(IsSubTrie(node))) {
+ if (node->BitMapKey == key) {
+ /*@-branchstate@*/
+ if (*replace) {
+ deletefunc(((HAMTEntry *)(node->BaseValue))->data);
+ ((HAMTEntry *)(node->BaseValue))->str = str;
+ ((HAMTEntry *)(node->BaseValue))->data = data;
+ } else
+ deletefunc(data);
+ /*@=branchstate@*/
+ return ((HAMTEntry *)(node->BaseValue))->data;
+ } else {
+ unsigned long key2 = node->BitMapKey;
+ /* build tree downward until keys differ */
+ for (;;) {
+ unsigned long keypart2;
+ /* replace node with subtrie */
+ keypartbits += 5;
+ if (keypartbits > 30) {
+ /* Exceeded 32 bits: rehash */
+ key = ReHashKey(str, level);
+ key2 = ReHashKey(((HAMTEntry *)(node->BaseValue))->str,
+ level);
+ keypartbits = 0;
+ }
+ keypart = (key >> keypartbits) & 0x1F;
+ keypart2 = (key2 >> keypartbits) & 0x1F;
+ if (keypart == keypart2) {
+ /* Still equal, build one-node subtrie and continue
+ * downward.
+ */
+ newnodes = xmalloc(sizeof(HAMTNode));
+ newnodes[0] = *node; /* structure copy */
+ node->BitMapKey = 1<<keypart;
+ SetSubTrie(node, newnodes);
+ node = &newnodes[0];
+ level++;
+ } else {
+ /* partitioned: allocate two-node subtrie */
+ newnodes = xmalloc(2*sizeof(HAMTNode));
+ entry = xmalloc(sizeof(HAMTEntry));
+ entry->str = str;
+ entry->data = data;
+ SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&hamt->entries, entry, next);
+ /* Copy nodes into subtrie based on order */
+ if (keypart2 < keypart) {
+ newnodes[0] = *node; /* structure copy */
+ newnodes[1].BitMapKey = key;
+ newnodes[1].BaseValue = entry;
+ } else {
+ newnodes[0].BitMapKey = key;
+ newnodes[0].BaseValue = entry;
+ newnodes[1] = *node; /* structure copy */
+ }
+ /* Set bits in bitmap corresponding to keys */
+ node->BitMapKey = (1UL<<keypart) | (1UL<<keypart2);
+ SetSubTrie(node, newnodes);
+ *replace = 1;
+ return data;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Subtrie: look up in bitmap */
+ keypartbits += 5;
+ if (keypartbits > 30) {
+ /* Exceeded 32 bits of current key: rehash */
+ key = ReHashKey(str, level);
+ keypartbits = 0;
+ }
+ keypart = (key >> keypartbits) & 0x1F;
+ if (!(node->BitMapKey & (1<<keypart))) {
+ /* bit is 0 in bitmap -> add node to table */
+ unsigned long Size;
+ /* set bit to 1 */
+ node->BitMapKey |= 1<<keypart;
+ /* Count total number of bits in bitmap to determine new size */
+ BitCount(Size, node->BitMapKey);
+ Size &= 0x1F; /* Clamp to <32 */
+ newnodes = xmalloc(Size*sizeof(HAMTNode));
+ /* Count bits below to find where to insert new node at */
+ BitCount(Map, node->BitMapKey & ~((~0UL)<<keypart));
+ Map &= 0x1F; /* Clamp to <32 */
+ /* Copy existing nodes leaving gap for new node */
+ memcpy(newnodes, GetSubTrie(node), Map*sizeof(HAMTNode));
+ memcpy(&newnodes[Map+1], &(GetSubTrie(node))[Map],
+ (Size-Map-1)*sizeof(HAMTNode));
+ /* Delete old subtrie */
+ xfree(GetSubTrie(node));
+ /* Set up new node */
+ newnodes[Map].BitMapKey = key;
+ entry = xmalloc(sizeof(HAMTEntry));
+ entry->str = str;
+ entry->data = data;
+ SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&hamt->entries, entry, next);
+ newnodes[Map].BaseValue = entry;
+ SetSubTrie(node, newnodes);
+ *replace = 1;
+ return data;
+ }
+ /* Count bits below */
+ BitCount(Map, node->BitMapKey & ~((~0UL)<<keypart));
+ Map &= 0x1F; /* Clamp to <32 */
+ /* Go down a level */
+ level++;
+ node = &(GetSubTrie(node))[Map];
+ }
+/*@=temptrans =kepttrans =mustfree@*/
+void *
+HAMT_search(HAMT *hamt, const char *str)
+ HAMTNode *node;
+ unsigned long key, keypart, Map;
+ int keypartbits = 0;
+ int level = 0;
+ key = HashKey(str);
+ keypart = key & 0x1F;
+ node = &hamt->root[keypart];
+ if (!node->BaseValue)
+ return NULL;
+ for (;;) {
+ if (!(IsSubTrie(node))) {
+ if (node->BitMapKey == key)
+ return ((HAMTEntry *)(node->BaseValue))->data;
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Subtree: look up in bitmap */
+ keypartbits += 5;
+ if (keypartbits > 30) {
+ /* Exceeded 32 bits of current key: rehash */
+ key = ReHashKey(str, level);
+ keypartbits = 0;
+ }
+ keypart = (key >> keypartbits) & 0x1F;
+ if (!(node->BitMapKey & (1<<keypart)))
+ return NULL; /* bit is 0 in bitmap -> no match */
+ /* Count bits below */
+ BitCount(Map, node->BitMapKey & ~((~0UL)<<keypart));
+ Map &= 0x1F; /* Clamp to <32 */
+ /* Go down a level */
+ level++;
+ node = &(GetSubTrie(node))[Map];
+ }
--- /dev/null
+/* $IdPath$
+ * Hash Array Mapped Trie (HAMT) header file.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2001 Peter Johnson
+ *
+ * This file is part of YASM.
+ *
+ * YASM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * YASM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef YASM_HAMT_H
+#define YASM_HAMT_H
+typedef struct HAMT HAMT;
+/* Creates new, empty, HAMT. */
+HAMT *HAMT_new(void);
+/* Deletes HAMT and all data associated with it using deletefunc() on each data
+ * item.
+ */
+void HAMT_delete(/*@only@*/ HAMT *hamt,
+ void (*deletefunc) (/*@only@*/ void *data));
+/* Inserts key into HAMT, associating it with data.
+ * If the key is not present in the HAMT, inserts it, sets *replace to 1, and
+ * returns the data passed in.
+ * If the key is already present and *replace is 0, deletes the data passed
+ * in using deletefunc() and returns the data currently associated with the
+ * key.
+ * If the key is already present and *replace is 1, deletes the data currently
+ * associated with the key using deletefunc() and replaces it with the data
+ * passed in.
+ */
+/*@dependent@*/ void *HAMT_insert(HAMT *hamt, /*@dependent@*/ const char *str,
+ /*@only@*/ void *data, int *replace,
+ void (*deletefunc) (/*@only@*/ void *data));
+/* Searches for the data associated with a key in the HAMT. If the key is not
+ * present, returns NULL.
+ */
+/*@dependent@*/ /*@null@*/ void *HAMT_search(HAMT *hamt, const char *str);
+/* Traverse over all keys in HAMT, calling func() for each data item.
+ * Stops early if func returns 0.
+ */
+int HAMT_traverse(HAMT *hamt, /*@null@*/ void *d,
+ int (*func) (/*@dependent@*/ /*@null@*/ void *node,
+ /*@null@*/ void *d));
#include "util.h"
/*@unused@*/ RCSID("$IdPath$");
-#include "ternary.h"
+#include "hamt.h"
#include "globals.h"
int indent_level = 0;
-static /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ ternary_tree filename_table = (ternary_tree)NULL;
-switch_filename(const char *filename)
- char *copy = xstrdup(filename);
- in_filename = ternary_insert(&filename_table, filename, copy, 0);
- /*@-branchstate@*/
- if (in_filename != copy)
- xfree(copy);
- /*@=branchstate@*/
+static /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ HAMT *filename_table = NULL;
static void
filename_delete_one(/*@only@*/ void *d)
+switch_filename(const char *filename)
+ char *copy = xstrdup(filename);
+ int replace = 0;
+ if (!filename_table)
+ filename_table = HAMT_new();
+ /*@-aliasunique@*/
+ in_filename = HAMT_insert(filename_table, copy, copy, &replace,
+ filename_delete_one);
+ /*@=aliasunique@*/
in_filename = NULL;
- ternary_cleanup(filename_table, filename_delete_one);
- filename_table = NULL;
+ if (filename_table) {
+ HAMT_delete(filename_table, filename_delete_one);
+ filename_table = NULL;
+ }
# include <limits.h>
-#include "ternary.h"
+#include "hamt.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "errwarn.h"
/* The symbol table: a ternary tree. */
-static /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ ternary_tree sym_table = (ternary_tree)NULL;
+static /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ HAMT *sym_table = NULL;
+static void
+symrec_delete_one(/*@only@*/ void *d)
+ symrec *sym = d;
+ xfree(sym->name);
+ if (sym->type == SYM_EQU)
+ expr_delete(sym->value.expn);
+ assert(cur_objfmt != NULL);
+ if (sym->of_data_vis_g && (sym->visibility & SYM_GLOBAL))
+ cur_objfmt->declare_data_delete(SYM_GLOBAL, sym->of_data_vis_g);
+ if (sym->of_data_vis_ce && (sym->visibility & SYM_COMMON)) {
+ cur_objfmt->declare_data_delete(SYM_COMMON, sym->of_data_vis_ce);
+ sym->of_data_vis_ce = NULL;
+ }
+ if (sym->of_data_vis_ce && (sym->visibility & SYM_EXTERN))
+ cur_objfmt->declare_data_delete(SYM_EXTERN, sym->of_data_vis_ce);
+ xfree(sym);
/* create a new symrec */
+/*@-freshtrans -mustfree@*/
static /*@partial@*/ /*@dependent@*/ symrec *
symrec_get_or_new(const char *name, int in_table)
- symrec *rec, *rec2;
+ symrec *rec;
+ int replace = 0;
+ char *symname = xstrdup(name);
rec = xmalloc(sizeof(symrec));
- if (in_table) {
- rec2 = ternary_insert(&sym_table, name, rec, 0);
- if (rec2 != rec) {
- xfree(rec);
- return rec2;
- }
- rec->status = SYM_NOSTATUS;
- } else
- rec->status = SYM_NOTINTABLE;
- rec->name = xstrdup(name);
+ rec->name = symname;
rec->type = SYM_UNKNOWN;
rec->filename = in_filename;
rec->line = line_number;
rec->of_data_vis_ce = NULL;
rec->of_data_vis_g = NULL;
- /*@-freshtrans -mustfree@*/
+ if (in_table) {
+ rec->status = SYM_NOSTATUS;
+ if (!sym_table)
+ sym_table = HAMT_new();
+ return HAMT_insert(sym_table, symname, rec, &replace,
+ symrec_delete_one);
+ }
+ rec->status = SYM_NOTINTABLE;
return rec;
- /*@=freshtrans =mustfree@*/
+/*@=freshtrans =mustfree@*/
/* Call a function with each symrec. Stops early if 0 returned by func.
Returns 0 if stopped early. */
symrec_traverse(void *d, int (*func) (symrec *sym, void *d))
- return ternary_traverse(sym_table, d, (int (*) (void *, void *))func);
+ if (sym_table)
+ return HAMT_traverse(sym_table, d, (int (*) (void *, void *))func);
+ else
+ return 1;
symrec *
_(" (Each undefined symbol is reported only once.)"));
-static void
-symrec_delete_one(/*@only@*/ void *d)
- symrec *sym = d;
- xfree(sym->name);
- if (sym->type == SYM_EQU)
- expr_delete(sym->value.expn);
- assert(cur_objfmt != NULL);
- if (sym->of_data_vis_g && (sym->visibility & SYM_GLOBAL))
- cur_objfmt->declare_data_delete(SYM_GLOBAL, sym->of_data_vis_g);
- if (sym->of_data_vis_ce && (sym->visibility & SYM_COMMON)) {
- cur_objfmt->declare_data_delete(SYM_COMMON, sym->of_data_vis_ce);
- sym->of_data_vis_ce = NULL;
- }
- if (sym->of_data_vis_ce && (sym->visibility & SYM_EXTERN))
- cur_objfmt->declare_data_delete(SYM_EXTERN, sym->of_data_vis_ce);
- xfree(sym);
- ternary_cleanup(sym_table, symrec_delete_one);
- sym_table = NULL;
+ if (sym_table) {
+ HAMT_delete(sym_table, symrec_delete_one);
+ sym_table = NULL;
+ }
-lclint -exportlocal -predbool -boolops +boolint +charint -retvalint -retvalother +ansilimits -I/usr/local/include -I.. -Iarch/x86 -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DHAVE_BOGUS_SYS_QUEUE_H -Dlint main.c options.c arch.c bytecode.c errwarn.c expr.c file.c floatnum.c globals.c intnum.c parser.c section.c arch/x86/arch.c arch/x86/bytecode.c arch/x86/expr.c objfmts/dbg/objfmt.c parsers/nasm/parser.c preprocs/raw/preproc.c parsers/nasm/bison.c symrec.c ternary.c
+lclint -exportlocal -predbool -boolops +boolint +charint -retvalint -retvalother +ansilimits -I/usr/local/include -I.. -Iarch/x86 -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DHAVE_BOGUS_SYS_QUEUE_H -Dlint main.c options.c arch.c bytecode.c errwarn.c expr.c file.c floatnum.c globals.c intnum.c parser.c section.c arch/x86/arch.c arch/x86/bytecode.c arch/x86/expr.c objfmts/dbg/objfmt.c parsers/nasm/parser.c preprocs/raw/preproc.c parsers/nasm/bison.c symrec.c hamt.c
intnum.h \
floatnum.c \
floatnum.h \
- ternary.c \
- ternary.h \
+ hamt.c \
+ hamt.h \
bitvect.c \
bitvect.h \
valparam.c \
#include "util.h"
/*@unused@*/ RCSID("$IdPath$");
-#include "ternary.h"
+#include "hamt.h"
#include "globals.h"
int indent_level = 0;
-static /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ ternary_tree filename_table = (ternary_tree)NULL;
-switch_filename(const char *filename)
- char *copy = xstrdup(filename);
- in_filename = ternary_insert(&filename_table, filename, copy, 0);
- /*@-branchstate@*/
- if (in_filename != copy)
- xfree(copy);
- /*@=branchstate@*/
+static /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ HAMT *filename_table = NULL;
static void
filename_delete_one(/*@only@*/ void *d)
+switch_filename(const char *filename)
+ char *copy = xstrdup(filename);
+ int replace = 0;
+ if (!filename_table)
+ filename_table = HAMT_new();
+ /*@-aliasunique@*/
+ in_filename = HAMT_insert(filename_table, copy, copy, &replace,
+ filename_delete_one);
+ /*@=aliasunique@*/
in_filename = NULL;
- ternary_cleanup(filename_table, filename_delete_one);
- filename_table = NULL;
+ if (filename_table) {
+ HAMT_delete(filename_table, filename_delete_one);
+ filename_table = NULL;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * Hash Array Mapped Trie (HAMT) implementation
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2001 Peter Johnson
+ *
+ * Based on the paper "Ideal Hash Tries" by Phil Bagwell [2000].
+ * One algorithmic change from that described in the paper: we use the LSB's
+ * of the key to index the root table and move upward in the key rather than
+ * use the MSBs as described in the paper. The LSBs have more entropy.
+ *
+ * This file is part of YASM.
+ *
+ * YASM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * YASM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "util.h"
+/*@unused@*/ RCSID("$IdPath$");
+#include "errwarn.h"
+#include "hamt.h"
+typedef struct HAMTEntry {
+ SLIST_ENTRY(HAMTEntry) next; /* next hash table entry */
+ /*@dependent@*/ const char *str; /* string being hashed */
+ /*@owned@*/ void *data; /* data pointer being stored */
+} HAMTEntry;
+typedef struct HAMTNode {
+ unsigned long BitMapKey; /* 32 bits, bitmap or hash key */
+ void *BaseValue; /* Base of HAMTNode list or value */
+} HAMTNode;
+struct HAMT {
+ SLIST_HEAD(HAMTEntryHead, HAMTEntry) entries;
+ HAMTNode *root;
+/* XXX make a portable version of this. This depends on the pointer being
+ * 4 or 2-byte aligned (as it uses the LSB of the pointer variable to store
+ * the subtrie flag!
+ */
+#define IsSubTrie(n) ((unsigned long)((n)->BaseValue) & 1)
+#define SetSubTrie(n, v) do { \
+ if ((unsigned long)(v) & 1) \
+ InternalError(_("Subtrie is seen as subtrie before flag is set (misaligned?)")); \
+ (n)->BaseValue = (void *)((unsigned long)(v) | 1); \
+ } while (0)
+#define GetSubTrie(n) (HAMTNode *)((unsigned long)((n)->BaseValue)&~1UL)
+/* Bit-counting */
+#define SK5 0x55555555
+#define SK3 0x33333333
+#define SKF0 0x0F0F0F0F
+#define BitCount(d, s) do { \
+ d = s; \
+ d -= (d>>1) & SK5; \
+ d = (d & SK3) + ((d>>2) & SK3); \
+ d = (d & SKF0) + ((d>>4) & SKF0); \
+ d += d>>16; \
+ d += d>>8; \
+ } while (0)
+static unsigned long
+HashKey(const char *key)
+ unsigned long a=31415, b=27183, vHash;
+ for (vHash=0; *key; key++, a*=b)
+ vHash = a*vHash + *key;
+ return vHash;
+static unsigned long
+ReHashKey(const char *key, int Level)
+ unsigned long a=31415, b=27183, vHash;
+ for (vHash=0; *key; key++, a*=b)
+ vHash = a*vHash*(unsigned long)Level + *key;
+ return vHash;
+/*@-compdef -nullret@*/
+ HAMT *hamt;
+ int i;
+ hamt = xmalloc(sizeof(HAMT));
+ SLIST_INIT(&hamt->entries);
+ hamt->root = xmalloc(32*sizeof(HAMTNode));
+ for (i=0; i<32; i++)
+ hamt->root[i].BaseValue = NULL;
+ return hamt;
+/*@=compdef =nullret@*/
+static void
+HAMT_delete_trie(HAMTNode *node)
+ if (IsSubTrie(node)) {
+ unsigned long i, Size;
+ /* Count total number of bits in bitmap to determine size */
+ BitCount(Size, node->BitMapKey);
+ Size &= 0x1F; /* Clamp to <32 */
+ for (i=0; i<Size; i++)
+ HAMT_delete_trie(&(GetSubTrie(node))[i]);
+ xfree(GetSubTrie(node));
+ }
+HAMT_delete(HAMT *hamt, void (*deletefunc) (/*@keep@*/ void *data))
+ int i;
+ /* delete entries */
+ while (!SLIST_EMPTY(&hamt->entries)) {
+ HAMTEntry *entry;
+ entry = SLIST_FIRST(&hamt->entries);
+ SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&hamt->entries, next);
+ deletefunc(entry->data);
+ xfree(entry);
+ }
+ /* delete trie */
+ for (i=0; i<32; i++)
+ HAMT_delete_trie(&hamt->root[i]);
+ xfree(hamt->root);
+ xfree(hamt);
+HAMT_traverse(HAMT *hamt, void *d,
+ int (*func) (/*@dependent@*/ /*@null@*/ void *node,
+ /*@null@*/ void *d))
+ HAMTEntry *entry;
+ SLIST_FOREACH(entry, &hamt->entries, next)
+ if (func(entry->data, d) == 0)
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+/*@-temptrans -kepttrans -mustfree@*/
+void *
+HAMT_insert(HAMT *hamt, const char *str, void *data, int *replace,
+ void (*deletefunc) (/*@only@*/ void *data))
+ HAMTNode *node, *newnodes;
+ HAMTEntry *entry;
+ unsigned long key, keypart, Map;
+ int keypartbits = 0;
+ int level = 0;
+ key = HashKey(str);
+ keypart = key & 0x1F;
+ node = &hamt->root[keypart];
+ if (!node->BaseValue) {
+ node->BitMapKey = key;
+ entry = xmalloc(sizeof(HAMTEntry));
+ entry->str = str;
+ entry->data = data;
+ SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&hamt->entries, entry, next);
+ node->BaseValue = entry;
+ if (IsSubTrie(node))
+ InternalError(_("Data is seen as subtrie (misaligned?)"));
+ *replace = 1;
+ return data;
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ if (!(IsSubTrie(node))) {
+ if (node->BitMapKey == key) {
+ /*@-branchstate@*/
+ if (*replace) {
+ deletefunc(((HAMTEntry *)(node->BaseValue))->data);
+ ((HAMTEntry *)(node->BaseValue))->str = str;
+ ((HAMTEntry *)(node->BaseValue))->data = data;
+ } else
+ deletefunc(data);
+ /*@=branchstate@*/
+ return ((HAMTEntry *)(node->BaseValue))->data;
+ } else {
+ unsigned long key2 = node->BitMapKey;
+ /* build tree downward until keys differ */
+ for (;;) {
+ unsigned long keypart2;
+ /* replace node with subtrie */
+ keypartbits += 5;
+ if (keypartbits > 30) {
+ /* Exceeded 32 bits: rehash */
+ key = ReHashKey(str, level);
+ key2 = ReHashKey(((HAMTEntry *)(node->BaseValue))->str,
+ level);
+ keypartbits = 0;
+ }
+ keypart = (key >> keypartbits) & 0x1F;
+ keypart2 = (key2 >> keypartbits) & 0x1F;
+ if (keypart == keypart2) {
+ /* Still equal, build one-node subtrie and continue
+ * downward.
+ */
+ newnodes = xmalloc(sizeof(HAMTNode));
+ newnodes[0] = *node; /* structure copy */
+ node->BitMapKey = 1<<keypart;
+ SetSubTrie(node, newnodes);
+ node = &newnodes[0];
+ level++;
+ } else {
+ /* partitioned: allocate two-node subtrie */
+ newnodes = xmalloc(2*sizeof(HAMTNode));
+ entry = xmalloc(sizeof(HAMTEntry));
+ entry->str = str;
+ entry->data = data;
+ SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&hamt->entries, entry, next);
+ /* Copy nodes into subtrie based on order */
+ if (keypart2 < keypart) {
+ newnodes[0] = *node; /* structure copy */
+ newnodes[1].BitMapKey = key;
+ newnodes[1].BaseValue = entry;
+ } else {
+ newnodes[0].BitMapKey = key;
+ newnodes[0].BaseValue = entry;
+ newnodes[1] = *node; /* structure copy */
+ }
+ /* Set bits in bitmap corresponding to keys */
+ node->BitMapKey = (1UL<<keypart) | (1UL<<keypart2);
+ SetSubTrie(node, newnodes);
+ *replace = 1;
+ return data;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Subtrie: look up in bitmap */
+ keypartbits += 5;
+ if (keypartbits > 30) {
+ /* Exceeded 32 bits of current key: rehash */
+ key = ReHashKey(str, level);
+ keypartbits = 0;
+ }
+ keypart = (key >> keypartbits) & 0x1F;
+ if (!(node->BitMapKey & (1<<keypart))) {
+ /* bit is 0 in bitmap -> add node to table */
+ unsigned long Size;
+ /* set bit to 1 */
+ node->BitMapKey |= 1<<keypart;
+ /* Count total number of bits in bitmap to determine new size */
+ BitCount(Size, node->BitMapKey);
+ Size &= 0x1F; /* Clamp to <32 */
+ newnodes = xmalloc(Size*sizeof(HAMTNode));
+ /* Count bits below to find where to insert new node at */
+ BitCount(Map, node->BitMapKey & ~((~0UL)<<keypart));
+ Map &= 0x1F; /* Clamp to <32 */
+ /* Copy existing nodes leaving gap for new node */
+ memcpy(newnodes, GetSubTrie(node), Map*sizeof(HAMTNode));
+ memcpy(&newnodes[Map+1], &(GetSubTrie(node))[Map],
+ (Size-Map-1)*sizeof(HAMTNode));
+ /* Delete old subtrie */
+ xfree(GetSubTrie(node));
+ /* Set up new node */
+ newnodes[Map].BitMapKey = key;
+ entry = xmalloc(sizeof(HAMTEntry));
+ entry->str = str;
+ entry->data = data;
+ SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&hamt->entries, entry, next);
+ newnodes[Map].BaseValue = entry;
+ SetSubTrie(node, newnodes);
+ *replace = 1;
+ return data;
+ }
+ /* Count bits below */
+ BitCount(Map, node->BitMapKey & ~((~0UL)<<keypart));
+ Map &= 0x1F; /* Clamp to <32 */
+ /* Go down a level */
+ level++;
+ node = &(GetSubTrie(node))[Map];
+ }
+/*@=temptrans =kepttrans =mustfree@*/
+void *
+HAMT_search(HAMT *hamt, const char *str)
+ HAMTNode *node;
+ unsigned long key, keypart, Map;
+ int keypartbits = 0;
+ int level = 0;
+ key = HashKey(str);
+ keypart = key & 0x1F;
+ node = &hamt->root[keypart];
+ if (!node->BaseValue)
+ return NULL;
+ for (;;) {
+ if (!(IsSubTrie(node))) {
+ if (node->BitMapKey == key)
+ return ((HAMTEntry *)(node->BaseValue))->data;
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Subtree: look up in bitmap */
+ keypartbits += 5;
+ if (keypartbits > 30) {
+ /* Exceeded 32 bits of current key: rehash */
+ key = ReHashKey(str, level);
+ keypartbits = 0;
+ }
+ keypart = (key >> keypartbits) & 0x1F;
+ if (!(node->BitMapKey & (1<<keypart)))
+ return NULL; /* bit is 0 in bitmap -> no match */
+ /* Count bits below */
+ BitCount(Map, node->BitMapKey & ~((~0UL)<<keypart));
+ Map &= 0x1F; /* Clamp to <32 */
+ /* Go down a level */
+ level++;
+ node = &(GetSubTrie(node))[Map];
+ }
--- /dev/null
+/* $IdPath$
+ * Hash Array Mapped Trie (HAMT) header file.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2001 Peter Johnson
+ *
+ * This file is part of YASM.
+ *
+ * YASM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * YASM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef YASM_HAMT_H
+#define YASM_HAMT_H
+typedef struct HAMT HAMT;
+/* Creates new, empty, HAMT. */
+HAMT *HAMT_new(void);
+/* Deletes HAMT and all data associated with it using deletefunc() on each data
+ * item.
+ */
+void HAMT_delete(/*@only@*/ HAMT *hamt,
+ void (*deletefunc) (/*@only@*/ void *data));
+/* Inserts key into HAMT, associating it with data.
+ * If the key is not present in the HAMT, inserts it, sets *replace to 1, and
+ * returns the data passed in.
+ * If the key is already present and *replace is 0, deletes the data passed
+ * in using deletefunc() and returns the data currently associated with the
+ * key.
+ * If the key is already present and *replace is 1, deletes the data currently
+ * associated with the key using deletefunc() and replaces it with the data
+ * passed in.
+ */
+/*@dependent@*/ void *HAMT_insert(HAMT *hamt, /*@dependent@*/ const char *str,
+ /*@only@*/ void *data, int *replace,
+ void (*deletefunc) (/*@only@*/ void *data));
+/* Searches for the data associated with a key in the HAMT. If the key is not
+ * present, returns NULL.
+ */
+/*@dependent@*/ /*@null@*/ void *HAMT_search(HAMT *hamt, const char *str);
+/* Traverse over all keys in HAMT, calling func() for each data item.
+ * Stops early if func returns 0.
+ */
+int HAMT_traverse(HAMT *hamt, /*@null@*/ void *d,
+ int (*func) (/*@dependent@*/ /*@null@*/ void *node,
+ /*@null@*/ void *d));
-lclint -exportlocal -predbool -boolops +boolint +charint -retvalint -retvalother +ansilimits -I/usr/local/include -I.. -Iarch/x86 -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DHAVE_BOGUS_SYS_QUEUE_H -Dlint main.c options.c arch.c bytecode.c errwarn.c expr.c file.c floatnum.c globals.c intnum.c parser.c section.c arch/x86/arch.c arch/x86/bytecode.c arch/x86/expr.c objfmts/dbg/objfmt.c parsers/nasm/parser.c preprocs/raw/preproc.c parsers/nasm/bison.c symrec.c ternary.c
+lclint -exportlocal -predbool -boolops +boolint +charint -retvalint -retvalother +ansilimits -I/usr/local/include -I.. -Iarch/x86 -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DHAVE_BOGUS_SYS_QUEUE_H -Dlint main.c options.c arch.c bytecode.c errwarn.c expr.c file.c floatnum.c globals.c intnum.c parser.c section.c arch/x86/arch.c arch/x86/bytecode.c arch/x86/expr.c objfmts/dbg/objfmt.c parsers/nasm/parser.c preprocs/raw/preproc.c parsers/nasm/bison.c symrec.c hamt.c
#include "util.h"
/*@unused@*/ RCSID("$IdPath$");
-#include "ternary.h"
+#include "hamt.h"
#include "globals.h"
int indent_level = 0;
-static /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ ternary_tree filename_table = (ternary_tree)NULL;
-switch_filename(const char *filename)
- char *copy = xstrdup(filename);
- in_filename = ternary_insert(&filename_table, filename, copy, 0);
- /*@-branchstate@*/
- if (in_filename != copy)
- xfree(copy);
- /*@=branchstate@*/
+static /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ HAMT *filename_table = NULL;
static void
filename_delete_one(/*@only@*/ void *d)
+switch_filename(const char *filename)
+ char *copy = xstrdup(filename);
+ int replace = 0;
+ if (!filename_table)
+ filename_table = HAMT_new();
+ /*@-aliasunique@*/
+ in_filename = HAMT_insert(filename_table, copy, copy, &replace,
+ filename_delete_one);
+ /*@=aliasunique@*/
in_filename = NULL;
- ternary_cleanup(filename_table, filename_delete_one);
- filename_table = NULL;
+ if (filename_table) {
+ HAMT_delete(filename_table, filename_delete_one);
+ filename_table = NULL;
+ }
# include <limits.h>
-#include "ternary.h"
+#include "hamt.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "errwarn.h"
/* The symbol table: a ternary tree. */
-static /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ ternary_tree sym_table = (ternary_tree)NULL;
+static /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ HAMT *sym_table = NULL;
+static void
+symrec_delete_one(/*@only@*/ void *d)
+ symrec *sym = d;
+ xfree(sym->name);
+ if (sym->type == SYM_EQU)
+ expr_delete(sym->value.expn);
+ assert(cur_objfmt != NULL);
+ if (sym->of_data_vis_g && (sym->visibility & SYM_GLOBAL))
+ cur_objfmt->declare_data_delete(SYM_GLOBAL, sym->of_data_vis_g);
+ if (sym->of_data_vis_ce && (sym->visibility & SYM_COMMON)) {
+ cur_objfmt->declare_data_delete(SYM_COMMON, sym->of_data_vis_ce);
+ sym->of_data_vis_ce = NULL;
+ }
+ if (sym->of_data_vis_ce && (sym->visibility & SYM_EXTERN))
+ cur_objfmt->declare_data_delete(SYM_EXTERN, sym->of_data_vis_ce);
+ xfree(sym);
/* create a new symrec */
+/*@-freshtrans -mustfree@*/
static /*@partial@*/ /*@dependent@*/ symrec *
symrec_get_or_new(const char *name, int in_table)
- symrec *rec, *rec2;
+ symrec *rec;
+ int replace = 0;
+ char *symname = xstrdup(name);
rec = xmalloc(sizeof(symrec));
- if (in_table) {
- rec2 = ternary_insert(&sym_table, name, rec, 0);
- if (rec2 != rec) {
- xfree(rec);
- return rec2;
- }
- rec->status = SYM_NOSTATUS;
- } else
- rec->status = SYM_NOTINTABLE;
- rec->name = xstrdup(name);
+ rec->name = symname;
rec->type = SYM_UNKNOWN;
rec->filename = in_filename;
rec->line = line_number;
rec->of_data_vis_ce = NULL;
rec->of_data_vis_g = NULL;
- /*@-freshtrans -mustfree@*/
+ if (in_table) {
+ rec->status = SYM_NOSTATUS;
+ if (!sym_table)
+ sym_table = HAMT_new();
+ return HAMT_insert(sym_table, symname, rec, &replace,
+ symrec_delete_one);
+ }
+ rec->status = SYM_NOTINTABLE;
return rec;
- /*@=freshtrans =mustfree@*/
+/*@=freshtrans =mustfree@*/
/* Call a function with each symrec. Stops early if 0 returned by func.
Returns 0 if stopped early. */
symrec_traverse(void *d, int (*func) (symrec *sym, void *d))
- return ternary_traverse(sym_table, d, (int (*) (void *, void *))func);
+ if (sym_table)
+ return HAMT_traverse(sym_table, d, (int (*) (void *, void *))func);
+ else
+ return 1;
symrec *
_(" (Each undefined symbol is reported only once.)"));
-static void
-symrec_delete_one(/*@only@*/ void *d)
- symrec *sym = d;
- xfree(sym->name);
- if (sym->type == SYM_EQU)
- expr_delete(sym->value.expn);
- assert(cur_objfmt != NULL);
- if (sym->of_data_vis_g && (sym->visibility & SYM_GLOBAL))
- cur_objfmt->declare_data_delete(SYM_GLOBAL, sym->of_data_vis_g);
- if (sym->of_data_vis_ce && (sym->visibility & SYM_COMMON)) {
- cur_objfmt->declare_data_delete(SYM_COMMON, sym->of_data_vis_ce);
- sym->of_data_vis_ce = NULL;
- }
- if (sym->of_data_vis_ce && (sym->visibility & SYM_EXTERN))
- cur_objfmt->declare_data_delete(SYM_EXTERN, sym->of_data_vis_ce);
- xfree(sym);
- ternary_cleanup(sym_table, symrec_delete_one);
- sym_table = NULL;
+ if (sym_table) {
+ HAMT_delete(sym_table, symrec_delete_one);
+ sym_table = NULL;
+ }
+++ /dev/null
-/* ternary.c - Ternary Search Trees
- Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Contributed by Daniel Berlin (dan@cgsoftware.com)
- ternary_traverse by Peter Johnson (adapted from code by Jon Bentley and
- Robert Sedgewick).
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
- later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
- USA. */
-#include "util.h"
-/*@unused@*/ RCSID("$IdPath$");
-# include <assert.h>
-#include "errwarn.h"
-#include "ternary.h"
-/* Non-recursive so we don't waste stack space/time on large
- insertions. */
-void *
-ternary_insert (ternary_tree * root, const char *s, void *data, int replace)
- int diff;
- ternary_tree curr, *pcurr;
- /* Start at the root. */
- pcurr = root;
- /* Loop until we find the right position */
- while ((curr = *pcurr))
- {
- /* Calculate the difference */
- diff = *s - curr->splitchar;
- /* Handle current char equal to node splitchar */
- if (diff == 0)
- {
- /* Handle the case of a string we already have */
- if (*s++ == 0)
- {
- if (replace)
- {
- xfree(curr->eqkid);
- /*@-temptrans@*/
- curr->eqkid = (ternary_tree) data;
- /*@=temptrans@*/
- }
- return (void *) curr->eqkid;
- }
- pcurr = &(curr->eqkid);
- }
- /* Handle current char less than node splitchar */
- else if (diff < 0)
- {
- pcurr = &(curr->lokid);
- }
- /* Handle current char greater than node splitchar */
- else
- {
- pcurr = &(curr->hikid);
- }
- }
- /* It's not a duplicate string, and we should insert what's left of
- the string, into the tree rooted at curr */
- for (;;)
- {
- /* Allocate the memory for the node, and fill it in */
- *pcurr = (ternary_tree) xmalloc (sizeof (ternary_node));
- curr = *pcurr;
- curr->splitchar = *s;
- curr->lokid = curr->hikid = curr->eqkid = 0;
- /* Place nodes until we hit the end of the string.
- When we hit it, place the data in the right place, and
- return.
- */
- if (*s++ == 0)
- {
- curr->eqkid = (ternary_tree) data;
- return data;
- }
- pcurr = &(curr->eqkid);
- }
-/* Free the ternary search tree rooted at p. */
-ternary_cleanup (ternary_tree p, void (*data_cleanup)(/*@dependent@*/
- /*@null@*/ void *d))
- if (p)
- {
- ternary_cleanup (p->lokid, data_cleanup);
- if (p->splitchar)
- ternary_cleanup (p->eqkid, data_cleanup);
- else
- data_cleanup (p->eqkid);
- ternary_cleanup (p->hikid, data_cleanup);
- xfree (p);
- }
-/* Non-recursive find of a string in the ternary tree */
-void *
-ternary_search (ternary_tree p, const char *s)
- /*@null@*/ ternary_tree curr;
- int diff, spchar;
- spchar = *s;
- curr = p;
- /* Loop while we haven't hit a NULL node or returned */
- while (curr)
- {
- assert(curr != NULL);
- /* Calculate the difference */
- diff = spchar - curr->splitchar;
- /* Handle the equal case */
- if (diff == 0)
- {
- if (spchar == 0)
- return (void *) curr->eqkid;
- spchar = *++s;
- curr = curr->eqkid;
- }
- /* Handle the less than case */
- else if (diff < 0)
- curr = curr->lokid;
- /* All that's left is greater than */
- else
- curr = curr->hikid;
- }
- return NULL;
-/* For those who care, the recursive version of the search. Useful if
- you want a starting point for pmsearch or nearsearch. */
-static /*@dependent@*/ /*@null@*/ void *
-ternary_recursivesearch (ternary_tree p, const char *s)
- if (!p)
- return 0;
- if (*s < p->splitchar)
- return ternary_recursivesearch (p->lokid, s);
- else if (*s > p->splitchar)
- return ternary_recursivesearch (p->hikid, s);
- else
- {
- if (*s == 0)
- return (void *) p->eqkid;
- return ternary_recursivesearch (p->eqkid, ++s);
- }
-/* Traverse over tree, calling callback function for each leaf.
- Stops early if func returns 0. */
-ternary_traverse (ternary_tree p, void *d,
- int (*func) (/*@dependent@*/ /*@null@*/ void *node,
- /*@null@*/ void *d))
- if (!p)
- return 1;
- if (ternary_traverse (p->lokid, d, func) == 0)
- return 0;
- if (p->splitchar)
- {
- if (ternary_traverse (p->eqkid, d, func) == 0)
- return 0;
- }
- else
- if (func (p->eqkid, d) == 0)
- return 0;
- return ternary_traverse (p->hikid, d, func);
+++ /dev/null
-/* ternary.h - Ternary Search Trees
- Copyright 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Contributed by Daniel Berlin (dan@cgsoftware.com)
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
- later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
- USA. */
-/* Ternary search trees */
-typedef /*@null@*/ struct ternary_node_def *ternary_tree;
-typedef struct ternary_node_def
- char splitchar;
- /*@null@*/ ternary_tree lokid;
- /*@owned@*/ /*@null@*/ ternary_tree eqkid;
- /*@null@*/ ternary_tree hikid;
-/* Insert string S into tree P, associating it with DATA.
- Return the data in the tree associated with the string if it's
- already there, and replace is 0.
- Otherwise, replaces if it it exists, inserts if it doesn't, and
- returns the data you passed in. */
-/*@dependent@*/ void *ternary_insert (ternary_tree *p, const char *s,
- void *data, int replace);
-/* Delete the ternary search tree rooted at P.
- Does NOT delete the data you associated with the strings. */
-void ternary_cleanup (/*@only@*/ ternary_tree p,
- void (*data_cleanup)(/*@dependent@*/ /*@null@*/
- void *d));
-/* Search the ternary tree for string S, returning the data associated
- with it if found. */
-/*@dependent@*/ /*@null@*/ void *ternary_search (ternary_tree p,
- const char *s);
-/* Traverse over tree, calling callback function for each leaf.
- Stops early if func returns 0. */
-int ternary_traverse (ternary_tree p, /*@null@*/ void *d,
- int (*func) (/*@dependent@*/ /*@null@*/ void *node,
- /*@null@*/ void *d));