- Opcache:
. Fixed bug #69090 (check cached files permissions)
+- OpenSSL:
+ . Fixed bug #73478 (openssl_pkey_new() generates wrong pub/priv keys with
+ Diffie Hellman). (Jakub Zelenka)
. Fixed bug #73483 (Segmentation fault on pcre_replace_callback). (Laruence)
/* }}} */
+/* {{{ php_openssl_dh_pub_from_priv */
+static BIGNUM *php_openssl_dh_pub_from_priv(DH *dh, BIGNUM *priv_key, BIGNUM *g, BIGNUM *p)
+ BIGNUM *pub_key, *priv_key_const_time;
+ BN_CTX *ctx;
+ pub_key = BN_new();
+ if (pub_key == NULL) {
+ php_openssl_store_errors();
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ priv_key_const_time = BN_new();
+ if (priv_key_const_time == NULL) {
+ BN_free(pub_key);
+ php_openssl_store_errors();
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ctx = BN_CTX_new();
+ if (priv_key_const_time == NULL) {
+ BN_free(pub_key);
+ BN_free(priv_key_const_time);
+ php_openssl_store_errors();
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ BN_with_flags(priv_key_const_time, priv_key, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);
+ if (!BN_mod_exp_mont(pub_key, g, priv_key_const_time, p, ctx, NULL)) {
+ BN_free(pub_key);
+ php_openssl_store_errors();
+ pub_key = NULL;
+ }
+ BN_free(priv_key_const_time);
+ BN_CTX_free(ctx);
+ return pub_key;
+/* }}} */
/* {{{ php_openssl_pkey_init_dh */
zend_bool php_openssl_pkey_init_dh(DH *dh, zval *data)
if (pub_key) {
return DH_set0_key(dh, pub_key, priv_key);
+ if (priv_key) {
+ pub_key = php_openssl_dh_pub_from_priv(dh, priv_key, g, p);
+ if (pub_key == NULL) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return DH_set0_key(dh, pub_key, priv_key);
+ }
/* generate key */
--- /dev/null
+Bug #73478: openssl_pkey_new() generates wrong pub/priv keys with Diffie Hellman
+if (!extension_loaded("openssl")) die("skip openssl not loaded");
+$details = [
+ 'p' => base64_decode('3Pk6C4g5cuwOGZiaxaLOMQ4dN3F+jZVxu3Yjcxhm5h73Wi4niYsFf5iRwuJ6Y5w/KbYIFFgc07LKOYbSaDcFV31FwuflLcgcehcYduXOp0sUSL/frxiCjv0lGfFOReOCZjSvGUnltTXMgppIO4p2Ij5dSQolfwW9/xby+yLFg6s='),
+ 'g' => base64_decode('Ag=='),
+ 'priv_key' => base64_decode('jUdcV++P/m7oUodWiqKqKXZVenHRuj92Ig6Fmzs7QlqVdUc5mNBxmEWjug+ObffanPpOeab/LyXwjNMzevtBz3tW4oROau++9EIMJVVQr8fW9zdYBJcYieC5l4t8nRj5/Uu/Z0G2rWVLBleSi28mqqNEvnUs7uxYxrar69lwQYs=')
+$opensslKeyResource = openssl_pkey_new(['dh' => $details]);
+$data = openssl_pkey_get_details($opensslKeyResource);
+printf("Private key:\n%s\n", base64_encode($data['dh']['priv_key']));
+printf("Public key:\n%s\n", base64_encode($data['dh']['pub_key']));
+Private key:
+Public key: