" ../vim -u NONE -S runtest.vim test_channel.vim open_delay
" The output can be found in the "messages" file.
+" If the environment variable $TEST_FILTER is set then only test functions
+" matching this pattern are executed. E.g. for sh/bash:
+" export TEST_FILTER=Test_channel
+" For csh:
+" setenv TEST_FILTER Test_channel
+" To ignore failure for tests that are known to fail in a certain environment,
+" set $TEST_MAY_FAIL to a comma separated list of function names. E.g. for
+" sh/bash:
+" export TEST_MAY_FAIL=Test_channel_one,Test_channel_other
+" The failure report will then not be included in the test.log file and
+" "make test" will not fail.
" The test script may contain anything, only functions that start with
" "Test_" are special. These will be invoked and should contain assert
" functions. See test_assert.vim for an example.
let s:done += 1
-func AfterTheTest()
+func AfterTheTest(func_name)
if len(v:errors) > 0
- let s:fail += 1
- call add(s:errors, 'Found errors in ' . s:test . ':')
- call extend(s:errors, v:errors)
+ if match(s:may_fail_list, '^' .. a:func_name) >= 0
+ let s:fail_expected += 1
+ call add(s:errors_expected, 'Found errors in ' . s:test . ':')
+ call extend(s:errors_expected, v:errors)
+ else
+ let s:fail += 1
+ call add(s:errors, 'Found errors in ' . s:test . ':')
+ call extend(s:errors, v:errors)
+ endif
let v:errors = []
" This function can be called by a test if it wants to abort testing.
func FinishTesting()
- call AfterTheTest()
+ call AfterTheTest('')
" Don't write viminfo on exit.
set viminfo=
" Clean up files created by setup.vim
call delete('XfakeHOME', 'rf')
- if s:fail == 0
+ if s:fail == 0 && s:fail_expected == 0
" Success, create the .res file so that make knows it's done.
exe 'split ' . fnamemodify(g:testname, ':r') . '.res'
call add(s:messages, message)
call extend(s:messages, s:errors)
+ if s:fail_expected > 0
+ let message = s:fail_expected . ' FAILED (matching $TEST_MAY_FAIL):'
+ echo message
+ call add(s:messages, message)
+ call extend(s:messages, s:errors_expected)
+ endif
" Add SKIPPED messages
call extend(s:messages, s:skipped)
let g:testname = expand('%')
let s:done = 0
let s:fail = 0
+let s:fail_expected = 0
let s:errors = []
+let s:errors_expected = []
let s:messages = []
let s:skipped = []
if expand('%') =~ 'test_vimscript.vim'
- " this test has intentional s:errors, don't use try/catch.
+ " this test has intentional errors, don't use try/catch.
source %
let s:filtered -= len(s:tests)
+let s:may_fail_list = []
+if $TEST_MAY_FAIL != ''
+ " Split the list at commas and add () to make it match s:test.
+ let s:may_fail_list = split($TEST_MAY_FAIL, ',')->map({i, v -> v .. '()'})
" Execute the tests in alphabetical order.
for s:test in sort(s:tests)
" Silence, please!
- call AfterTheTest()
+ call AfterTheTest(s:test)
call FinishTesting()