multiple daggers thrusts them
if you didn't see a rolling boulder fall into a pit, you only heard the sound
of it doing so if you were blind
+fire trap was triggered twice in the same turn when melting ice was involved
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
boolean pick;
+ static struct trap *spottrap = (struct trap *)0;
+ static unsigned spottraptyp = NO_TRAP;
register struct monst *mtmp;
if(u.uinwater) {
int was_underwater;
if (!in_steed_dismounting) { /* if dismounting, we'll check again later */
struct trap *trap = t_at(u.ux,;
boolean pit;
+ /*
+ * If not a pit, pickup before triggering trap.
+ * If pit, trigger trap before pickup.
+ */
pit = (trap && (trap->ttyp == PIT || trap->ttyp == SPIKED_PIT));
- if (trap && pit)
- dotrap(trap, 0); /* fall into pit */
- if (pick) (void) pickup(1);
- if (trap && !pit)
- dotrap(trap, 0); /* fall into arrow trap, etc. */
+ if (pick && !pit) (void) pickup(1);
+ if (trap) {
+ /*
+ * dotrap on a fire trap calls melt_ice() which triggers
+ * spoteffects() (again) which can trigger the same fire
+ * trap (again). Use static spottrap to prevent that.
+ * We track spottraptyp because some traps morph
+ * (landmine to pit) and any new trap type
+ * should get triggered.
+ */
+ if (!spottrap || spottraptyp != trap->ttyp) {
+ spottrap = trap;
+ spottraptyp = trap->ttyp;
+ dotrap(trap, 0); /* fall into arrow trap, etc. */
+ spottrap = (struct trap *)0;
+ spottraptyp = NO_TRAP;
+ }
+ }
+ if (pick && pit) (void) pickup(1);
/* Warning alerts you to ice danger */
if (Warning && is_ice(u.ux, {