35D55B270D81D8C60092E734 /* BasicValueFactory.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 35D55B240D81D8C60092E734 /* BasicValueFactory.cpp */; };
35D55B280D81D8C60092E734 /* CFRefCount.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 35D55B250D81D8C60092E734 /* CFRefCount.cpp */; };
35E194690ECB82FB00F21733 /* SemaCXXScopeSpec.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 35E194670ECB82FB00F21733 /* SemaCXXScopeSpec.cpp */; };
- 35E1946A0ECB82FB00F21733 /* SemaNamedCast.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 35E194680ECB82FB00F21733 /* SemaNamedCast.cpp */; };
+ 35E1946A0ECB82FB00F21733 /* SemaCXXCast.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 35E194680ECB82FB00F21733 /* SemaCXXCast.cpp */; };
35E1946D0ECB83C100F21733 /* PTHLexer.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 35E1946C0ECB83C100F21733 /* PTHLexer.cpp */; };
35EE48B10E0C4CCA00715C54 /* DeclCXX.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 35EE48AF0E0C4CCA00715C54 /* DeclCXX.cpp */; };
35EE48B20E0C4CCA00715C54 /* ParentMap.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 35EE48B00E0C4CCA00715C54 /* ParentMap.cpp */; };
1A2A54AE0FD1DD1C00F4CE45 /* PrintPreprocessedOutput.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = PrintPreprocessedOutput.cpp; path = lib/Frontend/PrintPreprocessedOutput.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
1A2A54AF0FD1DD1C00F4CE45 /* RewriteBlocks.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = RewriteBlocks.cpp; path = lib/Frontend/RewriteBlocks.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
1A2A54B00FD1DD1C00F4CE45 /* RewriteMacros.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = RewriteMacros.cpp; path = lib/Frontend/RewriteMacros.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
- 1A2A54B10FD1DD1C00F4CE45 /* RewriteObjC.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = RewriteObjC.cpp; path = lib/Frontend/RewriteObjC.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 1A2A54B10FD1DD1C00F4CE45 /* RewriteObjC.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; indentWidth = 2; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = RewriteObjC.cpp; path = lib/Frontend/RewriteObjC.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; tabWidth = 2; };
1A2A54B20FD1DD1C00F4CE45 /* RewriteTest.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = RewriteTest.cpp; path = lib/Frontend/RewriteTest.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
1A2A54B30FD1DD1C00F4CE45 /* StmtXML.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = StmtXML.cpp; path = lib/Frontend/StmtXML.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
1A2A54B40FD1DD1C00F4CE45 /* Warnings.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = Warnings.cpp; path = lib/Frontend/Warnings.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
35D55B250D81D8C60092E734 /* CFRefCount.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = CFRefCount.cpp; path = lib/Analysis/CFRefCount.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
35D55B290D81D8E50092E734 /* BasicValueFactory.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = BasicValueFactory.h; path = clang/Analysis/PathSensitive/BasicValueFactory.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
35E194670ECB82FB00F21733 /* SemaCXXScopeSpec.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; indentWidth = 2; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = SemaCXXScopeSpec.cpp; path = lib/Sema/SemaCXXScopeSpec.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; tabWidth = 2; };
- 35E194680ECB82FB00F21733 /* SemaNamedCast.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; indentWidth = 2; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = SemaNamedCast.cpp; path = lib/Sema/SemaNamedCast.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; tabWidth = 2; };
+ 35E194680ECB82FB00F21733 /* SemaCXXCast.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; indentWidth = 2; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = SemaCXXCast.cpp; path = lib/Sema/SemaCXXCast.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; tabWidth = 2; };
35E1946C0ECB83C100F21733 /* PTHLexer.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = PTHLexer.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
35EE48AD0E0C4CB200715C54 /* DeclCXX.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; indentWidth = 2; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = DeclCXX.h; path = clang/AST/DeclCXX.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; tabWidth = 2; };
35EE48AE0E0C4CB200715C54 /* ParentMap.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; indentWidth = 2; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = ParentMap.h; path = clang/AST/ParentMap.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; tabWidth = 2; };
DE67E70E0C020ECF00F66BC5 /* SemaExprCXX.cpp */,
3599299A0DE2425300A8A33E /* SemaInit.cpp */,
357EA27C0F2526F300439B60 /* SemaLookup.cpp */,
- 35E194680ECB82FB00F21733 /* SemaNamedCast.cpp */,
+ 35E194680ECB82FB00F21733 /* SemaCXXCast.cpp */,
35585DBE0EAFBC4500D0A97A /* SemaOverload.cpp */,
35585DBF0EAFBC4500D0A97A /* SemaOverload.h */,
DE67E70C0C020ECA00F66BC5 /* SemaStmt.cpp */,
3557D1A90EB136B100C59739 /* InheritViz.cpp in Sources */,
3557D1F00EB13BB700C59739 /* SemaInherit.cpp in Sources */,
35E194690ECB82FB00F21733 /* SemaCXXScopeSpec.cpp in Sources */,
- 35E1946A0ECB82FB00F21733 /* SemaNamedCast.cpp in Sources */,
+ 35E1946A0ECB82FB00F21733 /* SemaCXXCast.cpp in Sources */,
35E1946D0ECB83C100F21733 /* PTHLexer.cpp in Sources */,
3537AA0E0ECD08A4008F7CDC /* PreprocessorLexer.cpp in Sources */,
DE8823CB0ED0046600CBC30A /* APValue.cpp in Sources */,
/// representation in the source code (ExplicitCastExpr's derived
/// classes).
class CastExpr : public Expr {
+ /// CastKind - the kind of cast this represents.
+ enum CastKind {
+ /// CK_Unknown - Unknown cast kind.
+ /// FIXME: The goal is to get rid of this and make all casts have a
+ /// kind so that the AST client doesn't have to try to figure out what's
+ /// going on.
+ CK_Unknown,
+ /// CK_BitCast - Used for reinterpret_cast.
+ CK_BitCast,
+ /// CK_NoOp - Used for const_cast.
+ CK_NoOp
+ };
+ CastKind Kind;
Stmt *Op;
- CastExpr(StmtClass SC, QualType ty, Expr *op) :
+ CastExpr(StmtClass SC, QualType ty, CastKind kind, Expr *op) :
Expr(SC, ty,
// Cast expressions are type-dependent if the type is
// dependent (C++ [temp.dep.expr]p3).
// Cast expressions are value-dependent if the type is
// dependent or if the subexpression is value-dependent.
ty->isDependentType() || (op && op->isValueDependent())),
- Op(op) {}
+ Kind(kind), Op(op) {}
/// \brief Construct an empty cast.
CastExpr(StmtClass SC, EmptyShell Empty)
: Expr(SC, Empty) { }
+ CastKind getCastKind() const { return Kind; }
+ void setCastKind(CastKind K) { Kind = K; }
Expr *getSubExpr() { return cast<Expr>(Op); }
const Expr *getSubExpr() const { return cast<Expr>(Op); }
void setSubExpr(Expr *E) { Op = E; }
bool LvalueCast;
- ImplicitCastExpr(QualType ty, Expr *op, bool Lvalue) :
- CastExpr(ImplicitCastExprClass, ty, op), LvalueCast(Lvalue) { }
+ ImplicitCastExpr(QualType ty, CastKind kind, Expr *op, bool Lvalue) :
+ CastExpr(ImplicitCastExprClass, ty, kind, op), LvalueCast(Lvalue) { }
/// \brief Construct an empty implicit cast.
explicit ImplicitCastExpr(EmptyShell Shell)
QualType TypeAsWritten;
- ExplicitCastExpr(StmtClass SC, QualType exprTy, Expr *op, QualType writtenTy)
- : CastExpr(SC, exprTy, op), TypeAsWritten(writtenTy) {}
+ ExplicitCastExpr(StmtClass SC, QualType exprTy, CastKind kind, Expr *op,
+ QualType writtenTy)
+ : CastExpr(SC, exprTy, kind, op), TypeAsWritten(writtenTy) {}
/// \brief Construct an empty explicit cast.
ExplicitCastExpr(StmtClass SC, EmptyShell Shell)
SourceLocation LPLoc; // the location of the left paren
SourceLocation RPLoc; // the location of the right paren
- CStyleCastExpr(QualType exprTy, Expr *op, QualType writtenTy,
+ CStyleCastExpr(QualType exprTy, CastKind kind, Expr *op, QualType writtenTy,
SourceLocation l, SourceLocation r) :
- ExplicitCastExpr(CStyleCastExprClass, exprTy, op, writtenTy),
+ ExplicitCastExpr(CStyleCastExprClass, exprTy, kind, op, writtenTy),
LPLoc(l), RPLoc(r) {}
/// \brief Construct an empty C-style explicit cast.
SourceLocation Loc; // the location of the casting op
- CXXNamedCastExpr(StmtClass SC, QualType ty, Expr *op, QualType writtenTy,
- SourceLocation l)
- : ExplicitCastExpr(SC, ty, op, writtenTy), Loc(l) {}
+ CXXNamedCastExpr(StmtClass SC, QualType ty, CastKind kind, Expr *op,
+ QualType writtenTy, SourceLocation l)
+ : ExplicitCastExpr(SC, ty, kind, op, writtenTy), Loc(l) {}
const char *getCastName() const;
/// @c static_cast<int>(1.0).
class CXXStaticCastExpr : public CXXNamedCastExpr {
- CXXStaticCastExpr(QualType ty, Expr *op, QualType writtenTy, SourceLocation l)
- : CXXNamedCastExpr(CXXStaticCastExprClass, ty, op, writtenTy, l) {}
+ CXXStaticCastExpr(QualType ty, CastKind kind, Expr *op, QualType writtenTy,
+ SourceLocation l)
+ : CXXNamedCastExpr(CXXStaticCastExprClass, ty, kind, op, writtenTy, l) {}
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == CXXStaticCastExprClass;
/// @c dynamic_cast<Derived*>(BasePtr).
class CXXDynamicCastExpr : public CXXNamedCastExpr {
- CXXDynamicCastExpr(QualType ty, Expr *op, QualType writtenTy, SourceLocation l)
- : CXXNamedCastExpr(CXXDynamicCastExprClass, ty, op, writtenTy, l) {}
+ CXXDynamicCastExpr(QualType ty, CastKind kind, Expr *op, QualType writtenTy,
+ SourceLocation l)
+ : CXXNamedCastExpr(CXXDynamicCastExprClass, ty, kind, op, writtenTy, l) {}
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == CXXDynamicCastExprClass;
CXXReinterpretCastExpr(QualType ty, Expr *op, QualType writtenTy,
SourceLocation l)
- : CXXNamedCastExpr(CXXReinterpretCastExprClass, ty, op, writtenTy, l) {}
+ : CXXNamedCastExpr(CXXReinterpretCastExprClass, ty, CK_BitCast, op,
+ writtenTy, l) {}
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == CXXReinterpretCastExprClass;
CXXConstCastExpr(QualType ty, Expr *op, QualType writtenTy,
SourceLocation l)
- : CXXNamedCastExpr(CXXConstCastExprClass, ty, op, writtenTy, l) {}
+ : CXXNamedCastExpr(CXXConstCastExprClass, ty, CK_NoOp, op, writtenTy, l) {}
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == CXXConstCastExprClass;
SourceLocation RParenLoc;
CXXFunctionalCastExpr(QualType ty, QualType writtenTy,
- SourceLocation tyBeginLoc, Expr *castExpr,
- SourceLocation rParenLoc) :
- ExplicitCastExpr(CXXFunctionalCastExprClass, ty, castExpr, writtenTy),
+ SourceLocation tyBeginLoc, CastKind kind,
+ Expr *castExpr, SourceLocation rParenLoc) :
+ ExplicitCastExpr(CXXFunctionalCastExprClass, ty, kind, castExpr, writtenTy),
TyBeginLoc(tyBeginLoc), RParenLoc(rParenLoc) {}
SourceLocation getTypeBeginLoc() const { return TyBeginLoc; }
unsigned PCHStmtReader::VisitCastExpr(CastExpr *E) {
+ E->setCastKind((CastExpr::CastKind)Record[Idx++]);
return 1;
void PCHStmtWriter::VisitCastExpr(CastExpr *E) {
+ Record.push_back(E->getCastKind()); // FIXME: stable encoding
void PCHStmtWriter::VisitBinaryOperator(BinaryOperator *E) {
SourceLocation(), II);
assert(RD && "RewriteObjCIvarRefExpr(): Can't find RecordDecl");
QualType castT = Context->getPointerType(Context->getTagDeclType(RD));
- CastExpr *castExpr = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(castT, IV->getBase(),
- castT,SourceLocation(),
- SourceLocation());
+ CastExpr *castExpr = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(castT,
+ CastExpr::CK_Unknown,
+ IV->getBase(),
+ castT,SourceLocation(),
+ SourceLocation());
// Don't forget the parens to enforce the proper binding.
ParenExpr *PE = new (Context) ParenExpr(IV->getBase()->getLocStart(),
SourceLocation(), II);
assert(RD && "RewriteObjCIvarRefExpr(): Can't find RecordDecl");
QualType castT = Context->getPointerType(Context->getTagDeclType(RD));
- CastExpr *castExpr = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(castT, IV->getBase(),
+ CastExpr *castExpr = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(castT,
+ CastExpr::CK_Unknown,
+ IV->getBase(),
castT, SourceLocation(),
// Don't forget the parens to enforce the proper binding.
buf += " if (!_rethrow) objc_exception_try_exit(&_stack);\n";
buf += " objc_sync_exit(";
Expr *syncExpr = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(Context->getObjCIdType(),
+ CastExpr::CK_Unknown,
// Now, we cast the reference to a pointer to the objc_msgSend type.
QualType pToFunc = Context->getPointerType(msgSendType);
- ImplicitCastExpr *ICE = new (Context) ImplicitCastExpr(pToFunc, DRE,
+ ImplicitCastExpr *ICE = new (Context) ImplicitCastExpr(pToFunc,
+ CastExpr::CK_Unknown,
+ DRE,
const FunctionType *FT = msgSendType->getAsFunctionType();
// cast to NSConstantString *
- CastExpr *cast = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(Exp->getType(), Unop,
- Exp->getType(), SourceLocation(), SourceLocation());
+ CastExpr *cast = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(Exp->getType(),
+ CastExpr::CK_Unknown,
+ Unop, Exp->getType(),
+ SourceLocation(),
+ SourceLocation());
ReplaceStmt(Exp, cast);
// delete Exp; leak for now, see RewritePropertySetter() usage for more info.
return cast;
// set the receiver to self, the first argument to all methods.
new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(Context->getObjCIdType(),
+ CastExpr::CK_Unknown,
new (Context) DeclRefExpr(CurMethodDef->getSelfDecl(),
// To turn off a warning, type-cast to 'id'
InitExprs.push_back( // set 'super class', using objc_getClass().
new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(Context->getObjCIdType(),
+ CastExpr::CK_Unknown,
Cls, Context->getObjCIdType(),
SourceLocation(), SourceLocation()));
// struct objc_super
SuperRep = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(Context->getPointerType(superType),
- SuperRep, Context->getPointerType(superType),
+ CastExpr::CK_Unknown, SuperRep,
+ Context->getPointerType(superType),
SourceLocation(), SourceLocation());
} else {
// (struct objc_super) { <exprs from above> }
new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(Context->getObjCIdType(),
+ CastExpr::CK_Unknown,
new (Context) DeclRefExpr(CurMethodDef->getSelfDecl(),
// set 'super class', using objc_getClass().
new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(Context->getObjCIdType(),
+ CastExpr::CK_Unknown,
Cls, Context->getObjCIdType(), SourceLocation(), SourceLocation()));
// struct objc_super
QualType superType = getSuperStructType();
SuperRep = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(Context->getPointerType(superType),
+ CastExpr::CK_Unknown,
SuperRep, Context->getPointerType(superType),
SourceLocation(), SourceLocation());
} else {
// Foo<Proto> *.
while (CStyleCastExpr *CE = dyn_cast<CStyleCastExpr>(recExpr))
recExpr = CE->getSubExpr();
- recExpr = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(Context->getObjCIdType(), recExpr,
+ recExpr = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(Context->getObjCIdType(),
+ CastExpr::CK_Unknown, recExpr,
SourceLocation(), SourceLocation());
QualType type = ICE->getType()->isObjCQualifiedIdType()
? Context->getObjCIdType()
: ICE->getType();
- userExpr = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(type, userExpr, type, SourceLocation(), SourceLocation());
+ userExpr = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(type, CastExpr::CK_Unknown,
+ userExpr, type, SourceLocation(),
+ SourceLocation());
// Make id<P...> cast into an 'id' cast.
else if (CStyleCastExpr *CE = dyn_cast<CStyleCastExpr>(userExpr)) {
while ((CE = dyn_cast<CStyleCastExpr>(userExpr)))
userExpr = CE->getSubExpr();
userExpr = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(Context->getObjCIdType(),
+ CastExpr::CK_Unknown,
userExpr, Context->getObjCIdType(),
SourceLocation(), SourceLocation());
// If we don't do this cast, we get the following bizarre warning/note:
// xx.m:13: warning: function called through a non-compatible type
// xx.m:13: note: if this code is reached, the program will abort
- cast = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(Context->getPointerType(Context->VoidTy), DRE,
+ cast = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(Context->getPointerType(Context->VoidTy),
+ CastExpr::CK_Unknown, DRE,
SourceLocation(), SourceLocation());
// If we don't have a method decl, force a variadic cast.
Exp->getMethodDecl() ? Exp->getMethodDecl()->isVariadic() : true, 0);
castType = Context->getPointerType(castType);
- cast = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(castType, cast, castType, SourceLocation(), SourceLocation());
+ cast = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(castType, CastExpr::CK_Unknown, cast,
+ castType, SourceLocation(),
+ SourceLocation());
// Don't forget the parens to enforce the proper binding.
ParenExpr *PE = new (Context) ParenExpr(SourceLocation(), SourceLocation(), cast);
DeclRefExpr *STDRE = new (Context) DeclRefExpr(MsgSendStretFlavor, msgSendType,
// Need to cast objc_msgSend_stret to "void *" (see above comment).
- cast = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(Context->getPointerType(Context->VoidTy), STDRE,
+ cast = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(Context->getPointerType(Context->VoidTy),
+ CastExpr::CK_Unknown, STDRE,
SourceLocation(), SourceLocation());
// Now do the "normal" pointer to function cast.
&ArgTypes[0], ArgTypes.size(),
Exp->getMethodDecl() ? Exp->getMethodDecl()->isVariadic() : false, 0);
castType = Context->getPointerType(castType);
- cast = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(castType, cast, castType, SourceLocation(), SourceLocation());
+ cast = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(castType, CastExpr::CK_Unknown,
+ cast, castType, SourceLocation(), SourceLocation());
// Don't forget the parens to enforce the proper binding.
PE = new (Context) ParenExpr(SourceLocation(), SourceLocation(), cast);
Expr *DerefExpr = new (Context) UnaryOperator(DRE, UnaryOperator::AddrOf,
- CastExpr *castExpr = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(DerefExpr->getType(), DerefExpr,
- DerefExpr->getType(),
+ CastExpr *castExpr = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(DerefExpr->getType(),
+ CastExpr::CK_Unknown,
+ DerefExpr, DerefExpr->getType(),
SourceLocation(), SourceLocation());
ReplaceStmt(Exp, castExpr);
PtrToFuncCastType = Context->getPointerType(PtrToFuncCastType);
- CastExpr *BlkCast = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(PtrBlock, Exp->getCallee(),
+ CastExpr *BlkCast = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(PtrBlock,
+ CastExpr::CK_Unknown,
+ Exp->getCallee(),
PtrBlock, SourceLocation(),
// Don't forget the parens to enforce the proper binding.
MemberExpr *ME = new (Context) MemberExpr(PE, true, FD, SourceLocation(),
- CastExpr *FunkCast = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(PtrToFuncCastType, ME,
+ CastExpr *FunkCast = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(PtrToFuncCastType,
+ CastExpr::CK_Unknown, ME,
FD = SynthBlockInitFunctionDecl(Func.c_str());
DeclRefExpr *Arg = new (Context) DeclRefExpr(FD, FD->getType(),
- CastExpr *castExpr = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(Context->VoidPtrTy, Arg,
+ CastExpr *castExpr = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(Context->VoidPtrTy,
+ CastExpr::CK_Unknown, Arg,
Context->VoidPtrTy, SourceLocation(),
std::string Buf = "__" + FuncName + "_block_copy_" + BlockNumber;
FD = SynthBlockInitFunctionDecl(Buf.c_str());
Arg = new (Context) DeclRefExpr(FD, FD->getType(), SourceLocation());
- castExpr = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(Context->VoidPtrTy, Arg,
+ castExpr = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(Context->VoidPtrTy,
+ CastExpr::CK_Unknown, Arg,
Context->VoidPtrTy, SourceLocation(),
Buf = "__" + FuncName + "_block_dispose_" + BlockNumber;
FD = SynthBlockInitFunctionDecl(Buf.c_str());
Arg = new (Context) DeclRefExpr(FD, FD->getType(), SourceLocation());
- castExpr = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(Context->VoidPtrTy, Arg,
+ castExpr = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(Context->VoidPtrTy,
+ CastExpr::CK_Unknown, Arg,
Context->VoidPtrTy, SourceLocation(),
} else if (isTopLevelBlockPointerType((*I)->getType())) {
FD = SynthBlockInitFunctionDecl((*I)->getNameAsCString());
Arg = new (Context) DeclRefExpr(FD, FD->getType(), SourceLocation());
- Exp = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(Context->VoidPtrTy, Arg,
- Context->VoidPtrTy, SourceLocation(),
+ Exp = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(Context->VoidPtrTy,
+ CastExpr::CK_Unknown, Arg,
+ Context->VoidPtrTy,
+ SourceLocation(),
} else {
FD = SynthBlockInitFunctionDecl((*I)->getNameAsCString());
NewRep = new (Context) UnaryOperator(NewRep, UnaryOperator::AddrOf,
- NewRep = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(FType, NewRep, FType, SourceLocation(),
+ NewRep = new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(FType, CastExpr::CK_Unknown, NewRep,
+ FType, SourceLocation(),
} else
- Expr = new (Context) ImplicitCastExpr(Ty, Expr, isLvalue);
+ Expr = new (Context) ImplicitCastExpr(Ty, CastExpr::CK_Unknown, Expr,
+ isLvalue);
void Sema::DeleteExpr(ExprTy *E) {
if (!TypeDependent)
CheckDynamicCast(*this, Ex, DestType, OpRange, DestRange);
return Owned(new (Context)CXXDynamicCastExpr(DestType.getNonReferenceType(),
- Ex, DestType, OpLoc));
+ CastExpr::CK_Unknown, Ex,
+ DestType, OpLoc));
case tok::kw_reinterpret_cast:
if (!TypeDependent)
if (!TypeDependent)
CheckStaticCast(*this, Ex, DestType, OpRange);
return Owned(new (Context) CXXStaticCastExpr(DestType.getNonReferenceType(),
- Ex, DestType, OpLoc));
+ CastExpr::CK_Unknown, Ex,
+ DestType, OpLoc));
return ExprError();
// Adjust the Expr initializer and type.
if (ECD->getInitExpr())
- ECD->setInitExpr(new (Context) ImplicitCastExpr(NewTy, ECD->getInitExpr(),
+ ECD->setInitExpr(new (Context) ImplicitCastExpr(NewTy,
+ CastExpr::CK_Unknown,
+ ECD->getInitExpr(),
if (getLangOptions().CPlusPlus)
// C++ [dcl.enum]p4: Following the closing brace of an
if (CheckCastTypes(SourceRange(LParenLoc, RParenLoc), castType, castExpr))
return ExprError();
return Owned(new (Context) CStyleCastExpr(castType.getNonReferenceType(),
- castExpr, castType,
- LParenLoc, RParenLoc));
+ CastExpr::CK_Unknown, castExpr,
+ castType, LParenLoc, RParenLoc));
/// Note that lhs is not null here, even if this is the gnu "x ?: y" extension.
return ExprError();
return Owned(new (Context) CXXFunctionalCastExpr(Ty.getNonReferenceType(),
- Ty, TyBeginLoc, Exprs[0],
- RParenLoc));
+ Ty, TyBeginLoc,
+ CastExpr::CK_Unknown,
+ Exprs[0], RParenLoc));
if (const RecordType *RT = Ty->getAs<RecordType>()) {
DeclRefExpr ConversionRef(Conversion, Conversion->getType(),
ImplicitCastExpr ConversionFn(Context.getPointerType(Conversion->getType()),
+ CastExpr::CK_Unknown,
&ConversionRef, false);
// Note that it is safe to allocate CallExpr on the stack here because
ImplicitCastExpr *ICE =
new (SemaRef.Context) ImplicitCastExpr(E->getType(),
+ E->getCastKind(),
(Expr *)SubExpr.release(),
return SemaRef.Owned(ICE);