typedef struct {
zend_function *func_ptr;
zval *obj;
+ zval *closure;
zend_class_entry *ce;
} autoload_func_info;
if (alfi->obj) {
+ if (alfi->closure) {
+ zval_ptr_dtor(&alfi->closure);
+ }
/* {{{ proto void spl_autoload_call(string class_name) U
+ alfi.closure = NULL;
alfi.ce = fcc.calling_scope;
alfi.func_ptr = fcc.function_handler;
obj_ptr = fcc.object_ptr;
+ if (Z_TYPE_P(zcallable) == IS_OBJECT) {
+ alfi.closure = zcallable;
+ Z_ADDREF_P(zcallable);
+ }
if (error) {
spl_alfi.func_ptr = spl_func_ptr;
spl_alfi.obj = NULL;
spl_alfi.ce = NULL;
+ spl_alfi.closure = NULL;
zend_hash_add(SPL_G(autoload_functions), "spl_autoload", sizeof("spl_autoload"), &spl_alfi, sizeof(autoload_func_info), NULL);
if (prepend && SPL_G(autoload_functions)->nNumOfElements > 1) {
/* Move the newly created element to the head of the hashtable */
--- /dev/null
+Bug #48023 (spl_autoload_register didn't addref closures)
+new Foo;
+Fatal error: Class 'Foo' not found in %s on line %d