case xml:remove_cdata(Els) of
[{xmlelement, "item", ItemAttrs, Payload}] ->
ItemId = xml:get_attr_s("id", ItemAttrs),
- publish_item(Host, ServerHost, Node, From, ItemId, Payload);
+ publish_item(Host, ServerHost, Node, From, ItemId, Payload, Access);
[] ->
%% Publisher attempts to publish to persistent node with no item
{error, extended_error(?ERR_BAD_REQUEST,
publish_item(Host, ServerHost, Node, Publisher, "", Payload) ->
%% if publisher does not specify an ItemId, the service MUST generate the ItemId
- publish_item(Host, ServerHost, Node, Publisher, uniqid(), Payload);
+ publish_item(Host, ServerHost, Node, Publisher, uniqid(), Payload, all);
publish_item(Host, ServerHost, Node, Publisher, ItemId, Payload) ->
+ publish_item(Host, ServerHost, Node, Publisher, ItemId, Payload, all).
+publish_item(Host, ServerHost, Node, Publisher, ItemId, Payload, Access) ->
Action = fun(#pubsub_node{options = Options, type = Type, id = NodeId}) ->
Features = features(Type),
PublishFeature = lists:member("publish", Features),
Type = select_type(ServerHost, Host, Node),
case lists:member("auto-create", features(Type)) of
true ->
- case create_node(Host, ServerHost, Node, Publisher, Type) of
+ case create_node(Host, ServerHost, Node, Publisher, Type, Access, []) of
{result, [{xmlelement, "pubsub", [{"xmlns", ?NS_PUBSUB}],
[{xmlelement, "create", [{"node", NewNode}], []}]}]} ->
publish_item(Host, ServerHost, list_to_binary(NewNode),