sst->save_insertmode = p_im;
sst->save_finish_op = finish_op;
sst->save_opcount = opcount;
+ sst->save_reg_executing = reg_executing;
msg_scroll = FALSE; /* no msg scrolling in Normal mode */
restart_edit = 0; /* don't go to Insert mode */
p_im = sst->save_insertmode;
finish_op = sst->save_finish_op;
opcount = sst->save_opcount;
+ reg_executing = sst->save_reg_executing;
msg_didout |= sst->save_msg_didout; /* don't reset msg_didout now */
/* Restore the state (needed when called from a function executed for
struct frame_S
- char fr_layout; /* FR_LEAF, FR_COL or FR_ROW */
+ char fr_layout; // FR_LEAF, FR_COL or FR_ROW
int fr_width;
- int fr_newwidth; /* new width used in win_equal_rec() */
+ int fr_newwidth; // new width used in win_equal_rec()
int fr_height;
- int fr_newheight; /* new height used in win_equal_rec() */
- frame_T *fr_parent; /* containing frame or NULL */
- frame_T *fr_next; /* frame right or below in same parent, NULL
- for first */
- frame_T *fr_prev; /* frame left or above in same parent, NULL
- for last */
- /* fr_child and fr_win are mutually exclusive */
- frame_T *fr_child; /* first contained frame */
- win_T *fr_win; /* window that fills this frame */
+ int fr_newheight; // new height used in win_equal_rec()
+ frame_T *fr_parent; // containing frame or NULL
+ frame_T *fr_next; // frame right or below in same parent, NULL
+ // for last
+ frame_T *fr_prev; // frame left or above in same parent, NULL
+ // for first
+ // fr_child and fr_win are mutually exclusive
+ frame_T *fr_child; // first contained frame
+ win_T *fr_win; // window that fills this frame
#define FR_LEAF 0 /* frame is a leaf */
int save_insertmode;
int save_finish_op;
int save_opcount;
+ int save_reg_executing;
tasave_T tabuf;
} save_state_T;
call feedkeys("q\"\"=s:save_reg_stat()\<CR>pq", 'xt')
call assert_equal('":', s:reg_stat)
+ " :normal command saves and restores reg_executing
+ let @q = ":call TestFunc()\<CR>:call s:save_reg_stat()\<CR>"
+ func TestFunc() abort
+ normal! ia
+ endfunc
+ call feedkeys("@q", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal(':q', s:reg_stat)
+ delfunc TestFunc
delfunc s:save_reg_stat
unlet s:reg_stat