pose a thread race condition. If building zlib on win32, be sure
to adjust the resulting ms\ntdll.mak file to link to the full
path of srclib\zlib\zdll.lib rather than zlib1.lib (that error in
- configuration of OpenSSL through 0.9.8d and earlier reflects older
+ configuration of OpenSSL through 0.9.8h and earlier reflects older
zlib 1.1 versions.)</p>
optimization of the resulting files, making it easier to single
step the code to find bugs and track down problems.</p>
+ <p>You can add your apr-util dbd provider choices with the additional
+ make variable DBD_LIST, e.g. DBD_LIST="mysql oracle pgsql sqlite3"
+ to build these four providers. However it's necessary to have
+ the include headers in the INCLUDE path list, db client libraries
+ in the LIB path list, and the db client dll files in the PATH. The
+ specifics for each provider are an exercise left to the reader.</p>
<section id="workspacebuild">