+ ext/extending.tex \
+ ext/newtypes.tex \
+ ext/unix.tex \
+ ext/windows.tex \
+ ext/embedding.tex \
--- /dev/null
+\chapter{Embedding Python in Another Application
+ \label{embedding}}
+The previous chapters discussed how to extend Python, that is, how to
+extend the functionality of Python by attaching a library of C
+functions to it. It is also possible to do it the other way around:
+enrich your C/\Cpp{} application by embedding Python in it. Embedding
+provides your application with the ability to implement some of the
+functionality of your application in Python rather than C or \Cpp.
+This can be used for many purposes; one example would be to allow
+users to tailor the application to their needs by writing some scripts
+in Python. You can also use it yourself if some of the functionality
+can be written in Python more easily.
+Embedding Python is similar to extending it, but not quite. The
+difference is that when you extend Python, the main program of the
+application is still the Python interpreter, while if you embed
+Python, the main program may have nothing to do with Python ---
+instead, some parts of the application occasionally call the Python
+interpreter to run some Python code.
+So if you are embedding Python, you are providing your own main
+program. One of the things this main program has to do is initialize
+the Python interpreter. At the very least, you have to call the
+function \cfunction{Py_Initialize()} (on Mac OS, call
+\cfunction{PyMac_Initialize()} instead). There are optional calls to
+pass command line arguments to Python. Then later you can call the
+interpreter from any part of the application.
+There are several different ways to call the interpreter: you can pass
+a string containing Python statements to
+\cfunction{PyRun_SimpleString()}, or you can pass a stdio file pointer
+and a file name (for identification in error messages only) to
+\cfunction{PyRun_SimpleFile()}. You can also call the lower-level
+operations described in the previous chapters to construct and use
+Python objects.
+A simple demo of embedding Python can be found in the directory
+\file{Demo/embed/} of the source distribution.
+ \seetitle[../api/api.html]{Python/C API Reference Manual}{The
+ details of Python's C interface are given in this manual.
+ A great deal of necessary information can be found here.}
+\section{Very High Level Embedding
+ \label{high-level-embedding}}
+The simplest form of embedding Python is the use of the very
+high level interface. This interface is intended to execute a
+Python script without needing to interact with the application
+directly. This can for example be used to perform some operation
+on a file.
+#include <Python.h>
+int main()
+ Py_Initialize();
+ PyRun_SimpleString("from time import time,ctime\n"
+ "print 'Today is',ctime(time())\n");
+ Py_Finalize();
+ return 0;
+The above code first initializes the Python interpreter with
+\cfunction{Py_Initialize()}, followed by the execution of a hard-coded
+Python script that print the date and time. Afterwards, the
+\cfunction{Py_Finalize()} call shuts the interpreter down, followed by
+the end of the program. In a real program, you may want to get the
+Python script from another source, perhaps a text-editor routine, a
+file, or a database. Getting the Python code from a file can better
+be done by using the \cfunction{PyRun_SimpleFile()} function, which
+saves you the trouble of allocating memory space and loading the file
+\section{Beyond Very High Level Embedding: An overview
+ \label{lower-level-embedding}}
+The high level interface gives you the ability to execute
+arbitrary pieces of Python code from your application, but
+exchanging data values is quite cumbersome to say the least. If
+you want that, you should use lower level calls. At the cost of
+having to write more C code, you can achieve almost anything.
+It should be noted that extending Python and embedding Python
+is quite the same activity, despite the different intent. Most
+topics discussed in the previous chapters are still valid. To
+show this, consider what the extension code from Python to C
+really does:
+ \item Convert data values from Python to C,
+ \item Perform a function call to a C routine using the
+ converted values, and
+ \item Convert the data values from the call from C to Python.
+When embedding Python, the interface code does:
+ \item Convert data values from C to Python,
+ \item Perform a function call to a Python interface routine
+ using the converted values, and
+ \item Convert the data values from the call from Python to C.
+As you can see, the data conversion steps are simply swapped to
+accomodate the different direction of the cross-language transfer.
+The only difference is the routine that you call between both
+data conversions. When extending, you call a C routine, when
+embedding, you call a Python routine.
+This chapter will not discuss how to convert data from Python
+to C and vice versa. Also, proper use of references and dealing
+with errors is assumed to be understood. Since these aspects do not
+differ from extending the interpreter, you can refer to earlier
+chapters for the required information.
+\section{Pure Embedding
+ \label{pure-embedding}}
+The first program aims to execute a function in a Python
+script. Like in the section about the very high level interface,
+the Python interpreter does not directly interact with the
+application (but that will change in th next section).
+The code to run a function defined in a Python script is:
+This code loads a Python script using \code{argv[1]}, and calls the
+function named in \code{argv[2]}. Its integer arguments are the other
+values of the \code{argv} array. If you compile and link this
+program (let's call the finished executable \program{call}), and use
+it to execute a Python script, such as:
+def multiply(a,b):
+ print "Thy shall add", a, "times", b
+ c = 0
+ for i in range(0, a):
+ c = c + b
+ return c
+then the result should be:
+$ call multiply 3 2
+Thy shall add 3 times 2
+Result of call: 6
+\end{verbatim} % $
+Although the program is quite large for its functionality, most of the
+code is for data conversion between Python and C, and for error
+reporting. The interesting part with respect to embedding Python
+starts with
+ Py_Initialize();
+ pName = PyString_FromString(argv[1]);
+ /* Error checking of pName left out */
+ pModule = PyImport_Import(pName);
+After initializing the interpreter, the script is loaded using
+\cfunction{PyImport_Import()}. This routine needs a Python string
+as its argument, which is constructed using the
+\cfunction{PyString_FromString()} data conversion routine.
+ pDict = PyModule_GetDict(pModule);
+ /* pDict is a borrowed reference */
+ pFunc = PyDict_GetItemString(pDict, argv[2]);
+ /* pFun is a borrowed reference */
+ if (pFunc && PyCallable_Check(pFunc)) {
+ ...
+ }
+Once the script is loaded, its dictionary is retrieved with
+\cfunction{PyModule_GetDict()}. The dictionary is then searched using
+the normal dictionary access routines for the function name. If the
+name exists, and the object retunred is callable, you can safely
+assume that it is a function. The program then proceeds by
+constructing a tuple of arguments as normal. The call to the python
+function is then made with:
+ pValue = PyObject_CallObject(pFunc, pArgs);
+Upon return of the function, \code{pValue} is either \NULL{} or it
+contains a reference to the return value of the function. Be sure to
+release the reference after examining the value.
+\section{Extending Embedded Python
+ \label{extending-with-embedding}}
+Until now, the embedded Python interpreter had no access to
+functionality from the application itself. The Python API allows this
+by extending the embedded interpreter. That is, the embedded
+interpreter gets extended with routines provided by the application.
+While it sounds complex, it is not so bad. Simply forget for a while
+that the application starts the Python interpreter. Instead, consider
+the application to be a set of subroutines, and write some glue code
+that gives Python access to those routines, just like you would write
+a normal Python extension. For example:
+static int numargs=0;
+/* Return the number of arguments of the application command line */
+static PyObject*
+emb_numargs(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
+ if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":numargs"))
+ return NULL;
+ return Py_BuildValue("i", numargs);
+static PyMethodDef EmbMethods[]={
+ {"numargs", emb_numargs, METH_VARARGS},
+Insert the above code just above the \cfunction{main()} function.
+Also, insert the following two statements directly after
+ numargs = argc;
+ Py_InitModule("emb", EmbMethods);
+These two lines initialize the \code{numargs} variable, and make the
+\function{emb.numargs()} function accessible to the embedded Python
+interpreter. With these extensions, the Python script can do things
+import emb
+print "Number of arguments", emb.numargs()
+In a real application, the methods will expose an API of the
+application to Python.
+%\section{For the future}
+%You don't happen to have a nice library to get textual
+%equivalents of numeric values do you :-) ?
+%Callbacks here ? (I may be using information from that section
+%code examples do not really behave well if errors happen
+% (what to watch out for)
+\section{Embedding Python in \Cpp{}
+ \label{embeddingInCplusplus}}
+It is also possible to embed Python in a \Cpp{} program; precisely how this
+is done will depend on the details of the \Cpp{} system used; in general you
+will need to write the main program in \Cpp{}, and use the \Cpp{} compiler
+to compile and link your program. There is no need to recompile Python
+itself using \Cpp{}.
+\section{Linking Requirements
+ \label{link-reqs}}
+While the \program{configure} script shipped with the Python sources
+will correctly build Python to export the symbols needed by
+dynamically linked extensions, this is not automatically inherited by
+applications which embed the Python library statically, at least on
+\UNIX. This is an issue when the application is linked to the static
+runtime library (\file{libpython.a}) and needs to load dynamic
+extensions (implemented as \file{.so} files).
+The problem is that some entry points are defined by the Python
+runtime solely for extension modules to use. If the embedding
+application does not use any of these entry points, some linkers will
+not include those entries in the symbol table of the finished
+executable. Some additional options are needed to inform the linker
+not to remove these symbols.
+Determining the right options to use for any given platform can be
+quite difficult, but fortunately the Python configuration already has
+those values. To retrieve them from an installed Python interpreter,
+start an interactive interpreter and have a short session like this:
+>>> import distutils.sysconfig
+>>> distutils.sysconfig.get_config_var('LINKFORSHARED')
+'-Xlinker -export-dynamic'
+The contents of the string presented will be the options that should
+be used. If the string is empty, there's no need to add any
+additional options. The \constant{LINKFORSHARED} definition
+corresponds to the variable of the same name in Python's top-level
-\chapter{Extending Python with C or \Cpp{} \label{intro}}
-It is quite easy to add new built-in modules to Python, if you know
-how to program in C. Such \dfn{extension modules} can do two things
-that can't be done directly in Python: they can implement new built-in
-object types, and they can call C library functions and system calls.
-To support extensions, the Python API (Application Programmers
-Interface) defines a set of functions, macros and variables that
-provide access to most aspects of the Python run-time system. The
-Python API is incorporated in a C source file by including the header
-The compilation of an extension module depends on its intended use as
-well as on your system setup; details are given in later chapters.
-\section{A Simple Example
- \label{simpleExample}}
-Let's create an extension module called \samp{spam} (the favorite food
-of Monty Python fans...) and let's say we want to create a Python
-interface to the C library function \cfunction{system()}.\footnote{An
-interface for this function already exists in the standard module
-\module{os} --- it was chosen as a simple and straightfoward example.}
-This function takes a null-terminated character string as argument and
-returns an integer. We want this function to be callable from Python
-as follows:
->>> import spam
->>> status = spam.system("ls -l")
-Begin by creating a file \file{spammodule.c}. (Historically, if a
-module is called \samp{spam}, the C file containing its implementation
-is called \file{spammodule.c}; if the module name is very long, like
-\samp{spammify}, the module name can be just \file{spammify.c}.)
-The first line of our file can be:
-#include <Python.h>
-which pulls in the Python API (you can add a comment describing the
-purpose of the module and a copyright notice if you like).
-All user-visible symbols defined by \code{"Python.h"} have a prefix of
-\samp{Py} or \samp{PY}, except those defined in standard header files.
-For convenience, and since they are used extensively by the Python
-interpreter, \code{"Python.h"} includes a few standard header files:
-\code{<stdio.h>}, \code{<string.h>}, \code{<errno.h>}, and
-\code{<stdlib.h>}. If the latter header file does not exist on your
-system, it declares the functions \cfunction{malloc()},
-\cfunction{free()} and \cfunction{realloc()} directly.
-The next thing we add to our module file is the C function that will
-be called when the Python expression \samp{spam.system(\var{string})}
-is evaluated (we'll see shortly how it ends up being called):
-static PyObject *
-spam_system(self, args)
- PyObject *self;
- PyObject *args;
- char *command;
- int sts;
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &command))
- return NULL;
- sts = system(command);
- return Py_BuildValue("i", sts);
-There is a straightforward translation from the argument list in
-Python (for example, the single expression \code{"ls -l"}) to the
-arguments passed to the C function. The C function always has two
-arguments, conventionally named \var{self} and \var{args}.
-The \var{self} argument is only used when the C function implements a
-built-in method, not a function. In the example, \var{self} will
-always be a \NULL{} pointer, since we are defining a function, not a
-method. (This is done so that the interpreter doesn't have to
-understand two different types of C functions.)
-The \var{args} argument will be a pointer to a Python tuple object
-containing the arguments. Each item of the tuple corresponds to an
-argument in the call's argument list. The arguments are Python
-objects --- in order to do anything with them in our C function we have
-to convert them to C values. The function \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()}
-in the Python API checks the argument types and converts them to C
-values. It uses a template string to determine the required types of
-the arguments as well as the types of the C variables into which to
-store the converted values. More about this later.
-\cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()} returns true (nonzero) if all arguments have
-the right type and its components have been stored in the variables
-whose addresses are passed. It returns false (zero) if an invalid
-argument list was passed. In the latter case it also raises an
-appropriate exception so the calling function can return
-\NULL{} immediately (as we saw in the example).
-\section{Intermezzo: Errors and Exceptions
- \label{errors}}
-An important convention throughout the Python interpreter is the
-following: when a function fails, it should set an exception condition
-and return an error value (usually a \NULL{} pointer). Exceptions
-are stored in a static global variable inside the interpreter; if this
-variable is \NULL{} no exception has occurred. A second global
-variable stores the ``associated value'' of the exception (the second
-argument to \keyword{raise}). A third variable contains the stack
-traceback in case the error originated in Python code. These three
-variables are the C equivalents of the Python variables
-\code{sys.exc_type}, \code{sys.exc_value} and \code{sys.exc_traceback} (see
-the section on module \module{sys} in the
-\citetitle[../lib/lib.html]{Python Library Reference}). It is
-important to know about them to understand how errors are passed
-The Python API defines a number of functions to set various types of
-The most common one is \cfunction{PyErr_SetString()}. Its arguments
-are an exception object and a C string. The exception object is
-usually a predefined object like \cdata{PyExc_ZeroDivisionError}. The
-C string indicates the cause of the error and is converted to a
-Python string object and stored as the ``associated value'' of the
-Another useful function is \cfunction{PyErr_SetFromErrno()}, which only
-takes an exception argument and constructs the associated value by
-inspection of the global variable \cdata{errno}. The most
-general function is \cfunction{PyErr_SetObject()}, which takes two object
-arguments, the exception and its associated value. You don't need to
-\cfunction{Py_INCREF()} the objects passed to any of these functions.
-You can test non-destructively whether an exception has been set with
-\cfunction{PyErr_Occurred()}. This returns the current exception object,
-or \NULL{} if no exception has occurred. You normally don't need
-to call \cfunction{PyErr_Occurred()} to see whether an error occurred in a
-function call, since you should be able to tell from the return value.
-When a function \var{f} that calls another function \var{g} detects
-that the latter fails, \var{f} should itself return an error value
-(usually \NULL{} or \code{-1}). It should \emph{not} call one of the
-\cfunction{PyErr_*()} functions --- one has already been called by \var{g}.
-\var{f}'s caller is then supposed to also return an error indication
-to \emph{its} caller, again \emph{without} calling \cfunction{PyErr_*()},
-and so on --- the most detailed cause of the error was already
-reported by the function that first detected it. Once the error
-reaches the Python interpreter's main loop, this aborts the currently
-executing Python code and tries to find an exception handler specified
-by the Python programmer.
-(There are situations where a module can actually give a more detailed
-error message by calling another \cfunction{PyErr_*()} function, and in
-such cases it is fine to do so. As a general rule, however, this is
-not necessary, and can cause information about the cause of the error
-to be lost: most operations can fail for a variety of reasons.)
-To ignore an exception set by a function call that failed, the exception
-condition must be cleared explicitly by calling \cfunction{PyErr_Clear()}.
-The only time C code should call \cfunction{PyErr_Clear()} is if it doesn't
-want to pass the error on to the interpreter but wants to handle it
-completely by itself (possibly by trying something else, or pretending
-nothing went wrong).
-Every failing \cfunction{malloc()} call must be turned into an
-exception --- the direct caller of \cfunction{malloc()} (or
-\cfunction{realloc()}) must call \cfunction{PyErr_NoMemory()} and
-return a failure indicator itself. All the object-creating functions
-(for example, \cfunction{PyInt_FromLong()}) already do this, so this
-note is only relevant to those who call \cfunction{malloc()} directly.
-Also note that, with the important exception of
-\cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()} and friends, functions that return an
-integer status usually return a positive value or zero for success and
-\code{-1} for failure, like \UNIX{} system calls.
-Finally, be careful to clean up garbage (by making
-\cfunction{Py_XDECREF()} or \cfunction{Py_DECREF()} calls for objects
-you have already created) when you return an error indicator!
-The choice of which exception to raise is entirely yours. There are
-predeclared C objects corresponding to all built-in Python exceptions,
-such as \cdata{PyExc_ZeroDivisionError}, which you can use directly.
-Of course, you should choose exceptions wisely --- don't use
-\cdata{PyExc_TypeError} to mean that a file couldn't be opened (that
-should probably be \cdata{PyExc_IOError}). If something's wrong with
-the argument list, the \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()} function usually
-raises \cdata{PyExc_TypeError}. If you have an argument whose value
-must be in a particular range or must satisfy other conditions,
-\cdata{PyExc_ValueError} is appropriate.
-You can also define a new exception that is unique to your module.
-For this, you usually declare a static object variable at the
-beginning of your file:
-static PyObject *SpamError;
-and initialize it in your module's initialization function
-(\cfunction{initspam()}) with an exception object (leaving out
-the error checking for now):
- PyObject *m, *d;
- m = Py_InitModule("spam", SpamMethods);
- d = PyModule_GetDict(m);
- SpamError = PyErr_NewException("spam.error", NULL, NULL);
- PyDict_SetItemString(d, "error", SpamError);
-Note that the Python name for the exception object is
-\exception{spam.error}. The \cfunction{PyErr_NewException()} function
-may create a class with the base class being \exception{Exception}
-(unless another class is passed in instead of \NULL), described in the
-\citetitle[../lib/lib.html]{Python Library Reference} under ``Built-in
-Note also that the \cdata{SpamError} variable retains a reference to
-the newly created exception class; this is intentional! Since the
-exception could be removed from the module by external code, an owned
-reference to the class is needed to ensure that it will not be
-discarded, causing \cdata{SpamError} to become a dangling pointer.
-Should it become a dangling pointer, C code which raises the exception
-could cause a core dump or other unintended side effects.
-\section{Back to the Example
- \label{backToExample}}
-Going back to our example function, you should now be able to
-understand this statement:
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &command))
- return NULL;
-It returns \NULL{} (the error indicator for functions returning
-object pointers) if an error is detected in the argument list, relying
-on the exception set by \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()}. Otherwise the
-string value of the argument has been copied to the local variable
-\cdata{command}. This is a pointer assignment and you are not supposed
-to modify the string to which it points (so in Standard C, the variable
-\cdata{command} should properly be declared as \samp{const char
-The next statement is a call to the \UNIX{} function
-\cfunction{system()}, passing it the string we just got from
- sts = system(command);
-Our \function{spam.system()} function must return the value of
-\cdata{sts} as a Python object. This is done using the function
-\cfunction{Py_BuildValue()}, which is something like the inverse of
-\cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()}: it takes a format string and an
-arbitrary number of C values, and returns a new Python object.
-More info on \cfunction{Py_BuildValue()} is given later.
- return Py_BuildValue("i", sts);
-In this case, it will return an integer object. (Yes, even integers
-are objects on the heap in Python!)
-If you have a C function that returns no useful argument (a function
-returning \ctype{void}), the corresponding Python function must return
-\code{None}. You need this idiom to do so:
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
-\cdata{Py_None} is the C name for the special Python object
-\code{None}. It is a genuine Python object rather than a \NULL{}
-pointer, which means ``error'' in most contexts, as we have seen.
-\section{The Module's Method Table and Initialization Function
- \label{methodTable}}
-I promised to show how \cfunction{spam_system()} is called from Python
-programs. First, we need to list its name and address in a ``method
-static PyMethodDef SpamMethods[] = {
- ...
- {"system", spam_system, METH_VARARGS},
- ...
- {NULL, NULL} /* Sentinel */
-Note the third entry (\samp{METH_VARARGS}). This is a flag telling
-the interpreter the calling convention to be used for the C
-function. It should normally always be \samp{METH_VARARGS} or
-\samp{METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS}; a value of \code{0} means that an
-obsolete variant of \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()} is used.
-When using only \samp{METH_VARARGS}, the function should expect
-the Python-level parameters to be passed in as a tuple acceptable for
-parsing via \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()}; more information on this
-function is provided below.
-The \constant{METH_KEYWORDS} bit may be set in the third field if
-keyword arguments should be passed to the function. In this case, the
-C function should accept a third \samp{PyObject *} parameter which
-will be a dictionary of keywords. Use
-\cfunction{PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords()} to parse the arguments to
-such a function.
-The method table must be passed to the interpreter in the module's
-initialization function. The initialization function must be named
-\cfunction{init\var{name}()}, where \var{name} is the name of the
-module, and should be the only non-\keyword{static} item defined in
-the module file:
- (void) Py_InitModule("spam", SpamMethods);
-Note that for \Cpp, this method must be declared \code{extern "C"}.
-When the Python program imports module \module{spam} for the first
-time, \cfunction{initspam()} is called. (See below for comments about
-embedding Python.) It calls
-\cfunction{Py_InitModule()}, which creates a ``module object'' (which
-is inserted in the dictionary \code{sys.modules} under the key
-\code{"spam"}), and inserts built-in function objects into the newly
-created module based upon the table (an array of \ctype{PyMethodDef}
-structures) that was passed as its second argument.
-\cfunction{Py_InitModule()} returns a pointer to the module object
-that it creates (which is unused here). It aborts with a fatal error
-if the module could not be initialized satisfactorily, so the caller
-doesn't need to check for errors.
-When embedding Python, the \cfunction{initspam()} function is not
-called automatically unless there's an entry in the
-\cdata{_PyImport_Inittab} table. The easiest way to handle this is to
-statically initialize your statically-linked modules by directly
-calling \cfunction{initspam()} after the call to
-\cfunction{Py_Initialize()} or \cfunction{PyMac_Initialize()}:
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
- /* Pass argv[0] to the Python interpreter */
- Py_SetProgramName(argv[0]);
- /* Initialize the Python interpreter. Required. */
- Py_Initialize();
- /* Add a static module */
- initspam();
-An example may be found in the file \file{Demo/embed/demo.c} in the
-Python source distribution.
-\strong{Note:} Removing entries from \code{sys.modules} or importing
-compiled modules into multiple interpreters within a process (or
-following a \cfunction{fork()} without an intervening
-\cfunction{exec()}) can create problems for some extension modules.
-Extension module authors should exercise caution when initializing
-internal data structures.
-Note also that the \function{reload()} function can be used with
-extension modules, and will call the module initialization function
-(\cfunction{initspam()} in the example), but will not load the module
-again if it was loaded from a dynamically loadable object file
-(\file{.so} on \UNIX, \file{.dll} on Windows).
-A more substantial example module is included in the Python source
-distribution as \file{Modules/xxmodule.c}. This file may be used as a
-template or simply read as an example. The \program{}
-script included in the source distribution or Windows install provides
-a simple graphical user interface for declaring the functions and
-objects which a module should implement, and can generate a template
-which can be filled in. The script lives in the
-\file{Tools/modulator/} directory; see the \file{README} file there
-for more information.
-\section{Compilation and Linkage
- \label{compilation}}
-There are two more things to do before you can use your new extension:
-compiling and linking it with the Python system. If you use dynamic
-loading, the details depend on the style of dynamic loading your
-system uses; see the chapters about building extension modules on
-\UNIX{} (chapter \ref{building-on-unix}) and Windows (chapter
-\ref{building-on-windows}) for more information about this.
-% XXX Add information about MacOS
-If you can't use dynamic loading, or if you want to make your module a
-permanent part of the Python interpreter, you will have to change the
-configuration setup and rebuild the interpreter. Luckily, this is
-very simple: just place your file (\file{spammodule.c} for example) in
-the \file{Modules/} directory of an unpacked source distribution, add
-a line to the file \file{Modules/Setup.local} describing your file:
-spam spammodule.o
-and rebuild the interpreter by running \program{make} in the toplevel
-directory. You can also run \program{make} in the \file{Modules/}
-subdirectory, but then you must first rebuild \file{Makefile}
-there by running `\program{make} Makefile'. (This is necessary each
-time you change the \file{Setup} file.)
-If your module requires additional libraries to link with, these can
-be listed on the line in the configuration file as well, for instance:
-spam spammodule.o -lX11
-\section{Calling Python Functions from C
- \label{callingPython}}
-So far we have concentrated on making C functions callable from
-Python. The reverse is also useful: calling Python functions from C.
-This is especially the case for libraries that support so-called
-``callback'' functions. If a C interface makes use of callbacks, the
-equivalent Python often needs to provide a callback mechanism to the
-Python programmer; the implementation will require calling the Python
-callback functions from a C callback. Other uses are also imaginable.
-Fortunately, the Python interpreter is easily called recursively, and
-there is a standard interface to call a Python function. (I won't
-dwell on how to call the Python parser with a particular string as
-input --- if you're interested, have a look at the implementation of
-the \programopt{-c} command line option in \file{Python/pythonmain.c}
-from the Python source code.)
-Calling a Python function is easy. First, the Python program must
-somehow pass you the Python function object. You should provide a
-function (or some other interface) to do this. When this function is
-called, save a pointer to the Python function object (be careful to
-\cfunction{Py_INCREF()} it!) in a global variable --- or wherever you
-see fit. For example, the following function might be part of a module
-static PyObject *my_callback = NULL;
-static PyObject *
-my_set_callback(dummy, args)
- PyObject *dummy, *args;
- PyObject *result = NULL;
- PyObject *temp;
- if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O:set_callback", &temp)) {
- if (!PyCallable_Check(temp)) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "parameter must be callable");
- return NULL;
- }
- Py_XINCREF(temp); /* Add a reference to new callback */
- Py_XDECREF(my_callback); /* Dispose of previous callback */
- my_callback = temp; /* Remember new callback */
- /* Boilerplate to return "None" */
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- result = Py_None;
- }
- return result;
-This function must be registered with the interpreter using the
-\constant{METH_VARARGS} flag; this is described in section
-\ref{methodTable}, ``The Module's Method Table and Initialization
-Function.'' The \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()} function and its
-arguments are documented in section \ref{parseTuple}, ``Extracting
-Parameters in Extension Functions.''
-The macros \cfunction{Py_XINCREF()} and \cfunction{Py_XDECREF()}
-increment/decrement the reference count of an object and are safe in
-the presence of \NULL{} pointers (but note that \var{temp} will not be
-\NULL{} in this context). More info on them in section
-\ref{refcounts}, ``Reference Counts.''
-Later, when it is time to call the function, you call the C function
-\cfunction{PyEval_CallObject()}. This function has two arguments, both
-pointers to arbitrary Python objects: the Python function, and the
-argument list. The argument list must always be a tuple object, whose
-length is the number of arguments. To call the Python function with
-no arguments, pass an empty tuple; to call it with one argument, pass
-a singleton tuple. \cfunction{Py_BuildValue()} returns a tuple when its
-format string consists of zero or more format codes between
-parentheses. For example:
- int arg;
- PyObject *arglist;
- PyObject *result;
- ...
- arg = 123;
- ...
- /* Time to call the callback */
- arglist = Py_BuildValue("(i)", arg);
- result = PyEval_CallObject(my_callback, arglist);
- Py_DECREF(arglist);
-\cfunction{PyEval_CallObject()} returns a Python object pointer: this is
-the return value of the Python function. \cfunction{PyEval_CallObject()} is
-``reference-count-neutral'' with respect to its arguments. In the
-example a new tuple was created to serve as the argument list, which
-is \cfunction{Py_DECREF()}-ed immediately after the call.
-The return value of \cfunction{PyEval_CallObject()} is ``new'': either it
-is a brand new object, or it is an existing object whose reference
-count has been incremented. So, unless you want to save it in a
-global variable, you should somehow \cfunction{Py_DECREF()} the result,
-even (especially!) if you are not interested in its value.
-Before you do this, however, it is important to check that the return
-value isn't \NULL{}. If it is, the Python function terminated by
-raising an exception. If the C code that called
-\cfunction{PyEval_CallObject()} is called from Python, it should now
-return an error indication to its Python caller, so the interpreter
-can print a stack trace, or the calling Python code can handle the
-exception. If this is not possible or desirable, the exception should
-be cleared by calling \cfunction{PyErr_Clear()}. For example:
- if (result == NULL)
- return NULL; /* Pass error back */
- ...use result...
- Py_DECREF(result);
-Depending on the desired interface to the Python callback function,
-you may also have to provide an argument list to
-\cfunction{PyEval_CallObject()}. In some cases the argument list is
-also provided by the Python program, through the same interface that
-specified the callback function. It can then be saved and used in the
-same manner as the function object. In other cases, you may have to
-construct a new tuple to pass as the argument list. The simplest way
-to do this is to call \cfunction{Py_BuildValue()}. For example, if
-you want to pass an integral event code, you might use the following
- PyObject *arglist;
- ...
- arglist = Py_BuildValue("(l)", eventcode);
- result = PyEval_CallObject(my_callback, arglist);
- Py_DECREF(arglist);
- if (result == NULL)
- return NULL; /* Pass error back */
- /* Here maybe use the result */
- Py_DECREF(result);
-Note the placement of \samp{Py_DECREF(arglist)} immediately after the
-call, before the error check! Also note that strictly spoken this
-code is not complete: \cfunction{Py_BuildValue()} may run out of
-memory, and this should be checked.
-\section{Extracting Parameters in Extension Functions
- \label{parseTuple}}
-The \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()} function is declared as follows:
-int PyArg_ParseTuple(PyObject *arg, char *format, ...);
-The \var{arg} argument must be a tuple object containing an argument
-list passed from Python to a C function. The \var{format} argument
-must be a format string, whose syntax is explained below. The
-remaining arguments must be addresses of variables whose type is
-determined by the format string. For the conversion to succeed, the
-\var{arg} object must match the format and the format must be
-exhausted. On success, \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()} returns true,
-otherwise it returns false and raises an appropriate exception.
-Note that while \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()} checks that the Python
-arguments have the required types, it cannot check the validity of the
-addresses of C variables passed to the call: if you make mistakes
-there, your code will probably crash or at least overwrite random bits
-in memory. So be careful!
-A format string consists of zero or more ``format units''. A format
-unit describes one Python object; it is usually a single character or
-a parenthesized sequence of format units. With a few exceptions, a
-format unit that is not a parenthesized sequence normally corresponds
-to a single address argument to \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()}. In the
-following description, the quoted form is the format unit; the entry
-in (round) parentheses is the Python object type that matches the
-format unit; and the entry in [square] brackets is the type of the C
-variable(s) whose address should be passed. (Use the \samp{\&}
-operator to pass a variable's address.)
-Note that any Python object references which are provided to the
-caller are \emph{borrowed} references; do not decrement their
-reference count!
-\item[\samp{s} (string or Unicode object) {[char *]}]
-Convert a Python string or Unicode object to a C pointer to a
-character string. You must not provide storage for the string
-itself; a pointer to an existing string is stored into the character
-pointer variable whose address you pass. The C string is
-null-terminated. The Python string must not contain embedded null
-bytes; if it does, a \exception{TypeError} exception is raised.
-Unicode objects are converted to C strings using the default
-encoding. If this conversion fails, an \exception{UnicodeError} is
-\item[\samp{s\#} (string, Unicode or any read buffer compatible object)
-{[char *, int]}]
-This variant on \samp{s} stores into two C variables, the first one a
-pointer to a character string, the second one its length. In this
-case the Python string may contain embedded null bytes. Unicode
-objects pass back a pointer to the default encoded string version of the
-object if such a conversion is possible. All other read buffer
-compatible objects pass back a reference to the raw internal data
-\item[\samp{z} (string or \code{None}) {[char *]}]
-Like \samp{s}, but the Python object may also be \code{None}, in which
-case the C pointer is set to \NULL{}.
-\item[\samp{z\#} (string or \code{None} or any read buffer compatible object)
-{[char *, int]}]
-This is to \samp{s\#} as \samp{z} is to \samp{s}.
-\item[\samp{u} (Unicode object) {[Py_UNICODE *]}]
-Convert a Python Unicode object to a C pointer to a null-terminated
-buffer of 16-bit Unicode (UTF-16) data. As with \samp{s}, there is no need
-to provide storage for the Unicode data buffer; a pointer to the
-existing Unicode data is stored into the Py_UNICODE pointer variable whose
-address you pass.
-\item[\samp{u\#} (Unicode object) {[Py_UNICODE *, int]}]
-This variant on \samp{u} stores into two C variables, the first one
-a pointer to a Unicode data buffer, the second one its length.
-\item[\samp{es} (string, Unicode object or character buffer compatible
-object) {[const char *encoding, char **buffer]}]
-This variant on \samp{s} is used for encoding Unicode and objects
-convertible to Unicode into a character buffer. It only works for
-encoded data without embedded \NULL{} bytes.
-The variant reads one C variable and stores into two C variables, the
-first one a pointer to an encoding name string (\var{encoding}), and the
-second a pointer to a pointer to a character buffer (\var{**buffer},
-the buffer used for storing the encoded data).
-The encoding name must map to a registered codec. If set to \NULL{},
-the default encoding is used.
-\cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()} will allocate a buffer of the needed
-size using \cfunction{PyMem_NEW()}, copy the encoded data into this
-buffer and adjust \var{*buffer} to reference the newly allocated
-storage. The caller is responsible for calling
-\cfunction{PyMem_Free()} to free the allocated buffer after usage.
-\item[\samp{et} (string, Unicode object or character buffer compatible
-object) {[const char *encoding, char **buffer]}]
-Same as \samp{es} except that string objects are passed through without
-recoding them. Instead, the implementation assumes that the string
-object uses the encoding passed in as parameter.
-\item[\samp{es\#} (string, Unicode object or character buffer compatible
-object) {[const char *encoding, char **buffer, int *buffer_length]}]
-This variant on \samp{s\#} is used for encoding Unicode and objects
-convertible to Unicode into a character buffer. It reads one C
-variable and stores into three C variables, the first one a pointer to
-an encoding name string (\var{encoding}), the second a pointer to a
-pointer to a character buffer (\var{**buffer}, the buffer used for
-storing the encoded data) and the third one a pointer to an integer
-(\var{*buffer_length}, the buffer length).
-The encoding name must map to a registered codec. If set to \NULL{},
-the default encoding is used.
-There are two modes of operation:
-If \var{*buffer} points a \NULL{} pointer,
-\cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()} will allocate a buffer of the needed
-size using \cfunction{PyMem_NEW()}, copy the encoded data into this
-buffer and adjust \var{*buffer} to reference the newly allocated
-storage. The caller is responsible for calling
-\cfunction{PyMem_Free()} to free the allocated buffer after usage.
-If \var{*buffer} points to a non-\NULL{} pointer (an already allocated
-buffer), \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()} will use this location as
-buffer and interpret \var{*buffer_length} as buffer size. It will then
-copy the encoded data into the buffer and 0-terminate it. Buffer
-overflow is signalled with an exception.
-In both cases, \var{*buffer_length} is set to the length of the
-encoded data without the trailing 0-byte.
-\item[\samp{et\#} (string, Unicode object or character buffer compatible
-object) {[const char *encoding, char **buffer]}]
-Same as \samp{es\#} except that string objects are passed through without
-recoding them. Instead, the implementation assumes that the string
-object uses the encoding passed in as parameter.
-\item[\samp{b} (integer) {[char]}]
-Convert a Python integer to a tiny int, stored in a C \ctype{char}.
-\item[\samp{h} (integer) {[short int]}]
-Convert a Python integer to a C \ctype{short int}.
-\item[\samp{i} (integer) {[int]}]
-Convert a Python integer to a plain C \ctype{int}.
-\item[\samp{l} (integer) {[long int]}]
-Convert a Python integer to a C \ctype{long int}.
-\item[\samp{c} (string of length 1) {[char]}]
-Convert a Python character, represented as a string of length 1, to a
-C \ctype{char}.
-\item[\samp{f} (float) {[float]}]
-Convert a Python floating point number to a C \ctype{float}.
-\item[\samp{d} (float) {[double]}]
-Convert a Python floating point number to a C \ctype{double}.
-\item[\samp{D} (complex) {[Py_complex]}]
-Convert a Python complex number to a C \ctype{Py_complex} structure.
-\item[\samp{O} (object) {[PyObject *]}]
-Store a Python object (without any conversion) in a C object pointer.
-The C program thus receives the actual object that was passed. The
-object's reference count is not increased. The pointer stored is not
-\item[\samp{O!} (object) {[\var{typeobject}, PyObject *]}]
-Store a Python object in a C object pointer. This is similar to
-\samp{O}, but takes two C arguments: the first is the address of a
-Python type object, the second is the address of the C variable (of
-type \ctype{PyObject *}) into which the object pointer is stored.
-If the Python object does not have the required type,
-\exception{TypeError} is raised.
-\item[\samp{O\&} (object) {[\var{converter}, \var{anything}]}]
-Convert a Python object to a C variable through a \var{converter}
-function. This takes two arguments: the first is a function, the
-second is the address of a C variable (of arbitrary type), converted
-to \ctype{void *}. The \var{converter} function in turn is called as
-\var{status}\code{ = }\var{converter}\code{(}\var{object}, \var{address}\code{);}
-where \var{object} is the Python object to be converted and
-\var{address} is the \ctype{void *} argument that was passed to
-\cfunction{PyArg_ConvertTuple()}. The returned \var{status} should be
-\code{1} for a successful conversion and \code{0} if the conversion
-has failed. When the conversion fails, the \var{converter} function
-should raise an exception.
-\item[\samp{S} (string) {[PyStringObject *]}]
-Like \samp{O} but requires that the Python object is a string object.
-Raises \exception{TypeError} if the object is not a string object.
-The C variable may also be declared as \ctype{PyObject *}.
-\item[\samp{U} (Unicode string) {[PyUnicodeObject *]}]
-Like \samp{O} but requires that the Python object is a Unicode object.
-Raises \exception{TypeError} if the object is not a Unicode object.
-The C variable may also be declared as \ctype{PyObject *}.
-\item[\samp{t\#} (read-only character buffer) {[char *, int]}]
-Like \samp{s\#}, but accepts any object which implements the read-only
-buffer interface. The \ctype{char *} variable is set to point to the
-first byte of the buffer, and the \ctype{int} is set to the length of
-the buffer. Only single-segment buffer objects are accepted;
-\exception{TypeError} is raised for all others.
-\item[\samp{w} (read-write character buffer) {[char *]}]
-Similar to \samp{s}, but accepts any object which implements the
-read-write buffer interface. The caller must determine the length of
-the buffer by other means, or use \samp{w\#} instead. Only
-single-segment buffer objects are accepted; \exception{TypeError} is
-raised for all others.
-\item[\samp{w\#} (read-write character buffer) {[char *, int]}]
-Like \samp{s\#}, but accepts any object which implements the
-read-write buffer interface. The \ctype{char *} variable is set to
-point to the first byte of the buffer, and the \ctype{int} is set to
-the length of the buffer. Only single-segment buffer objects are
-accepted; \exception{TypeError} is raised for all others.
-\item[\samp{(\var{items})} (tuple) {[\var{matching-items}]}]
-The object must be a Python sequence whose length is the number of
-format units in \var{items}. The C arguments must correspond to the
-individual format units in \var{items}. Format units for sequences
-may be nested.
-\strong{Note:} Prior to Python version 1.5.2, this format specifier
-only accepted a tuple containing the individual parameters, not an
-arbitrary sequence. Code which previously caused
-\exception{TypeError} to be raised here may now proceed without an
-exception. This is not expected to be a problem for existing code.
-It is possible to pass Python long integers where integers are
-requested; however no proper range checking is done --- the most
-significant bits are silently truncated when the receiving field is
-too small to receive the value (actually, the semantics are inherited
-from downcasts in C --- your mileage may vary).
-A few other characters have a meaning in a format string. These may
-not occur inside nested parentheses. They are:
-Indicates that the remaining arguments in the Python argument list are
-optional. The C variables corresponding to optional arguments should
-be initialized to their default value --- when an optional argument is
-not specified, \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()} does not touch the contents
-of the corresponding C variable(s).
-The list of format units ends here; the string after the colon is used
-as the function name in error messages (the ``associated value'' of
-the exception that \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()} raises).
-The list of format units ends here; the string after the semicolon is
-used as the error message \emph{instead} of the default error message.
-Clearly, \samp{:} and \samp{;} mutually exclude each other.
-Some example calls:
- int ok;
- int i, j;
- long k, l;
- char *s;
- int size;
- ok = PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ""); /* No arguments */
- /* Python call: f() */
- ok = PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &s); /* A string */
- /* Possible Python call: f('whoops!') */
- ok = PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "lls", &k, &l, &s); /* Two longs and a string */
- /* Possible Python call: f(1, 2, 'three') */
- ok = PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "(ii)s#", &i, &j, &s, &size);
- /* A pair of ints and a string, whose size is also returned */
- /* Possible Python call: f((1, 2), 'three') */
- {
- char *file;
- char *mode = "r";
- int bufsize = 0;
- ok = PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s|si", &file, &mode, &bufsize);
- /* A string, and optionally another string and an integer */
- /* Possible Python calls:
- f('spam')
- f('spam', 'w')
- f('spam', 'wb', 100000) */
- }
- {
- int left, top, right, bottom, h, v;
- ok = PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "((ii)(ii))(ii)",
- &left, &top, &right, &bottom, &h, &v);
- /* A rectangle and a point */
- /* Possible Python call:
- f(((0, 0), (400, 300)), (10, 10)) */
- }
- {
- Py_complex c;
- ok = PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "D:myfunction", &c);
- /* a complex, also providing a function name for errors */
- /* Possible Python call: myfunction(1+2j) */
- }
-\section{Keyword Parameters for Extension Functions
- \label{parseTupleAndKeywords}}
-The \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords()} function is declared as
-int PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(PyObject *arg, PyObject *kwdict,
- char *format, char **kwlist, ...);
-The \var{arg} and \var{format} parameters are identical to those of the
-\cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()} function. The \var{kwdict} parameter
-is the dictionary of keywords received as the third parameter from the
-Python runtime. The \var{kwlist} parameter is a \NULL{}-terminated
-list of strings which identify the parameters; the names are matched
-with the type information from \var{format} from left to right. On
-success, \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords()} returns true,
-otherwise it returns false and raises an appropriate exception.
-\strong{Note:} Nested tuples cannot be parsed when using keyword
-arguments! Keyword parameters passed in which are not present in the
-\var{kwlist} will cause \exception{TypeError} to be raised.
-Here is an example module which uses keywords, based on an example by
-Geoff Philbrick (\email{}):%
-\index{Philbrick, Geoff}
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "Python.h"
-static PyObject *
-keywdarg_parrot(self, args, keywds)
- PyObject *self;
- PyObject *args;
- PyObject *keywds;
- int voltage;
- char *state = "a stiff";
- char *action = "voom";
- char *type = "Norwegian Blue";
- static char *kwlist[] = {"voltage", "state", "action", "type", NULL};
- if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, keywds, "i|sss", kwlist,
- &voltage, &state, &action, &type))
- return NULL;
- printf("-- This parrot wouldn't %s if you put %i Volts through it.\n",
- action, voltage);
- printf("-- Lovely plumage, the %s -- It's %s!\n", type, state);
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
-static PyMethodDef keywdarg_methods[] = {
- /* The cast of the function is necessary since PyCFunction values
- * only take two PyObject* parameters, and keywdarg_parrot() takes
- * three.
- */
- {"parrot", (PyCFunction)keywdarg_parrot, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS},
- {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
- /* Create the module and add the functions */
- Py_InitModule("keywdarg", keywdarg_methods);
-\section{Building Arbitrary Values
- \label{buildValue}}
-This function is the counterpart to \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()}. It is
-declared as follows:
-PyObject *Py_BuildValue(char *format, ...);
-It recognizes a set of format units similar to the ones recognized by
-\cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()}, but the arguments (which are input to the
-function, not output) must not be pointers, just values. It returns a
-new Python object, suitable for returning from a C function called
-from Python.
-One difference with \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()}: while the latter
-requires its first argument to be a tuple (since Python argument lists
-are always represented as tuples internally),
-\cfunction{Py_BuildValue()} does not always build a tuple. It builds
-a tuple only if its format string contains two or more format units.
-If the format string is empty, it returns \code{None}; if it contains
-exactly one format unit, it returns whatever object is described by
-that format unit. To force it to return a tuple of size 0 or one,
-parenthesize the format string.
-When memory buffers are passed as parameters to supply data to build
-objects, as for the \samp{s} and \samp{s\#} formats, the required data
-is copied. Buffers provided by the caller are never referenced by the
-objects created by \cfunction{Py_BuildValue()}. In other words, if
-your code invokes \cfunction{malloc()} and passes the allocated memory
-to \cfunction{Py_BuildValue()}, your code is responsible for
-calling \cfunction{free()} for that memory once
-\cfunction{Py_BuildValue()} returns.
-In the following description, the quoted form is the format unit; the
-entry in (round) parentheses is the Python object type that the format
-unit will return; and the entry in [square] brackets is the type of
-the C value(s) to be passed.
-The characters space, tab, colon and comma are ignored in format
-strings (but not within format units such as \samp{s\#}). This can be
-used to make long format strings a tad more readable.
-\item[\samp{s} (string) {[char *]}]
-Convert a null-terminated C string to a Python object. If the C
-string pointer is \NULL{}, \code{None} is used.
-\item[\samp{s\#} (string) {[char *, int]}]
-Convert a C string and its length to a Python object. If the C string
-pointer is \NULL{}, the length is ignored and \code{None} is
-\item[\samp{z} (string or \code{None}) {[char *]}]
-Same as \samp{s}.
-\item[\samp{z\#} (string or \code{None}) {[char *, int]}]
-Same as \samp{s\#}.
-\item[\samp{u} (Unicode string) {[Py_UNICODE *]}]
-Convert a null-terminated buffer of Unicode (UCS-2) data to a Python
-Unicode object. If the Unicode buffer pointer is \NULL,
-\code{None} is returned.
-\item[\samp{u\#} (Unicode string) {[Py_UNICODE *, int]}]
-Convert a Unicode (UCS-2) data buffer and its length to a Python
-Unicode object. If the Unicode buffer pointer is \NULL, the length
-is ignored and \code{None} is returned.
-\item[\samp{i} (integer) {[int]}]
-Convert a plain C \ctype{int} to a Python integer object.
-\item[\samp{b} (integer) {[char]}]
-Same as \samp{i}.
-\item[\samp{h} (integer) {[short int]}]
-Same as \samp{i}.
-\item[\samp{l} (integer) {[long int]}]
-Convert a C \ctype{long int} to a Python integer object.
-\item[\samp{c} (string of length 1) {[char]}]
-Convert a C \ctype{int} representing a character to a Python string of
-length 1.
-\item[\samp{d} (float) {[double]}]
-Convert a C \ctype{double} to a Python floating point number.
-\item[\samp{f} (float) {[float]}]
-Same as \samp{d}.
-\item[\samp{D} (complex) {[Py_complex *]}]
-Convert a C \ctype{Py_complex} structure to a Python complex number.
-\item[\samp{O} (object) {[PyObject *]}]
-Pass a Python object untouched (except for its reference count, which
-is incremented by one). If the object passed in is a \NULL{}
-pointer, it is assumed that this was caused because the call producing
-the argument found an error and set an exception. Therefore,
-\cfunction{Py_BuildValue()} will return \NULL{} but won't raise an
-exception. If no exception has been raised yet,
-\cdata{PyExc_SystemError} is set.
-\item[\samp{S} (object) {[PyObject *]}]
-Same as \samp{O}.
-\item[\samp{U} (object) {[PyObject *]}]
-Same as \samp{O}.
-\item[\samp{N} (object) {[PyObject *]}]
-Same as \samp{O}, except it doesn't increment the reference count on
-the object. Useful when the object is created by a call to an object
-constructor in the argument list.
-\item[\samp{O\&} (object) {[\var{converter}, \var{anything}]}]
-Convert \var{anything} to a Python object through a \var{converter}
-function. The function is called with \var{anything} (which should be
-compatible with \ctype{void *}) as its argument and should return a
-``new'' Python object, or \NULL{} if an error occurred.
-\item[\samp{(\var{items})} (tuple) {[\var{matching-items}]}]
-Convert a sequence of C values to a Python tuple with the same number
-of items.
-\item[\samp{[\var{items}]} (list) {[\var{matching-items}]}]
-Convert a sequence of C values to a Python list with the same number
-of items.
-\item[\samp{\{\var{items}\}} (dictionary) {[\var{matching-items}]}]
-Convert a sequence of C values to a Python dictionary. Each pair of
-consecutive C values adds one item to the dictionary, serving as key
-and value, respectively.
-If there is an error in the format string, the
-\cdata{PyExc_SystemError} exception is raised and \NULL{} returned.
-Examples (to the left the call, to the right the resulting Python value):
- Py_BuildValue("") None
- Py_BuildValue("i", 123) 123
- Py_BuildValue("iii", 123, 456, 789) (123, 456, 789)
- Py_BuildValue("s", "hello") 'hello'
- Py_BuildValue("ss", "hello", "world") ('hello', 'world')
- Py_BuildValue("s#", "hello", 4) 'hell'
- Py_BuildValue("()") ()
- Py_BuildValue("(i)", 123) (123,)
- Py_BuildValue("(ii)", 123, 456) (123, 456)
- Py_BuildValue("(i,i)", 123, 456) (123, 456)
- Py_BuildValue("[i,i]", 123, 456) [123, 456]
- Py_BuildValue("{s:i,s:i}",
- "abc", 123, "def", 456) {'abc': 123, 'def': 456}
- Py_BuildValue("((ii)(ii)) (ii)",
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) (((1, 2), (3, 4)), (5, 6))
-\section{Reference Counts
- \label{refcounts}}
-In languages like C or \Cpp{}, the programmer is responsible for
-dynamic allocation and deallocation of memory on the heap. In C,
-this is done using the functions \cfunction{malloc()} and
-\cfunction{free()}. In \Cpp{}, the operators \keyword{new} and
-\keyword{delete} are used with essentially the same meaning; they are
-actually implemented using \cfunction{malloc()} and
-\cfunction{free()}, so we'll restrict the following discussion to the
-Every block of memory allocated with \cfunction{malloc()} should
-eventually be returned to the pool of available memory by exactly one
-call to \cfunction{free()}. It is important to call
-\cfunction{free()} at the right time. If a block's address is
-forgotten but \cfunction{free()} is not called for it, the memory it
-occupies cannot be reused until the program terminates. This is
-called a \dfn{memory leak}. On the other hand, if a program calls
-\cfunction{free()} for a block and then continues to use the block, it
-creates a conflict with re-use of the block through another
-\cfunction{malloc()} call. This is called \dfn{using freed memory}.
-It has the same bad consequences as referencing uninitialized data ---
-core dumps, wrong results, mysterious crashes.
-Common causes of memory leaks are unusual paths through the code. For
-instance, a function may allocate a block of memory, do some
-calculation, and then free the block again. Now a change in the
-requirements for the function may add a test to the calculation that
-detects an error condition and can return prematurely from the
-function. It's easy to forget to free the allocated memory block when
-taking this premature exit, especially when it is added later to the
-code. Such leaks, once introduced, often go undetected for a long
-time: the error exit is taken only in a small fraction of all calls,
-and most modern machines have plenty of virtual memory, so the leak
-only becomes apparent in a long-running process that uses the leaking
-function frequently. Therefore, it's important to prevent leaks from
-happening by having a coding convention or strategy that minimizes
-this kind of errors.
-Since Python makes heavy use of \cfunction{malloc()} and
-\cfunction{free()}, it needs a strategy to avoid memory leaks as well
-as the use of freed memory. The chosen method is called
-\dfn{reference counting}. The principle is simple: every object
-contains a counter, which is incremented when a reference to the
-object is stored somewhere, and which is decremented when a reference
-to it is deleted. When the counter reaches zero, the last reference
-to the object has been deleted and the object is freed.
-An alternative strategy is called \dfn{automatic garbage collection}.
-(Sometimes, reference counting is also referred to as a garbage
-collection strategy, hence my use of ``automatic'' to distinguish the
-two.) The big advantage of automatic garbage collection is that the
-user doesn't need to call \cfunction{free()} explicitly. (Another claimed
-advantage is an improvement in speed or memory usage --- this is no
-hard fact however.) The disadvantage is that for C, there is no
-truly portable automatic garbage collector, while reference counting
-can be implemented portably (as long as the functions \cfunction{malloc()}
-and \cfunction{free()} are available --- which the C Standard guarantees).
-Maybe some day a sufficiently portable automatic garbage collector
-will be available for C. Until then, we'll have to live with
-reference counts.
-\subsection{Reference Counting in Python
- \label{refcountsInPython}}
-There are two macros, \code{Py_INCREF(x)} and \code{Py_DECREF(x)},
-which handle the incrementing and decrementing of the reference count.
-\cfunction{Py_DECREF()} also frees the object when the count reaches zero.
-For flexibility, it doesn't call \cfunction{free()} directly --- rather, it
-makes a call through a function pointer in the object's \dfn{type
-object}. For this purpose (and others), every object also contains a
-pointer to its type object.
-The big question now remains: when to use \code{Py_INCREF(x)} and
-\code{Py_DECREF(x)}? Let's first introduce some terms. Nobody
-``owns'' an object; however, you can \dfn{own a reference} to an
-object. An object's reference count is now defined as the number of
-owned references to it. The owner of a reference is responsible for
-calling \cfunction{Py_DECREF()} when the reference is no longer
-needed. Ownership of a reference can be transferred. There are three
-ways to dispose of an owned reference: pass it on, store it, or call
-\cfunction{Py_DECREF()}. Forgetting to dispose of an owned reference
-creates a memory leak.
-It is also possible to \dfn{borrow}\footnote{The metaphor of
-``borrowing'' a reference is not completely correct: the owner still
-has a copy of the reference.} a reference to an object. The borrower
-of a reference should not call \cfunction{Py_DECREF()}. The borrower must
-not hold on to the object longer than the owner from which it was
-borrowed. Using a borrowed reference after the owner has disposed of
-it risks using freed memory and should be avoided
-completely.\footnote{Checking that the reference count is at least 1
-\strong{does not work} --- the reference count itself could be in
-freed memory and may thus be reused for another object!}
-The advantage of borrowing over owning a reference is that you don't
-need to take care of disposing of the reference on all possible paths
-through the code --- in other words, with a borrowed reference you
-don't run the risk of leaking when a premature exit is taken. The
-disadvantage of borrowing over leaking is that there are some subtle
-situations where in seemingly correct code a borrowed reference can be
-used after the owner from which it was borrowed has in fact disposed
-of it.
-A borrowed reference can be changed into an owned reference by calling
-\cfunction{Py_INCREF()}. This does not affect the status of the owner from
-which the reference was borrowed --- it creates a new owned reference,
-and gives full owner responsibilities (the new owner must
-dispose of the reference properly, as well as the previous owner).
-\subsection{Ownership Rules
- \label{ownershipRules}}
-Whenever an object reference is passed into or out of a function, it
-is part of the function's interface specification whether ownership is
-transferred with the reference or not.
-Most functions that return a reference to an object pass on ownership
-with the reference. In particular, all functions whose function it is
-to create a new object, such as \cfunction{PyInt_FromLong()} and
-\cfunction{Py_BuildValue()}, pass ownership to the receiver. Even if in
-fact, in some cases, you don't receive a reference to a brand new
-object, you still receive ownership of the reference. For instance,
-\cfunction{PyInt_FromLong()} maintains a cache of popular values and can
-return a reference to a cached item.
-Many functions that extract objects from other objects also transfer
-ownership with the reference, for instance
-\cfunction{PyObject_GetAttrString()}. The picture is less clear, here,
-however, since a few common routines are exceptions:
-\cfunction{PyTuple_GetItem()}, \cfunction{PyList_GetItem()},
-\cfunction{PyDict_GetItem()}, and \cfunction{PyDict_GetItemString()}
-all return references that you borrow from the tuple, list or
-The function \cfunction{PyImport_AddModule()} also returns a borrowed
-reference, even though it may actually create the object it returns:
-this is possible because an owned reference to the object is stored in
-When you pass an object reference into another function, in general,
-the function borrows the reference from you --- if it needs to store
-it, it will use \cfunction{Py_INCREF()} to become an independent
-owner. There are exactly two important exceptions to this rule:
-\cfunction{PyTuple_SetItem()} and \cfunction{PyList_SetItem()}. These
-functions take over ownership of the item passed to them --- even if
-they fail! (Note that \cfunction{PyDict_SetItem()} and friends don't
-take over ownership --- they are ``normal.'')
-When a C function is called from Python, it borrows references to its
-arguments from the caller. The caller owns a reference to the object,
-so the borrowed reference's lifetime is guaranteed until the function
-returns. Only when such a borrowed reference must be stored or passed
-on, it must be turned into an owned reference by calling
-The object reference returned from a C function that is called from
-Python must be an owned reference --- ownership is tranferred from the
-function to its caller.
-\subsection{Thin Ice
- \label{thinIce}}
-There are a few situations where seemingly harmless use of a borrowed
-reference can lead to problems. These all have to do with implicit
-invocations of the interpreter, which can cause the owner of a
-reference to dispose of it.
-The first and most important case to know about is using
-\cfunction{Py_DECREF()} on an unrelated object while borrowing a
-reference to a list item. For instance:
-bug(PyObject *list) {
- PyObject *item = PyList_GetItem(list, 0);
- PyList_SetItem(list, 1, PyInt_FromLong(0L));
- PyObject_Print(item, stdout, 0); /* BUG! */
-This function first borrows a reference to \code{list[0]}, then
-replaces \code{list[1]} with the value \code{0}, and finally prints
-the borrowed reference. Looks harmless, right? But it's not!
-Let's follow the control flow into \cfunction{PyList_SetItem()}. The list
-owns references to all its items, so when item 1 is replaced, it has
-to dispose of the original item 1. Now let's suppose the original
-item 1 was an instance of a user-defined class, and let's further
-suppose that the class defined a \method{__del__()} method. If this
-class instance has a reference count of 1, disposing of it will call
-its \method{__del__()} method.
-Since it is written in Python, the \method{__del__()} method can execute
-arbitrary Python code. Could it perhaps do something to invalidate
-the reference to \code{item} in \cfunction{bug()}? You bet! Assuming
-that the list passed into \cfunction{bug()} is accessible to the
-\method{__del__()} method, it could execute a statement to the effect of
-\samp{del list[0]}, and assuming this was the last reference to that
-object, it would free the memory associated with it, thereby
-invalidating \code{item}.
-The solution, once you know the source of the problem, is easy:
-temporarily increment the reference count. The correct version of the
-function reads:
-no_bug(PyObject *list) {
- PyObject *item = PyList_GetItem(list, 0);
- Py_INCREF(item);
- PyList_SetItem(list, 1, PyInt_FromLong(0L));
- PyObject_Print(item, stdout, 0);
- Py_DECREF(item);
-This is a true story. An older version of Python contained variants
-of this bug and someone spent a considerable amount of time in a C
-debugger to figure out why his \method{__del__()} methods would fail...
-The second case of problems with a borrowed reference is a variant
-involving threads. Normally, multiple threads in the Python
-interpreter can't get in each other's way, because there is a global
-lock protecting Python's entire object space. However, it is possible
-to temporarily release this lock using the macro
-\code{Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS}, and to re-acquire it using
-\code{Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS}. This is common around blocking I/O
-calls, to let other threads use the processor while waiting for the I/O to
-complete. Obviously, the following function has the same problem as
-the previous one:
-bug(PyObject *list) {
- PyObject *item = PyList_GetItem(list, 0);
- ...some blocking I/O call...
- PyObject_Print(item, stdout, 0); /* BUG! */
-\subsection{NULL Pointers
- \label{nullPointers}}
-In general, functions that take object references as arguments do not
-expect you to pass them \NULL{} pointers, and will dump core (or
-cause later core dumps) if you do so. Functions that return object
-references generally return \NULL{} only to indicate that an
-exception occurred. The reason for not testing for \NULL{}
-arguments is that functions often pass the objects they receive on to
-other function --- if each function were to test for \NULL{},
-there would be a lot of redundant tests and the code would run more
-It is better to test for \NULL{} only at the ``source:'' when a
-pointer that may be \NULL{} is received, for example, from
-\cfunction{malloc()} or from a function that may raise an exception.
-The macros \cfunction{Py_INCREF()} and \cfunction{Py_DECREF()}
-do not check for \NULL{} pointers --- however, their variants
-\cfunction{Py_XINCREF()} and \cfunction{Py_XDECREF()} do.
-The macros for checking for a particular object type
-(\code{Py\var{type}_Check()}) don't check for \NULL{} pointers ---
-again, there is much code that calls several of these in a row to test
-an object against various different expected types, and this would
-generate redundant tests. There are no variants with \NULL{}
-The C function calling mechanism guarantees that the argument list
-passed to C functions (\code{args} in the examples) is never
-\NULL{} --- in fact it guarantees that it is always a tuple.\footnote{
-These guarantees don't hold when you use the ``old'' style
-calling convention --- this is still found in much existing code.}
-It is a severe error to ever let a \NULL{} pointer ``escape'' to
-the Python user.
-% Frank Stajano:
-% A pedagogically buggy example, along the lines of the previous listing,
-% would be helpful here -- showing in more concrete terms what sort of
-% actions could cause the problem. I can't very well imagine it from the
-% description.
-\section{Writing Extensions in \Cpp{}
- \label{cplusplus}}
-It is possible to write extension modules in \Cpp{}. Some restrictions
-apply. If the main program (the Python interpreter) is compiled and
-linked by the C compiler, global or static objects with constructors
-cannot be used. This is not a problem if the main program is linked
-by the \Cpp{} compiler. Functions that will be called by the
-Python interpreter (in particular, module initalization functions)
-have to be declared using \code{extern "C"}.
-It is unnecessary to enclose the Python header files in
-\code{extern "C" \{...\}} --- they use this form already if the symbol
-\samp{__cplusplus} is defined (all recent \Cpp{} compilers define this
-\section{Providing a C API for an Extension Module
- \label{using-cobjects}}
-\sectionauthor{Konrad Hinsen}{}
-Many extension modules just provide new functions and types to be
-used from Python, but sometimes the code in an extension module can
-be useful for other extension modules. For example, an extension
-module could implement a type ``collection'' which works like lists
-without order. Just like the standard Python list type has a C API
-which permits extension modules to create and manipulate lists, this
-new collection type should have a set of C functions for direct
-manipulation from other extension modules.
-At first sight this seems easy: just write the functions (without
-declaring them \keyword{static}, of course), provide an appropriate
-header file, and document the C API. And in fact this would work if
-all extension modules were always linked statically with the Python
-interpreter. When modules are used as shared libraries, however, the
-symbols defined in one module may not be visible to another module.
-The details of visibility depend on the operating system; some systems
-use one global namespace for the Python interpreter and all extension
-modules (Windows, for example), whereas others require an explicit
-list of imported symbols at module link time (AIX is one example), or
-offer a choice of different strategies (most Unices). And even if
-symbols are globally visible, the module whose functions one wishes to
-call might not have been loaded yet!
-Portability therefore requires not to make any assumptions about
-symbol visibility. This means that all symbols in extension modules
-should be declared \keyword{static}, except for the module's
-initialization function, in order to avoid name clashes with other
-extension modules (as discussed in section~\ref{methodTable}). And it
-means that symbols that \emph{should} be accessible from other
-extension modules must be exported in a different way.
-Python provides a special mechanism to pass C-level information
-(pointers) from one extension module to another one: CObjects.
-A CObject is a Python data type which stores a pointer (\ctype{void
-*}). CObjects can only be created and accessed via their C API, but
-they can be passed around like any other Python object. In particular,
-they can be assigned to a name in an extension module's namespace.
-Other extension modules can then import this module, retrieve the
-value of this name, and then retrieve the pointer from the CObject.
-There are many ways in which CObjects can be used to export the C API
-of an extension module. Each name could get its own CObject, or all C
-API pointers could be stored in an array whose address is published in
-a CObject. And the various tasks of storing and retrieving the pointers
-can be distributed in different ways between the module providing the
-code and the client modules.
-The following example demonstrates an approach that puts most of the
-burden on the writer of the exporting module, which is appropriate
-for commonly used library modules. It stores all C API pointers
-(just one in the example!) in an array of \ctype{void} pointers which
-becomes the value of a CObject. The header file corresponding to
-the module provides a macro that takes care of importing the module
-and retrieving its C API pointers; client modules only have to call
-this macro before accessing the C API.
-The exporting module is a modification of the \module{spam} module from
-section~\ref{simpleExample}. The function \function{spam.system()}
-does not call the C library function \cfunction{system()} directly,
-but a function \cfunction{PySpam_System()}, which would of course do
-something more complicated in reality (such as adding ``spam'' to
-every command). This function \cfunction{PySpam_System()} is also
-exported to other extension modules.
-The function \cfunction{PySpam_System()} is a plain C function,
-declared \keyword{static} like everything else:
-static int
- char *command;
- return system(command);
-The function \cfunction{spam_system()} is modified in a trivial way:
-static PyObject *
-spam_system(self, args)
- PyObject *self;
- PyObject *args;
- char *command;
- int sts;
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &command))
- return NULL;
- sts = PySpam_System(command);
- return Py_BuildValue("i", sts);
-In the beginning of the module, right after the line
-#include "Python.h"
-two more lines must be added:
-#define SPAM_MODULE
-#include "spammodule.h"
-The \code{\#define} is used to tell the header file that it is being
-included in the exporting module, not a client module. Finally,
-the module's initialization function must take care of initializing
-the C API pointer array:
- PyObject *m;
- static void *PySpam_API[PySpam_API_pointers];
- PyObject *c_api_object;
- m = Py_InitModule("spam", SpamMethods);
- /* Initialize the C API pointer array */
- PySpam_API[PySpam_System_NUM] = (void *)PySpam_System;
- /* Create a CObject containing the API pointer array's address */
- c_api_object = PyCObject_FromVoidPtr((void *)PySpam_API, NULL);
- if (c_api_object != NULL) {
- /* Create a name for this object in the module's namespace */
- PyObject *d = PyModule_GetDict(m);
- PyDict_SetItemString(d, "_C_API", c_api_object);
- Py_DECREF(c_api_object);
- }
-Note that \code{PySpam_API} is declared \code{static}; otherwise
-the pointer array would disappear when \code{initspam} terminates!
-The bulk of the work is in the header file \file{spammodule.h},
-which looks like this:
-#ifndef Py_SPAMMODULE_H
-#define Py_SPAMMODULE_H
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* Header file for spammodule */
-/* C API functions */
-#define PySpam_System_NUM 0
-#define PySpam_System_RETURN int
-#define PySpam_System_PROTO (char *command)
-/* Total number of C API pointers */
-#define PySpam_API_pointers 1
-/* This section is used when compiling spammodule.c */
-static PySpam_System_RETURN PySpam_System PySpam_System_PROTO;
-/* This section is used in modules that use spammodule's API */
-static void **PySpam_API;
-#define PySpam_System \
- (*(PySpam_System_RETURN (*)PySpam_System_PROTO) PySpam_API[PySpam_System_NUM])
-#define import_spam() \
-{ \
- PyObject *module = PyImport_ImportModule("spam"); \
- if (module != NULL) { \
- PyObject *module_dict = PyModule_GetDict(module); \
- PyObject *c_api_object = PyDict_GetItemString(module_dict, "_C_API"); \
- if (PyCObject_Check(c_api_object)) { \
- PySpam_API = (void **)PyCObject_AsVoidPtr(c_api_object); \
- } \
- } \
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* !defined(Py_SPAMMODULE_H */
-All that a client module must do in order to have access to the
-function \cfunction{PySpam_System()} is to call the function (or
-rather macro) \cfunction{import_spam()} in its initialization
- PyObject *m;
- Py_InitModule("client", ClientMethods);
- import_spam();
-The main disadvantage of this approach is that the file
-\file{spammodule.h} is rather complicated. However, the
-basic structure is the same for each function that is
-exported, so it has to be learned only once.
-Finally it should be mentioned that CObjects offer additional
-functionality, which is especially useful for memory allocation and
-deallocation of the pointer stored in a CObject. The details
-are described in the \citetitle[../api/api.html]{Python/C API
-Reference Manual} in the section ``CObjects'' and in the
-implementation of CObjects (files \file{Include/cobject.h} and
-\file{Objects/cobject.c} in the Python source code distribution).
-\chapter{Defining New Types
- \label{defining-new-types}}
-\sectionauthor{Michael Hudson}{}
-\sectionauthor{Dave Kuhlman}{}
-As mentioned in the last chapter, Python allows the writer of an
-extension module to define new types that can be manipulated from
-Python code, much like strings and lists in core Python.
-This is not hard; the code for all extension types follows a pattern,
-but there are some details that you need to understand before you can
-get started.
-\section{The Basics
- \label{dnt-basics}}
-The Python runtime sees all Python objects as variables of type
-\ctype{PyObject*}. A \ctype{PyObject} is not a very magnificent
-object - it just contains the refcount and a pointer to the object's
-``type object''. This is where the action is; the type object
-determines which (C) functions get called when, for instance, an
-attribute gets looked up on an object or it is multiplied by another
-object. I call these C functions ``type methods'' to distinguish them
-from things like \code{[].append} (which I will call ``object
-methods'' when I get around to them).
-So, if you want to define a new object type, you need to create a new
-type object.
-This sort of thing can only be explained by example, so here's a
-minimal, but complete, module that defines a new type:
-#include <Python.h>
-staticforward PyTypeObject noddy_NoddyType;
-typedef struct {
- PyObject_HEAD
-} noddy_NoddyObject;
-static PyObject*
-noddy_new_noddy(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
- noddy_NoddyObject* noddy;
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,":new_noddy"))
- return NULL;
- noddy = PyObject_New(noddy_NoddyObject, &noddy_NoddyType);
- return (PyObject*)noddy;
-static void
-noddy_noddy_dealloc(PyObject* self)
- PyObject_Del(self);
-static PyTypeObject noddy_NoddyType = {
- 0,
- "Noddy",
- sizeof(noddy_NoddyObject),
- 0,
- noddy_noddy_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
- 0, /*tp_print*/
- 0, /*tp_getattr*/
- 0, /*tp_setattr*/
- 0, /*tp_compare*/
- 0, /*tp_repr*/
- 0, /*tp_as_number*/
- 0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
- 0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
- 0, /*tp_hash */
-static PyMethodDef noddy_methods[] = {
- { "new_noddy", noddy_new_noddy, METH_VARARGS },
- noddy_NoddyType.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
- Py_InitModule("noddy", noddy_methods);
-Now that's quite a bit to take in at once, but hopefully bits will
-seem familiar from the last chapter.
-The first bit that will be new is:
-staticforward PyTypeObject noddy_NoddyType;
-This names the type object that will be defining further down in the
-file. It can't be defined here because its definition has to refer to
-functions that have no yet been defined, but we need to be able to
-refer to it, hence the declaration.
-The \code{staticforward} is required to placate various brain dead
-typedef struct {
- PyObject_HEAD
-} noddy_NoddyObject;
-This is what a Noddy object will contain. In this case nothing more
-than every Python object contains - a refcount and a pointer to a type
-object. These are the fields the \code{PyObject_HEAD} macro brings
-in. The reason for the macro is to standardize the layout and to
-enable special debugging fields to be brought in debug builds.
-For contrast
-typedef struct {
- PyObject_HEAD
- long ob_ival;
-} PyIntObject;
-is the corresponding definition for standard Python integers.
-Next up is:
-static PyObject*
-noddy_new_noddy(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
- noddy_NoddyObject* noddy;
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,":new_noddy"))
- return NULL;
- noddy = PyObject_New(noddy_NoddyObject, &noddy_NoddyType);
- return (PyObject*)noddy;
-This is in fact just a regular module function, as described in the
-last chapter. The reason it gets special mention is that this is
-where we create our Noddy object. Defining PyTypeObject structures is
-all very well, but if there's no way to actually \emph{create} one
-of the wretched things it is not going to do anyone much good.
-Almost always, you create objects with a call of the form:
-PyObject_New(<type>, &<type object>);
-This allocates the memory and then initializes the object (sets
-the reference count to one, makes the \cdata{ob_type} pointer point at
-the right place and maybe some other stuff, depending on build options).
-You \emph{can} do these steps separately if you have some reason to
---- but at this level we don't bother.
-We cast the return value to a \ctype{PyObject*} because that's what
-the Python runtime expects. This is safe because of guarantees about
-the layout of structures in the C standard, and is a fairly common C
-programming trick. One could declare \cfunction{noddy_new_noddy} to
-return a \ctype{noddy_NoddyObject*} and then put a cast in the
-definition of \cdata{noddy_methods} further down the file --- it
-doesn't make much difference.
-Now a Noddy object doesn't do very much and so doesn't need to
-implement many type methods. One you can't avoid is handling
-deallocation, so we find
-static void
-noddy_noddy_dealloc(PyObject* self)
- PyObject_Del(self);
-This is so short as to be self explanatory. This function will be
-called when the reference count on a Noddy object reaches \code{0} (or
-it is found as part of an unreachable cycle by the cyclic garbage
-collector). \cfunction{PyObject_Del()} is what you call when you want
-an object to go away. If a Noddy object held references to other
-Python objects, one would decref them here.
-Moving on, we come to the crunch --- the type object.
-static PyTypeObject noddy_NoddyType = {
- 0,
- "Noddy",
- sizeof(noddy_NoddyObject),
- 0,
- noddy_noddy_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
- 0, /*tp_print*/
- 0, /*tp_getattr*/
- 0, /*tp_setattr*/
- 0, /*tp_compare*/
- 0, /*tp_repr*/
- 0, /*tp_as_number*/
- 0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
- 0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
- 0, /*tp_hash */
-Now if you go and look up the definition of \ctype{PyTypeObject} in
-\file{object.h} you'll see that it has many, many more fields that the
-definition above. The remaining fields will be filled with zeros by
-the C compiler, and it's common practice to not specify them
-explicitly unless you need them.
-This is so important that I'm going to pick the top of it apart still
-This line is a bit of a wart; what we'd like to write is:
- PyObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type)
-as the type of a type object is ``type'', but this isn't strictly
-conforming C and some compilers complain. So instead we fill in the
-\cdata{ob_type} field of \cdata{noddy_NoddyType} at the earliest
-oppourtunity --- in \cfunction{initnoddy()}.
- 0,
-XXX why does the type info struct start PyObject_*VAR*_HEAD??
- "Noddy",
-The name of our type. This will appear in the default textual
-representation of our objects and in some error messages, for example:
->>> "" + noddy.new_noddy()
-Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
-TypeError: cannot add type "Noddy" to string
- sizeof(noddy_NoddyObject),
-This is so that Python knows how much memory to allocate when you call
- 0,
-This has to do with variable length objects like lists and strings.
-Ignore for now...
-Now we get into the type methods, the things that make your objects
-different from the others. Of course, the Noddy object doesn't
-implement many of these, but as mentioned above you have to implement
-the deallocation function.
- noddy_noddy_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
-From here, all the type methods are nil so I won't go over them yet -
-that's for the next section!
-Everything else in the file should be familiar, except for this line
-in \cfunction{initnoddy}:
- noddy_NoddyType.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
-This was alluded to above --- the \cdata{noddy_NoddyType} object should
-have type ``type'', but \code{\&PyType_Type} is not constant and so
-can't be used in its initializer. To work around this, we patch it up
-in the module initialization.
-That's it! All that remains is to build it; put the above code in a
-file called \file{noddymodule.c} and
-from distutils.core import setup, Extension
-setup(name = "noddy", version = "1.0",
- ext_modules = [Extension("noddy", ["noddymodule.c"])])
-in a file called \file{}; then typing
-$ python build%$
-at a shell should produce a file \file{} in a subdirectory;
-move to that directory and fire up Python --- you should be able to
-\code{import noddy} and play around with Noddy objects.
-That wasn't so hard, was it?
-\section{Type Methods
- \label{dnt-type-methods}}
-This section aims to give a quick fly-by on the various type methods
-you can implement and what they do.
-Here is the definition of \ctype{PyTypeObject}, with some fields only
-used in debug builds omitted:
-typedef struct _typeobject {
- PyObject_VAR_HEAD
- char *tp_name; /* For printing */
- int tp_basicsize, tp_itemsize; /* For allocation */
- /* Methods to implement standard operations */
- destructor tp_dealloc;
- printfunc tp_print;
- getattrfunc tp_getattr;
- setattrfunc tp_setattr;
- cmpfunc tp_compare;
- reprfunc tp_repr;
- /* Method suites for standard classes */
- PyNumberMethods *tp_as_number;
- PySequenceMethods *tp_as_sequence;
- PyMappingMethods *tp_as_mapping;
- /* More standard operations (here for binary compatibility) */
- hashfunc tp_hash;
- ternaryfunc tp_call;
- reprfunc tp_str;
- getattrofunc tp_getattro;
- setattrofunc tp_setattro;
- /* Functions to access object as input/output buffer */
- PyBufferProcs *tp_as_buffer;
- /* Flags to define presence of optional/expanded features */
- long tp_flags;
- char *tp_doc; /* Documentation string */
- /* Assigned meaning in release 2.0 */
- /* call function for all accessible objects */
- traverseproc tp_traverse;
- /* delete references to contained objects */
- inquiry tp_clear;
- /* Assigned meaning in release 2.1 */
- /* rich comparisons */
- richcmpfunc tp_richcompare;
- /* weak reference enabler */
- long tp_weaklistoffset;
- /* Added in release 2.2 */
- /* Iterators */
- getiterfunc tp_iter;
- iternextfunc tp_iternext;
- /* Attribute descriptor and subclassing stuff */
- struct PyMethodDef *tp_methods;
- struct memberlist *tp_members;
- struct getsetlist *tp_getset;
- struct _typeobject *tp_base;
- PyObject *tp_dict;
- descrgetfunc tp_descr_get;
- descrsetfunc tp_descr_set;
- long tp_dictoffset;
- initproc tp_init;
- allocfunc tp_alloc;
- newfunc tp_new;
- destructor tp_free; /* Low-level free-memory routine */
- PyObject *tp_bases;
- PyObject *tp_mro; /* method resolution order */
- PyObject *tp_defined;
-} PyTypeObject;
-Now that's a \emph{lot} of methods. Don't worry too much though - if
-you have a type you want to define, the chances are very good that you
-will only implement a handful of these.
-As you probably expect by now, we're going to go over this and give
-more information about the various handlers. We won't go in the order
-they are defined in the structure, because there is a lot of
-historical baggage that impacts the ordering of the fields; be sure
-your type initializaion keeps the fields in the right order! It's
-often easiest to find an example that includes all the fields you need
-(even if they're initialized to \code{0}) and then change the values
-to suit your new type.
- char *tp_name; /* For printing */
-The name of the type - as mentioned in the last section, this will
-appear in various places, almost entirely for diagnostic purposes.
-Try to choose something that will be helpful in such a situation!
- int tp_basicsize, tp_itemsize; /* For allocation */
-These fields tell the runtime how much memory to allocate when new
-objects of this typed are created. Python has some builtin support
-for variable length structures (think: strings, lists) which is where
-the \cdata{tp_itemsize} field comes in. This will be dealt with
- char *tp_doc;
-Here you can put a string (or its address) that you want returned when
-the Python script references \code{obj.__doc__} to retrieve the
-Now we come to the basic type methods---the ones most extension types
-will implement.
-\subsection{Finalization and De-allocation}
- destructor tp_dealloc;
-This function is called when the reference count of the instance of
-your type is reduced to zero and the Python interpreter wants to
-reclaim it. If your type has memory to free or other clean-up to
-perform, put it here. The object itself needs to be freed here as
-well. Here is an example of this function:
-static void
-newdatatype_dealloc(newdatatypeobject * obj)
- free(obj->obj_UnderlyingDatatypePtr);
- PyObject_DEL(obj);
-\subsection{Object Representation}
-In Python, there are three ways to generate a textual representation
-of an object: the \function{repr()}\bifuncindex{repr} function (or
-equivalent backtick syntax), the \function{str()}\bifuncindex{str}
-function, and the \keyword{print} statement. For most objects, the
-\keyword{print} statement is equivalent to the \function{str()}
-function, but it is possible to special-case printing to a
-\ctype{FILE*} if necessary; this should only be done if efficiency is
-identified as a problem and profiling suggests that creating a
-temporary string object to be written to a file is too expensive.
-These handlers are all optional, and most types at most need to
-implement the \member{tp_str} and \member{tp_repr} handlers.
- reprfunc tp_repr;
- reprfunc tp_str;
- printfunc tp_print;
-The \member{tp_repr} handler should return a string object containing
-a representation of the instance for which it is called. Here is a
-simple example:
-static PyObject *
-newdatatype_repr(newdatatypeobject * obj)
- char buf[4096];
- sprintf(buf, "Repr-ified_newdatatype{{size:%d}}",
- obj->obj_UnderlyingDatatypePtr->size);
- return PyString_FromString(buf);
-If no \member{tp_repr} handler is specified, the interpreter will
-supply a representation that uses the type's \member{tp_name} and a
-uniquely-identifying value for the object.
-The \member{tp_str} handler is to \function{str()} what the
-\member{tp_repr} handler described above is to \function{repr()}; that
-is, it is called when Python code calls \function{str()} on an
-instance of your object. It's implementation is very similar to the
-\member{tp_repr} function, but the resulting string is intended to be
-human consumption. It \member{tp_str} is not specified, the
-\member{tp_repr} handler is used instead.
-Here is a simple example:
-static PyObject *
-newdatatype_str(newdatatypeobject * obj)
- PyObject *pyString;
- char buf[4096];
- sprintf(buf, "Stringified_newdatatype{{size:%d}}",
- obj->obj_UnderlyingDatatypePtr->size
- );
- pyString = PyString_FromString(buf);
- return pyString;
-The print function will be called whenever Python needs to "print" an
-instance of the type. For example, if 'node' is an instance of type
-TreeNode, then the print function is called when Python code calls:
-print node
-There is a flags argument and one flag, \constant{Py_PRINT_RAW}, and
-it suggests that you print without string quotes and possibly without
-interpreting escape sequences.
-The print function receives a file object as an argument. You will
-likely want to write to that file object.
-Here is a sampe print function:
-static int
-newdatatype_print(newdatatypeobject *obj, FILE *fp, int flags)
- if (flags & Py_PRINT_RAW) {
- fprintf(fp, "<{newdatatype object--size: %d}>",
- obj->obj_UnderlyingDatatypePtr->size);
- }
- else {
- fprintf(fp, "\"<{newdatatype object--size: %d}>\"",
- obj->obj_UnderlyingDatatypePtr->size);
- }
- return 0;
-\subsection{Attribute Management Functions}
- getattrfunc tp_getattr;
- setattrfunc tp_setattr;
-The \member{tp_getattr} handle is called when the object requires an
-attribute look-up. It is called in the same situations where the
-\method{__getattr__()} method of a class would be called.
-A likely way to handle this is (1) to implement a set of functions
-(such as \cfunction{newdatatype_getSize()} and
-\cfunction{newdatatype_setSize()} in the example below), (2) provide a
-method table listing these functions, and (3) provide a getattr
-function that returns the result of a lookup in that table.
-Here is an example:
-static PyMethodDef newdatatype_methods[] = {
- {"getSize", (PyCFunction)newdatatype_getSize, METH_VARARGS},
- {"setSize", (PyCFunction)newdatatype_setSize, METH_VARARGS},
- {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
-static PyObject *
-newdatatype_getattr(newdatatypeobject *obj, char *name)
- return Py_FindMethod(newdatatype_methods, (PyObject *)obj, name);
-The \member{tp_setattr} handler is called when the
-\method{__setattr__()} or \method{__delattr__()} method of a class
-instance would be called. When an attribute should be deleted, the
-third parameter will be \NULL. Here is an example that simply raises
-an exception; if this were really all you wanted, the
-\member{tp_setattr} handler should be set to \NULL.
-static int
-newdatatype_setattr(newdatatypeobject *obj, char *name, PyObject *v)
- char buf[1024];
- sprintf(buf, "Set attribute not supported for attribute %s", name);
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, buf);
- return -1;
-\subsection{Object Comparison}
- cmpfunc tp_compare;
-The \member{tp_compare} handler is called when comparisons are needed
-are the object does not implement the specific rich comparison method
-which matches the requested comparison. (It is always used if defined
-and the \cfunction{PyObject_Compare()} or \cfunction{PyObject_Cmp()}
-functions are used, or if \function{cmp()} is used from Python.)
-It is analogous to the \method{__cmp__()} method. This function
-should return a negative integer if \var{obj1} is less than
-\var{obj2}, \code{0} if they are equal, and a positive integer if
-\var{obj1} is greater than
-Here is a sample implementation:
-static int
-newdatatype_compare(newdatatypeobject * obj1, newdatatypeobject * obj2)
- long result;
- if (obj1->obj_UnderlyingDatatypePtr->size <
- obj2->obj_UnderlyingDatatypePtr->size) {
- result = -1;
- }
- else if (obj1->obj_UnderlyingDatatypePtr->size >
- obj2->obj_UnderlyingDatatypePtr->size) {
- result = 1;
- }
- else {
- result = 0;
- }
- return result;
-\subsection{Abstract Protocol Support}
- tp_as_number;
- tp_as_sequence;
- tp_as_mapping;
-If you wish your object to be able to act like a number, a sequence,
-or a mapping object, then you place the address of a structure that
-implements the C type \ctype{PyNumberMethods},
-\ctype{PySequenceMethods}, or \ctype{PyMappingMethods}, respectively.
-It is up to you to fill in this structure with appropriate values. You
-can find examples of the use of each of these in the \file{Objects}
-directory of the Python source distribution.
- hashfunc tp_hash;
-This function, if you choose to provide it, should return a hash
-number for an instance of your datatype. Here is a moderately
-pointless example:
-static long
-newdatatype_hash(newdatatypeobject *obj)
- long result;
- result = obj->obj_UnderlyingDatatypePtr->size;
- result = result * 3;
- return result;
- ternaryfunc tp_call;
-This function is called when an instance of your datatype is "called",
-for example, if \code{obj1} is an instance of your datatype and the Python
-script contains \code{obj1('hello')}, the \member{tp_call} handler is
-This function takes three arguments:
- \item
- \var{arg1} is the instance of the datatype which is the subject of
- the call. If the call is \code{obj1('hello')}, then \var{arg1} is
- \code{obj1}.
- \item
- \var{arg2} is a tuple containing the arguments to the call. You
- can use \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()} to extract the arguments.
- \item
- \var{arg3} is a dictionary of keyword arguments that were passed.
- If this is non-\NULL{} and you support keyword arguments, use
- \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords()} to extract the
- arguments. If you do not want to support keyword arguments and
- this is non-\NULL, raise a \exception{TypeError} with a message
- saying that keyword arguments are not supported.
-Here is a desultory example of the implementation of call function.
-/* Implement the call function.
- * obj1 is the instance receiving the call.
- * obj2 is a tuple containing the arguments to the call, in this
- * case 3 strings.
- */
-static PyObject *
-newdatatype_call(newdatatypeobject *obj, PyObject *args, PyObject *other)
- PyObject *result;
- char *arg1;
- char *arg2;
- char *arg3;
- char buf[4096];
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "sss:call", &arg1, &arg2, &arg3)) {
- return NULL;
- }
- sprintf(buf,
- "Returning -- value: [%d] arg1: [%s] arg2: [%s] arg3: [%s]\n",
- obj->obj_UnderlyingDatatypePtr->size,
- arg1, arg2, arg3);
- printf(buf);
- return PyString_FromString(buf);
-\subsection{More Suggestions}
-Remember that you can omit most of these functions, in which case you
-provide \code{0} as a value.
-In the \file{Objects} directory of the Python source distribution,
-there is a file \file{xxobject.c}, which is intended to be used as a
-template for the implementation of new types. One useful strategy
-for implementing a new type is to copy and rename this file, then
-read the instructions at the top of it.
-There are type definitions for each of the functions you must
-provide. They are in \file{object.h} in the Python include
-directory that comes with the source distribution of Python.
-In order to learn how to implement any specific method for your new
-datatype, do the following: Download and unpack the Python source
-distribution. Go the the \file{Objects} directory, then search the
-C source files for \code{tp_} plus the function you want (for
-example, \code{tp_print} or \code{tp_compare}). You will find
-examples of the function you want to implement.
-When you need to verify that the type of an object is indeed the
-object you are implementing and if you use xxobject.c as an starting
-template for your implementation, then there is a macro defined for
-this purpose. The macro definition will look something like this:
-#define is_newdatatypeobject(v) ((v)->ob_type == &Newdatatypetype)
-And, a sample of its use might be something like the following:
- if (!is_newdatatypeobject(objp1) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "arg #1 not a newdatatype");
- return NULL;
- }
-%For a reasonably extensive example, from which most of the snippits
-%above were taken, see \file{newdatatype.c} and \file{newdatatype.h}.
-\chapter{Building C and \Cpp{} Extensions on \UNIX{}
- \label{building-on-unix}}
-\sectionauthor{Jim Fulton}{}
-%The make file make file, building C extensions on Unix
-Starting in Python 1.4, Python provides a special make file for
-building make files for building dynamically-linked extensions and
-custom interpreters. The make file make file builds a make file
-that reflects various system variables determined by configure when
-the Python interpreter was built, so people building module's don't
-have to resupply these settings. This vastly simplifies the process
-of building extensions and custom interpreters on Unix systems.
-The make file make file is distributed as the file
-\file{Misc/} in the Python source distribution. The
-first step in building extensions or custom interpreters is to copy
-this make file to a development directory containing extension module
-The make file make file, \file{} uses metadata
-provided in a file named \file{Setup}. The format of the \file{Setup}
-file is the same as the \file{Setup} (or \file{Setup.dist}) file
-provided in the \file{Modules/} directory of the Python source
-distribution. The \file{Setup} file contains variable definitions:
-and module description lines. It can also contain blank lines and
-comment lines that start with \character{\#}.
-A module description line includes a module name, source files,
-options, variable references, and other input files, such
-as libraries or object files. Consider a simple example:
-ExtensionClass ExtensionClass.c
-This is the simplest form of a module definition line. It defines a
-module, \module{ExtensionClass}, which has a single source file,
-This slightly more complex example uses an \strong{-I} option to
-specify an include directory:
-cPersistence cPersistence.c -I$(EC)
-\end{verbatim} % $ <-- bow to font lock
-This example also illustrates the format for variable references.
-For systems that support dynamic linking, the \file{Setup} file should
-to indicate that the modules defined in \file{Setup} are to be built
-as dynamically linked modules. A line containing only \samp{*static*}
-can be used to indicate the subsequently listed modules should be
-statically linked.
-Here is a complete \file{Setup} file for building a
-\module{cPersistent} module:
-# Set-up file to build the cPersistence module.
-# Note that the text should begin in the first column.
-# We need the path to the directory containing the ExtensionClass
-# include file.
-cPersistence cPersistence.c -I$(EC)
-\end{verbatim} % $ <-- bow to font lock
-After the \file{Setup} file has been created, \file{}
-is run with the \samp{boot} target to create a make file:
-make -f boot
-This creates the file, Makefile. To build the extensions, simply
-run the created make file:
-It's not necessary to re-run \file{} if the
-\file{Setup} file is changed. The make file automatically rebuilds
-itself if the \file{Setup} file changes.
-\section{Building Custom Interpreters \label{custom-interps}}
-The make file built by \file{} can be run with the
-\samp{static} target to build an interpreter:
-make static
-Any modules defined in the \file{Setup} file before the
-\samp{*shared*} line will be statically linked into the interpreter.
-Typically, a \samp{*shared*} line is omitted from the
-\file{Setup} file when a custom interpreter is desired.
-\section{Module Definition Options \label{module-defn-options}}
-Several compiler options are supported:
- \lineii{-C}{Tell the C pre-processor not to discard comments}
- \lineii{-D\var{name}=\var{value}}{Define a macro}
- \lineii{-I\var{dir}}{Specify an include directory, \var{dir}}
- \lineii{-L\var{dir}}{Specify a link-time library directory, \var{dir}}
- \lineii{-R\var{dir}}{Specify a run-time library directory, \var{dir}}
- \lineii{-l\var{lib}}{Link a library, \var{lib}}
- \lineii{-U\var{name}}{Undefine a macro}
-Other compiler options can be included (snuck in) by putting them
-in variables.
-Source files can include files with \file{.c}, \file{.C}, \file{.cc},
-\file{.cpp}, \file{.cxx}, and \file{.c++} extensions.
-Other input files include files with \file{.a}, \file{.o}, \file{.sl},
-and \file{.so} extensions.
-\section{Example \label{module-defn-example}}
-Here is a more complicated example from \file{Modules/Setup.dist}:
-mpz mpzmodule.c -I$(GMP) $(GMP)/libgmp.a
-which could also be written as:
-mpz mpzmodule.c -I$(GMP) -L$(GMP) -lgmp
-\section{Distributing your extension modules
- \label{distributing}}
-There are two ways to distribute extension modules for others to use.
-The way that allows the easiest cross-platform support is to use the
-\module{distutils}\refstmodindex{distutils} package. The manual
-\citetitle[../dist/dist.html]{Distributing Python Modules} contains
-information on this approach. It is recommended that all new
-extensions be distributed using this approach to allow easy building
-and installation across platforms. Older extensions should migrate to
-this approach as well.
-What follows describes the older approach; there are still many
-extensions which use this.
-When distributing your extension modules in source form, make sure to
-include a \file{Setup} file. The \file{Setup} file should be named
-\file{} in the distribution. The make file make file,
-\file{}, will copy \file{} to \file{Setup} if
-the person installing the extension doesn't do so manually.
-Distributing a \file{} file makes it easy for people to
-customize the \file{Setup} file while keeping the original in
-It is a good idea to include a copy of \file{} for
-people who do not have a source distribution of Python.
-Do not distribute a make file. People building your modules
-should use \file{} to build their own make file. A
-\file{README} file included in the package should provide simple
-instructions to perform the build.
-\chapter{Building C and \Cpp{} Extensions on Windows
- \label{building-on-windows}}
-This chapter briefly explains how to create a Windows extension module
-for Python using Microsoft Visual \Cpp{}, and follows with more
-detailed background information on how it works. The explanatory
-material is useful for both the Windows programmer learning to build
-Python extensions and the \UNIX{} programmer interested in producing
-software which can be successfully built on both \UNIX{} and Windows.
-\section{A Cookbook Approach \label{win-cookbook}}
-\sectionauthor{Neil Schemenauer}{}
-This section provides a recipe for building a Python extension on
-Grab the binary installer from \url{} and
-install Python. The binary installer has all of the required header
-files except for \file{pyconfig.h}.
-Get the source distribution and extract it into a convenient location.
-Copy the \file{pyconfig.h} from the \file{PC/} directory into the
-\file{include/} directory created by the installer.
-Create a \file{Setup} file for your extension module, as described in
-chapter \ref{building-on-unix}.
-Get David Ascher's \file{} script from
-\url{}. Run the script to
-create Microsoft Visual \Cpp{} project files.
-Open the DSW file in Visual \Cpp{} and select \strong{Build}.
-If your module creates a new type, you may have trouble with this line:
- PyObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type)
-Change it to:
-and add the following to the module initialization function:
- MyObject_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
-Refer to section 3 of the
-\citetitle[]{Python FAQ} for details
-on why you must do this.
-\section{Differences Between \UNIX{} and Windows
- \label{dynamic-linking}}
-\sectionauthor{Chris Phoenix}{}
-\UNIX{} and Windows use completely different paradigms for run-time
-loading of code. Before you try to build a module that can be
-dynamically loaded, be aware of how your system works.
-In \UNIX{}, a shared object (\file{.so}) file contains code to be used by the
-program, and also the names of functions and data that it expects to
-find in the program. When the file is joined to the program, all
-references to those functions and data in the file's code are changed
-to point to the actual locations in the program where the functions
-and data are placed in memory. This is basically a link operation.
-In Windows, a dynamic-link library (\file{.dll}) file has no dangling
-references. Instead, an access to functions or data goes through a
-lookup table. So the DLL code does not have to be fixed up at runtime
-to refer to the program's memory; instead, the code already uses the
-DLL's lookup table, and the lookup table is modified at runtime to
-point to the functions and data.
-In \UNIX{}, there is only one type of library file (\file{.a}) which
-contains code from several object files (\file{.o}). During the link
-step to create a shared object file (\file{.so}), the linker may find
-that it doesn't know where an identifier is defined. The linker will
-look for it in the object files in the libraries; if it finds it, it
-will include all the code from that object file.
-In Windows, there are two types of library, a static library and an
-import library (both called \file{.lib}). A static library is like a
-\UNIX{} \file{.a} file; it contains code to be included as necessary.
-An import library is basically used only to reassure the linker that a
-certain identifier is legal, and will be present in the program when
-the DLL is loaded. So the linker uses the information from the
-import library to build the lookup table for using identifiers that
-are not included in the DLL. When an application or a DLL is linked,
-an import library may be generated, which will need to be used for all
-future DLLs that depend on the symbols in the application or DLL.
-Suppose you are building two dynamic-load modules, B and C, which should
-share another block of code A. On \UNIX{}, you would \emph{not} pass
-\file{A.a} to the linker for \file{} and \file{}; that would
-cause it to be included twice, so that B and C would each have their
-own copy. In Windows, building \file{A.dll} will also build
-\file{A.lib}. You \emph{do} pass \file{A.lib} to the linker for B and
-C. \file{A.lib} does not contain code; it just contains information
-which will be used at runtime to access A's code.
-In Windows, using an import library is sort of like using \samp{import
-spam}; it gives you access to spam's names, but does not create a
-separate copy. On \UNIX{}, linking with a library is more like
-\samp{from spam import *}; it does create a separate copy.
-\section{Using DLLs in Practice \label{win-dlls}}
-\sectionauthor{Chris Phoenix}{}
-Windows Python is built in Microsoft Visual \Cpp{}; using other
-compilers may or may not work (though Borland seems to). The rest of
-this section is MSV\Cpp{} specific.
-When creating DLLs in Windows, you must pass \file{python15.lib} to
-the linker. To build two DLLs, spam and ni (which uses C functions
-found in spam), you could use these commands:
-cl /LD /I/python/include spam.c ../libs/python15.lib
-cl /LD /I/python/include ni.c spam.lib ../libs/python15.lib
-The first command created three files: \file{spam.obj},
-\file{spam.dll} and \file{spam.lib}. \file{Spam.dll} does not contain
-any Python functions (such as \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()}), but it
-does know how to find the Python code thanks to \file{python15.lib}.
-The second command created \file{ni.dll} (and \file{.obj} and
-\file{.lib}), which knows how to find the necessary functions from
-spam, and also from the Python executable.
-Not every identifier is exported to the lookup table. If you want any
-other modules (including Python) to be able to see your identifiers,
-you have to say \samp{_declspec(dllexport)}, as in \samp{void
-_declspec(dllexport) initspam(void)} or \samp{PyObject
-_declspec(dllexport) *NiGetSpamData(void)}.
-Developer Studio will throw in a lot of import libraries that you do
-not really need, adding about 100K to your executable. To get rid of
-them, use the Project Settings dialog, Link tab, to specify
-\emph{ignore default libraries}. Add the correct
-\file{msvcrt\var{xx}.lib} to the list of libraries.
-\chapter{Embedding Python in Another Application
- \label{embedding}}
-The previous chapters discussed how to extend Python, that is, how to
-extend the functionality of Python by attaching a library of C
-functions to it. It is also possible to do it the other way around:
-enrich your C/\Cpp{} application by embedding Python in it. Embedding
-provides your application with the ability to implement some of the
-functionality of your application in Python rather than C or \Cpp.
-This can be used for many purposes; one example would be to allow
-users to tailor the application to their needs by writing some scripts
-in Python. You can also use it yourself if some of the functionality
-can be written in Python more easily.
-Embedding Python is similar to extending it, but not quite. The
-difference is that when you extend Python, the main program of the
-application is still the Python interpreter, while if you embed
-Python, the main program may have nothing to do with Python ---
-instead, some parts of the application occasionally call the Python
-interpreter to run some Python code.
-So if you are embedding Python, you are providing your own main
-program. One of the things this main program has to do is initialize
-the Python interpreter. At the very least, you have to call the
-function \cfunction{Py_Initialize()} (on Mac OS, call
-\cfunction{PyMac_Initialize()} instead). There are optional calls to
-pass command line arguments to Python. Then later you can call the
-interpreter from any part of the application.
-There are several different ways to call the interpreter: you can pass
-a string containing Python statements to
-\cfunction{PyRun_SimpleString()}, or you can pass a stdio file pointer
-and a file name (for identification in error messages only) to
-\cfunction{PyRun_SimpleFile()}. You can also call the lower-level
-operations described in the previous chapters to construct and use
-Python objects.
-A simple demo of embedding Python can be found in the directory
-\file{Demo/embed/} of the source distribution.
- \seetitle[../api/api.html]{Python/C API Reference Manual}{The
- details of Python's C interface are given in this manual.
- A great deal of necessary information can be found here.}
-\section{Very High Level Embedding
- \label{high-level-embedding}}
-The simplest form of embedding Python is the use of the very
-high level interface. This interface is intended to execute a
-Python script without needing to interact with the application
-directly. This can for example be used to perform some operation
-on a file.
-#include <Python.h>
-int main()
- Py_Initialize();
- PyRun_SimpleString("from time import time,ctime\n"
- "print 'Today is',ctime(time())\n");
- Py_Finalize();
- return 0;
-The above code first initializes the Python interpreter with
-\cfunction{Py_Initialize()}, followed by the execution of a hard-coded
-Python script that print the date and time. Afterwards, the
-\cfunction{Py_Finalize()} call shuts the interpreter down, followed by
-the end of the program. In a real program, you may want to get the
-Python script from another source, perhaps a text-editor routine, a
-file, or a database. Getting the Python code from a file can better
-be done by using the \cfunction{PyRun_SimpleFile()} function, which
-saves you the trouble of allocating memory space and loading the file
-\section{Beyond Very High Level Embedding: An overview
- \label{lower-level-embedding}}
-The high level interface gives you the ability to execute
-arbitrary pieces of Python code from your application, but
-exchanging data values is quite cumbersome to say the least. If
-you want that, you should use lower level calls. At the cost of
-having to write more C code, you can achieve almost anything.
-It should be noted that extending Python and embedding Python
-is quite the same activity, despite the different intent. Most
-topics discussed in the previous chapters are still valid. To
-show this, consider what the extension code from Python to C
-really does:
- \item Convert data values from Python to C,
- \item Perform a function call to a C routine using the
- converted values, and
- \item Convert the data values from the call from C to Python.
-When embedding Python, the interface code does:
- \item Convert data values from C to Python,
- \item Perform a function call to a Python interface routine
- using the converted values, and
- \item Convert the data values from the call from Python to C.
-As you can see, the data conversion steps are simply swapped to
-accomodate the different direction of the cross-language transfer.
-The only difference is the routine that you call between both
-data conversions. When extending, you call a C routine, when
-embedding, you call a Python routine.
-This chapter will not discuss how to convert data from Python
-to C and vice versa. Also, proper use of references and dealing
-with errors is assumed to be understood. Since these aspects do not
-differ from extending the interpreter, you can refer to earlier
-chapters for the required information.
-\section{Pure Embedding
- \label{pure-embedding}}
-The first program aims to execute a function in a Python
-script. Like in the section about the very high level interface,
-the Python interpreter does not directly interact with the
-application (but that will change in th next section).
-The code to run a function defined in a Python script is:
-This code loads a Python script using \code{argv[1]}, and calls the
-function named in \code{argv[2]}. Its integer arguments are the other
-values of the \code{argv} array. If you compile and link this
-program (let's call the finished executable \program{call}), and use
-it to execute a Python script, such as:
-def multiply(a,b):
- print "Thy shall add", a, "times", b
- c = 0
- for i in range(0, a):
- c = c + b
- return c
-then the result should be:
-$ call multiply 3 2
-Thy shall add 3 times 2
-Result of call: 6
-\end{verbatim} % $
-Although the program is quite large for its functionality, most of the
-code is for data conversion between Python and C, and for error
-reporting. The interesting part with respect to embedding Python
-starts with
- Py_Initialize();
- pName = PyString_FromString(argv[1]);
- /* Error checking of pName left out */
- pModule = PyImport_Import(pName);
-After initializing the interpreter, the script is loaded using
-\cfunction{PyImport_Import()}. This routine needs a Python string
-as its argument, which is constructed using the
-\cfunction{PyString_FromString()} data conversion routine.
- pDict = PyModule_GetDict(pModule);
- /* pDict is a borrowed reference */
- pFunc = PyDict_GetItemString(pDict, argv[2]);
- /* pFun is a borrowed reference */
- if (pFunc && PyCallable_Check(pFunc)) {
- ...
- }
-Once the script is loaded, its dictionary is retrieved with
-\cfunction{PyModule_GetDict()}. The dictionary is then searched using
-the normal dictionary access routines for the function name. If the
-name exists, and the object retunred is callable, you can safely
-assume that it is a function. The program then proceeds by
-constructing a tuple of arguments as normal. The call to the python
-function is then made with:
- pValue = PyObject_CallObject(pFunc, pArgs);
-Upon return of the function, \code{pValue} is either \NULL{} or it
-contains a reference to the return value of the function. Be sure to
-release the reference after examining the value.
-\section{Extending Embedded Python
- \label{extending-with-embedding}}
-Until now, the embedded Python interpreter had no access to
-functionality from the application itself. The Python API allows this
-by extending the embedded interpreter. That is, the embedded
-interpreter gets extended with routines provided by the application.
-While it sounds complex, it is not so bad. Simply forget for a while
-that the application starts the Python interpreter. Instead, consider
-the application to be a set of subroutines, and write some glue code
-that gives Python access to those routines, just like you would write
-a normal Python extension. For example:
-static int numargs=0;
-/* Return the number of arguments of the application command line */
-static PyObject*
-emb_numargs(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
- if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":numargs"))
- return NULL;
- return Py_BuildValue("i", numargs);
-static PyMethodDef EmbMethods[]={
- {"numargs", emb_numargs, METH_VARARGS},
-Insert the above code just above the \cfunction{main()} function.
-Also, insert the following two statements directly after
- numargs = argc;
- Py_InitModule("emb", EmbMethods);
-These two lines initialize the \code{numargs} variable, and make the
-\function{emb.numargs()} function accessible to the embedded Python
-interpreter. With these extensions, the Python script can do things
-import emb
-print "Number of arguments", emb.numargs()
-In a real application, the methods will expose an API of the
-application to Python.
-%\section{For the future}
-%You don't happen to have a nice library to get textual
-%equivalents of numeric values do you :-) ?
-%Callbacks here ? (I may be using information from that section
-%code examples do not really behave well if errors happen
-% (what to watch out for)
-\section{Embedding Python in \Cpp{}
- \label{embeddingInCplusplus}}
-It is also possible to embed Python in a \Cpp{} program; precisely how this
-is done will depend on the details of the \Cpp{} system used; in general you
-will need to write the main program in \Cpp{}, and use the \Cpp{} compiler
-to compile and link your program. There is no need to recompile Python
-itself using \Cpp{}.
-\section{Linking Requirements
- \label{link-reqs}}
-While the \program{configure} script shipped with the Python sources
-will correctly build Python to export the symbols needed by
-dynamically linked extensions, this is not automatically inherited by
-applications which embed the Python library statically, at least on
-\UNIX. This is an issue when the application is linked to the static
-runtime library (\file{libpython.a}) and needs to load dynamic
-extensions (implemented as \file{.so} files).
-The problem is that some entry points are defined by the Python
-runtime solely for extension modules to use. If the embedding
-application does not use any of these entry points, some linkers will
-not include those entries in the symbol table of the finished
-executable. Some additional options are needed to inform the linker
-not to remove these symbols.
-Determining the right options to use for any given platform can be
-quite difficult, but fortunately the Python configuration already has
-those values. To retrieve them from an installed Python interpreter,
-start an interactive interpreter and have a short session like this:
->>> import distutils.sysconfig
->>> distutils.sysconfig.get_config_var('LINKFORSHARED')
-'-Xlinker -export-dynamic'
-The contents of the string presented will be the options that should
-be used. If the string is empty, there's no need to add any
-additional options. The \constant{LINKFORSHARED} definition
-corresponds to the variable of the same name in Python's top-level
--- /dev/null
+\chapter{Extending Python with C or \Cpp{} \label{intro}}
+It is quite easy to add new built-in modules to Python, if you know
+how to program in C. Such \dfn{extension modules} can do two things
+that can't be done directly in Python: they can implement new built-in
+object types, and they can call C library functions and system calls.
+To support extensions, the Python API (Application Programmers
+Interface) defines a set of functions, macros and variables that
+provide access to most aspects of the Python run-time system. The
+Python API is incorporated in a C source file by including the header
+The compilation of an extension module depends on its intended use as
+well as on your system setup; details are given in later chapters.
+\section{A Simple Example
+ \label{simpleExample}}
+Let's create an extension module called \samp{spam} (the favorite food
+of Monty Python fans...) and let's say we want to create a Python
+interface to the C library function \cfunction{system()}.\footnote{An
+interface for this function already exists in the standard module
+\module{os} --- it was chosen as a simple and straightfoward example.}
+This function takes a null-terminated character string as argument and
+returns an integer. We want this function to be callable from Python
+as follows:
+>>> import spam
+>>> status = spam.system("ls -l")
+Begin by creating a file \file{spammodule.c}. (Historically, if a
+module is called \samp{spam}, the C file containing its implementation
+is called \file{spammodule.c}; if the module name is very long, like
+\samp{spammify}, the module name can be just \file{spammify.c}.)
+The first line of our file can be:
+#include <Python.h>
+which pulls in the Python API (you can add a comment describing the
+purpose of the module and a copyright notice if you like).
+All user-visible symbols defined by \code{"Python.h"} have a prefix of
+\samp{Py} or \samp{PY}, except those defined in standard header files.
+For convenience, and since they are used extensively by the Python
+interpreter, \code{"Python.h"} includes a few standard header files:
+\code{<stdio.h>}, \code{<string.h>}, \code{<errno.h>}, and
+\code{<stdlib.h>}. If the latter header file does not exist on your
+system, it declares the functions \cfunction{malloc()},
+\cfunction{free()} and \cfunction{realloc()} directly.
+The next thing we add to our module file is the C function that will
+be called when the Python expression \samp{spam.system(\var{string})}
+is evaluated (we'll see shortly how it ends up being called):
+static PyObject *
+spam_system(self, args)
+ PyObject *self;
+ PyObject *args;
+ char *command;
+ int sts;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &command))
+ return NULL;
+ sts = system(command);
+ return Py_BuildValue("i", sts);
+There is a straightforward translation from the argument list in
+Python (for example, the single expression \code{"ls -l"}) to the
+arguments passed to the C function. The C function always has two
+arguments, conventionally named \var{self} and \var{args}.
+The \var{self} argument is only used when the C function implements a
+built-in method, not a function. In the example, \var{self} will
+always be a \NULL{} pointer, since we are defining a function, not a
+method. (This is done so that the interpreter doesn't have to
+understand two different types of C functions.)
+The \var{args} argument will be a pointer to a Python tuple object
+containing the arguments. Each item of the tuple corresponds to an
+argument in the call's argument list. The arguments are Python
+objects --- in order to do anything with them in our C function we have
+to convert them to C values. The function \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()}
+in the Python API checks the argument types and converts them to C
+values. It uses a template string to determine the required types of
+the arguments as well as the types of the C variables into which to
+store the converted values. More about this later.
+\cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()} returns true (nonzero) if all arguments have
+the right type and its components have been stored in the variables
+whose addresses are passed. It returns false (zero) if an invalid
+argument list was passed. In the latter case it also raises an
+appropriate exception so the calling function can return
+\NULL{} immediately (as we saw in the example).
+\section{Intermezzo: Errors and Exceptions
+ \label{errors}}
+An important convention throughout the Python interpreter is the
+following: when a function fails, it should set an exception condition
+and return an error value (usually a \NULL{} pointer). Exceptions
+are stored in a static global variable inside the interpreter; if this
+variable is \NULL{} no exception has occurred. A second global
+variable stores the ``associated value'' of the exception (the second
+argument to \keyword{raise}). A third variable contains the stack
+traceback in case the error originated in Python code. These three
+variables are the C equivalents of the Python variables
+\code{sys.exc_type}, \code{sys.exc_value} and \code{sys.exc_traceback} (see
+the section on module \module{sys} in the
+\citetitle[../lib/lib.html]{Python Library Reference}). It is
+important to know about them to understand how errors are passed
+The Python API defines a number of functions to set various types of
+The most common one is \cfunction{PyErr_SetString()}. Its arguments
+are an exception object and a C string. The exception object is
+usually a predefined object like \cdata{PyExc_ZeroDivisionError}. The
+C string indicates the cause of the error and is converted to a
+Python string object and stored as the ``associated value'' of the
+Another useful function is \cfunction{PyErr_SetFromErrno()}, which only
+takes an exception argument and constructs the associated value by
+inspection of the global variable \cdata{errno}. The most
+general function is \cfunction{PyErr_SetObject()}, which takes two object
+arguments, the exception and its associated value. You don't need to
+\cfunction{Py_INCREF()} the objects passed to any of these functions.
+You can test non-destructively whether an exception has been set with
+\cfunction{PyErr_Occurred()}. This returns the current exception object,
+or \NULL{} if no exception has occurred. You normally don't need
+to call \cfunction{PyErr_Occurred()} to see whether an error occurred in a
+function call, since you should be able to tell from the return value.
+When a function \var{f} that calls another function \var{g} detects
+that the latter fails, \var{f} should itself return an error value
+(usually \NULL{} or \code{-1}). It should \emph{not} call one of the
+\cfunction{PyErr_*()} functions --- one has already been called by \var{g}.
+\var{f}'s caller is then supposed to also return an error indication
+to \emph{its} caller, again \emph{without} calling \cfunction{PyErr_*()},
+and so on --- the most detailed cause of the error was already
+reported by the function that first detected it. Once the error
+reaches the Python interpreter's main loop, this aborts the currently
+executing Python code and tries to find an exception handler specified
+by the Python programmer.
+(There are situations where a module can actually give a more detailed
+error message by calling another \cfunction{PyErr_*()} function, and in
+such cases it is fine to do so. As a general rule, however, this is
+not necessary, and can cause information about the cause of the error
+to be lost: most operations can fail for a variety of reasons.)
+To ignore an exception set by a function call that failed, the exception
+condition must be cleared explicitly by calling \cfunction{PyErr_Clear()}.
+The only time C code should call \cfunction{PyErr_Clear()} is if it doesn't
+want to pass the error on to the interpreter but wants to handle it
+completely by itself (possibly by trying something else, or pretending
+nothing went wrong).
+Every failing \cfunction{malloc()} call must be turned into an
+exception --- the direct caller of \cfunction{malloc()} (or
+\cfunction{realloc()}) must call \cfunction{PyErr_NoMemory()} and
+return a failure indicator itself. All the object-creating functions
+(for example, \cfunction{PyInt_FromLong()}) already do this, so this
+note is only relevant to those who call \cfunction{malloc()} directly.
+Also note that, with the important exception of
+\cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()} and friends, functions that return an
+integer status usually return a positive value or zero for success and
+\code{-1} for failure, like \UNIX{} system calls.
+Finally, be careful to clean up garbage (by making
+\cfunction{Py_XDECREF()} or \cfunction{Py_DECREF()} calls for objects
+you have already created) when you return an error indicator!
+The choice of which exception to raise is entirely yours. There are
+predeclared C objects corresponding to all built-in Python exceptions,
+such as \cdata{PyExc_ZeroDivisionError}, which you can use directly.
+Of course, you should choose exceptions wisely --- don't use
+\cdata{PyExc_TypeError} to mean that a file couldn't be opened (that
+should probably be \cdata{PyExc_IOError}). If something's wrong with
+the argument list, the \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()} function usually
+raises \cdata{PyExc_TypeError}. If you have an argument whose value
+must be in a particular range or must satisfy other conditions,
+\cdata{PyExc_ValueError} is appropriate.
+You can also define a new exception that is unique to your module.
+For this, you usually declare a static object variable at the
+beginning of your file:
+static PyObject *SpamError;
+and initialize it in your module's initialization function
+(\cfunction{initspam()}) with an exception object (leaving out
+the error checking for now):
+ PyObject *m, *d;
+ m = Py_InitModule("spam", SpamMethods);
+ d = PyModule_GetDict(m);
+ SpamError = PyErr_NewException("spam.error", NULL, NULL);
+ PyDict_SetItemString(d, "error", SpamError);
+Note that the Python name for the exception object is
+\exception{spam.error}. The \cfunction{PyErr_NewException()} function
+may create a class with the base class being \exception{Exception}
+(unless another class is passed in instead of \NULL), described in the
+\citetitle[../lib/lib.html]{Python Library Reference} under ``Built-in
+Note also that the \cdata{SpamError} variable retains a reference to
+the newly created exception class; this is intentional! Since the
+exception could be removed from the module by external code, an owned
+reference to the class is needed to ensure that it will not be
+discarded, causing \cdata{SpamError} to become a dangling pointer.
+Should it become a dangling pointer, C code which raises the exception
+could cause a core dump or other unintended side effects.
+\section{Back to the Example
+ \label{backToExample}}
+Going back to our example function, you should now be able to
+understand this statement:
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &command))
+ return NULL;
+It returns \NULL{} (the error indicator for functions returning
+object pointers) if an error is detected in the argument list, relying
+on the exception set by \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()}. Otherwise the
+string value of the argument has been copied to the local variable
+\cdata{command}. This is a pointer assignment and you are not supposed
+to modify the string to which it points (so in Standard C, the variable
+\cdata{command} should properly be declared as \samp{const char
+The next statement is a call to the \UNIX{} function
+\cfunction{system()}, passing it the string we just got from
+ sts = system(command);
+Our \function{spam.system()} function must return the value of
+\cdata{sts} as a Python object. This is done using the function
+\cfunction{Py_BuildValue()}, which is something like the inverse of
+\cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()}: it takes a format string and an
+arbitrary number of C values, and returns a new Python object.
+More info on \cfunction{Py_BuildValue()} is given later.
+ return Py_BuildValue("i", sts);
+In this case, it will return an integer object. (Yes, even integers
+are objects on the heap in Python!)
+If you have a C function that returns no useful argument (a function
+returning \ctype{void}), the corresponding Python function must return
+\code{None}. You need this idiom to do so:
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+\cdata{Py_None} is the C name for the special Python object
+\code{None}. It is a genuine Python object rather than a \NULL{}
+pointer, which means ``error'' in most contexts, as we have seen.
+\section{The Module's Method Table and Initialization Function
+ \label{methodTable}}
+I promised to show how \cfunction{spam_system()} is called from Python
+programs. First, we need to list its name and address in a ``method
+static PyMethodDef SpamMethods[] = {
+ ...
+ {"system", spam_system, METH_VARARGS},
+ ...
+ {NULL, NULL} /* Sentinel */
+Note the third entry (\samp{METH_VARARGS}). This is a flag telling
+the interpreter the calling convention to be used for the C
+function. It should normally always be \samp{METH_VARARGS} or
+\samp{METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS}; a value of \code{0} means that an
+obsolete variant of \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()} is used.
+When using only \samp{METH_VARARGS}, the function should expect
+the Python-level parameters to be passed in as a tuple acceptable for
+parsing via \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()}; more information on this
+function is provided below.
+The \constant{METH_KEYWORDS} bit may be set in the third field if
+keyword arguments should be passed to the function. In this case, the
+C function should accept a third \samp{PyObject *} parameter which
+will be a dictionary of keywords. Use
+\cfunction{PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords()} to parse the arguments to
+such a function.
+The method table must be passed to the interpreter in the module's
+initialization function. The initialization function must be named
+\cfunction{init\var{name}()}, where \var{name} is the name of the
+module, and should be the only non-\keyword{static} item defined in
+the module file:
+ (void) Py_InitModule("spam", SpamMethods);
+Note that for \Cpp, this method must be declared \code{extern "C"}.
+When the Python program imports module \module{spam} for the first
+time, \cfunction{initspam()} is called. (See below for comments about
+embedding Python.) It calls
+\cfunction{Py_InitModule()}, which creates a ``module object'' (which
+is inserted in the dictionary \code{sys.modules} under the key
+\code{"spam"}), and inserts built-in function objects into the newly
+created module based upon the table (an array of \ctype{PyMethodDef}
+structures) that was passed as its second argument.
+\cfunction{Py_InitModule()} returns a pointer to the module object
+that it creates (which is unused here). It aborts with a fatal error
+if the module could not be initialized satisfactorily, so the caller
+doesn't need to check for errors.
+When embedding Python, the \cfunction{initspam()} function is not
+called automatically unless there's an entry in the
+\cdata{_PyImport_Inittab} table. The easiest way to handle this is to
+statically initialize your statically-linked modules by directly
+calling \cfunction{initspam()} after the call to
+\cfunction{Py_Initialize()} or \cfunction{PyMac_Initialize()}:
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ /* Pass argv[0] to the Python interpreter */
+ Py_SetProgramName(argv[0]);
+ /* Initialize the Python interpreter. Required. */
+ Py_Initialize();
+ /* Add a static module */
+ initspam();
+An example may be found in the file \file{Demo/embed/demo.c} in the
+Python source distribution.
+\strong{Note:} Removing entries from \code{sys.modules} or importing
+compiled modules into multiple interpreters within a process (or
+following a \cfunction{fork()} without an intervening
+\cfunction{exec()}) can create problems for some extension modules.
+Extension module authors should exercise caution when initializing
+internal data structures.
+Note also that the \function{reload()} function can be used with
+extension modules, and will call the module initialization function
+(\cfunction{initspam()} in the example), but will not load the module
+again if it was loaded from a dynamically loadable object file
+(\file{.so} on \UNIX, \file{.dll} on Windows).
+A more substantial example module is included in the Python source
+distribution as \file{Modules/xxmodule.c}. This file may be used as a
+template or simply read as an example. The \program{}
+script included in the source distribution or Windows install provides
+a simple graphical user interface for declaring the functions and
+objects which a module should implement, and can generate a template
+which can be filled in. The script lives in the
+\file{Tools/modulator/} directory; see the \file{README} file there
+for more information.
+\section{Compilation and Linkage
+ \label{compilation}}
+There are two more things to do before you can use your new extension:
+compiling and linking it with the Python system. If you use dynamic
+loading, the details depend on the style of dynamic loading your
+system uses; see the chapters about building extension modules on
+\UNIX{} (chapter \ref{building-on-unix}) and Windows (chapter
+\ref{building-on-windows}) for more information about this.
+% XXX Add information about MacOS
+If you can't use dynamic loading, or if you want to make your module a
+permanent part of the Python interpreter, you will have to change the
+configuration setup and rebuild the interpreter. Luckily, this is
+very simple: just place your file (\file{spammodule.c} for example) in
+the \file{Modules/} directory of an unpacked source distribution, add
+a line to the file \file{Modules/Setup.local} describing your file:
+spam spammodule.o
+and rebuild the interpreter by running \program{make} in the toplevel
+directory. You can also run \program{make} in the \file{Modules/}
+subdirectory, but then you must first rebuild \file{Makefile}
+there by running `\program{make} Makefile'. (This is necessary each
+time you change the \file{Setup} file.)
+If your module requires additional libraries to link with, these can
+be listed on the line in the configuration file as well, for instance:
+spam spammodule.o -lX11
+\section{Calling Python Functions from C
+ \label{callingPython}}
+So far we have concentrated on making C functions callable from
+Python. The reverse is also useful: calling Python functions from C.
+This is especially the case for libraries that support so-called
+``callback'' functions. If a C interface makes use of callbacks, the
+equivalent Python often needs to provide a callback mechanism to the
+Python programmer; the implementation will require calling the Python
+callback functions from a C callback. Other uses are also imaginable.
+Fortunately, the Python interpreter is easily called recursively, and
+there is a standard interface to call a Python function. (I won't
+dwell on how to call the Python parser with a particular string as
+input --- if you're interested, have a look at the implementation of
+the \programopt{-c} command line option in \file{Python/pythonmain.c}
+from the Python source code.)
+Calling a Python function is easy. First, the Python program must
+somehow pass you the Python function object. You should provide a
+function (or some other interface) to do this. When this function is
+called, save a pointer to the Python function object (be careful to
+\cfunction{Py_INCREF()} it!) in a global variable --- or wherever you
+see fit. For example, the following function might be part of a module
+static PyObject *my_callback = NULL;
+static PyObject *
+my_set_callback(dummy, args)
+ PyObject *dummy, *args;
+ PyObject *result = NULL;
+ PyObject *temp;
+ if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O:set_callback", &temp)) {
+ if (!PyCallable_Check(temp)) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "parameter must be callable");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Py_XINCREF(temp); /* Add a reference to new callback */
+ Py_XDECREF(my_callback); /* Dispose of previous callback */
+ my_callback = temp; /* Remember new callback */
+ /* Boilerplate to return "None" */
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ result = Py_None;
+ }
+ return result;
+This function must be registered with the interpreter using the
+\constant{METH_VARARGS} flag; this is described in section
+\ref{methodTable}, ``The Module's Method Table and Initialization
+Function.'' The \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()} function and its
+arguments are documented in section \ref{parseTuple}, ``Extracting
+Parameters in Extension Functions.''
+The macros \cfunction{Py_XINCREF()} and \cfunction{Py_XDECREF()}
+increment/decrement the reference count of an object and are safe in
+the presence of \NULL{} pointers (but note that \var{temp} will not be
+\NULL{} in this context). More info on them in section
+\ref{refcounts}, ``Reference Counts.''
+Later, when it is time to call the function, you call the C function
+\cfunction{PyEval_CallObject()}. This function has two arguments, both
+pointers to arbitrary Python objects: the Python function, and the
+argument list. The argument list must always be a tuple object, whose
+length is the number of arguments. To call the Python function with
+no arguments, pass an empty tuple; to call it with one argument, pass
+a singleton tuple. \cfunction{Py_BuildValue()} returns a tuple when its
+format string consists of zero or more format codes between
+parentheses. For example:
+ int arg;
+ PyObject *arglist;
+ PyObject *result;
+ ...
+ arg = 123;
+ ...
+ /* Time to call the callback */
+ arglist = Py_BuildValue("(i)", arg);
+ result = PyEval_CallObject(my_callback, arglist);
+ Py_DECREF(arglist);
+\cfunction{PyEval_CallObject()} returns a Python object pointer: this is
+the return value of the Python function. \cfunction{PyEval_CallObject()} is
+``reference-count-neutral'' with respect to its arguments. In the
+example a new tuple was created to serve as the argument list, which
+is \cfunction{Py_DECREF()}-ed immediately after the call.
+The return value of \cfunction{PyEval_CallObject()} is ``new'': either it
+is a brand new object, or it is an existing object whose reference
+count has been incremented. So, unless you want to save it in a
+global variable, you should somehow \cfunction{Py_DECREF()} the result,
+even (especially!) if you are not interested in its value.
+Before you do this, however, it is important to check that the return
+value isn't \NULL{}. If it is, the Python function terminated by
+raising an exception. If the C code that called
+\cfunction{PyEval_CallObject()} is called from Python, it should now
+return an error indication to its Python caller, so the interpreter
+can print a stack trace, or the calling Python code can handle the
+exception. If this is not possible or desirable, the exception should
+be cleared by calling \cfunction{PyErr_Clear()}. For example:
+ if (result == NULL)
+ return NULL; /* Pass error back */
+ ...use result...
+ Py_DECREF(result);
+Depending on the desired interface to the Python callback function,
+you may also have to provide an argument list to
+\cfunction{PyEval_CallObject()}. In some cases the argument list is
+also provided by the Python program, through the same interface that
+specified the callback function. It can then be saved and used in the
+same manner as the function object. In other cases, you may have to
+construct a new tuple to pass as the argument list. The simplest way
+to do this is to call \cfunction{Py_BuildValue()}. For example, if
+you want to pass an integral event code, you might use the following
+ PyObject *arglist;
+ ...
+ arglist = Py_BuildValue("(l)", eventcode);
+ result = PyEval_CallObject(my_callback, arglist);
+ Py_DECREF(arglist);
+ if (result == NULL)
+ return NULL; /* Pass error back */
+ /* Here maybe use the result */
+ Py_DECREF(result);
+Note the placement of \samp{Py_DECREF(arglist)} immediately after the
+call, before the error check! Also note that strictly spoken this
+code is not complete: \cfunction{Py_BuildValue()} may run out of
+memory, and this should be checked.
+\section{Extracting Parameters in Extension Functions
+ \label{parseTuple}}
+The \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()} function is declared as follows:
+int PyArg_ParseTuple(PyObject *arg, char *format, ...);
+The \var{arg} argument must be a tuple object containing an argument
+list passed from Python to a C function. The \var{format} argument
+must be a format string, whose syntax is explained below. The
+remaining arguments must be addresses of variables whose type is
+determined by the format string. For the conversion to succeed, the
+\var{arg} object must match the format and the format must be
+exhausted. On success, \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()} returns true,
+otherwise it returns false and raises an appropriate exception.
+Note that while \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()} checks that the Python
+arguments have the required types, it cannot check the validity of the
+addresses of C variables passed to the call: if you make mistakes
+there, your code will probably crash or at least overwrite random bits
+in memory. So be careful!
+A format string consists of zero or more ``format units''. A format
+unit describes one Python object; it is usually a single character or
+a parenthesized sequence of format units. With a few exceptions, a
+format unit that is not a parenthesized sequence normally corresponds
+to a single address argument to \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()}. In the
+following description, the quoted form is the format unit; the entry
+in (round) parentheses is the Python object type that matches the
+format unit; and the entry in [square] brackets is the type of the C
+variable(s) whose address should be passed. (Use the \samp{\&}
+operator to pass a variable's address.)
+Note that any Python object references which are provided to the
+caller are \emph{borrowed} references; do not decrement their
+reference count!
+\item[\samp{s} (string or Unicode object) {[char *]}]
+Convert a Python string or Unicode object to a C pointer to a
+character string. You must not provide storage for the string
+itself; a pointer to an existing string is stored into the character
+pointer variable whose address you pass. The C string is
+null-terminated. The Python string must not contain embedded null
+bytes; if it does, a \exception{TypeError} exception is raised.
+Unicode objects are converted to C strings using the default
+encoding. If this conversion fails, an \exception{UnicodeError} is
+\item[\samp{s\#} (string, Unicode or any read buffer compatible object)
+{[char *, int]}]
+This variant on \samp{s} stores into two C variables, the first one a
+pointer to a character string, the second one its length. In this
+case the Python string may contain embedded null bytes. Unicode
+objects pass back a pointer to the default encoded string version of the
+object if such a conversion is possible. All other read buffer
+compatible objects pass back a reference to the raw internal data
+\item[\samp{z} (string or \code{None}) {[char *]}]
+Like \samp{s}, but the Python object may also be \code{None}, in which
+case the C pointer is set to \NULL{}.
+\item[\samp{z\#} (string or \code{None} or any read buffer compatible object)
+{[char *, int]}]
+This is to \samp{s\#} as \samp{z} is to \samp{s}.
+\item[\samp{u} (Unicode object) {[Py_UNICODE *]}]
+Convert a Python Unicode object to a C pointer to a null-terminated
+buffer of 16-bit Unicode (UTF-16) data. As with \samp{s}, there is no need
+to provide storage for the Unicode data buffer; a pointer to the
+existing Unicode data is stored into the Py_UNICODE pointer variable whose
+address you pass.
+\item[\samp{u\#} (Unicode object) {[Py_UNICODE *, int]}]
+This variant on \samp{u} stores into two C variables, the first one
+a pointer to a Unicode data buffer, the second one its length.
+\item[\samp{es} (string, Unicode object or character buffer compatible
+object) {[const char *encoding, char **buffer]}]
+This variant on \samp{s} is used for encoding Unicode and objects
+convertible to Unicode into a character buffer. It only works for
+encoded data without embedded \NULL{} bytes.
+The variant reads one C variable and stores into two C variables, the
+first one a pointer to an encoding name string (\var{encoding}), and the
+second a pointer to a pointer to a character buffer (\var{**buffer},
+the buffer used for storing the encoded data).
+The encoding name must map to a registered codec. If set to \NULL{},
+the default encoding is used.
+\cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()} will allocate a buffer of the needed
+size using \cfunction{PyMem_NEW()}, copy the encoded data into this
+buffer and adjust \var{*buffer} to reference the newly allocated
+storage. The caller is responsible for calling
+\cfunction{PyMem_Free()} to free the allocated buffer after usage.
+\item[\samp{et} (string, Unicode object or character buffer compatible
+object) {[const char *encoding, char **buffer]}]
+Same as \samp{es} except that string objects are passed through without
+recoding them. Instead, the implementation assumes that the string
+object uses the encoding passed in as parameter.
+\item[\samp{es\#} (string, Unicode object or character buffer compatible
+object) {[const char *encoding, char **buffer, int *buffer_length]}]
+This variant on \samp{s\#} is used for encoding Unicode and objects
+convertible to Unicode into a character buffer. It reads one C
+variable and stores into three C variables, the first one a pointer to
+an encoding name string (\var{encoding}), the second a pointer to a
+pointer to a character buffer (\var{**buffer}, the buffer used for
+storing the encoded data) and the third one a pointer to an integer
+(\var{*buffer_length}, the buffer length).
+The encoding name must map to a registered codec. If set to \NULL{},
+the default encoding is used.
+There are two modes of operation:
+If \var{*buffer} points a \NULL{} pointer,
+\cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()} will allocate a buffer of the needed
+size using \cfunction{PyMem_NEW()}, copy the encoded data into this
+buffer and adjust \var{*buffer} to reference the newly allocated
+storage. The caller is responsible for calling
+\cfunction{PyMem_Free()} to free the allocated buffer after usage.
+If \var{*buffer} points to a non-\NULL{} pointer (an already allocated
+buffer), \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()} will use this location as
+buffer and interpret \var{*buffer_length} as buffer size. It will then
+copy the encoded data into the buffer and 0-terminate it. Buffer
+overflow is signalled with an exception.
+In both cases, \var{*buffer_length} is set to the length of the
+encoded data without the trailing 0-byte.
+\item[\samp{et\#} (string, Unicode object or character buffer compatible
+object) {[const char *encoding, char **buffer]}]
+Same as \samp{es\#} except that string objects are passed through without
+recoding them. Instead, the implementation assumes that the string
+object uses the encoding passed in as parameter.
+\item[\samp{b} (integer) {[char]}]
+Convert a Python integer to a tiny int, stored in a C \ctype{char}.
+\item[\samp{h} (integer) {[short int]}]
+Convert a Python integer to a C \ctype{short int}.
+\item[\samp{i} (integer) {[int]}]
+Convert a Python integer to a plain C \ctype{int}.
+\item[\samp{l} (integer) {[long int]}]
+Convert a Python integer to a C \ctype{long int}.
+\item[\samp{c} (string of length 1) {[char]}]
+Convert a Python character, represented as a string of length 1, to a
+C \ctype{char}.
+\item[\samp{f} (float) {[float]}]
+Convert a Python floating point number to a C \ctype{float}.
+\item[\samp{d} (float) {[double]}]
+Convert a Python floating point number to a C \ctype{double}.
+\item[\samp{D} (complex) {[Py_complex]}]
+Convert a Python complex number to a C \ctype{Py_complex} structure.
+\item[\samp{O} (object) {[PyObject *]}]
+Store a Python object (without any conversion) in a C object pointer.
+The C program thus receives the actual object that was passed. The
+object's reference count is not increased. The pointer stored is not
+\item[\samp{O!} (object) {[\var{typeobject}, PyObject *]}]
+Store a Python object in a C object pointer. This is similar to
+\samp{O}, but takes two C arguments: the first is the address of a
+Python type object, the second is the address of the C variable (of
+type \ctype{PyObject *}) into which the object pointer is stored.
+If the Python object does not have the required type,
+\exception{TypeError} is raised.
+\item[\samp{O\&} (object) {[\var{converter}, \var{anything}]}]
+Convert a Python object to a C variable through a \var{converter}
+function. This takes two arguments: the first is a function, the
+second is the address of a C variable (of arbitrary type), converted
+to \ctype{void *}. The \var{converter} function in turn is called as
+\var{status}\code{ = }\var{converter}\code{(}\var{object}, \var{address}\code{);}
+where \var{object} is the Python object to be converted and
+\var{address} is the \ctype{void *} argument that was passed to
+\cfunction{PyArg_ConvertTuple()}. The returned \var{status} should be
+\code{1} for a successful conversion and \code{0} if the conversion
+has failed. When the conversion fails, the \var{converter} function
+should raise an exception.
+\item[\samp{S} (string) {[PyStringObject *]}]
+Like \samp{O} but requires that the Python object is a string object.
+Raises \exception{TypeError} if the object is not a string object.
+The C variable may also be declared as \ctype{PyObject *}.
+\item[\samp{U} (Unicode string) {[PyUnicodeObject *]}]
+Like \samp{O} but requires that the Python object is a Unicode object.
+Raises \exception{TypeError} if the object is not a Unicode object.
+The C variable may also be declared as \ctype{PyObject *}.
+\item[\samp{t\#} (read-only character buffer) {[char *, int]}]
+Like \samp{s\#}, but accepts any object which implements the read-only
+buffer interface. The \ctype{char *} variable is set to point to the
+first byte of the buffer, and the \ctype{int} is set to the length of
+the buffer. Only single-segment buffer objects are accepted;
+\exception{TypeError} is raised for all others.
+\item[\samp{w} (read-write character buffer) {[char *]}]
+Similar to \samp{s}, but accepts any object which implements the
+read-write buffer interface. The caller must determine the length of
+the buffer by other means, or use \samp{w\#} instead. Only
+single-segment buffer objects are accepted; \exception{TypeError} is
+raised for all others.
+\item[\samp{w\#} (read-write character buffer) {[char *, int]}]
+Like \samp{s\#}, but accepts any object which implements the
+read-write buffer interface. The \ctype{char *} variable is set to
+point to the first byte of the buffer, and the \ctype{int} is set to
+the length of the buffer. Only single-segment buffer objects are
+accepted; \exception{TypeError} is raised for all others.
+\item[\samp{(\var{items})} (tuple) {[\var{matching-items}]}]
+The object must be a Python sequence whose length is the number of
+format units in \var{items}. The C arguments must correspond to the
+individual format units in \var{items}. Format units for sequences
+may be nested.
+\strong{Note:} Prior to Python version 1.5.2, this format specifier
+only accepted a tuple containing the individual parameters, not an
+arbitrary sequence. Code which previously caused
+\exception{TypeError} to be raised here may now proceed without an
+exception. This is not expected to be a problem for existing code.
+It is possible to pass Python long integers where integers are
+requested; however no proper range checking is done --- the most
+significant bits are silently truncated when the receiving field is
+too small to receive the value (actually, the semantics are inherited
+from downcasts in C --- your mileage may vary).
+A few other characters have a meaning in a format string. These may
+not occur inside nested parentheses. They are:
+Indicates that the remaining arguments in the Python argument list are
+optional. The C variables corresponding to optional arguments should
+be initialized to their default value --- when an optional argument is
+not specified, \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()} does not touch the contents
+of the corresponding C variable(s).
+The list of format units ends here; the string after the colon is used
+as the function name in error messages (the ``associated value'' of
+the exception that \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()} raises).
+The list of format units ends here; the string after the semicolon is
+used as the error message \emph{instead} of the default error message.
+Clearly, \samp{:} and \samp{;} mutually exclude each other.
+Some example calls:
+ int ok;
+ int i, j;
+ long k, l;
+ char *s;
+ int size;
+ ok = PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ""); /* No arguments */
+ /* Python call: f() */
+ ok = PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &s); /* A string */
+ /* Possible Python call: f('whoops!') */
+ ok = PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "lls", &k, &l, &s); /* Two longs and a string */
+ /* Possible Python call: f(1, 2, 'three') */
+ ok = PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "(ii)s#", &i, &j, &s, &size);
+ /* A pair of ints and a string, whose size is also returned */
+ /* Possible Python call: f((1, 2), 'three') */
+ {
+ char *file;
+ char *mode = "r";
+ int bufsize = 0;
+ ok = PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s|si", &file, &mode, &bufsize);
+ /* A string, and optionally another string and an integer */
+ /* Possible Python calls:
+ f('spam')
+ f('spam', 'w')
+ f('spam', 'wb', 100000) */
+ }
+ {
+ int left, top, right, bottom, h, v;
+ ok = PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "((ii)(ii))(ii)",
+ &left, &top, &right, &bottom, &h, &v);
+ /* A rectangle and a point */
+ /* Possible Python call:
+ f(((0, 0), (400, 300)), (10, 10)) */
+ }
+ {
+ Py_complex c;
+ ok = PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "D:myfunction", &c);
+ /* a complex, also providing a function name for errors */
+ /* Possible Python call: myfunction(1+2j) */
+ }
+\section{Keyword Parameters for Extension Functions
+ \label{parseTupleAndKeywords}}
+The \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords()} function is declared as
+int PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(PyObject *arg, PyObject *kwdict,
+ char *format, char **kwlist, ...);
+The \var{arg} and \var{format} parameters are identical to those of the
+\cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()} function. The \var{kwdict} parameter
+is the dictionary of keywords received as the third parameter from the
+Python runtime. The \var{kwlist} parameter is a \NULL{}-terminated
+list of strings which identify the parameters; the names are matched
+with the type information from \var{format} from left to right. On
+success, \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords()} returns true,
+otherwise it returns false and raises an appropriate exception.
+\strong{Note:} Nested tuples cannot be parsed when using keyword
+arguments! Keyword parameters passed in which are not present in the
+\var{kwlist} will cause \exception{TypeError} to be raised.
+Here is an example module which uses keywords, based on an example by
+Geoff Philbrick (\email{}):%
+\index{Philbrick, Geoff}
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "Python.h"
+static PyObject *
+keywdarg_parrot(self, args, keywds)
+ PyObject *self;
+ PyObject *args;
+ PyObject *keywds;
+ int voltage;
+ char *state = "a stiff";
+ char *action = "voom";
+ char *type = "Norwegian Blue";
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"voltage", "state", "action", "type", NULL};
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, keywds, "i|sss", kwlist,
+ &voltage, &state, &action, &type))
+ return NULL;
+ printf("-- This parrot wouldn't %s if you put %i Volts through it.\n",
+ action, voltage);
+ printf("-- Lovely plumage, the %s -- It's %s!\n", type, state);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyMethodDef keywdarg_methods[] = {
+ /* The cast of the function is necessary since PyCFunction values
+ * only take two PyObject* parameters, and keywdarg_parrot() takes
+ * three.
+ */
+ {"parrot", (PyCFunction)keywdarg_parrot, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS},
+ {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
+ /* Create the module and add the functions */
+ Py_InitModule("keywdarg", keywdarg_methods);
+\section{Building Arbitrary Values
+ \label{buildValue}}
+This function is the counterpart to \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()}. It is
+declared as follows:
+PyObject *Py_BuildValue(char *format, ...);
+It recognizes a set of format units similar to the ones recognized by
+\cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()}, but the arguments (which are input to the
+function, not output) must not be pointers, just values. It returns a
+new Python object, suitable for returning from a C function called
+from Python.
+One difference with \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()}: while the latter
+requires its first argument to be a tuple (since Python argument lists
+are always represented as tuples internally),
+\cfunction{Py_BuildValue()} does not always build a tuple. It builds
+a tuple only if its format string contains two or more format units.
+If the format string is empty, it returns \code{None}; if it contains
+exactly one format unit, it returns whatever object is described by
+that format unit. To force it to return a tuple of size 0 or one,
+parenthesize the format string.
+When memory buffers are passed as parameters to supply data to build
+objects, as for the \samp{s} and \samp{s\#} formats, the required data
+is copied. Buffers provided by the caller are never referenced by the
+objects created by \cfunction{Py_BuildValue()}. In other words, if
+your code invokes \cfunction{malloc()} and passes the allocated memory
+to \cfunction{Py_BuildValue()}, your code is responsible for
+calling \cfunction{free()} for that memory once
+\cfunction{Py_BuildValue()} returns.
+In the following description, the quoted form is the format unit; the
+entry in (round) parentheses is the Python object type that the format
+unit will return; and the entry in [square] brackets is the type of
+the C value(s) to be passed.
+The characters space, tab, colon and comma are ignored in format
+strings (but not within format units such as \samp{s\#}). This can be
+used to make long format strings a tad more readable.
+\item[\samp{s} (string) {[char *]}]
+Convert a null-terminated C string to a Python object. If the C
+string pointer is \NULL{}, \code{None} is used.
+\item[\samp{s\#} (string) {[char *, int]}]
+Convert a C string and its length to a Python object. If the C string
+pointer is \NULL{}, the length is ignored and \code{None} is
+\item[\samp{z} (string or \code{None}) {[char *]}]
+Same as \samp{s}.
+\item[\samp{z\#} (string or \code{None}) {[char *, int]}]
+Same as \samp{s\#}.
+\item[\samp{u} (Unicode string) {[Py_UNICODE *]}]
+Convert a null-terminated buffer of Unicode (UCS-2) data to a Python
+Unicode object. If the Unicode buffer pointer is \NULL,
+\code{None} is returned.
+\item[\samp{u\#} (Unicode string) {[Py_UNICODE *, int]}]
+Convert a Unicode (UCS-2) data buffer and its length to a Python
+Unicode object. If the Unicode buffer pointer is \NULL, the length
+is ignored and \code{None} is returned.
+\item[\samp{i} (integer) {[int]}]
+Convert a plain C \ctype{int} to a Python integer object.
+\item[\samp{b} (integer) {[char]}]
+Same as \samp{i}.
+\item[\samp{h} (integer) {[short int]}]
+Same as \samp{i}.
+\item[\samp{l} (integer) {[long int]}]
+Convert a C \ctype{long int} to a Python integer object.
+\item[\samp{c} (string of length 1) {[char]}]
+Convert a C \ctype{int} representing a character to a Python string of
+length 1.
+\item[\samp{d} (float) {[double]}]
+Convert a C \ctype{double} to a Python floating point number.
+\item[\samp{f} (float) {[float]}]
+Same as \samp{d}.
+\item[\samp{D} (complex) {[Py_complex *]}]
+Convert a C \ctype{Py_complex} structure to a Python complex number.
+\item[\samp{O} (object) {[PyObject *]}]
+Pass a Python object untouched (except for its reference count, which
+is incremented by one). If the object passed in is a \NULL{}
+pointer, it is assumed that this was caused because the call producing
+the argument found an error and set an exception. Therefore,
+\cfunction{Py_BuildValue()} will return \NULL{} but won't raise an
+exception. If no exception has been raised yet,
+\cdata{PyExc_SystemError} is set.
+\item[\samp{S} (object) {[PyObject *]}]
+Same as \samp{O}.
+\item[\samp{U} (object) {[PyObject *]}]
+Same as \samp{O}.
+\item[\samp{N} (object) {[PyObject *]}]
+Same as \samp{O}, except it doesn't increment the reference count on
+the object. Useful when the object is created by a call to an object
+constructor in the argument list.
+\item[\samp{O\&} (object) {[\var{converter}, \var{anything}]}]
+Convert \var{anything} to a Python object through a \var{converter}
+function. The function is called with \var{anything} (which should be
+compatible with \ctype{void *}) as its argument and should return a
+``new'' Python object, or \NULL{} if an error occurred.
+\item[\samp{(\var{items})} (tuple) {[\var{matching-items}]}]
+Convert a sequence of C values to a Python tuple with the same number
+of items.
+\item[\samp{[\var{items}]} (list) {[\var{matching-items}]}]
+Convert a sequence of C values to a Python list with the same number
+of items.
+\item[\samp{\{\var{items}\}} (dictionary) {[\var{matching-items}]}]
+Convert a sequence of C values to a Python dictionary. Each pair of
+consecutive C values adds one item to the dictionary, serving as key
+and value, respectively.
+If there is an error in the format string, the
+\cdata{PyExc_SystemError} exception is raised and \NULL{} returned.
+Examples (to the left the call, to the right the resulting Python value):
+ Py_BuildValue("") None
+ Py_BuildValue("i", 123) 123
+ Py_BuildValue("iii", 123, 456, 789) (123, 456, 789)
+ Py_BuildValue("s", "hello") 'hello'
+ Py_BuildValue("ss", "hello", "world") ('hello', 'world')
+ Py_BuildValue("s#", "hello", 4) 'hell'
+ Py_BuildValue("()") ()
+ Py_BuildValue("(i)", 123) (123,)
+ Py_BuildValue("(ii)", 123, 456) (123, 456)
+ Py_BuildValue("(i,i)", 123, 456) (123, 456)
+ Py_BuildValue("[i,i]", 123, 456) [123, 456]
+ Py_BuildValue("{s:i,s:i}",
+ "abc", 123, "def", 456) {'abc': 123, 'def': 456}
+ Py_BuildValue("((ii)(ii)) (ii)",
+ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) (((1, 2), (3, 4)), (5, 6))
+\section{Reference Counts
+ \label{refcounts}}
+In languages like C or \Cpp{}, the programmer is responsible for
+dynamic allocation and deallocation of memory on the heap. In C,
+this is done using the functions \cfunction{malloc()} and
+\cfunction{free()}. In \Cpp{}, the operators \keyword{new} and
+\keyword{delete} are used with essentially the same meaning; they are
+actually implemented using \cfunction{malloc()} and
+\cfunction{free()}, so we'll restrict the following discussion to the
+Every block of memory allocated with \cfunction{malloc()} should
+eventually be returned to the pool of available memory by exactly one
+call to \cfunction{free()}. It is important to call
+\cfunction{free()} at the right time. If a block's address is
+forgotten but \cfunction{free()} is not called for it, the memory it
+occupies cannot be reused until the program terminates. This is
+called a \dfn{memory leak}. On the other hand, if a program calls
+\cfunction{free()} for a block and then continues to use the block, it
+creates a conflict with re-use of the block through another
+\cfunction{malloc()} call. This is called \dfn{using freed memory}.
+It has the same bad consequences as referencing uninitialized data ---
+core dumps, wrong results, mysterious crashes.
+Common causes of memory leaks are unusual paths through the code. For
+instance, a function may allocate a block of memory, do some
+calculation, and then free the block again. Now a change in the
+requirements for the function may add a test to the calculation that
+detects an error condition and can return prematurely from the
+function. It's easy to forget to free the allocated memory block when
+taking this premature exit, especially when it is added later to the
+code. Such leaks, once introduced, often go undetected for a long
+time: the error exit is taken only in a small fraction of all calls,
+and most modern machines have plenty of virtual memory, so the leak
+only becomes apparent in a long-running process that uses the leaking
+function frequently. Therefore, it's important to prevent leaks from
+happening by having a coding convention or strategy that minimizes
+this kind of errors.
+Since Python makes heavy use of \cfunction{malloc()} and
+\cfunction{free()}, it needs a strategy to avoid memory leaks as well
+as the use of freed memory. The chosen method is called
+\dfn{reference counting}. The principle is simple: every object
+contains a counter, which is incremented when a reference to the
+object is stored somewhere, and which is decremented when a reference
+to it is deleted. When the counter reaches zero, the last reference
+to the object has been deleted and the object is freed.
+An alternative strategy is called \dfn{automatic garbage collection}.
+(Sometimes, reference counting is also referred to as a garbage
+collection strategy, hence my use of ``automatic'' to distinguish the
+two.) The big advantage of automatic garbage collection is that the
+user doesn't need to call \cfunction{free()} explicitly. (Another claimed
+advantage is an improvement in speed or memory usage --- this is no
+hard fact however.) The disadvantage is that for C, there is no
+truly portable automatic garbage collector, while reference counting
+can be implemented portably (as long as the functions \cfunction{malloc()}
+and \cfunction{free()} are available --- which the C Standard guarantees).
+Maybe some day a sufficiently portable automatic garbage collector
+will be available for C. Until then, we'll have to live with
+reference counts.
+\subsection{Reference Counting in Python
+ \label{refcountsInPython}}
+There are two macros, \code{Py_INCREF(x)} and \code{Py_DECREF(x)},
+which handle the incrementing and decrementing of the reference count.
+\cfunction{Py_DECREF()} also frees the object when the count reaches zero.
+For flexibility, it doesn't call \cfunction{free()} directly --- rather, it
+makes a call through a function pointer in the object's \dfn{type
+object}. For this purpose (and others), every object also contains a
+pointer to its type object.
+The big question now remains: when to use \code{Py_INCREF(x)} and
+\code{Py_DECREF(x)}? Let's first introduce some terms. Nobody
+``owns'' an object; however, you can \dfn{own a reference} to an
+object. An object's reference count is now defined as the number of
+owned references to it. The owner of a reference is responsible for
+calling \cfunction{Py_DECREF()} when the reference is no longer
+needed. Ownership of a reference can be transferred. There are three
+ways to dispose of an owned reference: pass it on, store it, or call
+\cfunction{Py_DECREF()}. Forgetting to dispose of an owned reference
+creates a memory leak.
+It is also possible to \dfn{borrow}\footnote{The metaphor of
+``borrowing'' a reference is not completely correct: the owner still
+has a copy of the reference.} a reference to an object. The borrower
+of a reference should not call \cfunction{Py_DECREF()}. The borrower must
+not hold on to the object longer than the owner from which it was
+borrowed. Using a borrowed reference after the owner has disposed of
+it risks using freed memory and should be avoided
+completely.\footnote{Checking that the reference count is at least 1
+\strong{does not work} --- the reference count itself could be in
+freed memory and may thus be reused for another object!}
+The advantage of borrowing over owning a reference is that you don't
+need to take care of disposing of the reference on all possible paths
+through the code --- in other words, with a borrowed reference you
+don't run the risk of leaking when a premature exit is taken. The
+disadvantage of borrowing over leaking is that there are some subtle
+situations where in seemingly correct code a borrowed reference can be
+used after the owner from which it was borrowed has in fact disposed
+of it.
+A borrowed reference can be changed into an owned reference by calling
+\cfunction{Py_INCREF()}. This does not affect the status of the owner from
+which the reference was borrowed --- it creates a new owned reference,
+and gives full owner responsibilities (the new owner must
+dispose of the reference properly, as well as the previous owner).
+\subsection{Ownership Rules
+ \label{ownershipRules}}
+Whenever an object reference is passed into or out of a function, it
+is part of the function's interface specification whether ownership is
+transferred with the reference or not.
+Most functions that return a reference to an object pass on ownership
+with the reference. In particular, all functions whose function it is
+to create a new object, such as \cfunction{PyInt_FromLong()} and
+\cfunction{Py_BuildValue()}, pass ownership to the receiver. Even if in
+fact, in some cases, you don't receive a reference to a brand new
+object, you still receive ownership of the reference. For instance,
+\cfunction{PyInt_FromLong()} maintains a cache of popular values and can
+return a reference to a cached item.
+Many functions that extract objects from other objects also transfer
+ownership with the reference, for instance
+\cfunction{PyObject_GetAttrString()}. The picture is less clear, here,
+however, since a few common routines are exceptions:
+\cfunction{PyTuple_GetItem()}, \cfunction{PyList_GetItem()},
+\cfunction{PyDict_GetItem()}, and \cfunction{PyDict_GetItemString()}
+all return references that you borrow from the tuple, list or
+The function \cfunction{PyImport_AddModule()} also returns a borrowed
+reference, even though it may actually create the object it returns:
+this is possible because an owned reference to the object is stored in
+When you pass an object reference into another function, in general,
+the function borrows the reference from you --- if it needs to store
+it, it will use \cfunction{Py_INCREF()} to become an independent
+owner. There are exactly two important exceptions to this rule:
+\cfunction{PyTuple_SetItem()} and \cfunction{PyList_SetItem()}. These
+functions take over ownership of the item passed to them --- even if
+they fail! (Note that \cfunction{PyDict_SetItem()} and friends don't
+take over ownership --- they are ``normal.'')
+When a C function is called from Python, it borrows references to its
+arguments from the caller. The caller owns a reference to the object,
+so the borrowed reference's lifetime is guaranteed until the function
+returns. Only when such a borrowed reference must be stored or passed
+on, it must be turned into an owned reference by calling
+The object reference returned from a C function that is called from
+Python must be an owned reference --- ownership is tranferred from the
+function to its caller.
+\subsection{Thin Ice
+ \label{thinIce}}
+There are a few situations where seemingly harmless use of a borrowed
+reference can lead to problems. These all have to do with implicit
+invocations of the interpreter, which can cause the owner of a
+reference to dispose of it.
+The first and most important case to know about is using
+\cfunction{Py_DECREF()} on an unrelated object while borrowing a
+reference to a list item. For instance:
+bug(PyObject *list) {
+ PyObject *item = PyList_GetItem(list, 0);
+ PyList_SetItem(list, 1, PyInt_FromLong(0L));
+ PyObject_Print(item, stdout, 0); /* BUG! */
+This function first borrows a reference to \code{list[0]}, then
+replaces \code{list[1]} with the value \code{0}, and finally prints
+the borrowed reference. Looks harmless, right? But it's not!
+Let's follow the control flow into \cfunction{PyList_SetItem()}. The list
+owns references to all its items, so when item 1 is replaced, it has
+to dispose of the original item 1. Now let's suppose the original
+item 1 was an instance of a user-defined class, and let's further
+suppose that the class defined a \method{__del__()} method. If this
+class instance has a reference count of 1, disposing of it will call
+its \method{__del__()} method.
+Since it is written in Python, the \method{__del__()} method can execute
+arbitrary Python code. Could it perhaps do something to invalidate
+the reference to \code{item} in \cfunction{bug()}? You bet! Assuming
+that the list passed into \cfunction{bug()} is accessible to the
+\method{__del__()} method, it could execute a statement to the effect of
+\samp{del list[0]}, and assuming this was the last reference to that
+object, it would free the memory associated with it, thereby
+invalidating \code{item}.
+The solution, once you know the source of the problem, is easy:
+temporarily increment the reference count. The correct version of the
+function reads:
+no_bug(PyObject *list) {
+ PyObject *item = PyList_GetItem(list, 0);
+ Py_INCREF(item);
+ PyList_SetItem(list, 1, PyInt_FromLong(0L));
+ PyObject_Print(item, stdout, 0);
+ Py_DECREF(item);
+This is a true story. An older version of Python contained variants
+of this bug and someone spent a considerable amount of time in a C
+debugger to figure out why his \method{__del__()} methods would fail...
+The second case of problems with a borrowed reference is a variant
+involving threads. Normally, multiple threads in the Python
+interpreter can't get in each other's way, because there is a global
+lock protecting Python's entire object space. However, it is possible
+to temporarily release this lock using the macro
+\code{Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS}, and to re-acquire it using
+\code{Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS}. This is common around blocking I/O
+calls, to let other threads use the processor while waiting for the I/O to
+complete. Obviously, the following function has the same problem as
+the previous one:
+bug(PyObject *list) {
+ PyObject *item = PyList_GetItem(list, 0);
+ ...some blocking I/O call...
+ PyObject_Print(item, stdout, 0); /* BUG! */
+\subsection{NULL Pointers
+ \label{nullPointers}}
+In general, functions that take object references as arguments do not
+expect you to pass them \NULL{} pointers, and will dump core (or
+cause later core dumps) if you do so. Functions that return object
+references generally return \NULL{} only to indicate that an
+exception occurred. The reason for not testing for \NULL{}
+arguments is that functions often pass the objects they receive on to
+other function --- if each function were to test for \NULL{},
+there would be a lot of redundant tests and the code would run more
+It is better to test for \NULL{} only at the ``source:'' when a
+pointer that may be \NULL{} is received, for example, from
+\cfunction{malloc()} or from a function that may raise an exception.
+The macros \cfunction{Py_INCREF()} and \cfunction{Py_DECREF()}
+do not check for \NULL{} pointers --- however, their variants
+\cfunction{Py_XINCREF()} and \cfunction{Py_XDECREF()} do.
+The macros for checking for a particular object type
+(\code{Py\var{type}_Check()}) don't check for \NULL{} pointers ---
+again, there is much code that calls several of these in a row to test
+an object against various different expected types, and this would
+generate redundant tests. There are no variants with \NULL{}
+The C function calling mechanism guarantees that the argument list
+passed to C functions (\code{args} in the examples) is never
+\NULL{} --- in fact it guarantees that it is always a tuple.\footnote{
+These guarantees don't hold when you use the ``old'' style
+calling convention --- this is still found in much existing code.}
+It is a severe error to ever let a \NULL{} pointer ``escape'' to
+the Python user.
+% Frank Stajano:
+% A pedagogically buggy example, along the lines of the previous listing,
+% would be helpful here -- showing in more concrete terms what sort of
+% actions could cause the problem. I can't very well imagine it from the
+% description.
+\section{Writing Extensions in \Cpp{}
+ \label{cplusplus}}
+It is possible to write extension modules in \Cpp{}. Some restrictions
+apply. If the main program (the Python interpreter) is compiled and
+linked by the C compiler, global or static objects with constructors
+cannot be used. This is not a problem if the main program is linked
+by the \Cpp{} compiler. Functions that will be called by the
+Python interpreter (in particular, module initalization functions)
+have to be declared using \code{extern "C"}.
+It is unnecessary to enclose the Python header files in
+\code{extern "C" \{...\}} --- they use this form already if the symbol
+\samp{__cplusplus} is defined (all recent \Cpp{} compilers define this
+\section{Providing a C API for an Extension Module
+ \label{using-cobjects}}
+\sectionauthor{Konrad Hinsen}{}
+Many extension modules just provide new functions and types to be
+used from Python, but sometimes the code in an extension module can
+be useful for other extension modules. For example, an extension
+module could implement a type ``collection'' which works like lists
+without order. Just like the standard Python list type has a C API
+which permits extension modules to create and manipulate lists, this
+new collection type should have a set of C functions for direct
+manipulation from other extension modules.
+At first sight this seems easy: just write the functions (without
+declaring them \keyword{static}, of course), provide an appropriate
+header file, and document the C API. And in fact this would work if
+all extension modules were always linked statically with the Python
+interpreter. When modules are used as shared libraries, however, the
+symbols defined in one module may not be visible to another module.
+The details of visibility depend on the operating system; some systems
+use one global namespace for the Python interpreter and all extension
+modules (Windows, for example), whereas others require an explicit
+list of imported symbols at module link time (AIX is one example), or
+offer a choice of different strategies (most Unices). And even if
+symbols are globally visible, the module whose functions one wishes to
+call might not have been loaded yet!
+Portability therefore requires not to make any assumptions about
+symbol visibility. This means that all symbols in extension modules
+should be declared \keyword{static}, except for the module's
+initialization function, in order to avoid name clashes with other
+extension modules (as discussed in section~\ref{methodTable}). And it
+means that symbols that \emph{should} be accessible from other
+extension modules must be exported in a different way.
+Python provides a special mechanism to pass C-level information
+(pointers) from one extension module to another one: CObjects.
+A CObject is a Python data type which stores a pointer (\ctype{void
+*}). CObjects can only be created and accessed via their C API, but
+they can be passed around like any other Python object. In particular,
+they can be assigned to a name in an extension module's namespace.
+Other extension modules can then import this module, retrieve the
+value of this name, and then retrieve the pointer from the CObject.
+There are many ways in which CObjects can be used to export the C API
+of an extension module. Each name could get its own CObject, or all C
+API pointers could be stored in an array whose address is published in
+a CObject. And the various tasks of storing and retrieving the pointers
+can be distributed in different ways between the module providing the
+code and the client modules.
+The following example demonstrates an approach that puts most of the
+burden on the writer of the exporting module, which is appropriate
+for commonly used library modules. It stores all C API pointers
+(just one in the example!) in an array of \ctype{void} pointers which
+becomes the value of a CObject. The header file corresponding to
+the module provides a macro that takes care of importing the module
+and retrieving its C API pointers; client modules only have to call
+this macro before accessing the C API.
+The exporting module is a modification of the \module{spam} module from
+section~\ref{simpleExample}. The function \function{spam.system()}
+does not call the C library function \cfunction{system()} directly,
+but a function \cfunction{PySpam_System()}, which would of course do
+something more complicated in reality (such as adding ``spam'' to
+every command). This function \cfunction{PySpam_System()} is also
+exported to other extension modules.
+The function \cfunction{PySpam_System()} is a plain C function,
+declared \keyword{static} like everything else:
+static int
+ char *command;
+ return system(command);
+The function \cfunction{spam_system()} is modified in a trivial way:
+static PyObject *
+spam_system(self, args)
+ PyObject *self;
+ PyObject *args;
+ char *command;
+ int sts;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &command))
+ return NULL;
+ sts = PySpam_System(command);
+ return Py_BuildValue("i", sts);
+In the beginning of the module, right after the line
+#include "Python.h"
+two more lines must be added:
+#define SPAM_MODULE
+#include "spammodule.h"
+The \code{\#define} is used to tell the header file that it is being
+included in the exporting module, not a client module. Finally,
+the module's initialization function must take care of initializing
+the C API pointer array:
+ PyObject *m;
+ static void *PySpam_API[PySpam_API_pointers];
+ PyObject *c_api_object;
+ m = Py_InitModule("spam", SpamMethods);
+ /* Initialize the C API pointer array */
+ PySpam_API[PySpam_System_NUM] = (void *)PySpam_System;
+ /* Create a CObject containing the API pointer array's address */
+ c_api_object = PyCObject_FromVoidPtr((void *)PySpam_API, NULL);
+ if (c_api_object != NULL) {
+ /* Create a name for this object in the module's namespace */
+ PyObject *d = PyModule_GetDict(m);
+ PyDict_SetItemString(d, "_C_API", c_api_object);
+ Py_DECREF(c_api_object);
+ }
+Note that \code{PySpam_API} is declared \code{static}; otherwise
+the pointer array would disappear when \code{initspam} terminates!
+The bulk of the work is in the header file \file{spammodule.h},
+which looks like this:
+#ifndef Py_SPAMMODULE_H
+#define Py_SPAMMODULE_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* Header file for spammodule */
+/* C API functions */
+#define PySpam_System_NUM 0
+#define PySpam_System_RETURN int
+#define PySpam_System_PROTO (char *command)
+/* Total number of C API pointers */
+#define PySpam_API_pointers 1
+/* This section is used when compiling spammodule.c */
+static PySpam_System_RETURN PySpam_System PySpam_System_PROTO;
+/* This section is used in modules that use spammodule's API */
+static void **PySpam_API;
+#define PySpam_System \
+ (*(PySpam_System_RETURN (*)PySpam_System_PROTO) PySpam_API[PySpam_System_NUM])
+#define import_spam() \
+{ \
+ PyObject *module = PyImport_ImportModule("spam"); \
+ if (module != NULL) { \
+ PyObject *module_dict = PyModule_GetDict(module); \
+ PyObject *c_api_object = PyDict_GetItemString(module_dict, "_C_API"); \
+ if (PyCObject_Check(c_api_object)) { \
+ PySpam_API = (void **)PyCObject_AsVoidPtr(c_api_object); \
+ } \
+ } \
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* !defined(Py_SPAMMODULE_H */
+All that a client module must do in order to have access to the
+function \cfunction{PySpam_System()} is to call the function (or
+rather macro) \cfunction{import_spam()} in its initialization
+ PyObject *m;
+ Py_InitModule("client", ClientMethods);
+ import_spam();
+The main disadvantage of this approach is that the file
+\file{spammodule.h} is rather complicated. However, the
+basic structure is the same for each function that is
+exported, so it has to be learned only once.
+Finally it should be mentioned that CObjects offer additional
+functionality, which is especially useful for memory allocation and
+deallocation of the pointer stored in a CObject. The details
+are described in the \citetitle[../api/api.html]{Python/C API
+Reference Manual} in the section ``CObjects'' and in the
+implementation of CObjects (files \file{Include/cobject.h} and
+\file{Objects/cobject.c} in the Python source code distribution).
--- /dev/null
+\chapter{Defining New Types
+ \label{defining-new-types}}
+\sectionauthor{Michael Hudson}{}
+\sectionauthor{Dave Kuhlman}{}
+As mentioned in the last chapter, Python allows the writer of an
+extension module to define new types that can be manipulated from
+Python code, much like strings and lists in core Python.
+This is not hard; the code for all extension types follows a pattern,
+but there are some details that you need to understand before you can
+get started.
+\section{The Basics
+ \label{dnt-basics}}
+The Python runtime sees all Python objects as variables of type
+\ctype{PyObject*}. A \ctype{PyObject} is not a very magnificent
+object - it just contains the refcount and a pointer to the object's
+``type object''. This is where the action is; the type object
+determines which (C) functions get called when, for instance, an
+attribute gets looked up on an object or it is multiplied by another
+object. I call these C functions ``type methods'' to distinguish them
+from things like \code{[].append} (which I will call ``object
+methods'' when I get around to them).
+So, if you want to define a new object type, you need to create a new
+type object.
+This sort of thing can only be explained by example, so here's a
+minimal, but complete, module that defines a new type:
+#include <Python.h>
+staticforward PyTypeObject noddy_NoddyType;
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+} noddy_NoddyObject;
+static PyObject*
+noddy_new_noddy(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
+ noddy_NoddyObject* noddy;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,":new_noddy"))
+ return NULL;
+ noddy = PyObject_New(noddy_NoddyObject, &noddy_NoddyType);
+ return (PyObject*)noddy;
+static void
+noddy_noddy_dealloc(PyObject* self)
+ PyObject_Del(self);
+static PyTypeObject noddy_NoddyType = {
+ 0,
+ "Noddy",
+ sizeof(noddy_NoddyObject),
+ 0,
+ noddy_noddy_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+ 0, /*tp_print*/
+ 0, /*tp_getattr*/
+ 0, /*tp_setattr*/
+ 0, /*tp_compare*/
+ 0, /*tp_repr*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_number*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
+ 0, /*tp_hash */
+static PyMethodDef noddy_methods[] = {
+ { "new_noddy", noddy_new_noddy, METH_VARARGS },
+ noddy_NoddyType.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
+ Py_InitModule("noddy", noddy_methods);
+Now that's quite a bit to take in at once, but hopefully bits will
+seem familiar from the last chapter.
+The first bit that will be new is:
+staticforward PyTypeObject noddy_NoddyType;
+This names the type object that will be defining further down in the
+file. It can't be defined here because its definition has to refer to
+functions that have no yet been defined, but we need to be able to
+refer to it, hence the declaration.
+The \code{staticforward} is required to placate various brain dead
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+} noddy_NoddyObject;
+This is what a Noddy object will contain. In this case nothing more
+than every Python object contains - a refcount and a pointer to a type
+object. These are the fields the \code{PyObject_HEAD} macro brings
+in. The reason for the macro is to standardize the layout and to
+enable special debugging fields to be brought in debug builds.
+For contrast
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ long ob_ival;
+} PyIntObject;
+is the corresponding definition for standard Python integers.
+Next up is:
+static PyObject*
+noddy_new_noddy(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
+ noddy_NoddyObject* noddy;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,":new_noddy"))
+ return NULL;
+ noddy = PyObject_New(noddy_NoddyObject, &noddy_NoddyType);
+ return (PyObject*)noddy;
+This is in fact just a regular module function, as described in the
+last chapter. The reason it gets special mention is that this is
+where we create our Noddy object. Defining PyTypeObject structures is
+all very well, but if there's no way to actually \emph{create} one
+of the wretched things it is not going to do anyone much good.
+Almost always, you create objects with a call of the form:
+PyObject_New(<type>, &<type object>);
+This allocates the memory and then initializes the object (sets
+the reference count to one, makes the \cdata{ob_type} pointer point at
+the right place and maybe some other stuff, depending on build options).
+You \emph{can} do these steps separately if you have some reason to
+--- but at this level we don't bother.
+We cast the return value to a \ctype{PyObject*} because that's what
+the Python runtime expects. This is safe because of guarantees about
+the layout of structures in the C standard, and is a fairly common C
+programming trick. One could declare \cfunction{noddy_new_noddy} to
+return a \ctype{noddy_NoddyObject*} and then put a cast in the
+definition of \cdata{noddy_methods} further down the file --- it
+doesn't make much difference.
+Now a Noddy object doesn't do very much and so doesn't need to
+implement many type methods. One you can't avoid is handling
+deallocation, so we find
+static void
+noddy_noddy_dealloc(PyObject* self)
+ PyObject_Del(self);
+This is so short as to be self explanatory. This function will be
+called when the reference count on a Noddy object reaches \code{0} (or
+it is found as part of an unreachable cycle by the cyclic garbage
+collector). \cfunction{PyObject_Del()} is what you call when you want
+an object to go away. If a Noddy object held references to other
+Python objects, one would decref them here.
+Moving on, we come to the crunch --- the type object.
+static PyTypeObject noddy_NoddyType = {
+ 0,
+ "Noddy",
+ sizeof(noddy_NoddyObject),
+ 0,
+ noddy_noddy_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+ 0, /*tp_print*/
+ 0, /*tp_getattr*/
+ 0, /*tp_setattr*/
+ 0, /*tp_compare*/
+ 0, /*tp_repr*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_number*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
+ 0, /*tp_hash */
+Now if you go and look up the definition of \ctype{PyTypeObject} in
+\file{object.h} you'll see that it has many, many more fields that the
+definition above. The remaining fields will be filled with zeros by
+the C compiler, and it's common practice to not specify them
+explicitly unless you need them.
+This is so important that I'm going to pick the top of it apart still
+This line is a bit of a wart; what we'd like to write is:
+ PyObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type)
+as the type of a type object is ``type'', but this isn't strictly
+conforming C and some compilers complain. So instead we fill in the
+\cdata{ob_type} field of \cdata{noddy_NoddyType} at the earliest
+oppourtunity --- in \cfunction{initnoddy()}.
+ 0,
+XXX why does the type info struct start PyObject_*VAR*_HEAD??
+ "Noddy",
+The name of our type. This will appear in the default textual
+representation of our objects and in some error messages, for example:
+>>> "" + noddy.new_noddy()
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
+TypeError: cannot add type "Noddy" to string
+ sizeof(noddy_NoddyObject),
+This is so that Python knows how much memory to allocate when you call
+ 0,
+This has to do with variable length objects like lists and strings.
+Ignore for now...
+Now we get into the type methods, the things that make your objects
+different from the others. Of course, the Noddy object doesn't
+implement many of these, but as mentioned above you have to implement
+the deallocation function.
+ noddy_noddy_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+From here, all the type methods are nil so I won't go over them yet -
+that's for the next section!
+Everything else in the file should be familiar, except for this line
+in \cfunction{initnoddy}:
+ noddy_NoddyType.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
+This was alluded to above --- the \cdata{noddy_NoddyType} object should
+have type ``type'', but \code{\&PyType_Type} is not constant and so
+can't be used in its initializer. To work around this, we patch it up
+in the module initialization.
+That's it! All that remains is to build it; put the above code in a
+file called \file{noddymodule.c} and
+from distutils.core import setup, Extension
+setup(name = "noddy", version = "1.0",
+ ext_modules = [Extension("noddy", ["noddymodule.c"])])
+in a file called \file{}; then typing
+$ python build%$
+at a shell should produce a file \file{} in a subdirectory;
+move to that directory and fire up Python --- you should be able to
+\code{import noddy} and play around with Noddy objects.
+That wasn't so hard, was it?
+\section{Type Methods
+ \label{dnt-type-methods}}
+This section aims to give a quick fly-by on the various type methods
+you can implement and what they do.
+Here is the definition of \ctype{PyTypeObject}, with some fields only
+used in debug builds omitted:
+typedef struct _typeobject {
+ PyObject_VAR_HEAD
+ char *tp_name; /* For printing */
+ int tp_basicsize, tp_itemsize; /* For allocation */
+ /* Methods to implement standard operations */
+ destructor tp_dealloc;
+ printfunc tp_print;
+ getattrfunc tp_getattr;
+ setattrfunc tp_setattr;
+ cmpfunc tp_compare;
+ reprfunc tp_repr;
+ /* Method suites for standard classes */
+ PyNumberMethods *tp_as_number;
+ PySequenceMethods *tp_as_sequence;
+ PyMappingMethods *tp_as_mapping;
+ /* More standard operations (here for binary compatibility) */
+ hashfunc tp_hash;
+ ternaryfunc tp_call;
+ reprfunc tp_str;
+ getattrofunc tp_getattro;
+ setattrofunc tp_setattro;
+ /* Functions to access object as input/output buffer */
+ PyBufferProcs *tp_as_buffer;
+ /* Flags to define presence of optional/expanded features */
+ long tp_flags;
+ char *tp_doc; /* Documentation string */
+ /* Assigned meaning in release 2.0 */
+ /* call function for all accessible objects */
+ traverseproc tp_traverse;
+ /* delete references to contained objects */
+ inquiry tp_clear;
+ /* Assigned meaning in release 2.1 */
+ /* rich comparisons */
+ richcmpfunc tp_richcompare;
+ /* weak reference enabler */
+ long tp_weaklistoffset;
+ /* Added in release 2.2 */
+ /* Iterators */
+ getiterfunc tp_iter;
+ iternextfunc tp_iternext;
+ /* Attribute descriptor and subclassing stuff */
+ struct PyMethodDef *tp_methods;
+ struct memberlist *tp_members;
+ struct getsetlist *tp_getset;
+ struct _typeobject *tp_base;
+ PyObject *tp_dict;
+ descrgetfunc tp_descr_get;
+ descrsetfunc tp_descr_set;
+ long tp_dictoffset;
+ initproc tp_init;
+ allocfunc tp_alloc;
+ newfunc tp_new;
+ destructor tp_free; /* Low-level free-memory routine */
+ PyObject *tp_bases;
+ PyObject *tp_mro; /* method resolution order */
+ PyObject *tp_defined;
+} PyTypeObject;
+Now that's a \emph{lot} of methods. Don't worry too much though - if
+you have a type you want to define, the chances are very good that you
+will only implement a handful of these.
+As you probably expect by now, we're going to go over this and give
+more information about the various handlers. We won't go in the order
+they are defined in the structure, because there is a lot of
+historical baggage that impacts the ordering of the fields; be sure
+your type initializaion keeps the fields in the right order! It's
+often easiest to find an example that includes all the fields you need
+(even if they're initialized to \code{0}) and then change the values
+to suit your new type.
+ char *tp_name; /* For printing */
+The name of the type - as mentioned in the last section, this will
+appear in various places, almost entirely for diagnostic purposes.
+Try to choose something that will be helpful in such a situation!
+ int tp_basicsize, tp_itemsize; /* For allocation */
+These fields tell the runtime how much memory to allocate when new
+objects of this typed are created. Python has some builtin support
+for variable length structures (think: strings, lists) which is where
+the \cdata{tp_itemsize} field comes in. This will be dealt with
+ char *tp_doc;
+Here you can put a string (or its address) that you want returned when
+the Python script references \code{obj.__doc__} to retrieve the
+Now we come to the basic type methods---the ones most extension types
+will implement.
+\subsection{Finalization and De-allocation}
+ destructor tp_dealloc;
+This function is called when the reference count of the instance of
+your type is reduced to zero and the Python interpreter wants to
+reclaim it. If your type has memory to free or other clean-up to
+perform, put it here. The object itself needs to be freed here as
+well. Here is an example of this function:
+static void
+newdatatype_dealloc(newdatatypeobject * obj)
+ free(obj->obj_UnderlyingDatatypePtr);
+ PyObject_DEL(obj);
+\subsection{Object Representation}
+In Python, there are three ways to generate a textual representation
+of an object: the \function{repr()}\bifuncindex{repr} function (or
+equivalent backtick syntax), the \function{str()}\bifuncindex{str}
+function, and the \keyword{print} statement. For most objects, the
+\keyword{print} statement is equivalent to the \function{str()}
+function, but it is possible to special-case printing to a
+\ctype{FILE*} if necessary; this should only be done if efficiency is
+identified as a problem and profiling suggests that creating a
+temporary string object to be written to a file is too expensive.
+These handlers are all optional, and most types at most need to
+implement the \member{tp_str} and \member{tp_repr} handlers.
+ reprfunc tp_repr;
+ reprfunc tp_str;
+ printfunc tp_print;
+The \member{tp_repr} handler should return a string object containing
+a representation of the instance for which it is called. Here is a
+simple example:
+static PyObject *
+newdatatype_repr(newdatatypeobject * obj)
+ char buf[4096];
+ sprintf(buf, "Repr-ified_newdatatype{{size:%d}}",
+ obj->obj_UnderlyingDatatypePtr->size);
+ return PyString_FromString(buf);
+If no \member{tp_repr} handler is specified, the interpreter will
+supply a representation that uses the type's \member{tp_name} and a
+uniquely-identifying value for the object.
+The \member{tp_str} handler is to \function{str()} what the
+\member{tp_repr} handler described above is to \function{repr()}; that
+is, it is called when Python code calls \function{str()} on an
+instance of your object. It's implementation is very similar to the
+\member{tp_repr} function, but the resulting string is intended to be
+human consumption. It \member{tp_str} is not specified, the
+\member{tp_repr} handler is used instead.
+Here is a simple example:
+static PyObject *
+newdatatype_str(newdatatypeobject * obj)
+ PyObject *pyString;
+ char buf[4096];
+ sprintf(buf, "Stringified_newdatatype{{size:%d}}",
+ obj->obj_UnderlyingDatatypePtr->size
+ );
+ pyString = PyString_FromString(buf);
+ return pyString;
+The print function will be called whenever Python needs to "print" an
+instance of the type. For example, if 'node' is an instance of type
+TreeNode, then the print function is called when Python code calls:
+print node
+There is a flags argument and one flag, \constant{Py_PRINT_RAW}, and
+it suggests that you print without string quotes and possibly without
+interpreting escape sequences.
+The print function receives a file object as an argument. You will
+likely want to write to that file object.
+Here is a sampe print function:
+static int
+newdatatype_print(newdatatypeobject *obj, FILE *fp, int flags)
+ if (flags & Py_PRINT_RAW) {
+ fprintf(fp, "<{newdatatype object--size: %d}>",
+ obj->obj_UnderlyingDatatypePtr->size);
+ }
+ else {
+ fprintf(fp, "\"<{newdatatype object--size: %d}>\"",
+ obj->obj_UnderlyingDatatypePtr->size);
+ }
+ return 0;
+\subsection{Attribute Management Functions}
+ getattrfunc tp_getattr;
+ setattrfunc tp_setattr;
+The \member{tp_getattr} handle is called when the object requires an
+attribute look-up. It is called in the same situations where the
+\method{__getattr__()} method of a class would be called.
+A likely way to handle this is (1) to implement a set of functions
+(such as \cfunction{newdatatype_getSize()} and
+\cfunction{newdatatype_setSize()} in the example below), (2) provide a
+method table listing these functions, and (3) provide a getattr
+function that returns the result of a lookup in that table.
+Here is an example:
+static PyMethodDef newdatatype_methods[] = {
+ {"getSize", (PyCFunction)newdatatype_getSize, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"setSize", (PyCFunction)newdatatype_setSize, METH_VARARGS},
+ {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
+static PyObject *
+newdatatype_getattr(newdatatypeobject *obj, char *name)
+ return Py_FindMethod(newdatatype_methods, (PyObject *)obj, name);
+The \member{tp_setattr} handler is called when the
+\method{__setattr__()} or \method{__delattr__()} method of a class
+instance would be called. When an attribute should be deleted, the
+third parameter will be \NULL. Here is an example that simply raises
+an exception; if this were really all you wanted, the
+\member{tp_setattr} handler should be set to \NULL.
+static int
+newdatatype_setattr(newdatatypeobject *obj, char *name, PyObject *v)
+ char buf[1024];
+ sprintf(buf, "Set attribute not supported for attribute %s", name);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, buf);
+ return -1;
+\subsection{Object Comparison}
+ cmpfunc tp_compare;
+The \member{tp_compare} handler is called when comparisons are needed
+are the object does not implement the specific rich comparison method
+which matches the requested comparison. (It is always used if defined
+and the \cfunction{PyObject_Compare()} or \cfunction{PyObject_Cmp()}
+functions are used, or if \function{cmp()} is used from Python.)
+It is analogous to the \method{__cmp__()} method. This function
+should return a negative integer if \var{obj1} is less than
+\var{obj2}, \code{0} if they are equal, and a positive integer if
+\var{obj1} is greater than
+Here is a sample implementation:
+static int
+newdatatype_compare(newdatatypeobject * obj1, newdatatypeobject * obj2)
+ long result;
+ if (obj1->obj_UnderlyingDatatypePtr->size <
+ obj2->obj_UnderlyingDatatypePtr->size) {
+ result = -1;
+ }
+ else if (obj1->obj_UnderlyingDatatypePtr->size >
+ obj2->obj_UnderlyingDatatypePtr->size) {
+ result = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ result = 0;
+ }
+ return result;
+\subsection{Abstract Protocol Support}
+ tp_as_number;
+ tp_as_sequence;
+ tp_as_mapping;
+If you wish your object to be able to act like a number, a sequence,
+or a mapping object, then you place the address of a structure that
+implements the C type \ctype{PyNumberMethods},
+\ctype{PySequenceMethods}, or \ctype{PyMappingMethods}, respectively.
+It is up to you to fill in this structure with appropriate values. You
+can find examples of the use of each of these in the \file{Objects}
+directory of the Python source distribution.
+ hashfunc tp_hash;
+This function, if you choose to provide it, should return a hash
+number for an instance of your datatype. Here is a moderately
+pointless example:
+static long
+newdatatype_hash(newdatatypeobject *obj)
+ long result;
+ result = obj->obj_UnderlyingDatatypePtr->size;
+ result = result * 3;
+ return result;
+ ternaryfunc tp_call;
+This function is called when an instance of your datatype is "called",
+for example, if \code{obj1} is an instance of your datatype and the Python
+script contains \code{obj1('hello')}, the \member{tp_call} handler is
+This function takes three arguments:
+ \item
+ \var{arg1} is the instance of the datatype which is the subject of
+ the call. If the call is \code{obj1('hello')}, then \var{arg1} is
+ \code{obj1}.
+ \item
+ \var{arg2} is a tuple containing the arguments to the call. You
+ can use \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()} to extract the arguments.
+ \item
+ \var{arg3} is a dictionary of keyword arguments that were passed.
+ If this is non-\NULL{} and you support keyword arguments, use
+ \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords()} to extract the
+ arguments. If you do not want to support keyword arguments and
+ this is non-\NULL, raise a \exception{TypeError} with a message
+ saying that keyword arguments are not supported.
+Here is a desultory example of the implementation of call function.
+/* Implement the call function.
+ * obj1 is the instance receiving the call.
+ * obj2 is a tuple containing the arguments to the call, in this
+ * case 3 strings.
+ */
+static PyObject *
+newdatatype_call(newdatatypeobject *obj, PyObject *args, PyObject *other)
+ PyObject *result;
+ char *arg1;
+ char *arg2;
+ char *arg3;
+ char buf[4096];
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "sss:call", &arg1, &arg2, &arg3)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ sprintf(buf,
+ "Returning -- value: [%d] arg1: [%s] arg2: [%s] arg3: [%s]\n",
+ obj->obj_UnderlyingDatatypePtr->size,
+ arg1, arg2, arg3);
+ printf(buf);
+ return PyString_FromString(buf);
+\subsection{More Suggestions}
+Remember that you can omit most of these functions, in which case you
+provide \code{0} as a value.
+In the \file{Objects} directory of the Python source distribution,
+there is a file \file{xxobject.c}, which is intended to be used as a
+template for the implementation of new types. One useful strategy
+for implementing a new type is to copy and rename this file, then
+read the instructions at the top of it.
+There are type definitions for each of the functions you must
+provide. They are in \file{object.h} in the Python include
+directory that comes with the source distribution of Python.
+In order to learn how to implement any specific method for your new
+datatype, do the following: Download and unpack the Python source
+distribution. Go the the \file{Objects} directory, then search the
+C source files for \code{tp_} plus the function you want (for
+example, \code{tp_print} or \code{tp_compare}). You will find
+examples of the function you want to implement.
+When you need to verify that the type of an object is indeed the
+object you are implementing and if you use xxobject.c as an starting
+template for your implementation, then there is a macro defined for
+this purpose. The macro definition will look something like this:
+#define is_newdatatypeobject(v) ((v)->ob_type == &Newdatatypetype)
+And, a sample of its use might be something like the following:
+ if (!is_newdatatypeobject(objp1) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "arg #1 not a newdatatype");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+%For a reasonably extensive example, from which most of the snippits
+%above were taken, see \file{newdatatype.c} and \file{newdatatype.h}.
--- /dev/null
+\chapter{Building C and \Cpp{} Extensions on \UNIX{}
+ \label{building-on-unix}}
+\sectionauthor{Jim Fulton}{}
+%The make file make file, building C extensions on Unix
+Starting in Python 1.4, Python provides a special make file for
+building make files for building dynamically-linked extensions and
+custom interpreters. The make file make file builds a make file
+that reflects various system variables determined by configure when
+the Python interpreter was built, so people building module's don't
+have to resupply these settings. This vastly simplifies the process
+of building extensions and custom interpreters on Unix systems.
+The make file make file is distributed as the file
+\file{Misc/} in the Python source distribution. The
+first step in building extensions or custom interpreters is to copy
+this make file to a development directory containing extension module
+The make file make file, \file{} uses metadata
+provided in a file named \file{Setup}. The format of the \file{Setup}
+file is the same as the \file{Setup} (or \file{Setup.dist}) file
+provided in the \file{Modules/} directory of the Python source
+distribution. The \file{Setup} file contains variable definitions:
+and module description lines. It can also contain blank lines and
+comment lines that start with \character{\#}.
+A module description line includes a module name, source files,
+options, variable references, and other input files, such
+as libraries or object files. Consider a simple example:
+ExtensionClass ExtensionClass.c
+This is the simplest form of a module definition line. It defines a
+module, \module{ExtensionClass}, which has a single source file,
+This slightly more complex example uses an \strong{-I} option to
+specify an include directory:
+cPersistence cPersistence.c -I$(EC)
+\end{verbatim} % $ <-- bow to font lock
+This example also illustrates the format for variable references.
+For systems that support dynamic linking, the \file{Setup} file should
+to indicate that the modules defined in \file{Setup} are to be built
+as dynamically linked modules. A line containing only \samp{*static*}
+can be used to indicate the subsequently listed modules should be
+statically linked.
+Here is a complete \file{Setup} file for building a
+\module{cPersistent} module:
+# Set-up file to build the cPersistence module.
+# Note that the text should begin in the first column.
+# We need the path to the directory containing the ExtensionClass
+# include file.
+cPersistence cPersistence.c -I$(EC)
+\end{verbatim} % $ <-- bow to font lock
+After the \file{Setup} file has been created, \file{}
+is run with the \samp{boot} target to create a make file:
+make -f boot
+This creates the file, Makefile. To build the extensions, simply
+run the created make file:
+It's not necessary to re-run \file{} if the
+\file{Setup} file is changed. The make file automatically rebuilds
+itself if the \file{Setup} file changes.
+\section{Building Custom Interpreters \label{custom-interps}}
+The make file built by \file{} can be run with the
+\samp{static} target to build an interpreter:
+make static
+Any modules defined in the \file{Setup} file before the
+\samp{*shared*} line will be statically linked into the interpreter.
+Typically, a \samp{*shared*} line is omitted from the
+\file{Setup} file when a custom interpreter is desired.
+\section{Module Definition Options \label{module-defn-options}}
+Several compiler options are supported:
+ \lineii{-C}{Tell the C pre-processor not to discard comments}
+ \lineii{-D\var{name}=\var{value}}{Define a macro}
+ \lineii{-I\var{dir}}{Specify an include directory, \var{dir}}
+ \lineii{-L\var{dir}}{Specify a link-time library directory, \var{dir}}
+ \lineii{-R\var{dir}}{Specify a run-time library directory, \var{dir}}
+ \lineii{-l\var{lib}}{Link a library, \var{lib}}
+ \lineii{-U\var{name}}{Undefine a macro}
+Other compiler options can be included (snuck in) by putting them
+in variables.
+Source files can include files with \file{.c}, \file{.C}, \file{.cc},
+\file{.cpp}, \file{.cxx}, and \file{.c++} extensions.
+Other input files include files with \file{.a}, \file{.o}, \file{.sl},
+and \file{.so} extensions.
+\section{Example \label{module-defn-example}}
+Here is a more complicated example from \file{Modules/Setup.dist}:
+mpz mpzmodule.c -I$(GMP) $(GMP)/libgmp.a
+which could also be written as:
+mpz mpzmodule.c -I$(GMP) -L$(GMP) -lgmp
+\section{Distributing your extension modules
+ \label{distributing}}
+There are two ways to distribute extension modules for others to use.
+The way that allows the easiest cross-platform support is to use the
+\module{distutils}\refstmodindex{distutils} package. The manual
+\citetitle[../dist/dist.html]{Distributing Python Modules} contains
+information on this approach. It is recommended that all new
+extensions be distributed using this approach to allow easy building
+and installation across platforms. Older extensions should migrate to
+this approach as well.
+What follows describes the older approach; there are still many
+extensions which use this.
+When distributing your extension modules in source form, make sure to
+include a \file{Setup} file. The \file{Setup} file should be named
+\file{} in the distribution. The make file make file,
+\file{}, will copy \file{} to \file{Setup} if
+the person installing the extension doesn't do so manually.
+Distributing a \file{} file makes it easy for people to
+customize the \file{Setup} file while keeping the original in
+It is a good idea to include a copy of \file{} for
+people who do not have a source distribution of Python.
+Do not distribute a make file. People building your modules
+should use \file{} to build their own make file. A
+\file{README} file included in the package should provide simple
+instructions to perform the build.
--- /dev/null
+\chapter{Building C and \Cpp{} Extensions on Windows
+ \label{building-on-windows}}
+This chapter briefly explains how to create a Windows extension module
+for Python using Microsoft Visual \Cpp{}, and follows with more
+detailed background information on how it works. The explanatory
+material is useful for both the Windows programmer learning to build
+Python extensions and the \UNIX{} programmer interested in producing
+software which can be successfully built on both \UNIX{} and Windows.
+\section{A Cookbook Approach \label{win-cookbook}}
+\sectionauthor{Neil Schemenauer}{}
+This section provides a recipe for building a Python extension on
+Grab the binary installer from \url{} and
+install Python. The binary installer has all of the required header
+files except for \file{pyconfig.h}.
+Get the source distribution and extract it into a convenient location.
+Copy the \file{pyconfig.h} from the \file{PC/} directory into the
+\file{include/} directory created by the installer.
+Create a \file{Setup} file for your extension module, as described in
+chapter \ref{building-on-unix}.
+Get David Ascher's \file{} script from
+\url{}. Run the script to
+create Microsoft Visual \Cpp{} project files.
+Open the DSW file in Visual \Cpp{} and select \strong{Build}.
+If your module creates a new type, you may have trouble with this line:
+ PyObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type)
+Change it to:
+and add the following to the module initialization function:
+ MyObject_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
+Refer to section 3 of the
+\citetitle[]{Python FAQ} for details
+on why you must do this.
+\section{Differences Between \UNIX{} and Windows
+ \label{dynamic-linking}}
+\sectionauthor{Chris Phoenix}{}
+\UNIX{} and Windows use completely different paradigms for run-time
+loading of code. Before you try to build a module that can be
+dynamically loaded, be aware of how your system works.
+In \UNIX{}, a shared object (\file{.so}) file contains code to be used by the
+program, and also the names of functions and data that it expects to
+find in the program. When the file is joined to the program, all
+references to those functions and data in the file's code are changed
+to point to the actual locations in the program where the functions
+and data are placed in memory. This is basically a link operation.
+In Windows, a dynamic-link library (\file{.dll}) file has no dangling
+references. Instead, an access to functions or data goes through a
+lookup table. So the DLL code does not have to be fixed up at runtime
+to refer to the program's memory; instead, the code already uses the
+DLL's lookup table, and the lookup table is modified at runtime to
+point to the functions and data.
+In \UNIX{}, there is only one type of library file (\file{.a}) which
+contains code from several object files (\file{.o}). During the link
+step to create a shared object file (\file{.so}), the linker may find
+that it doesn't know where an identifier is defined. The linker will
+look for it in the object files in the libraries; if it finds it, it
+will include all the code from that object file.
+In Windows, there are two types of library, a static library and an
+import library (both called \file{.lib}). A static library is like a
+\UNIX{} \file{.a} file; it contains code to be included as necessary.
+An import library is basically used only to reassure the linker that a
+certain identifier is legal, and will be present in the program when
+the DLL is loaded. So the linker uses the information from the
+import library to build the lookup table for using identifiers that
+are not included in the DLL. When an application or a DLL is linked,
+an import library may be generated, which will need to be used for all
+future DLLs that depend on the symbols in the application or DLL.
+Suppose you are building two dynamic-load modules, B and C, which should
+share another block of code A. On \UNIX{}, you would \emph{not} pass
+\file{A.a} to the linker for \file{} and \file{}; that would
+cause it to be included twice, so that B and C would each have their
+own copy. In Windows, building \file{A.dll} will also build
+\file{A.lib}. You \emph{do} pass \file{A.lib} to the linker for B and
+C. \file{A.lib} does not contain code; it just contains information
+which will be used at runtime to access A's code.
+In Windows, using an import library is sort of like using \samp{import
+spam}; it gives you access to spam's names, but does not create a
+separate copy. On \UNIX{}, linking with a library is more like
+\samp{from spam import *}; it does create a separate copy.
+\section{Using DLLs in Practice \label{win-dlls}}
+\sectionauthor{Chris Phoenix}{}
+Windows Python is built in Microsoft Visual \Cpp{}; using other
+compilers may or may not work (though Borland seems to). The rest of
+this section is MSV\Cpp{} specific.
+When creating DLLs in Windows, you must pass \file{python15.lib} to
+the linker. To build two DLLs, spam and ni (which uses C functions
+found in spam), you could use these commands:
+cl /LD /I/python/include spam.c ../libs/python15.lib
+cl /LD /I/python/include ni.c spam.lib ../libs/python15.lib
+The first command created three files: \file{spam.obj},
+\file{spam.dll} and \file{spam.lib}. \file{Spam.dll} does not contain
+any Python functions (such as \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple()}), but it
+does know how to find the Python code thanks to \file{python15.lib}.
+The second command created \file{ni.dll} (and \file{.obj} and
+\file{.lib}), which knows how to find the necessary functions from
+spam, and also from the Python executable.
+Not every identifier is exported to the lookup table. If you want any
+other modules (including Python) to be able to see your identifiers,
+you have to say \samp{_declspec(dllexport)}, as in \samp{void
+_declspec(dllexport) initspam(void)} or \samp{PyObject
+_declspec(dllexport) *NiGetSpamData(void)}.
+Developer Studio will throw in a lot of import libraries that you do
+not really need, adding about 100K to your executable. To get rid of
+them, use the Project Settings dialog, Link tab, to specify
+\emph{ignore default libraries}. Add the correct
+\file{msvcrt\var{xx}.lib} to the list of libraries.