Test session_regenerate_id() function : basic functionality
-<?php include('skipif.inc'); ?>
+require __DIR__.'/../../../sapi/cgi/tests/include.inc';
+get_cgi_path() or die('skip no cgi');
echo "*** Testing session_regenerate_id() : basic functionality for cookie ***\n";
-/* Taken from sapi/cgi/tests/include.inc */
-function get_cgi_path() /* {{{ */
- $php = getenv("TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE");
- $cli = false;
- $cgi = false;
- if (file_exists($php) && is_executable($php)) {
- $version = `$php -n -v`;
- if (strstr($version, "(cli)")) {
- /* that's cli */
- $cli = true;
- } else if (strpos($version, "(cgi")) {
- /* that's cgi */
- return $php;
- }
- }
- if ($cli) {
- /* trying to guess ... */
- $php_path = $php;
- for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) {
- $slash_pos = strrpos($php_path, "/");
- if ($slash_pos) {
- $php_path = substr($php_path, 0, $slash_pos);
- } else {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- if ($php_path && is_dir($php_path) && file_exists($php_path."/cgi/php-cgi") && is_executable($php_path."/cgi/php-cgi")) {
- /* gotcha */
- return $php_path."/cgi/php-cgi";
- }
- return false;
- }
- /* uhm? what's that then? */
- return false;
-/* }}} */
-function reset_env_vars() /* {{{ */
- putenv("REDIRECT_STATUS");
- putenv("QUERY_STRING");
- putenv("PATH_TRANSLATED");
- putenv("SCRIPT_FILENAME");
- putenv("SERVER_SOFTWARE");
- putenv("SERVER_NAME");
- putenv("REQUEST_METHOD");
-/* }}} */
+require __DIR__.'/../../../sapi/cgi/tests/include.inc';
$php = get_cgi_path();