-export([start/0, load_file/1,
add_global_option/2, add_local_option/2,
get_global_option/2, get_local_option/2,
- get_global_option/3, get_local_option/3]).
+ get_global_option/3, get_local_option/3,
+ get_option/2, get_option/3, add_option/2]).
-export([get_version/0, get_myhosts/0, get_mylang/0]).
start() ->
- mnesia:create_table(config,
- [{disc_copies, [node()]},
- {attributes, record_info(fields, config)}]),
- mnesia:add_table_copy(config, node(), ram_copies),
[{disc_copies, [node()]},
{local_content, true},
Config = get_ejabberd_config_path(),
%% This start time is used by mod_last:
- add_local_option(node_start, now()),
+ add_option(node_start, now()),
%% @doc Get the filename of the ejabberd configuration file.
State#state{override_local = true};
override_acls ->
State#state{override_acls = true};
- {acl, _ACLName, _ACLData} ->
- process_host_term(Term, global, State);
- {access, _RuleName, _Rules} ->
- process_host_term(Term, global, State);
- {shaper, _Name, _Data} ->
- %%lists:foldl(fun(Host, S) -> process_host_term(Term, Host, S) end,
- %% State, State#state.hosts);
- process_host_term(Term, global, State);
- {host, _Host} ->
- State;
- {hosts, _Hosts} ->
- State;
- {fqdn, HostFQDN} ->
- ?DEBUG("FQDN set to: ~p", [HostFQDN]),
- add_option(fqdn, HostFQDN, State);
{host_config, Host, Terms} ->
lists:foldl(fun(T, S) -> process_host_term(T, Host, S) end,
State, Terms);
add_option(listen, Listeners2, State);
- {language, Val} ->
- add_option(language, Val, State);
- {outgoing_s2s_port, Port} ->
- add_option(outgoing_s2s_port, Port, State);
- {outgoing_s2s_options, Methods, Timeout} ->
- add_option(outgoing_s2s_options, {Methods, Timeout}, State);
- {s2s_dns_options, PropList} ->
- add_option(s2s_dns_options, PropList, State);
- {s2s_use_starttls, Port} ->
- add_option(s2s_use_starttls, Port, State);
{s2s_certfile, CertFile} ->
CertFileS = binary_to_list(CertFile),
case ejabberd_config:is_file_readable(CertFileS) of
"the specified file is not readable: ",
throw({error, ErrorText ++ CertFileS})
- {node_type, NodeType} ->
- add_option(node_type, NodeType, State);
- {cluster_nodes, Nodes} ->
- add_option(cluster_nodes, Nodes, State);
- {domain_balancing, Domain, Balancing} ->
- add_option({domain_balancing, Domain}, Balancing, State);
- {domain_balancing_component_number, Domain, N} ->
- add_option({domain_balancing_component_number, Domain}, N, State);
- {watchdog_admins, Admins} ->
- add_option(watchdog_admins, Admins, State);
- {watchdog_large_heap, LH} ->
- add_option(watchdog_large_heap, LH, State);
- {registration_timeout, Timeout} ->
- add_option(registration_timeout, Timeout, State);
- {captcha_cmd, Cmd} ->
- add_option(captcha_cmd, Cmd, State);
- {captcha_host, Host} ->
- add_option(captcha_host, Host, State);
- {captcha_limit, Limit} ->
- add_option(captcha_limit, Limit, State);
- {ejabberdctl_access_commands, ACs} ->
- add_option(ejabberdctl_access_commands, ACs, State);
{loglevel, Loglevel} ->
- {max_fsm_queue, N} ->
- add_option(max_fsm_queue, N, State);
- {_Opt, _Val} ->
+ _ ->
lists:foldl(fun(Host, S) -> process_host_term(Term, Host, S) end,
- State, State#state.hosts)
+ State, [global|State#state.hosts])
process_host_term(Term, Host, State) ->
State#state{opts =
[acl:to_record(Host, ACLName, ACLData) | State#state.opts]};
{access, RuleName, Rules} ->
- State#state{opts = [#config{key = {access, RuleName, Host},
- value = Rules} |
- State#state.opts]};
+ add_option({access, RuleName, Host}, Rules, State);
{shaper, Name, Data} ->
- State#state{opts = [#config{key = {shaper, Name, Host},
- value = Data} |
- State#state.opts]};
- {host, Host} ->
- State;
- {hosts, _Hosts} ->
- State;
- {odbc_server, ODBC_server} ->
- add_option({odbc_server, Host}, ODBC_server, State);
+ add_option({shaper, Name, Host}, Data, State);
{modules, Modules} ->
add_option({modules, Host}, replace_modules(Modules), State);
+ {host, _} ->
+ State;
+ {hosts, _} ->
+ State;
{Opt, Val} ->
add_option({Opt, Host}, Val, State)
+add_option(Opt, Val, State) when is_atom(Opt) ->
+ add_option({Opt, global}, Val, State);
add_option(Opt, Val, State) ->
- Table = case Opt of
- hosts ->
- config;
- language ->
- config;
- _ ->
- local_config
- end,
- case Table of
- config ->
- State#state{opts = [#config{key = Opt, value = Val} |
- State#state.opts]};
- local_config ->
- case Opt of
- {{add, OptName}, Host} ->
- State#state{opts = compact({OptName, Host}, Val,
- State#state.opts, [])};
- _ ->
- State#state{opts = [#local_config{key = Opt, value = Val} |
- State#state.opts]}
- end
+ case Opt of
+ {{add, OptName}, Host} ->
+ State#state{opts = compact({OptName, Host}, Val,
+ State#state.opts, [])};
+ _ ->
+ State#state{opts = [#local_config{key = Opt, value = Val} |
+ State#state.opts]}
compact({OptName, Host} = Opt, Val, [], Os) ->
set_opts(State) ->
Opts = lists:reverse(State#state.opts),
F = fun() ->
- if
- State#state.override_global ->
- Ksg = mnesia:all_keys(config),
- lists:foreach(fun(K) ->
- mnesia:delete({config, K})
- end, Ksg);
- true ->
- ok
- end,
State#state.override_local ->
Ksl = mnesia:all_keys(local_config),
add_global_option(Opt, Val) ->
- mnesia:transaction(fun() ->
- mnesia:write(#config{key = Opt,
- value = Val})
- end).
+ add_option(Opt, Val).
add_local_option(Opt, Val) ->
+ add_option(Opt, Val).
+add_option(Opt, Val) when is_atom(Opt) ->
+ add_option({Opt, global}, Val);
+add_option(Opt, Val) ->
mnesia:transaction(fun() ->
mnesia:write(#local_config{key = Opt,
value = Val})
-spec get_global_option(any(), check_fun()) -> any().
get_global_option(Opt, F) ->
- get_global_option(Opt, F, undefined).
+ get_option(Opt, F, undefined).
-spec get_global_option(any(), check_fun(), any()) -> any().
get_global_option(Opt, F, Default) ->
- case ets:lookup(config, Opt) of
- [#config{value = Val}] ->
- prepare_opt_val(Opt, Val, F, Default);
- _ ->
- Default
- end.
+ get_option(Opt, F, Default).
-spec get_local_option(any(), check_fun()) -> any().
get_local_option(Opt, F) ->
- get_local_option(Opt, F, undefined).
+ get_option(Opt, F, undefined).
-spec get_local_option(any(), check_fun(), any()) -> any().
get_local_option(Opt, F, Default) ->
+ get_option(Opt, F, Default).
+-spec get_option(any(), check_fun()) -> any().
+get_option(Opt, F) ->
+ get_option(Opt, F, undefined).
+-spec get_option(any(), check_fun(), any()) -> any().
+get_option(Opt, F, Default) when is_atom(Opt) ->
+ get_option({Opt, global}, F, Default);
+get_option(Opt, F, Default) ->
case ets:lookup(local_config, Opt) of
[#local_config{value = Val}] ->
prepare_opt_val(Opt, Val, F, Default);
-spec get_myhosts() -> [binary()].
get_myhosts() ->
- ejabberd_config:get_global_option(hosts, fun(V) -> V end).
+ get_option(hosts, fun(V) -> V end).
-spec get_mylang() -> binary().
get_mylang() ->
- ejabberd_config:get_global_option(
+ get_option(
fun iolist_to_binary/1,