rt_4ma \
- rt_above \
- rt_below \
- rt_contained \
- rt_contain \
- rt_left \
- rt_overabove \
- rt_overbelow \
- rt_overlap \
- rt_overleft \
- rt_overright \
- rt_right \
- rt_same
+ rt_gist_relationships \
rt_intersects \
rt_samealignment \
+++ /dev/null
--- $Id$
--- Copyright (c) 2009 Sandro Santilli <strk@keybit.net>
--- This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file.
-CREATE TYPE tile AS (x int, y int, tile raster);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION makegrid (int, int, box2d, int, int)
- gridCols alias for $1;
- gridRows alias for $2;
- extent alias for $3;
- tileWidth alias for $4;
- tileHeight alias for $5;
- rec tile;
- scalex float8;
- scaley float8;
- ipx float8;
- ipy float8;
- -- compute some sizes
- -- each tile extent width is extent.width / gridRows
- scalex = ((ST_xmax(extent)-ST_xmin(extent))/gridCols)/tileWidth;
- scaley = ((ST_ymax(extent)-ST_ymin(extent))/gridRows)/tileHeight;
- FOR y IN 0..gridRows-1 LOOP
- ipy = y*scaley + ST_ymin(extent);
- FOR x IN 0..gridCols-1 LOOP
- ipx = x*scalex + ST_xmin(extent);
- rec.x = x;
- rec.y = y;
- rec.tile = st_MakeEmptyRaster(tileWidth, tileHeight, ipx, ipy,
- scalex, scaley, 0, 0);
-LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
-CREATE TABLE rt_gist_grid_test AS
- SELECT * FROM makegrid(10, 10, 'BOX(-100 -100, 100 100)', 1, 1);
-CREATE TABLE rt_gist_query_test AS
- SELECT * from makegrid(3, 3, 'BOX(-100 -100, 100 100)', 1, 1);
--- raster_above
-SELECT 'raster_above(X, query(1,1))' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND raster_above(a.tile, b.tile);
--- Test |>> above
-SELECT 'X |>> query(1,1)' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND a.tile |>> b.tile;
-DROP FUNCTION makegrid(integer,integer,box2d,integer,integer);
-DROP table rt_gist_grid_test;
-DROP table rt_gist_query_test;
-DROP type tile;
+++ /dev/null
-raster_above(X, query(1,1))|30|0|9|7|9|BOX(-100 40,100 100)
-X |>> query(1,1)|30|0|9|7|9|BOX(-100 40,100 100)
+++ /dev/null
--- $Id$
--- Copyright (c) 2009 Sandro Santilli <strk@keybit.net>
--- This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file.
-CREATE TYPE tile AS (x int, y int, tile raster);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION makegrid (int, int, box2d, int, int)
- gridCols alias for $1;
- gridRows alias for $2;
- extent alias for $3;
- tileWidth alias for $4;
- tileHeight alias for $5;
- rec tile;
- scalex float8;
- scaley float8;
- ipx float8;
- ipy float8;
- -- compute some sizes
- -- each tile extent width is extent.width / gridRows
- scalex = ((ST_xmax(extent)-ST_xmin(extent))/gridCols)/tileWidth;
- scaley = ((ST_ymax(extent)-ST_ymin(extent))/gridRows)/tileHeight;
- FOR y IN 0..gridRows-1 LOOP
- ipy = y*scaley + ST_ymin(extent);
- FOR x IN 0..gridCols-1 LOOP
- ipx = x*scalex + ST_xmin(extent);
- rec.x = x;
- rec.y = y;
- rec.tile = st_MakeEmptyRaster(tileWidth, tileHeight, ipx, ipy,
- scalex, scaley, 0, 0);
-LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
-CREATE TABLE rt_gist_grid_test AS
- SELECT * FROM makegrid(10, 10, 'BOX(-100 -100, 100 100)', 1, 1);
-CREATE TABLE rt_gist_query_test AS
- SELECT * from makegrid(3, 3, 'BOX(-100 -100, 100 100)', 1, 1);
--- raster_below
-SELECT 'raster_below(X, query(1,1))' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND raster_below(a.tile, b.tile);
--- Test <<| operator (below)
-SELECT 'X <<| query(1,1)' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND a.tile <<| b.tile;
-DROP FUNCTION makegrid(integer,integer,box2d,integer,integer);
-DROP table rt_gist_grid_test;
-DROP table rt_gist_query_test;
-DROP type tile;
+++ /dev/null
-raster_below(X, query(1,1))|30|0|9|0|2|BOX(-100 -100,100 -40)
-X <<| query(1,1)|30|0|9|0|2|BOX(-100 -100,100 -40)
+++ /dev/null
--- $Id$
--- Copyright (c) 2009 Sandro Santilli <strk@keybit.net>
--- This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file.
-CREATE TYPE tile AS (x int, y int, tile raster);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION makegrid (int, int, box2d, int, int)
- gridCols alias for $1;
- gridRows alias for $2;
- extent alias for $3;
- tileWidth alias for $4;
- tileHeight alias for $5;
- rec tile;
- scalex float8;
- scaley float8;
- ipx float8;
- ipy float8;
- -- compute some sizes
- -- each tile extent width is extent.width / gridRows
- scalex = ((ST_xmax(extent)-ST_xmin(extent))/gridCols)/tileWidth;
- scaley = ((ST_ymax(extent)-ST_ymin(extent))/gridRows)/tileHeight;
- FOR y IN 0..gridRows-1 LOOP
- ipy = y*scaley + ST_ymin(extent);
- FOR x IN 0..gridCols-1 LOOP
- ipx = x*scalex + ST_xmin(extent);
- rec.x = x;
- rec.y = y;
- rec.tile = st_MakeEmptyRaster(tileWidth, tileHeight, ipx, ipy,
- scalex, scaley, 0, 0);
-LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
-CREATE TABLE rt_gist_grid_test AS
- SELECT * FROM makegrid(10, 10, 'BOX(-100 -100, 100 100)', 1, 1);
-CREATE TABLE rt_gist_query_test AS
- SELECT * from makegrid(3, 3, 'BOX(-100 -100, 100 100)', 1, 1);
--- raster_contain
-SELECT 'raster_contain(query(1,1), X)' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND raster_contain(b.tile, a.tile);
--- raster_geometry_contain
-SELECT 'raster_geometry_contain(query(1,1), X)' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND raster_geometry_contain(b.tile, a.tile::geometry);
--- geometry_raster_contain
-SELECT 'geometry_raster_contain(query(1,1), X)' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND geometry_raster_contain(b.tile::geometry, a.tile);
--- Test ~ operator (raster contains raster)
-SELECT 'query(1,1) ~ X' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND b.tile ~ a.tile;
--- Test ~ operator (raster contains geometry)
-SELECT 'query(1,1) ~ X' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND b.tile ~ a.tile::geometry;
--- Test ~ operator (geometry contains raster )
-SELECT 'query(1,1) ~ X' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND b.tile::geometry ~ a.tile;
-DROP FUNCTION makegrid(integer,integer,box2d,integer,integer);
-DROP table rt_gist_grid_test;
-DROP table rt_gist_query_test;
-DROP type tile;
+++ /dev/null
-raster_contain(query(1,1), X)|4|4|5|4|5|BOX(-20 -20,20 20)
-raster_geometry_contain(query(1,1), X)|4|4|5|4|5|BOX(-20 -20,20 20)
-geometry_raster_contain(query(1,1), X)|4|4|5|4|5|BOX(-20 -20,20 20)
-query(1,1) ~ X|4|4|5|4|5|BOX(-20 -20,20 20)
-query(1,1) ~ X|4|4|5|4|5|BOX(-20 -20,20 20)
-query(1,1) ~ X|4|4|5|4|5|BOX(-20 -20,20 20)
+++ /dev/null
--- $Id$
--- Copyright (c) 2009 Sandro Santilli <strk@keybit.net>
--- This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file.
-CREATE TYPE tile AS (x int, y int, tile raster);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION makegrid (int, int, box2d, int, int)
- gridCols alias for $1;
- gridRows alias for $2;
- extent alias for $3;
- tileWidth alias for $4;
- tileHeight alias for $5;
- rec tile;
- scalex float8;
- scaley float8;
- ipx float8;
- ipy float8;
- -- compute some sizes
- -- each tile extent width is extent.width / gridRows
- scalex = ((ST_xmax(extent)-ST_xmin(extent))/gridCols)/tileWidth;
- scaley = ((ST_ymax(extent)-ST_ymin(extent))/gridRows)/tileHeight;
- FOR y IN 0..gridRows-1 LOOP
- ipy = y*scaley + ST_ymin(extent);
- FOR x IN 0..gridCols-1 LOOP
- ipx = x*scalex + ST_xmin(extent);
- rec.x = x;
- rec.y = y;
- rec.tile = st_MakeEmptyRaster(tileWidth, tileHeight, ipx, ipy,
- scalex, scaley, 0, 0);
-LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
-CREATE TABLE rt_gist_grid_test AS
- SELECT * FROM makegrid(10, 10, 'BOX(-100 -100, 100 100)', 1, 1);
-CREATE TABLE rt_gist_query_test AS
- SELECT * from makegrid(3, 3, 'BOX(-100 -100, 100 100)', 1, 1);
--- raster_contained
-SELECT 'raster_contained(X, query(1,1))' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND raster_contained(a.tile, b.tile);
--- Test @ operator (contained by)
-SELECT 'X @ query(1,1)' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND a.tile @ b.tile;
-DROP FUNCTION makegrid(integer,integer,box2d,integer,integer);
-DROP table rt_gist_grid_test;
-DROP table rt_gist_query_test;
-DROP type tile;
+++ /dev/null
-raster_contained(X, query(1,1))|4|4|5|4|5|BOX(-20 -20,20 20)
-X @ query(1,1)|4|4|5|4|5|BOX(-20 -20,20 20)
--- /dev/null
+-- $Id$
+-- Copyright (c) 2009 Sandro Santilli <strk@keybit.net>
+-- This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file.
+CREATE TYPE tile AS (x int, y int, tile raster);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION makegrid (int, int, box2d, int, int)
+ gridCols alias for $1;
+ gridRows alias for $2;
+ extent alias for $3;
+ tileWidth alias for $4;
+ tileHeight alias for $5;
+ rec tile;
+ scalex float8;
+ scaley float8;
+ ipx float8;
+ ipy float8;
+ -- compute some sizes
+ -- each tile extent width is extent.width / gridRows
+ scalex = ((ST_xmax(extent)-ST_xmin(extent))/gridCols)/tileWidth;
+ scaley = ((ST_ymax(extent)-ST_ymin(extent))/gridRows)/tileHeight;
+ FOR y IN 0..gridRows-1 LOOP
+ ipy = y*scaley + ST_ymin(extent);
+ FOR x IN 0..gridCols-1 LOOP
+ ipx = x*scalex + ST_xmin(extent);
+ rec.x = x;
+ rec.y = y;
+ rec.tile = st_MakeEmptyRaster(tileWidth, tileHeight, ipx, ipy,
+ scalex, scaley, 0, 0);
+LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
+CREATE TABLE rt_gist_grid_test AS
+ SELECT * FROM makegrid(10, 10, 'BOX(-100 -100, 100 100)', 1, 1);
+CREATE TABLE rt_gist_query_test AS
+ SELECT * from makegrid(3, 3, 'BOX(-100 -100, 100 100)', 1, 1);
+-- raster_above
+SELECT 'raster_above(X, query(1,1))' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND raster_above(a.tile, b.tile);
+-- Test |>> above
+SELECT 'X |>> query(1,1)' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND a.tile |>> b.tile;
+-- raster_below
+SELECT 'raster_below(X, query(1,1))' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND raster_below(a.tile, b.tile);
+-- Test <<| operator (below)
+SELECT 'X <<| query(1,1)' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND a.tile <<| b.tile;
+-- raster_contained
+SELECT 'raster_contained(X, query(1,1))' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND raster_contained(a.tile, b.tile);
+-- Test @ operator (contained by)
+SELECT 'X @ query(1,1)' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND a.tile @ b.tile;
+-- raster_contain
+SELECT 'raster_contain(query(1,1), X)' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND raster_contain(b.tile, a.tile);
+-- raster_geometry_contain
+SELECT 'raster_geometry_contain(query(1,1), X)' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND raster_geometry_contain(b.tile, a.tile::geometry);
+-- geometry_raster_contain
+SELECT 'geometry_raster_contain(query(1,1), X)' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND geometry_raster_contain(b.tile::geometry, a.tile);
+-- Test ~ operator (raster contains raster)
+SELECT 'query(1,1) ~ X' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND b.tile ~ a.tile;
+-- Test ~ operator (raster contains geometry)
+SELECT 'query(1,1) ~ X' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND b.tile ~ a.tile::geometry;
+-- Test ~ operator (geometry contains raster )
+SELECT 'query(1,1) ~ X' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND b.tile::geometry ~ a.tile;
+-- raster_left
+SELECT 'raster_left(X, query(1,1))' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND raster_left(a.tile, b.tile);
+-- Test << operator (left)
+SELECT 'X << query(1,1)' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND a.tile << b.tile;
+-- raster_overabove
+SELECT 'raster_overabove(X, query(1,1))' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND raster_overabove(a.tile, b.tile);
+-- Test |&> operator (overabove)
+SELECT 'X |&> query(1,1)' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND a.tile |&> b.tile;
+-- raster_overbelow
+SELECT 'raster_overbelow(X, query(1,1))' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND raster_overbelow(a.tile, b.tile);
+-- Test &<| operator (overbelow)
+SELECT 'X &<| query(1,1)' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND a.tile &<| b.tile;
+-- raster_overlap
+SELECT 'raster_overlap(X, query(1,1))' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND raster_overlap(a.tile, b.tile);
+-- raster_geometry_overlap
+SELECT 'raster_geometry_overlap(X, query(1,1))' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND raster_geometry_overlap(a.tile, b.tile::geometry);
+-- geometry_raster_overlap
+SELECT 'geometry_raster_overlap(X, query(1,1))' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND geometry_raster_overlap(a.tile::geometry, b.tile);
+-- Test && operator (overlap)
+SELECT 'X && query(1,1)' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND a.tile && b.tile;
+-- Test && operator (raster overlap geometry)
+SELECT 'X && query(1,1)' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND a.tile && b.tile::geometry;
+-- Test && operator (geometry overlap raster)
+SELECT 'X && query(1,1)' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND a.tile::geometry && b.tile;
+-- raster_overleft
+SELECT 'raster_overleft(X, query(1,1))' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND raster_overleft(a.tile, b.tile);
+-- Test &< operator (overleft)
+SELECT 'X &< query(1,1)' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND a.tile &< b.tile;
+-- raster_overright
+SELECT 'raster_overright(X, query(1,1))' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND raster_overright(a.tile, b.tile);
+-- Test &> operator (overright)
+SELECT 'X &> query(1,1)' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND a.tile &> b.tile;
+-- raster_right
+SELECT 'raster_right(X, query(1,1))' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND raster_right(a.tile, b.tile);
+-- Test >> operator (right)
+SELECT 'X >> query(1,1)' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND a.tile >> b.tile;
+-- raster_same
+SELECT 'raster_same(X, query(1,1))' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND raster_same(a.tile, b.tile);
+SELECT 'raster_same(X, query(7,7))' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_grid_test b
+WHERE b.x = 7 and b.y = 7
+ AND raster_same(a.tile, b.tile);
+-- Test ~= operator (same)
+SELECT 'X ~= query(1,1)' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
+WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
+ AND a.tile ~= b.tile;
+SELECT 'X ~= tile(7,7)' as op,
+ count(a.y),
+ min(a.x) as xmin,
+ max(a.x) as xmax,
+ min(a.y) as ymin,
+ max(a.y) as ymax,
+ st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
+FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_grid_test b
+WHERE b.x = 7 and b.y = 7
+ AND a.tile ~= b.tile;
+DROP FUNCTION makegrid(integer,integer,box2d,integer,integer);
+DROP table rt_gist_grid_test;
+DROP table rt_gist_query_test;
+DROP type tile;
--- /dev/null
+raster_above(X, query(1,1))|30|0|9|7|9|BOX(-100 40,100 100)
+X |>> query(1,1)|30|0|9|7|9|BOX(-100 40,100 100)
+raster_below(X, query(1,1))|30|0|9|0|2|BOX(-100 -100,100 -40)
+X <<| query(1,1)|30|0|9|0|2|BOX(-100 -100,100 -40)
+raster_contained(X, query(1,1))|4|4|5|4|5|BOX(-20 -20,20 20)
+X @ query(1,1)|4|4|5|4|5|BOX(-20 -20,20 20)
+raster_contain(query(1,1), X)|4|4|5|4|5|BOX(-20 -20,20 20)
+raster_geometry_contain(query(1,1), X)|4|4|5|4|5|BOX(-20 -20,20 20)
+geometry_raster_contain(query(1,1), X)|4|4|5|4|5|BOX(-20 -20,20 20)
+query(1,1) ~ X|4|4|5|4|5|BOX(-20 -20,20 20)
+query(1,1) ~ X|4|4|5|4|5|BOX(-20 -20,20 20)
+query(1,1) ~ X|4|4|5|4|5|BOX(-20 -20,20 20)
+raster_left(X, query(1,1))|30|0|2|0|9|BOX(-100 -100,-40 100)
+X << query(1,1)|30|0|2|0|9|BOX(-100 -100,-40 100)
+raster_overabove(X, query(1,1))|60|0|9|4|9|BOX(-100 -20,100 100)
+X |&> query(1,1)|60|0|9|4|9|BOX(-100 -20,100 100)
+raster_overbelow(X, query(1,1))|60|0|9|0|5|BOX(-100 -100,100 20)
+X &<| query(1,1)|60|0|9|0|5|BOX(-100 -100,100 20)
+raster_overlap(X, query(1,1))|16|3|6|3|6|BOX(-40 -40,40 40)
+raster_geometry_overlap(X, query(1,1))|16|3|6|3|6|BOX(-40 -40,40 40)
+geometry_raster_overlap(X, query(1,1))|16|3|6|3|6|BOX(-40 -40,40 40)
+X && query(1,1)|16|3|6|3|6|BOX(-40 -40,40 40)
+X && query(1,1)|16|3|6|3|6|BOX(-40 -40,40 40)
+X && query(1,1)|16|3|6|3|6|BOX(-40 -40,40 40)
+raster_overleft(X, query(1,1))|60|0|5|0|9|BOX(-100 -100,20 100)
+X &< query(1,1)|60|0|5|0|9|BOX(-100 -100,20 100)
+raster_overright(X, query(1,1))|60|4|9|0|9|BOX(-20 -100,100 100)
+X &> query(1,1)|60|4|9|0|9|BOX(-20 -100,100 100)
+raster_right(X, query(1,1))|30|7|9|0|9|BOX(40 -100,100 100)
+X >> query(1,1)|30|7|9|0|9|BOX(40 -100,100 100)
+raster_same(X, query(1,1))|0|||||
+raster_same(X, query(7,7))|1|7|7|7|7|BOX(40 40,60 60)
+X ~= query(1,1)|0|||||
+X ~= tile(7,7)|1|7|7|7|7|BOX(40 40,60 60)
+++ /dev/null
--- $Id$
--- Copyright (c) 2009 Sandro Santilli <strk@keybit.net>
--- This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file.
-CREATE TYPE tile AS (x int, y int, tile raster);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION makegrid (int, int, box2d, int, int)
- gridCols alias for $1;
- gridRows alias for $2;
- extent alias for $3;
- tileWidth alias for $4;
- tileHeight alias for $5;
- rec tile;
- scalex float8;
- scaley float8;
- ipx float8;
- ipy float8;
- -- compute some sizes
- -- each tile extent width is extent.width / gridRows
- scalex = ((ST_xmax(extent)-ST_xmin(extent))/gridCols)/tileWidth;
- scaley = ((ST_ymax(extent)-ST_ymin(extent))/gridRows)/tileHeight;
- FOR y IN 0..gridRows-1 LOOP
- ipy = y*scaley + ST_ymin(extent);
- FOR x IN 0..gridCols-1 LOOP
- ipx = x*scalex + ST_xmin(extent);
- rec.x = x;
- rec.y = y;
- rec.tile = st_MakeEmptyRaster(tileWidth, tileHeight, ipx, ipy,
- scalex, scaley, 0, 0);
-LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
-CREATE TABLE rt_gist_grid_test AS
- SELECT * FROM makegrid(10, 10, 'BOX(-100 -100, 100 100)', 1, 1);
-CREATE TABLE rt_gist_query_test AS
- SELECT * from makegrid(3, 3, 'BOX(-100 -100, 100 100)', 1, 1);
--- raster_left
-SELECT 'raster_left(X, query(1,1))' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND raster_left(a.tile, b.tile);
--- Test << operator (left)
-SELECT 'X << query(1,1)' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND a.tile << b.tile;
-DROP FUNCTION makegrid(integer,integer,box2d,integer,integer);
-DROP table rt_gist_grid_test;
-DROP table rt_gist_query_test;
-DROP type tile;
+++ /dev/null
-raster_left(X, query(1,1))|30|0|2|0|9|BOX(-100 -100,-40 100)
-X << query(1,1)|30|0|2|0|9|BOX(-100 -100,-40 100)
+++ /dev/null
--- $Id$
--- Copyright (c) 2009 Sandro Santilli <strk@keybit.net>
--- This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file.
-CREATE TYPE tile AS (x int, y int, tile raster);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION makegrid (int, int, box2d, int, int)
- gridCols alias for $1;
- gridRows alias for $2;
- extent alias for $3;
- tileWidth alias for $4;
- tileHeight alias for $5;
- rec tile;
- scalex float8;
- scaley float8;
- ipx float8;
- ipy float8;
- -- compute some sizes
- -- each tile extent width is extent.width / gridRows
- scalex = ((ST_xmax(extent)-ST_xmin(extent))/gridCols)/tileWidth;
- scaley = ((ST_ymax(extent)-ST_ymin(extent))/gridRows)/tileHeight;
- FOR y IN 0..gridRows-1 LOOP
- ipy = y*scaley + ST_ymin(extent);
- FOR x IN 0..gridCols-1 LOOP
- ipx = x*scalex + ST_xmin(extent);
- rec.x = x;
- rec.y = y;
- rec.tile = st_MakeEmptyRaster(tileWidth, tileHeight, ipx, ipy,
- scalex, scaley, 0, 0);
-LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
-CREATE TABLE rt_gist_grid_test AS
- SELECT * FROM makegrid(10, 10, 'BOX(-100 -100, 100 100)', 1, 1);
-CREATE TABLE rt_gist_query_test AS
- SELECT * from makegrid(3, 3, 'BOX(-100 -100, 100 100)', 1, 1);
--- raster_overabove
-SELECT 'raster_overabove(X, query(1,1))' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND raster_overabove(a.tile, b.tile);
--- Test |&> operator (overabove)
-SELECT 'X |&> query(1,1)' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND a.tile |&> b.tile;
-DROP FUNCTION makegrid(integer,integer,box2d,integer,integer);
-DROP table rt_gist_grid_test;
-DROP table rt_gist_query_test;
-DROP type tile;
+++ /dev/null
-raster_overabove(X, query(1,1))|60|0|9|4|9|BOX(-100 -20,100 100)
-X |&> query(1,1)|60|0|9|4|9|BOX(-100 -20,100 100)
+++ /dev/null
--- $Id$
--- Copyright (c) 2009 Sandro Santilli <strk@keybit.net>
--- This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file.
-CREATE TYPE tile AS (x int, y int, tile raster);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION makegrid (int, int, box2d, int, int)
- gridCols alias for $1;
- gridRows alias for $2;
- extent alias for $3;
- tileWidth alias for $4;
- tileHeight alias for $5;
- rec tile;
- scalex float8;
- scaley float8;
- ipx float8;
- ipy float8;
- -- compute some sizes
- -- each tile extent width is extent.width / gridRows
- scalex = ((ST_xmax(extent)-ST_xmin(extent))/gridCols)/tileWidth;
- scaley = ((ST_ymax(extent)-ST_ymin(extent))/gridRows)/tileHeight;
- FOR y IN 0..gridRows-1 LOOP
- ipy = y*scaley + ST_ymin(extent);
- FOR x IN 0..gridCols-1 LOOP
- ipx = x*scalex + ST_xmin(extent);
- rec.x = x;
- rec.y = y;
- rec.tile = st_MakeEmptyRaster(tileWidth, tileHeight, ipx, ipy,
- scalex, scaley, 0, 0);
-LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
-CREATE TABLE rt_gist_grid_test AS
- SELECT * FROM makegrid(10, 10, 'BOX(-100 -100, 100 100)', 1, 1);
-CREATE TABLE rt_gist_query_test AS
- SELECT * from makegrid(3, 3, 'BOX(-100 -100, 100 100)', 1, 1);
--- raster_overbelow
-SELECT 'raster_overbelow(X, query(1,1))' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND raster_overbelow(a.tile, b.tile);
--- Test &<| operator (overbelow)
-SELECT 'X &<| query(1,1)' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND a.tile &<| b.tile;
-DROP FUNCTION makegrid(integer,integer,box2d,integer,integer);
-DROP table rt_gist_grid_test;
-DROP table rt_gist_query_test;
-DROP type tile;
+++ /dev/null
-raster_overbelow(X, query(1,1))|60|0|9|0|5|BOX(-100 -100,100 20)
-X &<| query(1,1)|60|0|9|0|5|BOX(-100 -100,100 20)
+++ /dev/null
--- $Id$
--- Copyright (c) 2009 Sandro Santilli <strk@keybit.net>
--- This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file.
-CREATE TYPE tile AS (x int, y int, tile raster);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION makegrid (int, int, box2d, int, int)
- gridCols alias for $1;
- gridRows alias for $2;
- extent alias for $3;
- tileWidth alias for $4;
- tileHeight alias for $5;
- rec tile;
- scalex float8;
- scaley float8;
- ipx float8;
- ipy float8;
- -- compute some sizes
- -- each tile extent width is extent.width / gridRows
- scalex = ((ST_xmax(extent)-ST_xmin(extent))/gridCols)/tileWidth;
- scaley = ((ST_ymax(extent)-ST_ymin(extent))/gridRows)/tileHeight;
- FOR y IN 0..gridRows-1 LOOP
- ipy = y*scaley + ST_ymin(extent);
- FOR x IN 0..gridCols-1 LOOP
- ipx = x*scalex + ST_xmin(extent);
- rec.x = x;
- rec.y = y;
- rec.tile = st_MakeEmptyRaster(tileWidth, tileHeight, ipx, ipy,
- scalex, scaley, 0, 0);
-LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
-CREATE TABLE rt_gist_grid_test AS
- SELECT * FROM makegrid(10, 10, 'BOX(-100 -100, 100 100)', 1, 1);
-CREATE TABLE rt_gist_query_test AS
- SELECT * from makegrid(3, 3, 'BOX(-100 -100, 100 100)', 1, 1);
--- raster_overlap
-SELECT 'raster_overlap(X, query(1,1))' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND raster_overlap(a.tile, b.tile);
--- raster_geometry_overlap
-SELECT 'raster_geometry_overlap(X, query(1,1))' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND raster_geometry_overlap(a.tile, b.tile::geometry);
--- geometry_raster_overlap
-SELECT 'geometry_raster_overlap(X, query(1,1))' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND geometry_raster_overlap(a.tile::geometry, b.tile);
--- Test && operator (overlap)
-SELECT 'X && query(1,1)' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND a.tile && b.tile;
--- Test && operator (raster overlap geometry)
-SELECT 'X && query(1,1)' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND a.tile && b.tile::geometry;
--- Test && operator (geometry overlap raster)
-SELECT 'X && query(1,1)' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND a.tile::geometry && b.tile;
-DROP FUNCTION makegrid(integer,integer,box2d,integer,integer);
-DROP table rt_gist_grid_test;
-DROP table rt_gist_query_test;
-DROP type tile;
+++ /dev/null
-raster_overlap(X, query(1,1))|16|3|6|3|6|BOX(-40 -40,40 40)
-raster_geometry_overlap(X, query(1,1))|16|3|6|3|6|BOX(-40 -40,40 40)
-geometry_raster_overlap(X, query(1,1))|16|3|6|3|6|BOX(-40 -40,40 40)
-X && query(1,1)|16|3|6|3|6|BOX(-40 -40,40 40)
-X && query(1,1)|16|3|6|3|6|BOX(-40 -40,40 40)
-X && query(1,1)|16|3|6|3|6|BOX(-40 -40,40 40)
+++ /dev/null
--- $Id$
--- Copyright (c) 2009 Sandro Santilli <strk@keybit.net>
--- This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file.
-CREATE TYPE tile AS (x int, y int, tile raster);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION makegrid (int, int, box2d, int, int)
- gridCols alias for $1;
- gridRows alias for $2;
- extent alias for $3;
- tileWidth alias for $4;
- tileHeight alias for $5;
- rec tile;
- scalex float8;
- scaley float8;
- ipx float8;
- ipy float8;
- -- compute some sizes
- -- each tile extent width is extent.width / gridRows
- scalex = ((ST_xmax(extent)-ST_xmin(extent))/gridCols)/tileWidth;
- scaley = ((ST_ymax(extent)-ST_ymin(extent))/gridRows)/tileHeight;
- FOR y IN 0..gridRows-1 LOOP
- ipy = y*scaley + ST_ymin(extent);
- FOR x IN 0..gridCols-1 LOOP
- ipx = x*scalex + ST_xmin(extent);
- rec.x = x;
- rec.y = y;
- rec.tile = st_MakeEmptyRaster(tileWidth, tileHeight, ipx, ipy,
- scalex, scaley, 0, 0);
-LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
-CREATE TABLE rt_gist_grid_test AS
- SELECT * FROM makegrid(10, 10, 'BOX(-100 -100, 100 100)', 1, 1);
-CREATE TABLE rt_gist_query_test AS
- SELECT * from makegrid(3, 3, 'BOX(-100 -100, 100 100)', 1, 1);
--- raster_overleft
-SELECT 'raster_overleft(X, query(1,1))' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND raster_overleft(a.tile, b.tile);
--- Test &< operator (overleft)
-SELECT 'X &< query(1,1)' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND a.tile &< b.tile;
-DROP FUNCTION makegrid(integer,integer,box2d,integer,integer);
-DROP table rt_gist_grid_test;
-DROP table rt_gist_query_test;
-DROP type tile;
+++ /dev/null
-raster_overleft(X, query(1,1))|60|0|5|0|9|BOX(-100 -100,20 100)
-X &< query(1,1)|60|0|5|0|9|BOX(-100 -100,20 100)
+++ /dev/null
--- $Id$
--- Copyright (c) 2009 Sandro Santilli <strk@keybit.net>
--- This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file.
-CREATE TYPE tile AS (x int, y int, tile raster);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION makegrid (int, int, box2d, int, int)
- gridCols alias for $1;
- gridRows alias for $2;
- extent alias for $3;
- tileWidth alias for $4;
- tileHeight alias for $5;
- rec tile;
- scalex float8;
- scaley float8;
- ipx float8;
- ipy float8;
- -- compute some sizes
- -- each tile extent width is extent.width / gridRows
- scalex = ((ST_xmax(extent)-ST_xmin(extent))/gridCols)/tileWidth;
- scaley = ((ST_ymax(extent)-ST_ymin(extent))/gridRows)/tileHeight;
- FOR y IN 0..gridRows-1 LOOP
- ipy = y*scaley + ST_ymin(extent);
- FOR x IN 0..gridCols-1 LOOP
- ipx = x*scalex + ST_xmin(extent);
- rec.x = x;
- rec.y = y;
- rec.tile = st_MakeEmptyRaster(tileWidth, tileHeight, ipx, ipy,
- scalex, scaley, 0, 0);
-LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
-CREATE TABLE rt_gist_grid_test AS
- SELECT * FROM makegrid(10, 10, 'BOX(-100 -100, 100 100)', 1, 1);
-CREATE TABLE rt_gist_query_test AS
- SELECT * from makegrid(3, 3, 'BOX(-100 -100, 100 100)', 1, 1);
--- raster_overright
-SELECT 'raster_overright(X, query(1,1))' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND raster_overright(a.tile, b.tile);
--- Test &> operator (overright)
-SELECT 'X &> query(1,1)' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND a.tile &> b.tile;
-DROP FUNCTION makegrid(integer,integer,box2d,integer,integer);
-DROP table rt_gist_grid_test;
-DROP table rt_gist_query_test;
-DROP type tile;
+++ /dev/null
-raster_overright(X, query(1,1))|60|4|9|0|9|BOX(-20 -100,100 100)
-X &> query(1,1)|60|4|9|0|9|BOX(-20 -100,100 100)
+++ /dev/null
--- $Id$
--- Copyright (c) 2009 Sandro Santilli <strk@keybit.net>
--- This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file.
-CREATE TYPE tile AS (x int, y int, tile raster);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION makegrid (int, int, box2d, int, int)
- gridCols alias for $1;
- gridRows alias for $2;
- extent alias for $3;
- tileWidth alias for $4;
- tileHeight alias for $5;
- rec tile;
- scalex float8;
- scaley float8;
- ipx float8;
- ipy float8;
- -- compute some sizes
- -- each tile extent width is extent.width / gridRows
- scalex = ((ST_xmax(extent)-ST_xmin(extent))/gridCols)/tileWidth;
- scaley = ((ST_ymax(extent)-ST_ymin(extent))/gridRows)/tileHeight;
- FOR y IN 0..gridRows-1 LOOP
- ipy = y*scaley + ST_ymin(extent);
- FOR x IN 0..gridCols-1 LOOP
- ipx = x*scalex + ST_xmin(extent);
- rec.x = x;
- rec.y = y;
- rec.tile = st_MakeEmptyRaster(tileWidth, tileHeight, ipx, ipy,
- scalex, scaley, 0, 0);
-LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
-CREATE TABLE rt_gist_grid_test AS
- SELECT * FROM makegrid(10, 10, 'BOX(-100 -100, 100 100)', 1, 1);
-CREATE TABLE rt_gist_query_test AS
- SELECT * from makegrid(3, 3, 'BOX(-100 -100, 100 100)', 1, 1);
--- raster_right
-SELECT 'raster_right(X, query(1,1))' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND raster_right(a.tile, b.tile);
--- Test >> operator (right)
-SELECT 'X >> query(1,1)' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND a.tile >> b.tile;
-DROP FUNCTION makegrid(integer,integer,box2d,integer,integer);
-DROP table rt_gist_grid_test;
-DROP table rt_gist_query_test;
-DROP type tile;
+++ /dev/null
-raster_right(X, query(1,1))|30|7|9|0|9|BOX(40 -100,100 100)
-X >> query(1,1)|30|7|9|0|9|BOX(40 -100,100 100)
+++ /dev/null
--- $Id$
--- Copyright (c) 2009 Sandro Santilli <strk@keybit.net>
--- This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file.
-CREATE TYPE tile AS (x int, y int, tile raster);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION makegrid (int, int, box2d, int, int)
- gridCols alias for $1;
- gridRows alias for $2;
- extent alias for $3;
- tileWidth alias for $4;
- tileHeight alias for $5;
- rec tile;
- scalex float8;
- scaley float8;
- ipx float8;
- ipy float8;
- -- compute some sizes
- -- each tile extent width is extent.width / gridRows
- scalex = ((ST_xmax(extent)-ST_xmin(extent))/gridCols)/tileWidth;
- scaley = ((ST_ymax(extent)-ST_ymin(extent))/gridRows)/tileHeight;
- FOR y IN 0..gridRows-1 LOOP
- ipy = y*scaley + ST_ymin(extent);
- FOR x IN 0..gridCols-1 LOOP
- ipx = x*scalex + ST_xmin(extent);
- rec.x = x;
- rec.y = y;
- rec.tile = st_MakeEmptyRaster(tileWidth, tileHeight, ipx, ipy,
- scalex, scaley, 0, 0);
-LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
-CREATE TABLE rt_gist_grid_test AS
- SELECT * FROM makegrid(10, 10, 'BOX(-100 -100, 100 100)', 1, 1);
-CREATE TABLE rt_gist_query_test AS
- SELECT * from makegrid(3, 3, 'BOX(-100 -100, 100 100)', 1, 1);
--- raster_same
-SELECT 'raster_same(X, query(1,1))' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND raster_same(a.tile, b.tile);
-SELECT 'raster_same(X, query(7,7))' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_grid_test b
-WHERE b.x = 7 and b.y = 7
- AND raster_same(a.tile, b.tile);
--- Test ~= operator (same)
-SELECT 'X ~= query(1,1)' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_query_test b
-WHERE b.x = 1 and b.y = 1
- AND a.tile ~= b.tile;
-SELECT 'X ~= tile(7,7)' as op,
- count(a.y),
- min(a.x) as xmin,
- max(a.x) as xmax,
- min(a.y) as ymin,
- max(a.y) as ymax,
- st_extent(a.tile::geometry)
-FROM rt_gist_grid_test a, rt_gist_grid_test b
-WHERE b.x = 7 and b.y = 7
- AND a.tile ~= b.tile;
-DROP FUNCTION makegrid(integer,integer,box2d,integer,integer);
-DROP table rt_gist_grid_test;
-DROP table rt_gist_query_test;
-DROP type tile;
+++ /dev/null
-raster_same(X, query(1,1))|0|||||
-raster_same(X, query(7,7))|1|7|7|7|7|BOX(40 40,60 60)
-X ~= query(1,1)|0|||||
-X ~= tile(7,7)|1|7|7|7|7|BOX(40 40,60 60)