+static inline char * zend_verify_arg_class_kind(zend_arg_info *cur_arg_info, zend_class_entry **pce TSRMLS_DC)
+ *pce = zend_u_fetch_class(UG(unicode) ? IS_UNICODE : IS_STRING, cur_arg_info->class_name, cur_arg_info->class_name_len, ZEND_FETCH_CLASS_AUTO TSRMLS_CC);
+ if ((*pce)->ce_flags & ZEND_ACC_INTERFACE) {
+ return "implement interface ";
+ } else {
+ return "be an instance of ";
+ }
+static inline int zend_verify_arg_error(zend_function *zf, zend_uint arg_num, zend_arg_info *cur_arg_info, char *need_msg, zstr need_kind, char *given_msg, zstr given_kind TSRMLS_DC)
+ zend_execute_data *ptr = EG(current_execute_data)->prev_execute_data;
+ zstr fname = zf->common.function_name;
+ char *fsep;
+ zstr fclass;
+ if (zf->common.scope) {
+ fsep = "::";
+ fclass = zf->common.scope->name;
+ } else {
+ fsep = "";
+ fclass = EMPTY_ZSTR;
+ }
+ if (ptr && ptr->op_array) {
+ zend_error(E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, "Argument %d passed to %v%s%v() must %s%v, %s%v given, called in %s on line %d and defined", arg_num, fclass, fsep, fname, need_msg, need_kind, given_msg, given_kind, ptr->op_array->filename, ptr->opline->lineno);
+ } else {
+ zend_error(E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, "Argument %d passed to %v%s%v() must %s%v, %s%v given", arg_num, fclass, fsep, fname, need_msg, need_kind, given_msg, given_kind);
+ }
+ return 0;
static inline int zend_verify_arg_type(zend_function *zf, zend_uint arg_num, zval *arg TSRMLS_DC)
zend_arg_info *cur_arg_info;
- zend_execute_data *ptr = EG(current_execute_data)->prev_execute_data;
- char *fsep, *error_msg;
- zstr fclass, fname;
+ char *need_msg;
zend_class_entry *ce;
if (!zf->common.arg_info
cur_arg_info = &zf->common.arg_info[arg_num-1];
- fname = zf->common.function_name;
- fsep = zf->common.scope ? "::" : "";
- fclass = zf->common.scope ? zf->common.scope->name : EMPTY_ZSTR;
if (cur_arg_info->class_name.v) {
if (!arg) {
- if (ptr && ptr->op_array) {
- zend_error(E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, "Argument %d passed to %v%s%v() must be an object of class %v, none given, called in %s on line %d and defined", arg_num, fclass, fsep, fname, cur_arg_info->class_name, ptr->op_array->filename, ptr->opline->lineno);
- } else {
- zend_error(E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, "Argument %d passed to %v%s%v() must be an object of class %v, none given", arg_num, fclass, fsep, fname, cur_arg_info->class_name);
- }
- return 0;
+ need_msg = zend_verify_arg_class_kind(cur_arg_info, &ce TSRMLS_CC);
+ return zend_verify_arg_error(zf, arg_num, cur_arg_info, need_msg, ce->name, "none", EMPTY_ZSTR TSRMLS_CC);
- switch (Z_TYPE_P(arg)) {
- case IS_NULL:
- if (!cur_arg_info->allow_null) {
- if (ptr && ptr->op_array) {
- zend_error(E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, "Argument %d passed to %v%s%v() must be an object of class %v, null given, called in %s on line %d and defined", arg_num, fclass, fsep, fname, cur_arg_info->class_name, ptr->op_array->filename, ptr->opline->lineno);
- } else {
- zend_error(E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, "Argument %d passed to %v%s%v() must be an object of class %v, null given", arg_num, fclass, fsep, fname, cur_arg_info->class_name);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case IS_OBJECT: {
- ce = zend_u_fetch_class(UG(unicode) ? IS_UNICODE : IS_STRING, cur_arg_info->class_name, cur_arg_info->class_name_len, ZEND_FETCH_CLASS_AUTO TSRMLS_CC);
- if (!instanceof_function(Z_OBJCE_P(arg), ce TSRMLS_CC)) {
- if (ce->ce_flags & ZEND_ACC_INTERFACE) {
- error_msg = "implement interface";
- } else {
- error_msg = "be an instance of";
- }
- if (ptr && ptr->op_array) {
- zend_error(E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, "Argument %d passed to %v%s%v() must %s %v, instance of %v given, called in %s on line %d and defined", arg_num, fclass, fsep, fname, error_msg, ce->name, Z_OBJCE_P(arg)->name, ptr->op_array->filename, ptr->opline->lineno);
- } else {
- zend_error(E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, "Argument %d passed to %v%s%v() must %s %v, instance of %v given", arg_num, fclass, fsep, fname, error_msg, ce->name, Z_OBJCE_P(arg)->name);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- }
- break;
- default: {
- ce = zend_u_fetch_class(UG(unicode) ? IS_UNICODE : IS_STRING, cur_arg_info->class_name, cur_arg_info->class_name_len, ZEND_FETCH_CLASS_AUTO TSRMLS_CC);
- if (ce->ce_flags & ZEND_ACC_INTERFACE) {
- error_msg = "implement interface";
- } else {
- error_msg = "be an instance of";
- }
- if (ptr && ptr->op_array) {
- zend_error(E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, "Argument %d passed to %v%s%v() must %s %v, %s given, called in %s on line %d and defined", arg_num, fclass, fsep, fname, error_msg, ce->name, zend_zval_type_name(arg), ptr->op_array->filename, ptr->opline->lineno);
- } else {
- zend_error(E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, "Argument %d passed to %v%s%v() must %s %v, %s given", arg_num, fclass, fsep, fname, error_msg, ce->name, zend_zval_type_name(arg));
- }
- return 0;
+ if (Z_TYPE_P(arg) == IS_OBJECT) {
+ need_msg = zend_verify_arg_class_kind(cur_arg_info, &ce TSRMLS_CC);
+ if (!instanceof_function(Z_OBJCE_P(arg), ce TSRMLS_CC)) {
+ return zend_verify_arg_error(zf, arg_num, cur_arg_info, need_msg, ce->name, "instance of ", Z_OBJCE_P(arg)->name TSRMLS_CC);
+ } else if (Z_TYPE_P(arg) != IS_NULL || !cur_arg_info->allow_null) {
+ need_msg = zend_verify_arg_class_kind(cur_arg_info, &ce TSRMLS_CC);
+ return zend_verify_arg_error(zf, arg_num, cur_arg_info, need_msg, ce->name, zend_zval_type_name(arg), EMPTY_ZSTR TSRMLS_CC);
} else if (cur_arg_info->array_type_hint) {
if (!arg) {
- if (ptr && ptr->op_array) {
- zend_error(E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, "Argument %d passed to %v%s%v() must be an array, none given, called in %s on line %d and defined", arg_num, fclass, fsep, fname, ptr->op_array->filename, ptr->opline->lineno);
- } else {
- zend_error(E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, "Argument %d passed to %v%s%v() must be an array, none given", arg_num, fclass, fsep, fname);
- }
- return 0;
+ return zend_verify_arg_error(zf, arg_num, cur_arg_info, "be an array", EMPTY_ZSTR, "none", EMPTY_ZSTR TSRMLS_CC);
- switch (Z_TYPE_P(arg)) {
- case IS_NULL:
- if (!cur_arg_info->allow_null) {
- if (ptr && ptr->op_array) {
- zend_error(E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, "Argument %d passed to %v%s%v() must be an array, null given, called in %s on line %d and defined", arg_num, fclass, fsep, fname, ptr->op_array->filename, ptr->opline->lineno);
- } else {
- zend_error(E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, "Argument %d passed to %v%s%v() must be an array, null given", arg_num, fclass, fsep, fname);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case IS_ARRAY:
- break;
- default:
- if (ptr && ptr->op_array) {
- zend_error(E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, "Argument %d passed to %v%s%v() must be an array, %s given, called in %s on line %d and defined", arg_num, fclass, fsep, fname, zend_zval_type_name(arg), ptr->op_array->filename, ptr->opline->lineno);
- } else {
- zend_error(E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, "Argument %d passed to %v%s%v() must be an array, %s given", arg_num, fclass, fsep, fname, zend_zval_type_name(arg));
- }
- return 0;
+ if (Z_TYPE_P(arg) != IS_ARRAY && (Z_TYPE_P(arg) != IS_NULL || !cur_arg_info->allow_null)) {
+ return zend_verify_arg_error(zf, arg_num, cur_arg_info, "be an array", EMPTY_ZSTR, zend_zval_type_name(arg), EMPTY_ZSTR TSRMLS_CC);
return 1;