using namespace dwarf;
typedef DILineInfoSpecifier::FunctionNameKind FunctionNameKind;
+// Small helper to extract a DIE pointed by a reference
+// attribute. It looks up the Unit containing the DIE and calls
+// DIE.extractFast with the right unit. Returns new unit on success,
+// nullptr otherwise.
+static const DWARFUnit *findUnitAndExtractFast(DWARFDebugInfoEntryMinimal &DIE,
+ const DWARFUnit *Unit,
+ uint32_t *Offset) {
+ Unit = Unit->getUnitSection().getUnitForOffset(*Offset);
+ return (Unit && DIE.extractFast(Unit, Offset)) ? Unit : nullptr;
void DWARFDebugInfoEntryMinimal::dump(raw_ostream &OS, const DWARFUnit *u,
unsigned recurseDepth,
unsigned indent) const {
getAttributeValueAsReference(U, DW_AT_specification, -1U);
if (spec_ref != -1U) {
DWARFDebugInfoEntryMinimal spec_die;
- if (spec_die.extractFast(U, &spec_ref)) {
- if (const char *name = spec_die.getSubroutineName(U, Kind))
+ if (const DWARFUnit *RefU = findUnitAndExtractFast(spec_die, U, &spec_ref)) {
+ if (const char *name = spec_die.getSubroutineName(RefU, Kind))
return name;
getAttributeValueAsReference(U, DW_AT_abstract_origin, -1U);
if (abs_origin_ref != -1U) {
DWARFDebugInfoEntryMinimal abs_origin_die;
- if (abs_origin_die.extractFast(U, &abs_origin_ref)) {
- if (const char *name = abs_origin_die.getSubroutineName(U, Kind))
+ if (const DWARFUnit *RefU = findUnitAndExtractFast(abs_origin_die, U,
+ &abs_origin_ref)) {
+ if (const char *name = abs_origin_die.getSubroutineName(RefU, Kind))
return name;
--- /dev/null
+// To generate the test file:
+// clang cross-cu-inlining.c -DA_C -g -emit-llvm -S -o a.ll
+// clang cross-cu-inlining.c -DB_C -g -emit-llvm -S -o b.ll
+// llvm-link a.ll b.ll -o ab.bc
+// opt -inline ab.bc -o cross-cu-inlining.bc
+// clang -c cross-cu-inlining.bc -o cross-cu-inlining.o
+#ifdef A_C
+int i;
+int func(int);
+int main() {
+ return func(i);
+#ifdef B_C
+int __attribute__((always_inline)) func(int x) {
+ return x * 2;
RUN: cp %p/Inputs/split-dwarf-test.dwo %T
RUN: echo "%p/Inputs/split-dwarf-test 0x4004d0" >> %t.input
RUN: echo "%p/Inputs/split-dwarf-test 0x4004c0" >> %t.input
+RUN: echo "%p/Inputs/cross-cu-inlining.x86_64-macho.o 0x17" >> %t.input
RUN: llvm-symbolizer --functions=linkage --inlining --demangle=false \
RUN: --default-arch=i386 < %t.input | FileCheck %s
CHECK: _Z3fooi
CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}}
+; func has been inlined into main by LTO. Check that the symbolizer is able
+; to resolve the cross-cu reference and retrieve func's name
+CHECK: func
+CHECK-NEXT: /tmp{{[/\\]}}cross-cu-inlining.c:16:3
+CHECK-NEXT: /tmp{{[/\\]}}cross-cu-inlining.c:11:0
RUN: echo "unexisting-file 0x1234" > %t.input2
RUN: llvm-symbolizer < %t.input2