// show_msg(fmtmk("%s sort compatibility key honored", xmsg));
} // end: keys_xtra
-/*###### Secondary summary display support (summary_show helpers) ######*/
+/*###### Tertiary summary display support (summary_show helpers) #######*/
* note how alphabetical order is maintained within carefully chosen |
static int sum_tics (struct stat_stack *this, const char *pfx, int nobuf) {
// a tailored 'results stack value' extractor macro
#define rSv(E) TIC_VAL(E, this)
+ static struct {
+ const char *user, *syst, *type;
+ } gtab[] = {
+ { "%-.*s~7", "%-.*s~8", Graph_bars },
+ { "%-.*s~4", "%-.*s~6", Graph_blks }
+ };
SIC_t idl_frme, tot_frme;
- float scale;
+ int ix, num_user, num_syst;
+ float pct_user, pct_syst, scale;
+ char user[SMLBUFSIZ], syst[SMLBUFSIZ], dual[MEDBUFSIZ];
idl_frme = rSv(stat_IL);
tot_frme = rSv(stat_SUM_TOT);
/* display some kinda' cpu state percentages
(who or what is explained by the passed prefix) */
- if (Curwin->rc.graph_cpus) {
- static struct {
- const char *user, *syst, *type;
- } gtab[] = {
- { "%-.*s~7", "%-.*s~8", Graph_bars },
- { "%-.*s~4", "%-.*s~6", Graph_blks }
- };
- char user[SMLBUFSIZ], syst[SMLBUFSIZ], dual[MEDBUFSIZ];
- int ix = Curwin->rc.graph_cpus - 1;
- float pct_user = (float)rSv(stat_SUM_USR) * scale,
- pct_syst = (float)rSv(stat_SUM_SYS) * scale;
+ if (!Curwin->rc.graph_cpus) {
+ return sum_see(fmtmk(Cpu_States_fmts, pfx
+ , (float)rSv(stat_US) * scale, (float)rSv(stat_SY) * scale
+ , (float)rSv(stat_NI) * scale, (float)idl_frme * scale
+ , (float)rSv(stat_IO) * scale, (float)rSv(stat_IR) * scale
+ , (float)rSv(stat_SI) * scale, (float)rSv(stat_ST) * scale), nobuf);
+ } else {
+ ix = Curwin->rc.graph_cpus - 1;
- int num_user = (int)((pct_user * Graph_adj) + .5),
- num_syst = (int)((pct_syst * Graph_adj) + .5);
+ pct_user = (float)rSv(stat_SUM_USR) * scale,
+ pct_syst = (float)rSv(stat_SUM_SYS) * scale;
+ num_user = (int)((pct_user * Graph_adj) + .5),
+ num_syst = (int)((pct_syst * Graph_adj) + .5);
if (num_user + num_syst > Graph_len) num_syst = Graph_len - num_user;
snprintf(user, sizeof(user), gtab[ix].user, num_user, gtab[ix].type);
snprintf(syst, sizeof(syst), gtab[ix].syst, num_syst, gtab[ix].type);
snprintf(dual, sizeof(dual), "%s%s", user, syst);
return sum_see(fmtmk("%s ~3%#5.1f~2/%-#5.1f~3 %3.0f[~1%-*s]~1"
, pfx, pct_user, pct_syst, pct_user + pct_syst, Graph_len +4, dual), nobuf);
- } else {
- return sum_see(fmtmk(Cpu_States_fmts, pfx
- , (float)rSv(stat_US) * scale, (float)rSv(stat_SY) * scale
- , (float)rSv(stat_NI) * scale, (float)idl_frme * scale
- , (float)rSv(stat_IO) * scale, (float)rSv(stat_IR) * scale
- , (float)rSv(stat_SI) * scale, (float)rSv(stat_ST) * scale), nobuf);
#undef rSv
} // end: sum_tics
#undef rSv
} // end: sum_unify
+/*###### Secondary summary display support (summary_show helpers) ######*/
+ /*
+ * A helper function that displays cpu and/or numa node stuff |
+ * ( so as to keep the 'summary_show' guy a reasonable size ) | */
+static void do_cpus (void) {
+ #define noMAS (Msg_row + 1 >= Screen_rows - 1)
+ char tmp[MEDBUFSIZ];
+ int i;
+ if (CHKw(Curwin, View_CPUNOD)) {
+ if (Numa_node_sel < 0) {
+ /*
+ * display the 1st /proc/stat line, then the nodes (if room) ... */
+ Msg_row += sum_tics(Stat_reap->summary, N_txt(WORD_allcpus_txt), 1);
+ // display each cpu node's states
+ for (i = 0; i < Numa_node_tot; i++) {
+ struct stat_stack *nod_ptr = Stat_reap->numa->stacks[i];
+ if (NOD_VAL(stat_NU, i) == STAT_NODE_INVALID) continue;
+ if (noMAS) break;
+ snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), N_fmt(NUMA_nodenam_fmt), NOD_VAL(stat_ID, i));
+ Msg_row += sum_tics(nod_ptr, tmp, 1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * display the node summary, then the associated cpus (if room) ... */
+ for (i = 0; i < Numa_node_tot; i++) {
+ if (Numa_node_sel == NOD_VAL(stat_ID, i)
+ && (NOD_VAL(stat_NU, i) != STAT_NODE_INVALID)) break;
+ }
+ if (i == Numa_node_tot) {
+ Numa_node_sel = -1;
+ goto numa_oops;
+ }
+ snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), N_fmt(NUMA_nodenam_fmt), Numa_node_sel);
+ Msg_row += sum_tics(Stat_reap->numa->stacks[Numa_node_sel], tmp, 1);
+#ifdef PRETEND48CPU
+ #define deLIMIT Stat_reap->cpus->total
+ #define deLIMIT Cpu_cnt
+ for (i = 0; i < deLIMIT; i++) {
+ if (Numa_node_sel == CPU_VAL(stat_NU, i)) {
+ if (noMAS) break;
+ snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), N_fmt(WORD_eachcpu_fmt), CPU_VAL(stat_ID, i));
+ Msg_row += sum_tics(Stat_reap->cpus->stacks[i], tmp, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ #undef deLIMIT
+ }
+ } else if (!CHKw(Curwin, View_CPUSUM)) {
+ /*
+ * display each cpu's states separately, screen height permitting ... */
+#ifdef PRETEND48CPU
+ int j;
+ if (Curwin->rc.combine_cpus) {
+ for (i = 0, j = 0; i < Cpu_cnt; i++) {
+ Stat_reap->cpus->stacks[j]->head[stat_ID].result.s_int = i;
+ Msg_row += sum_unify(Stat_reap->cpus->stacks[j], (i+1 >= Cpu_cnt));
+ if (++j >= Stat_reap->cpus->total) j = 0;
+ if (noMAS) break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (i = 0, j = 0; i < Cpu_cnt; i++) {
+ snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), N_fmt(WORD_eachcpu_fmt), i);
+ Msg_row += sum_tics(Stat_reap->cpus->stacks[j], tmp, (i+1 >= Cpu_cnt));
+ if (++j >= Stat_reap->cpus->total) j = 0;
+ if (noMAS) break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (Curwin->rc.combine_cpus) {
+ for (i = 0; i < Cpu_cnt; i++) {
+ Msg_row += sum_unify(Stat_reap->cpus->stacks[i], (i+1 >= Cpu_cnt));
+ if (noMAS) break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (i = 0; i < Cpu_cnt; i++) {
+ snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), N_fmt(WORD_eachcpu_fmt), CPU_VAL(stat_ID, i));
+ Msg_row += sum_tics(Stat_reap->cpus->stacks[i], tmp, (i+1 >= Cpu_cnt));
+ if (noMAS) break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * display just the 1st /proc/stat line ... */
+ Msg_row += sum_tics(Stat_reap->summary, N_txt(WORD_allcpus_txt), 1);
+ }
+ #undef noMAS
+} // end: void do_cpus
+ /*
+ * A helper function which will display the memory/swap stuff |
+ * ( so as to keep the 'summary_show' guy a reasonable size ) | */
+static void do_memory (void) {
+ #define bfT(n) buftab[n].buf
+ #define scT(e) scaletab[Rc.summ_mscale]. e
+ #define mkM(x) (float) x / scT(div)
+ #define prT(b,z) { if (9 < snprintf(b, 10, scT(fmts), z)) b[8] = '+'; }
+#ifdef TOG4_OFF_MEM
+ #define memPARM 1
+ #define memPARM 0
+ static const struct {
+ const char *used, *misc, *swap, *type;
+ } gtab[] = {
+ { "%-.*s~7", "%-.*s~8", "%-.*s~8", Graph_bars },
+ { "%-.*s~4", "%-.*s~6", "%-.*s~6", Graph_blks }
+ };
+ static struct {
+ float div;
+ const char *fmts;
+ const char *label;
+ } scaletab[] = {
+ { 1, "%.0f ", NULL }, // kibibytes
+ { 1024.0, "%#.3f ", NULL }, // mebibytes
+ { 1024.0*1024, "%#.3f ", NULL }, // gibibytes
+ { 1024.0*1024*1024, "%#.3f ", NULL }, // tebibytes
+ { 1024.0*1024*1024*1024, "%#.3f ", NULL }, // pebibytes
+ { 1024.0*1024*1024*1024*1024, "%#.3f ", NULL } // exbibytes
+ { 1024.0, "%#.1f ", NULL }, // mebibytes
+ { 1024.0*1024, "%#.1f ", NULL }, // gibibytes
+ { 1024.0*1024*1024, "%#.1f ", NULL }, // tebibytes
+ { 1024.0*1024*1024*1024, "%#.1f ", NULL }, // pebibytes
+ { 1024.0*1024*1024*1024*1024, "%#.1f ", NULL } // exbibytes
+ };
+ struct { // 0123456789
+ // snprintf contents of each buf (after SK_Kb): 'nnnn.nnn 0'
+ // & prT macro might replace space at buf[8] with: -------> +
+ char buf[10]; // MEMORY_lines_fmt provides for 8+1 bytes
+ } buftab[8];
+ char used[SMLBUFSIZ], util[SMLBUFSIZ], dual[MEDBUFSIZ], row[ROWMINSIZ];
+ float pct_used, pct_misc, pct_swap;
+ int ix, num_used, num_misc;
+ unsigned long my_misc;
+ if (!scaletab[0].label) {
+ scaletab[0].label = N_txt(AMT_kilobyte_txt);
+ scaletab[1].label = N_txt(AMT_megabyte_txt);
+ scaletab[2].label = N_txt(AMT_gigabyte_txt);
+ scaletab[3].label = N_txt(AMT_terabyte_txt);
+ scaletab[4].label = N_txt(AMT_petabyte_txt);
+ scaletab[5].label = N_txt(AMT_exxabyte_txt);
+ }
+ if (Curwin->rc.graph_mems) {
+ pct_used = (float)MEM_VAL(mem_USE) * (100.0 / (float)MEM_VAL(mem_TOT));
+ pct_misc = (float)(MEM_VAL(mem_BUF) + MEM_VAL(mem_QUE)) * (100.0 / (float)MEM_VAL(mem_TOT));
+ pct_misc = (float)(MEM_VAL(mem_TOT) - MEM_VAL(mem_AVL) - MEM_VAL(mem_USE)) * (100.0 / (float)MEM_VAL(mem_TOT));
+ if (pct_used + pct_misc > 100.0 || pct_misc < 0) pct_misc = 0;
+ pct_swap = MEM_VAL(swp_TOT) ? (float)MEM_VAL(swp_USE) * (100.0 / (float)MEM_VAL(swp_TOT)) : 0;
+ ix = Curwin->rc.graph_mems - 1;
+ num_used = (int)((pct_used * Graph_adj) + .5),
+ num_misc = (int)((pct_misc * Graph_adj) + .5);
+ if (num_used + num_misc > Graph_len) num_misc = Graph_len - num_used;
+ snprintf(used, sizeof(used), gtab[ix].used, num_used, gtab[ix].type);
+ snprintf(util, sizeof(util), gtab[ix].misc, num_misc, gtab[ix].type);
+ (void)num_used; (void)num_misc;
+ snprintf(used, sizeof(used), gtab[ix].used, (int)((pct_used * Graph_adj) + .5), gtab[ix].type);
+ snprintf(util, sizeof(util), gtab[ix].misc, (int)((pct_misc * Graph_adj) + .4), gtab[ix].type);
+ snprintf(dual, sizeof(dual), "%s%s", used, util);
+ snprintf(util, sizeof(util), gtab[ix].swap, (int)((pct_swap * Graph_adj) + .5), gtab[ix].type);
+ prT(bfT(0), mkM(MEM_VAL(mem_TOT))); prT(bfT(1), mkM(MEM_VAL(swp_TOT)));
+ snprintf(row, sizeof(row), "%s %s:~3%#5.1f~2/%-9.9s~3[~1%-*s]~1"
+ , scT(label), N_txt(WORD_abv_mem_txt), pct_used + pct_misc, bfT(0), Graph_len +4, dual);
+ Msg_row += sum_see(row, memPARM);
+ snprintf(row, sizeof(row), "%s %s:~3%#5.1f~2/%-9.9s~3[~1%-*s]~1"
+ , scT(label), N_txt(WORD_abv_swp_txt), pct_swap, bfT(1), Graph_len +2, util);
+ Msg_row += sum_see(row, memPARM);
+ } else {
+ my_misc = MEM_VAL(mem_BUF) + MEM_VAL(mem_QUE);
+ prT(bfT(0), mkM(MEM_VAL(mem_TOT))); prT(bfT(1), mkM(MEM_VAL(mem_FRE)));
+ prT(bfT(2), mkM(MEM_VAL(mem_USE))); prT(bfT(3), mkM(my_misc));
+ prT(bfT(4), mkM(MEM_VAL(swp_TOT))); prT(bfT(5), mkM(MEM_VAL(swp_FRE)));
+ prT(bfT(6), mkM(MEM_VAL(swp_USE))); prT(bfT(7), mkM(MEM_VAL(mem_AVL)));
+ snprintf(row, sizeof(row), N_unq(MEMORY_line1_fmt)
+ , scT(label), N_txt(WORD_abv_mem_txt), bfT(0), bfT(1), bfT(2), bfT(3));
+ Msg_row += sum_see(row, memPARM);
+ snprintf(row, sizeof(row), N_unq(MEMORY_line2_fmt)
+ , scT(label), N_txt(WORD_abv_swp_txt), bfT(4), bfT(5), bfT(6), bfT(7)
+ , N_txt(WORD_abv_mem_txt));
+ Msg_row += sum_see(row, memPARM);
+ }
+ #undef bfT
+ #undef scT
+ #undef mkM
+ #undef prT
+ #undef memPARM
+} // end: do_memory
/*###### Main Screen routines ##########################################*/
* 2) Display task/cpu states (maybe)
* 3) Display memory & swap usage (maybe) */
static void summary_show (void) {
- #define isROOM(f,n) (CHKw(w, f) && Msg_row + (n) < Screen_rows - 1)
- #define anyFLG 0xffffff
- WIN_t *w = Curwin; // avoid gcc bloat with a local copy
- char tmp[MEDBUFSIZ];
- int i;
+ #define isROOM(f,n) (CHKw(Curwin, f) && Msg_row + (n) < Screen_rows - 1)
if (Restrict_some) {
if (!Rc.mode_altscr)
show_special(0, fmtmk(LOADAV_line, Myname, procps_uptime_sprint()));
- show_special(0, fmtmk(CHKw(w, Show_TASKON)? LOADAV_line_alt : LOADAV_line
- , w->grpname, procps_uptime_sprint()));
+ show_special(0, fmtmk(CHKw(Curwin, Show_TASKON)? LOADAV_line_alt : LOADAV_line
+ , Curwin->grpname, procps_uptime_sprint()));
Msg_row += 1;
} // end: View_LOADAV
- sem_wait(&Semaphore_cpus_end);
+ sem_wait(&Semaphore_cpus_end);
- sem_wait(&Semaphore_tasks_end);
+ sem_wait(&Semaphore_tasks_end);
// Display Task and Cpu(s) States
if (isROOM(View_STATES, 2)) {
, Pids_reap->counts->stopped, Pids_reap->counts->zombied));
Msg_row += 1;
- if (CHKw(w, View_CPUNOD)) {
- if (Numa_node_sel < 0) {
- // display the 1st /proc/stat line, then the nodes (if room)
- Msg_row += sum_tics(Stat_reap->summary, N_txt(WORD_allcpus_txt), 1);
- // display each cpu node's states
- for (i = 0; i < Numa_node_tot; i++) {
- struct stat_stack *nod_ptr = Stat_reap->numa->stacks[i];
- if (NOD_VAL(stat_NU, i) == STAT_NODE_INVALID) continue;
- if (!isROOM(anyFLG, 1)) break;
- snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), N_fmt(NUMA_nodenam_fmt), NOD_VAL(stat_ID, i));
- Msg_row += sum_tics(nod_ptr, tmp, 1);
- }
- } else {
- // display the node summary, then the associated cpus (if room)
- for (i = 0; i < Numa_node_tot; i++) {
- if (Numa_node_sel == NOD_VAL(stat_ID, i)
- && (NOD_VAL(stat_NU, i) != STAT_NODE_INVALID)) break;
- }
- if (i == Numa_node_tot) {
- Numa_node_sel = -1;
- goto numa_oops;
- }
- snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), N_fmt(NUMA_nodenam_fmt), Numa_node_sel);
- Msg_row += sum_tics(Stat_reap->numa->stacks[Numa_node_sel], tmp, 1);
-#ifdef PRETEND48CPU
- for (i = 0; i < Stat_reap->cpus->total; i++) {
- for (i = 0; i < Cpu_cnt; i++) {
- if (Numa_node_sel == CPU_VAL(stat_NU, i)) {
- if (!isROOM(anyFLG, 1)) break;
- snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), N_fmt(WORD_eachcpu_fmt), CPU_VAL(stat_ID, i));
- Msg_row += sum_tics(Stat_reap->cpus->stacks[i], tmp, 1);
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (CHKw(w, View_CPUSUM)) {
- // display just the 1st /proc/stat line
- Msg_row += sum_tics(Stat_reap->summary, N_txt(WORD_allcpus_txt), 1);
- } else {
- // display each cpu's states separately, screen height permitting...
-#ifdef PRETEND48CPU
- if (w->rc.combine_cpus) {
- int j;
- for (i = 0, j = 0; i < Cpu_cnt; i++) {
- Stat_reap->cpus->stacks[j]->head[stat_ID].result.s_int = i;
- Msg_row += sum_unify(Stat_reap->cpus->stacks[j], (i+1 >= Cpu_cnt));
- if (++j >= Stat_reap->cpus->total) j = 0;
- if (!isROOM(anyFLG, 1)) break;
- }
- } else {
- int j;
- for (i = 0, j = 0; i < Cpu_cnt; i++) {
- snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), N_fmt(WORD_eachcpu_fmt), i);
- Msg_row += sum_tics(Stat_reap->cpus->stacks[j], tmp, (i+1 >= Cpu_cnt));
- if (++j >= Stat_reap->cpus->total) j = 0;
- if (!isROOM(anyFLG, 1)) break;
- }
- }
- if (w->rc.combine_cpus) {
- for (i = 0; i < Cpu_cnt; i++) {
- Msg_row += sum_unify(Stat_reap->cpus->stacks[i], (i+1 >= Cpu_cnt));
- if (!isROOM(anyFLG, 1)) break;
- }
- } else {
- for (i = 0; i < Cpu_cnt; i++) {
- snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), N_fmt(WORD_eachcpu_fmt), CPU_VAL(stat_ID, i));
- Msg_row += sum_tics(Stat_reap->cpus->stacks[i], tmp, (i+1 >= Cpu_cnt));
- if (!isROOM(anyFLG, 1)) break;
- }
- }
- }
- } // end: View_STATES
+ do_cpus();
+ }
// Display Memory and Swap stats
if (isROOM(View_MEMORY, 2)) {
- #define bfT(n) buftab[n].buf
- #define scT(e) scaletab[Rc.summ_mscale]. e
- #define mkM(x) (float) x / scT(div)
- #define prT(b,z) { if (9 < snprintf(b, 10, scT(fmts), z)) b[8] = '+'; }
-#ifdef TOG4_OFF_MEM
- #define memPARM 1
- #define memPARM 0
- static struct {
- float div;
- const char *fmts;
- const char *label;
- } scaletab[] = {
- { 1, "%.0f ", NULL }, // kibibytes
- { 1024.0, "%#.3f ", NULL }, // mebibytes
- { 1024.0*1024, "%#.3f ", NULL }, // gibibytes
- { 1024.0*1024*1024, "%#.3f ", NULL }, // tebibytes
- { 1024.0*1024*1024*1024, "%#.3f ", NULL }, // pebibytes
- { 1024.0*1024*1024*1024*1024, "%#.3f ", NULL } // exbibytes
- { 1024.0, "%#.1f ", NULL }, // mebibytes
- { 1024.0*1024, "%#.1f ", NULL }, // gibibytes
- { 1024.0*1024*1024, "%#.1f ", NULL }, // tebibytes
- { 1024.0*1024*1024*1024, "%#.1f ", NULL }, // pebibytes
- { 1024.0*1024*1024*1024*1024, "%#.1f ", NULL } // exbibytes
- };
- struct { // 0123456789
- // snprintf contents of each buf (after SK_Kb): 'nnnn.nnn 0'
- // and prT macro might replace space at buf[8] with: ------> +
- char buf[10]; // MEMORY_lines_fmt provides for 8+1 bytes
- } buftab[8];
- if (!scaletab[0].label) {
- scaletab[0].label = N_txt(AMT_kilobyte_txt);
- scaletab[1].label = N_txt(AMT_megabyte_txt);
- scaletab[2].label = N_txt(AMT_gigabyte_txt);
- scaletab[3].label = N_txt(AMT_terabyte_txt);
- scaletab[4].label = N_txt(AMT_petabyte_txt);
- scaletab[5].label = N_txt(AMT_exxabyte_txt);
- }
- if (w->rc.graph_mems) {
- static const struct {
- const char *used, *misc, *swap, *type;
- } gtab[] = {
- { "%-.*s~7", "%-.*s~8", "%-.*s~8", Graph_bars },
- { "%-.*s~4", "%-.*s~6", "%-.*s~6", Graph_blks }
- };
- char used[SMLBUFSIZ], util[SMLBUFSIZ], dual[MEDBUFSIZ], row[ROWMINSIZ];
- float pct_used, pct_misc, pct_swap;
- int ix, num_used, num_misc;
- pct_used = (float)MEM_VAL(mem_USE) * (100.0 / (float)MEM_VAL(mem_TOT));
- pct_misc = (float)(MEM_VAL(mem_BUF) + MEM_VAL(mem_QUE)) * (100.0 / (float)MEM_VAL(mem_TOT));
- pct_misc = (float)(MEM_VAL(mem_TOT) - MEM_VAL(mem_AVL) - MEM_VAL(mem_USE)) * (100.0 / (float)MEM_VAL(mem_TOT));
- if (pct_used + pct_misc > 100.0 || pct_misc < 0) pct_misc = 0;
- pct_swap = MEM_VAL(swp_TOT) ? (float)MEM_VAL(swp_USE) * (100.0 / (float)MEM_VAL(swp_TOT)) : 0;
- ix = w->rc.graph_mems - 1;
- num_used = (int)((pct_used * Graph_adj) + .5),
- num_misc = (int)((pct_misc * Graph_adj) + .5);
- if (num_used + num_misc > Graph_len) num_misc = Graph_len - num_used;
- snprintf(used, sizeof(used), gtab[ix].used, num_used, gtab[ix].type);
- snprintf(util, sizeof(util), gtab[ix].misc, num_misc, gtab[ix].type);
- (void)num_used; (void)num_misc;
- snprintf(used, sizeof(used), gtab[ix].used, (int)((pct_used * Graph_adj) + .5), gtab[ix].type);
- snprintf(util, sizeof(util), gtab[ix].misc, (int)((pct_misc * Graph_adj) + .4), gtab[ix].type);
- snprintf(dual, sizeof(dual), "%s%s", used, util);
- snprintf(util, sizeof(util), gtab[ix].swap, (int)((pct_swap * Graph_adj) + .5), gtab[ix].type);
- prT(bfT(0), mkM(MEM_VAL(mem_TOT))); prT(bfT(1), mkM(MEM_VAL(swp_TOT)));
- snprintf(row, sizeof(row), "%s %s:~3%#5.1f~2/%-9.9s~3[~1%-*s]~1"
- , scT(label), N_txt(WORD_abv_mem_txt), pct_used + pct_misc, bfT(0), Graph_len +4, dual);
- Msg_row += sum_see(row, memPARM);
- snprintf(row, sizeof(row), "%s %s:~3%#5.1f~2/%-9.9s~3[~1%-*s]~1"
- , scT(label), N_txt(WORD_abv_swp_txt), pct_swap, bfT(1), Graph_len +2, util);
- Msg_row += sum_see(row, memPARM);
- } else {
- char row[MEDBUFSIZ];
- unsigned long my_misc = MEM_VAL(mem_BUF) + MEM_VAL(mem_QUE);
- prT(bfT(0), mkM(MEM_VAL(mem_TOT))); prT(bfT(1), mkM(MEM_VAL(mem_FRE)));
- prT(bfT(2), mkM(MEM_VAL(mem_USE))); prT(bfT(3), mkM(my_misc));
- prT(bfT(4), mkM(MEM_VAL(swp_TOT))); prT(bfT(5), mkM(MEM_VAL(swp_FRE)));
- prT(bfT(6), mkM(MEM_VAL(swp_USE))); prT(bfT(7), mkM(MEM_VAL(mem_AVL)));
- snprintf(row, sizeof(row), N_unq(MEMORY_line1_fmt)
- , scT(label), N_txt(WORD_abv_mem_txt), bfT(0), bfT(1), bfT(2), bfT(3));
- Msg_row += sum_see(row, memPARM);
- snprintf(row, sizeof(row), N_unq(MEMORY_line2_fmt)
- , scT(label), N_txt(WORD_abv_swp_txt), bfT(4), bfT(5), bfT(6), bfT(7)
- , N_txt(WORD_abv_mem_txt));
- Msg_row += sum_see(row, memPARM);
- }
- #undef bfT
- #undef scT
- #undef mkM
- #undef prT
- #undef memPARM
- } // end: View_MEMORY
+ do_memory();
+ }
#undef isROOM
- #undef anyFLG
} // end: summary_show