--- /dev/null
+mysqli bind_result 1
+ include "connect.inc";
+ /*** test mysqli_connect ***/
+ $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
+ mysqli_select_db($link, "test");
+ $rc = mysqli_query($link,"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_fetch_null");
+ $rc = mysqli_query($link,"CREATE TABLE test_fetch_null(col1 tinyint, col2 smallint,
+ col3 int, col4 bigint,
+ col5 float, col6 double,
+ col7 date, col8 time,
+ col9 varbinary(10),
+ col10 varchar(50),
+ col11 char(20))");
+ $rc = mysqli_query($link,"INSERT INTO test_fetch_null(col1,col10, col11) VALUES(1,'foo1', 1000),(2,'foo2', 88),(3,'foo3', 389789)");
+ $stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, "SELECT col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6, col7, col8, col9, col10, col11 from test_fetch_null");
+ mysqli_bind_result($stmt, &$c1, &$c2, &$c3, &$c4, &$c5, &$c6, &$c7, &$c8, &$c9, &$c10, &$c11);
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_fetch($stmt);
+ $test = array($c1,$c2,$c3,$c4,$c5,$c6,$c7,$c8,$c9,$c10,$c11);
+ var_dump($test);
+ mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
+ mysqli_close($link);
+array(11) {
+ [0]=>
+ int(1)
+ [1]=>
+ [2]=>
+ [3]=>
+ [4]=>
+ [5]=>
+ [6]=>
+ [7]=>
+ [8]=>
+ [9]=>
+ string(4) "foo1"
+ [10]=>
+ string(4) "1000"
--- /dev/null
+mysqli connect
+ include "connect.inc";
+ /*** test mysqli_connect ***/
+ $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
+ mysqli_select_db($link, "test");
+ mysqli_query($link,"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_bind_result");
+ mysqli_query($link,"CREATE TABLE test_bind_result(c1 date, c2 time,
+ c3 timestamp(14),
+ c4 year,
+ c5 datetime,
+ c6 timestamp(4),
+ c7 timestamp(6))");
+ mysqli_query($link,"INSERT INTO test_bind_result VALUES('2002-01-02',
+ '12:49:00',
+ '2002-01-02 17:46:59',
+ 2010,
+ '2010-07-10',
+ '2020','1999-12-29')");
+ $stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, "SELECT * FROM test_bind_result");
+ mysqli_bind_result($stmt,&$c1, &$c2, &$c3, &$c4, &$c5, &$c6, &$c7);
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_fetch($stmt);
+ $test = array($c1,$c2,$c3,$c4,$c5,$c6,$c7);
+ var_dump($test);
+ mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
+ mysqli_close($link);
+array(7) {
+ [0]=>
+ string(10) "2002-01-02"
+ [1]=>
+ string(8) "12:49:00"
+ [2]=>
+ string(19) "2002-01-02 17:46:59"
+ [3]=>
+ int(2010)
+ [4]=>
+ string(19) "2010-07-10 00:00:00"
+ [5]=>
+ string(0) ""
+ [6]=>
+ string(19) "1999-12-29 00:00:00"
--- /dev/null
+mysqli fetch char/text
+ include ("connect.inc");
+ /*** test mysqli_connect ***/
+ $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
+ mysqli_select_db($link, "test");
+ mysqli_query($link,"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_bind_fetch");
+ mysqli_query($link,"CREATE TABLE test_bind_fetch(c1 char(10), c2 text)");
+ mysqli_query($link, "INSERT INTO test_bind_fetch VALUES ('1234567890', 'this is a test')");
+ $stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, "SELECT * FROM test_bind_fetch");
+ mysqli_bind_result($stmt, &$c1, &$c2);
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_fetch($stmt);
+ $test = array($c1,$c2);
+ var_dump($test);
+ mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
+ mysqli_close($link);
+array(2) {
+ [0]=>
+ string(10) "1234567890"
+ [1]=>
+ string(14) "this is a test"
--- /dev/null
+mysqli fetch char/text long
+ include "connect.inc";
+ /*** test mysqli_connect ***/
+ $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
+ mysqli_select_db($link, "test");
+ mysqli_query($link,"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_bind_fetch");
+ mysqli_query($link,"CREATE TABLE test_bind_fetch(c1 char(10), c2 text)");
+ $a = str_repeat("A1", 32000);
+ mysqli_query($link, "INSERT INTO test_bind_fetch VALUES ('1234567890', '$a')");
+ $stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, "SELECT * FROM test_bind_fetch");
+ mysqli_bind_result($stmt, &$c1, &$c2);
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_fetch($stmt);
+ $test[] = $c1;
+ $test[] = ($a == $c2) ? "32K String ok" : "32K String failed";
+ var_dump($test);
+ mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
+ mysqli_close($link);
+array(2) {
+ [0]=>
+ string(10) "1234567890"
+ [1]=>
+ string(13) "32K String ok"
--- /dev/null
+mysqli fetch long values
+ include "connect.inc";
+ /*** test mysqli_connect ***/
+ $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
+ mysqli_select_db($link, "test");
+ mysqli_query($link,"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_bind_fetch");
+ mysqli_query($link,"CREATE TABLE test_bind_fetch(c1 int unsigned,
+ c2 int unsigned,
+ c3 int,
+ c4 int,
+ c5 int,
+ c6 int unsigned,
+ c7 int)");
+ mysqli_query($link, "INSERT INTO test_bind_fetch VALUES (-23,35999,NULL,-500,-9999999,-0,0)");
+ $stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, "SELECT * FROM test_bind_fetch");
+ mysqli_bind_result($stmt, &$c1, &$c2, &$c3, &$c4, &$c5, &$c6, &$c7);
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_fetch($stmt);
+ $test = array($c1,$c2,$c3,$c4,$c5,$c6,$c7);
+ var_dump($test);
+ mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
+ mysqli_close($link);
+array(7) {
+ [0]=>
+ int(0)
+ [1]=>
+ int(35999)
+ [2]=>
+ [3]=>
+ int(-500)
+ [4]=>
+ int(-9999999)
+ [5]=>
+ int(0)
+ [6]=>
+ int(0)
--- /dev/null
+mysqli fetch short values
+ include "connect.inc";
+ /*** test mysqli_connect ***/
+ $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
+ mysqli_select_db($link, "test");
+ mysqli_query($link,"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_bind_fetch");
+ mysqli_query($link,"CREATE TABLE test_bind_fetch(c1 smallint unsigned,
+ c2 smallint unsigned,
+ c3 smallint,
+ c4 smallint,
+ c5 smallint,
+ c6 smallint unsigned,
+ c7 smallint)");
+ mysqli_query($link, "INSERT INTO test_bind_fetch VALUES (-23,35999,NULL,-500,-9999999,+30,0)");
+ $stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, "SELECT * FROM test_bind_fetch");
+ mysqli_bind_result($stmt, &$c1, &$c2, &$c3, &$c4, &$c5, &$c6, &$c7);
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_fetch($stmt);
+ $test = array($c1,$c2,$c3,$c4,$c5,$c6,$c7);
+ var_dump($test);
+ mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
+ mysqli_close($link);
+array(7) {
+ [0]=>
+ int(0)
+ [1]=>
+ int(35999)
+ [2]=>
+ [3]=>
+ int(-500)
+ [4]=>
+ int(-32768)
+ [5]=>
+ int(30)
+ [6]=>
+ int(0)
--- /dev/null
+mysqli fetch tinyint values
+ include "connect.inc";
+ /*** test mysqli_connect ***/
+ $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
+ mysqli_select_db($link, "test");
+ mysqli_query($link,"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_bind_fetch");
+ mysqli_query($link,"CREATE TABLE test_bind_fetch(c1 tinyint,
+ c2 tinyint unsigned,
+ c3 tinyint not NULL,
+ c4 tinyint,
+ c5 tinyint,
+ c6 tinyint unsigned,
+ c7 tinyint)");
+ mysqli_query($link, "INSERT INTO test_bind_fetch VALUES (-23,300,0,-100,-127,+30,0)");
+ $c1 = $c2 = $c3 = $c4 = $c5 = $c6 = $c7 = NULL;
+ $stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, "SELECT * FROM test_bind_fetch");
+ mysqli_bind_result($stmt, &$c1, &$c2, &$c3, &$c4, &$c5, &$c6, &$c7);
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_fetch($stmt);
+ $test = array($c1,$c2,$c3,$c4,$c5,$c6,$c7);
+ var_dump($test);
+ mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
+ mysqli_close($link);
+array(7) {
+ [0]=>
+ int(-23)
+ [1]=>
+ int(255)
+ [2]=>
+ int(0)
+ [3]=>
+ int(-100)
+ [4]=>
+ int(-127)
+ [5]=>
+ int(30)
+ [6]=>
+ int(0)
--- /dev/null
+mysqli fetch bigint values
+ include "connect.inc";
+ /*** test mysqli_connect ***/
+ $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
+ mysqli_select_db($link, "test");
+ mysqli_query($link,"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_bind_fetch");
+ mysqli_query($link,"CREATE TABLE test_bind_fetch(c1 bigint default 5,
+ c2 bigint,
+ c3 bigint not NULL,
+ c4 bigint unsigned,
+ c5 bigint unsigned,
+ c6 bigint unsigned,
+ c7 bigint unsigned)");
+ mysqli_query($link, "INSERT INTO test_bind_fetch (c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7) VALUES (-23,4.0,33333333333333,0,-333333333333,99.9)");
+ $stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, "SELECT * FROM test_bind_fetch");
+ mysqli_bind_result($stmt, &$c1, &$c2, &$c3, &$c4, &$c5, &$c6, &$c7);
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_fetch($stmt);
+ $test = array($c1,$c2,$c3,$c4,$c5,$c6,$c7);
+ var_dump($test);
+ mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
+ mysqli_close($link);
+array(7) {
+ [0]=>
+ int(5)
+ [1]=>
+ int(-23)
+ [2]=>
+ int(4)
+ [3]=>
+ string(14) "33333333333333"
+ [4]=>
+ int(0)
+ [5]=>
+ string(13) "-333333333333"
+ [6]=>
+ int(100)
--- /dev/null
+mysqli fetch float values
+ include "connect.inc";
+ /*** test mysqli_connect ***/
+ $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
+ mysqli_select_db($link, "test");
+ mysqli_query($link,"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_bind_fetch");
+ mysqli_query($link,"CREATE TABLE test_bind_fetch(c1 float(3),
+ c2 float,
+ c3 float unsigned,
+ c4 float,
+ c5 float,
+ c6 float,
+ c7 float(10) unsigned)");
+ mysqli_query($link, "INSERT INTO test_bind_fetch (c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7) VALUES (3.1415926535,-0.000001, -5, 999999999999,
+ sin(0.6), 1.00000000000001, 888888888888888)");
+ $stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, "SELECT * FROM test_bind_fetch");
+ mysqli_bind_result($stmt, &$c1, &$c2, &$c3, &$c4, &$c5, &$c6, &$c7);
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_fetch($stmt);
+ $test = array($c1,$c2,$c3,$c4,$c5,$c6,$c7);
+ var_dump($test);
+ mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
+ mysqli_close($link);
+array(7) {
+ [0]=>
+ float(3.1415927410126)
+ [1]=>
+ float(-9.9999999747524E-7)
+ [2]=>
+ float(0)
+ [3]=>
+ float(999999995904)
+ [4]=>
+ float(0.56464248895645)
+ [5]=>
+ float(1)
+ [6]=>
+ float(888888914608130)
--- /dev/null
+mysqli fetch mixed values
+ include "connect.inc";
+ /*** test mysqli_connect ***/
+ $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
+ mysqli_select_db($link, "test");
+ mysqli_query($link,"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_bind_result");
+ mysqli_query($link,"CREATE TABLE test_bind_result(c1 tinyint, c2 smallint,
+ c3 int, c4 bigint,
+ c5 float, c6 double,
+ c7 varbinary(10),
+ c8 varchar(50))");
+ mysqli_query($link,"INSERT INTO test_bind_result VALUES(19,2999,3999,4999999,
+ 2345.6,5678.89563,
+ 'foobar','mysql rulez')");
+ $stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, "SELECT * FROM test_bind_result");
+ mysqli_bind_result($stmt, &$c1, &$c2, &$c3, &$c4, &$c5, &$c6, &$c7, &$c8);
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_fetch($stmt);
+ $test = array($c1,$c2,$c3,$c4,$c5,$c6,$c7,$c8);
+ var_dump($test);
+ mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
+ mysqli_close($link);
+array(8) {
+ [0]=>
+ int(19)
+ [1]=>
+ int(2999)
+ [2]=>
+ int(3999)
+ [3]=>
+ int(4999999)
+ [4]=>
+ float(2345.6000976563)
+ [5]=>
+ float(5678.89563)
+ [6]=>
+ string(6) "foobar"
+ [7]=>
+ string(11) "mysql rulez"
--- /dev/null
+mysqli fetch mixed values 2
+ include "connect.inc";
+ /*** test mysqli_connect ***/
+ $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
+ mysqli_select_db($link, "test");
+ mysqli_query($link,"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_bind_result");
+ mysqli_query($link,"CREATE TABLE test_bind_result(c1 tinyint, c2 smallint,
+ c3 int, c4 bigint,
+ c5 float, c6 double,
+ c7 varbinary(10),
+ c8 varchar(10))");
+ mysqli_query($link,"INSERT INTO test_bind_result VALUES(120,2999,3999,54,
+ 2.6,58.89,
+ '206','6.7')");
+ $stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, "SELECT * FROM test_bind_result");
+ mysqli_bind_result($stmt, &$c1, &$c2, &$c3, &$c4, &$c5, &$c6, &$c7, &$c8);
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_fetch($stmt);
+ $test = array($c1,$c2,$c3,$c4,$c5,$c6,$c7,$c8);
+ var_dump($test);
+ mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
+ mysqli_close($link);
+array(8) {
+ [0]=>
+ int(120)
+ [1]=>
+ int(2999)
+ [2]=>
+ int(3999)
+ [3]=>
+ int(54)
+ [4]=>
+ float(2.5999999046326)
+ [5]=>
+ float(58.89)
+ [6]=>
+ string(3) "206"
+ [7]=>
+ string(3) "6.7"
--- /dev/null
+mysqli fetch mixed / mysql_query
+ include "connect.inc";
+ /*** test mysqli_connect ***/
+ $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
+ mysqli_select_db($link, "test");
+ mysqli_query($link,"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_bind_result");
+ mysqli_query($link,"CREATE TABLE test_bind_result(c1 tinyint, c2 smallint,
+ c3 int, c4 bigint,
+ c5 decimal(4,2), c6 double,
+ c7 varbinary(10),
+ c8 varchar(10))");
+ mysqli_query($link,"INSERT INTO test_bind_result VALUES(120,2999,3999,54,
+ 2.6,58.89,
+ '206','6.7')");
+ $stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, "SELECT * FROM test_bind_result");
+ $c = array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
+ mysqli_bind_result($stmt, &$c[0], &$c[1], &$c[2], &$c[3], &$c[4], &$c[5], &$c[6], &$c[7]);
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_fetch($stmt);
+ mysqli_fetch($stmt);
+ mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
+ $result = mysqli_query($link, "select * from test_bind_result");
+ $d = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
+ mysqli_free_result($result);
+ $test = "";
+ for ($i=0; $i < count($c); $i++)
+ $test .= ($c[0] == $d[0]) ? "1" : "0";
+ var_dump($test);
+ mysqli_close($link);
+string(8) "11111111"
--- /dev/null
+mysqli fetch user variable
+ include "connect.inc";
+ /*** test mysqli_connect ***/
+ $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
+ mysqli_select_db($link, "test");
+ mysqli_query($link, "SET @dummy='foobar'");
+ $stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, "SELECT @dummy");
+ mysqli_bind_result($stmt, &$dummy);
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_fetch($stmt);
+ var_dump($dummy);
+ mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
+ mysqli_close($link);
+string(6) "foobar"
--- /dev/null
+mysqli fetch functions
+ include "connect.inc";
+ /*** test mysqli_connect ***/
+ $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
+ mysqli_select_db($link, "test");
+ $stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, "SELECT current_user(), database()");
+ mysqli_bind_result($stmt, &$c0, &$c1);
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_fetch($stmt);
+ $test = array($c0, $c1);
+ var_dump($test);
+ mysqli_close($link);
+array(2) {
+ [0]=>
+ string(14) "root@localhost"
+ [1]=>
+ string(4) "test"
--- /dev/null
+mysqli fetch system variables
+ include "connect.inc";
+ /*** test mysqli_connect ***/
+ $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
+ mysqli_select_db($link, "test");
+ mysqli_query($link, "SET AUTOCOMMIT=0");
+ $stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, "SELECT @@autocommit");
+ mysqli_bind_result($stmt, &$c0);
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_fetch($stmt);
+ var_dump($c0);
+ mysqli_close($link);
--- /dev/null
+mysqli fetch (bind_param + bind_result)
+ include "connect.inc";
+ /*** test mysqli_connect ***/
+ $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
+ mysqli_select_db($link, "test");
+ $rc = mysqli_query($link,"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS insert_read");
+ $rc = mysqli_query($link,"CREATE TABLE insert_read(col1 tinyint, col2 smallint,
+ col3 int, col4 bigint,
+ col5 float, col6 double,
+ col7 date, col8 time,
+ col9 varbinary(10),
+ col10 varchar(50),
+ col11 char(20))");
+ $stmt= mysqli_prepare($link,"INSERT INTO insert_read(col1,col10, col11) VALUES(?,?,?)");
+ mysqli_bind_param($stmt, &$c1, MYSQLI_BIND_INT, &$c2, MYSQLI_BIND_STRING, &$c3, MYSQLI_BIND_STRING);
+ $c1 = 1;
+ $c2 = "foo";
+ $c3 = "foobar";
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
+ $stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, "SELECT col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6, col7, col8, col9, col10, col11 from insert_read");
+ mysqli_bind_result($stmt, &$c1, &$c2, &$c3, &$c4, &$c5, &$c6, &$c7, &$c8, &$c9, &$c10, &$c11);
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_fetch($stmt);
+ $test = array($c1,$c2,$c3,$c4,$c5,$c6,$c7,$c8,$c9,$c10,$c11);
+ var_dump($test);
+ mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
+ mysqli_close($link);
+array(11) {
+ [0]=>
+ int(1)
+ [1]=>
+ [2]=>
+ [3]=>
+ [4]=>
+ [5]=>
+ [6]=>
+ [7]=>
+ [8]=>
+ [9]=>
+ string(3) "foo"
+ [10]=>
+ string(6) "foobar"
--- /dev/null
+mysqli bind_param/bind_result date
+ include "connect.inc";
+ /*** test mysqli_connect ***/
+ $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
+ mysqli_select_db($link, "test");
+ mysqli_query($link,"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_bind_result");
+ mysqli_query($link,"CREATE TABLE test_bind_result(c1 date, c2 time,
+ c3 timestamp(14),
+ c4 year,
+ c5 datetime,
+ c6 timestamp(4),
+ c7 timestamp(6))");
+ $stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, "INSERT INTO test_bind_result VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
+ mysqli_bind_param($stmt, &$d1, MYSQLI_BIND_STRING,
+ $d1 = '2002-01-02';
+ $d2 = '12:49:00';
+ $d3 = '2002-01-02 17:46:59';
+ $d4 = 2010;
+ $d5 ='2010-07-10';
+ $d6 = '2020';
+ $d7 = '1999-12-29';
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
+ $stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, "SELECT * FROM test_bind_result");
+ mysqli_bind_result($stmt,&$c1, &$c2, &$c3, &$c4, &$c5, &$c6, &$c7);
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_fetch($stmt);
+ $test = array($c1,$c2,$c3,$c4,$c5,$c6,$c7);
+ var_dump($test);
+ mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
+ mysqli_close($link);
+array(7) {
+ [0]=>
+ string(10) "2002-01-02"
+ [1]=>
+ string(8) "12:49:00"
+ [2]=>
+ string(19) "2002-01-02 17:46:59"
+ [3]=>
+ int(2010)
+ [4]=>
+ string(19) "2010-07-10 00:00:00"
+ [5]=>
+ string(0) ""
+ [6]=>
+ string(19) "1999-12-29 00:00:00"
--- /dev/null
+mysqli bind_param+bind_result char/text
+ include "connect.inc";
+ /*** test mysqli_connect ***/
+ $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
+ mysqli_select_db($link, "test");
+ mysqli_query($link,"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_bind_fetch");
+ mysqli_query($link,"CREATE TABLE test_bind_fetch(c1 char(10), c2 text)");
+ $stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, "INSERT INTO test_bind_fetch VALUES (?,?)");
+ mysqli_bind_param($stmt, &$q1, MYSQLI_BIND_STRING, &$q2, MYSQLI_BIND_STRING);
+ $q1 = "1234567890";
+ $q2 = "this is a test";
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
+ $stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, "SELECT * FROM test_bind_fetch");
+ mysqli_bind_result($stmt, &$c1, &$c2);
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_fetch($stmt);
+ $test = array($c1,$c2);
+ var_dump($test);
+ mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
+ mysqli_close($link);
+array(2) {
+ [0]=>
+ string(10) "1234567890"
+ [1]=>
+ string(14) "this is a test"
--- /dev/null
+mysqli bind_param/bind_result char/text long
+ include "connect.inc";
+ /*** test mysqli_connect ***/
+ $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
+ mysqli_select_db($link, "test");
+ mysqli_query($link,"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_bind_fetch");
+ mysqli_query($link,"CREATE TABLE test_bind_fetch(c1 char(10), c2 text)");
+ $stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, "INSERT INTO test_bind_fetch VALUES (?,?)");
+ mysqli_bind_param($stmt, &$a1, MYSQLI_BIND_STRING, &$a2, MYSQLI_BIND_STRING);
+ $a1 = "1234567890";
+ $a2 = str_repeat("A1", 32000);
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
+ $stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, "SELECT * FROM test_bind_fetch");
+ mysqli_bind_result($stmt, &$c1, &$c2);
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_fetch($stmt);
+ $test[] = $c1;
+ $test[] = ($a2 == $c2) ? "32K String ok" : "32K String failed";
+ var_dump($test);
+ mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
+ mysqli_close($link);
+array(2) {
+ [0]=>
+ string(10) "1234567890"
+ [1]=>
+ string(13) "32K String ok"
--- /dev/null
+mysqli bind_param/bind_prepare fetch long values
+ include "connect.inc";
+ /*** test mysqli_connect ***/
+ $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
+ mysqli_select_db($link, "test");
+ mysqli_query($link,"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_bind_fetch");
+ mysqli_query($link,"CREATE TABLE test_bind_fetch(c1 int unsigned,
+ c2 int unsigned,
+ c3 int,
+ c4 int,
+ c5 int,
+ c6 int unsigned,
+ c7 int)");
+ $stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, "INSERT INTO test_bind_fetch VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
+ mysqli_bind_param($stmt, &$c1,MYSQLI_BIND_INT,&$c2,MYSQLI_BIND_INT,&$c3,MYSQLI_BIND_INT,
+ $c1 = -23;
+ $c2 = 35999;
+ $c3 = NULL;
+ $c4 = -500;
+ $c5 = -9999999;
+ $c6 = -0;
+ $c7 = 0;
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
+ $stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, "SELECT * FROM test_bind_fetch");
+ mysqli_bind_result($stmt, &$c1, &$c2, &$c3, &$c4, &$c5, &$c6, &$c7);
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_fetch($stmt);
+ $test = array($c1,$c2,$c3,$c4,$c5,$c6,$c7);
+ var_dump($test);
+ mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
+ mysqli_close($link);
+array(7) {
+ [0]=>
+ int(0)
+ [1]=>
+ int(35999)
+ [2]=>
+ [3]=>
+ int(-500)
+ [4]=>
+ int(-9999999)
+ [5]=>
+ int(0)
+ [6]=>
+ int(0)
--- /dev/null
+mysqli bind_param/bind_result short values
+ include "connect.inc";
+ /*** test mysqli_connect ***/
+ $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
+ mysqli_select_db($link, "test");
+ mysqli_query($link,"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_bind_fetch");
+ mysqli_query($link,"CREATE TABLE test_bind_fetch(c1 smallint unsigned,
+ c2 smallint unsigned,
+ c3 smallint,
+ c4 smallint,
+ c5 smallint,
+ c6 smallint unsigned,
+ c7 smallint)");
+ $stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, "INSERT INTO test_bind_fetch VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
+ mysqli_bind_param($stmt, &$c1,MYSQLI_BIND_INT,&$c2,MYSQLI_BIND_INT,&$c3,MYSQLI_BIND_INT,
+ $c1 = -23;
+ $c2 = 35999;
+ $c3 = NULL;
+ $c4 = -500;
+ $c5 = -9999999;
+ $c6 = -0;
+ $c7 = 0;
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
+ $stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, "SELECT * FROM test_bind_fetch");
+ mysqli_bind_result($stmt, &$c1, &$c2, &$c3, &$c4, &$c5, &$c6, &$c7);
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_fetch($stmt);
+ $test = array($c1,$c2,$c3,$c4,$c5,$c6,$c7);
+ var_dump($test);
+ mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
+ mysqli_close($link);
+array(7) {
+ [0]=>
+ int(0)
+ [1]=>
+ int(35999)
+ [2]=>
+ [3]=>
+ int(-500)
+ [4]=>
+ int(-32768)
+ [5]=>
+ int(0)
+ [6]=>
+ int(0)
--- /dev/null
+mysqli bind_param/bind_result tinyint values
+ include "connect.inc";
+ /*** test mysqli_connect ***/
+ $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
+ mysqli_select_db($link, "test");
+ mysqli_query($link,"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_bind_fetch");
+ mysqli_query($link,"CREATE TABLE test_bind_fetch(c1 tinyint,
+ c2 tinyint unsigned,
+ c3 tinyint not NULL,
+ c4 tinyint,
+ c5 tinyint,
+ c6 tinyint unsigned,
+ c7 tinyint)");
+ $stmt = mysqli_prepare ($link, "INSERT INTO test_bind_fetch VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
+ mysqli_bind_param($stmt,&$c1, MYSQLI_BIND_INT,&$c2, MYSQLI_BIND_INT,&$c3, MYSQLI_BIND_INT,&$c4, MYSQLI_BIND_INT,
+ $c1 = -23;
+ $c2 = 300;
+ $c3 = 0;
+ $c4 = -100;
+ $c5 = -127;
+ $c6 = 30;
+ $c7 = 0;
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
+ mysqli_query($link, "INSERT INTO test_bind_fetch VALUES (-23,300,0,-100,-127,+30,0)");
+ $c1 = $c2 = $c3 = $c4 = $c5 = $c6 = $c7 = NULL;
+ $stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, "SELECT * FROM test_bind_fetch");
+ mysqli_bind_result($stmt, &$c1, &$c2, &$c3, &$c4, &$c5, &$c6, &$c7);
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_fetch($stmt);
+ $test = array($c1,$c2,$c3,$c4,$c5,$c6,$c7);
+ var_dump($test);
+ mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
+ mysqli_close($link);
+array(7) {
+ [0]=>
+ int(-23)
+ [1]=>
+ int(255)
+ [2]=>
+ int(0)
+ [3]=>
+ int(-100)
+ [4]=>
+ int(-127)
+ [5]=>
+ int(30)
+ [6]=>
+ int(0)
--- /dev/null
+mysqli bind_param/bind_result with send_long_data
+ $user = "root";
+ $passwd = "";
+ /*** test mysqli_connect ***/
+ $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
+ mysqli_select_db($link, "test");
+ mysqli_query($link,"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_bind_fetch");
+ mysqli_query($link,"CREATE TABLE test_bind_fetch(c1 varchar(10), c2 text)");
+ $stmt = mysqli_prepare ($link, "INSERT INTO test_bind_fetch VALUES (?,?)");
+ mysqli_bind_param($stmt,&$c1, MYSQLI_BIND_STRING, &$c2, MYSQLI_BIND_SEND_DATA);
+ $c1 = "Hello World";
+ mysqli_send_long_data($stmt, 2, "This is the first sentence.");
+ mysqli_send_long_data($stmt, 2, " And this is the second sentence.");
+ mysqli_send_long_data($stmt, 2, " And finally this is the last sentence.");
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
+ $stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, "SELECT * FROM test_bind_fetch");
+ mysqli_bind_result($stmt, &$d1, &$d2);
+ mysqli_execute($stmt);
+ mysqli_fetch($stmt);
+ $test = array($d1,$d2);
+ var_dump($test);
+ mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
+ mysqli_close($link);
+array(2) {
+ [0]=>
+ string(10) "Hello Worl"
+ [1]=>
+ string(99) "This is the first sentence. And this is the second sentence. And finally this is the last sentence."
--- /dev/null
+function test: mysqli_affected_rows
+ $user = "root";
+ $passwd = "";
+ /*** test mysqli_connect ***/
+ $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
+ mysqli_select_db($link, "test");
+ mysqli_query($link, "drop table if exists general_test");
+ mysqli_query($link, "create table general_test (a int)");
+ mysqli_query($link, "insert into general_test values (1),(2),(3)");
+ $afc = mysqli_affected_rows($link);
+ var_dump($afc);
+ mysqli_close($link);
--- /dev/null
+function test: mysqli_errno
+ $user = "root";
+ $passwd = "";
+ /*** test mysqli_connect ***/
+ $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
+ $errno = mysqli_errno($link);
+ var_dump($errno);
+ mysqli_select_db($link, "test");
+ mysqli_query($link, "select * from non_exisiting_table");
+ $errno = mysqli_errno($link);
+ var_dump($errno);
+ mysqli_close($link);
--- /dev/null
+function test: mysqli_error
+ $user = "root";
+ $passwd = "";
+ /*** test mysqli_connect ***/
+ $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
+ $error = mysqli_error($link);
+ var_dump($error);
+ mysqli_select_db($link, "test");
+ mysqli_query($link, "select * from non_exisiting_table");
+ $error = mysqli_error($link);
+ var_dump($error);
+ mysqli_close($link);
+string(0) ""
+string(46) "Table 'test.non_exisiting_table' doesn't exist"
--- /dev/null
+function test: mysqli_info
+ $user = "root";
+ $passwd = "";
+ /*** test mysqli_connect ***/
+ $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
+ mysqli_select_db($link, "test");
+ mysqli_query($link, "drop table if exists general_test");
+ mysqli_query($link, "create table general_test (a int)");
+ mysqli_query($link, "insert into general_test values (1),(2),(3)");
+ $afc = mysqli_info($link);
+ var_dump($afc);
+ mysqli_close($link);
+string(38) "Records: 3 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0"
--- /dev/null
+function test: mysqli_get_host_info
+ $user = "root";
+ $passwd = "";
+ /*** test mysqli_connect ***/
+ $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
+ $hinfo = mysqli_get_host_info($link);
+ var_dump($hinfo);
+ mysqli_close($link);
+string(25) "Localhost via UNIX socket"
--- /dev/null
+function test: mysqli_get_proto_info
+ $user = "root";
+ $passwd = "";
+ /*** test mysqli_connect ***/
+ $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
+ $pinfo = mysqli_get_proto_info($link);
+ var_dump($pinfo);
+ mysqli_close($link);
--- /dev/null
+function test: mysqli_get_server_info
+ $user = "root";
+ $passwd = "";
+ /*** test mysqli_connect ***/
+ $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
+ $sinfo = substr(mysqli_get_server_info($link),0,1);
+ var_dump($sinfo);
+ mysqli_close($link);
+string(1) "4"
--- /dev/null
+Apache 2.0
+Sascha Schumann, Aaron Bannert original work
+Ian Holsman & Justin Erenkrantz is for converting this to a handler
--- /dev/null
+ This module exploits the layered I/O support in Apache 2.0.
+ In Apache 2.0, you have handlers which generate content (like
+ reading a script from disk). The content goes then through
+ a chain of filters. PHP can be such a filter, so that it processes
+ your script and hands the output to the next filter (which will
+ usually cause a write to the network).
+ Currently the issues with the module are:
+ * Thread safety of external PHP modules
+ * The lack of re-entrancy of PHP. due to this I have disabled the 'virtual'
+ function, and tried to stop any method where a php script can run another php
+ script while it is being run.
+ This SAPI module is known to work with Apache 2.0.44.
+ $ cd apache-2.x
+ $ cd src
+ $ ./configure --enable-so
+ $ make install
+ For testing purposes, you might want to use --with-mpm=prefork.
+ (Albeit PHP also works with threaded MPMs. See Thread Safety note above)
+ Configure PHP 4:
+ $ cd php-4.x
+ $ ./configure --with-apxs2=/path/to/apache-2.0/bin/apxs
+ $ make install
+ At the end of conf/httpd.conf, add:
+ AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
+ If you would like to enable source code highlighting functionality add:
+ AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
+ That's it. Now start bin/httpd.
+ The Apache 2.0 PHP module supports a new configuration directive that
+ allows an admin to override the php.ini search path. For example,
+ place your php.ini file in Apache's ServerRoot/conf directory and
+ add this to your httpd.conf file:
+ PHPINIDir "conf"
+ To debug Apache, we recommened:
+ 1. Use the Prefork MPM (Apache 1.3-like process model) by
+ configuring Apache with '--with-mpm=prefork'.
+ 2. Start httpd using -DONE_PROCESS (e.g. (gdb) r -DONE_PROCESS).
+ If you want to debug a part of the PHP startup procedure, set a
+ breakpoint on 'load_module'. Step through it until apr_dso_load() is
+ done. Then you can set a breakpoint on any PHP-related symbol.
+ PHP functions like apache_sub_req (see php_functions.c)
+ Source Code Highlighting
+ Protocol handlers
--- /dev/null
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | PHP Version 4 |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Copyright (c) 1997-2003 The PHP Group |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license, |
+ | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
+ | available at through the world-wide-web at |
+ | http://www.php.net/license/2_02.txt. |
+ | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
+ | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
+ | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Author: Sascha Schumann <sascha@schumann.cx> |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ */
+/* $Id$ */
+#include "php.h"
+#include "php_ini.h"
+#include "php_apache.h"
+#include "apr_strings.h"
+#include "ap_config.h"
+#include "util_filter.h"
+#include "httpd.h"
+#include "http_config.h"
+#include "http_request.h"
+#include "http_core.h"
+#include "http_protocol.h"
+#include "http_log.h"
+#include "http_main.h"
+#include "util_script.h"
+#include "http_core.h"
+#ifdef PHP_AP_DEBUG
+#define phpapdebug(a) fprintf a
+#define phpapdebug(a)
+typedef struct {
+ HashTable config;
+} php_conf_rec;
+typedef struct {
+ char *value;
+ size_t value_len;
+ char status;
+} php_dir_entry;
+static const char *real_value_hnd(cmd_parms *cmd, void *dummy,
+ const char *name, const char *value, int status)
+ php_conf_rec *d = dummy;
+ php_dir_entry e;
+ phpapdebug((stderr, "Getting %s=%s for %p (%d)\n", name, value, dummy,
+ zend_hash_num_elements(&d->config)));
+ if (!strncasecmp(value, "none", sizeof("none"))) {
+ value = "";
+ }
+ e.value = apr_pstrdup(cmd->pool, value);
+ e.value_len = strlen(value);
+ e.status = status;
+ zend_hash_update(&d->config, (char *) name, strlen(name) + 1, &e,
+ sizeof(e), NULL);
+ return NULL;
+static const char *php_apache_value_handler(cmd_parms *cmd, void *dummy,
+ const char *name, const char *value)
+ return real_value_hnd(cmd, dummy, name, value, PHP_INI_PERDIR);
+static const char *php_apache_admin_value_handler(cmd_parms *cmd, void *dummy,
+ const char *name, const char *value)
+ return real_value_hnd(cmd, dummy, name, value, PHP_INI_SYSTEM);
+static const char *real_flag_hnd(cmd_parms *cmd, void *dummy, const char *arg1,
+ const char *arg2, int status)
+ char bool_val[2];
+ if (!strcasecmp(arg2, "On") || (arg2[0] == '1' && arg2[1] == '\0')) {
+ bool_val[0] = '1';
+ } else {
+ bool_val[0] = '0';
+ }
+ bool_val[1] = 0;
+ return real_value_hnd(cmd, dummy, arg1, bool_val, status);
+static const char *php_apache_flag_handler(cmd_parms *cmd, void *dummy,
+ const char *name, const char *value)
+ return real_flag_hnd(cmd, dummy, name, value, PHP_INI_PERDIR);
+static const char *php_apache_admin_flag_handler(cmd_parms *cmd, void *dummy,
+ const char *name, const char *value)
+ return real_flag_hnd(cmd, dummy, name, value, PHP_INI_SYSTEM);
+static const char *php_apache_phpini_set(cmd_parms *cmd, void *mconfig,
+ const char *arg)
+ if (apache2_php_ini_path_override) {
+ return "Only first PHPINIDir directive honored per configuration tree "
+ "- subsequent ones ignored";
+ }
+ apache2_php_ini_path_override = ap_server_root_relative(cmd->pool, arg);
+ return NULL;
+void *merge_php_config(apr_pool_t *p, void *base_conf, void *new_conf)
+ php_conf_rec *d = base_conf, *e = new_conf;
+ php_dir_entry *pe;
+ php_dir_entry *data;
+ char *str;
+ uint str_len;
+ ulong num_index;
+ phpapdebug((stderr, "Merge dir (%p) (%p)\n", base_conf, new_conf));
+ for (zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset(&d->config);
+ zend_hash_get_current_key_ex(&d->config, &str, &str_len,
+ &num_index, 0, NULL) == HASH_KEY_IS_STRING;
+ zend_hash_move_forward(&d->config)) {
+ pe = NULL;
+ zend_hash_get_current_data(&d->config, (void **) &data);
+ if (zend_hash_find(&e->config, str, str_len, (void **) &pe) == SUCCESS) {
+ if (pe->status >= data->status) continue;
+ }
+ zend_hash_update(&e->config, str, str_len, data, sizeof(*data), NULL);
+ phpapdebug((stderr, "ADDING/OVERWRITING %s (%d vs. %d)\n", str,
+ data->status, pe?pe->status:-1));
+ }
+ return new_conf;
+char *get_php_config(void *conf, char *name, size_t name_len)
+ php_conf_rec *d = conf;
+ php_dir_entry *pe;
+ if (zend_hash_find(&d->config, name, name_len, (void **) &pe) == SUCCESS) {
+ return pe->value;
+ }
+ return "";
+void apply_config(void *dummy)
+ php_conf_rec *d = dummy;
+ char *str;
+ uint str_len;
+ php_dir_entry *data;
+ for (zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset(&d->config);
+ zend_hash_get_current_key_ex(&d->config, &str, &str_len, NULL, 0,
+ zend_hash_move_forward(&d->config)) {
+ zend_hash_get_current_data(&d->config, (void **) &data);
+ phpapdebug((stderr, "APPLYING (%s)(%s)\n", str, data->value));
+ if (zend_alter_ini_entry(str, str_len, data->value, data->value_len,
+ data->status, PHP_INI_STAGE_RUNTIME) == FAILURE) {
+ phpapdebug((stderr, "..FAILED\n"));
+ }
+ }
+const command_rec php_dir_cmds[] =
+ AP_INIT_TAKE2("php_value", php_apache_value_handler, NULL, OR_OPTIONS,
+ "PHP Value Modifier"),
+ AP_INIT_TAKE2("php_flag", php_apache_flag_handler, NULL, OR_OPTIONS,
+ "PHP Flag Modifier"),
+ AP_INIT_TAKE2("php_admin_value", php_apache_admin_value_handler, NULL,
+ ACCESS_CONF|RSRC_CONF, "PHP Value Modifier (Admin)"),
+ AP_INIT_TAKE2("php_admin_flag", php_apache_admin_flag_handler, NULL,
+ ACCESS_CONF|RSRC_CONF, "PHP Flag Modifier (Admin)"),
+ AP_INIT_TAKE1("PHPINIDir", php_apache_phpini_set, NULL, RSRC_CONF,
+ "Directory containing the php.ini file"),
+ {NULL}
+static apr_status_t destroy_php_config(void *data)
+ php_conf_rec *d = data;
+ phpapdebug((stderr, "Destroying config %p\n", data));
+ zend_hash_destroy(&d->config);
+ return APR_SUCCESS;
+void *create_php_config(apr_pool_t *p, char *dummy)
+ php_conf_rec *newx =
+ (php_conf_rec *) apr_pcalloc(p, sizeof(*newx));
+ phpapdebug((stderr, "Creating new config (%p) for %s\n", newx, dummy));
+ zend_hash_init(&newx->config, 0, NULL, NULL, 1);
+ apr_pool_cleanup_register(p, newx, destroy_php_config, apr_pool_cleanup_null);
+ return (void *) newx;
+ * Local variables:
+ * tab-width: 4
+ * c-basic-offset: 4
+ * End:
+ * vim600: sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker
+ * vim<600: sw=4 ts=4
+ */
--- /dev/null
+dnl $Id$
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Apache 2.0 handler-module support via DSO through APXS)
+[ --with-apxs2handler[=FILE] EXPERIMENTAL: Build shared Apache 2.0 module. FILE is the optional
+ pathname to the Apache apxs tool; defaults to "apxs".],[
+ if test "$withval" = "yes"; then
+ APXS=apxs
+ $APXS -q CFLAGS >/dev/null 2>&1
+ if test "$?" != "0" && test -x /usr/sbin/apxs; then
+ APXS=/usr/sbin/apxs
+ fi
+ else
+ fi
+ $APXS -q CFLAGS >/dev/null 2>&1
+ if test "$?" != "0"; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([Sorry, I cannot run apxs. Possible reasons follow:])
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([1. Perl is not installed])
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([2. apxs was not found. Try to pass the path using --with-apxs2handler=/path/to/apxs])
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([3. Apache was not built using --enable-so (the apxs usage page is displayed)])
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([The output of $APXS follows:])
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([Aborting])
+ fi
+ for flag in $APXS_CFLAGS; do
+ case $flag in
+ -D*) CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS $flag";;
+ esac
+ done
+ # Test that we're trying to configure with apache 2.x
+ if test "$APACHE_VERSION" -le 2000000; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([You have enabled Apache 2 support while your server is Apache 1.3. Please use the appropiate switch --with-apxs (without the 2)])
+ elif test "$APACHE_VERSION" -lt 2000044; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([Please note that Apache version >= 2.0.44 is required.])
+ fi
+ if test -z `$APXS -q SYSCONFDIR`; then
+ optarg=
+ else
+ optarg=-a
+ fi
+ INSTALL_IT='$(mkinstalldirs) '"$APXS_LIBEXECDIR && $APXS -S LIBEXECDIR='$APXS_LIBEXECDIR' -i ${optarg} -n php4"
+ case $host_alias in
+ *aix*)
+ PHP_SELECT_SAPI(apache2handler, shared, sapi_apache2.c apache_config.c php_functions.c)
+ ;;
+ *darwin*)
+ dnl When using bundles on Darwin, we must resolve all symbols. However,
+ dnl the linker does not recursively look at the bundle loader and
+ dnl pull in its dependencies. Therefore, we must pull in the APR
+ dnl and APR-util libraries.
+ if test -f $APXS_BINDIR/apr-config; then
+ MH_BUNDLE_FLAGS="`$APXS_BINDIR/apr-config --ldflags --link-ld --libs`"
+ fi
+ if test -f $APXS_BINDIR/apu-config; then
+ MH_BUNDLE_FLAGS="`$APXS_BINDIR/apu-config --ldflags --link-ld --libs` $MH_BUNDLE_FLAGS"
+ fi
+ MH_BUNDLE_FLAGS="-bundle -bundle_loader $APXS_HTTPD $MH_BUNDLE_FLAGS"
+ PHP_SELECT_SAPI(apache2handler, bundle, sapi_apache2.c apache_config.c php_functions.c)
+ SAPI_SHARED=libs/libphp4.so
+ ;;
+ *beos*)
+ if test -f _APP_; then `rm _APP_`; fi
+ `ln -s $APXS_BINDIR/httpd _APP_`
+ PHP_SELECT_SAPI(apache2handler, shared, sapi_apache2.c apache_config.c php_functions.c)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ PHP_SELECT_SAPI(apache2handler, shared, sapi_apache2.c apache_config.c php_functions.c)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if test "$APXS_MPM" != "prefork"; then
+ fi
+dnl ## Local Variables:
+dnl ## tab-width: 4
+dnl ## End:
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="php4apache2h" - Package Owner=<4>\r
+# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00\r
+# ** DO NOT EDIT **\r
+# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library" 0x0102\r
+CFG=php4apache2h - Win32 Debug_TS\r
+!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,\r
+!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run\r
+!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "php4apache2h.mak".\r
+!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE\r
+!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:\r
+!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "php4apache2h.mak" CFG="php4apache2h - Win32 Debug_TS"\r
+!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:\r
+!MESSAGE "php4apache2h - Win32 Release_TS" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library")\r
+!MESSAGE "php4apache2h - Win32 Release_TS_inline" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library")\r
+!MESSAGE "php4apache2h - Win32 Debug_TS" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library")\r
+# Begin Project\r
+# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0\r
+# PROP Scc_ProjName ""\r
+# PROP Scc_LocalPath ""\r
+!IF "$(CFG)" == "php4apache2h - Win32 Release_TS"\r
+# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0\r
+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0\r
+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release_TS"\r
+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release_TS"\r
+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""\r
+# PROP Use_MFC 0\r
+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0\r
+# PROP Output_Dir "..\..\Release_TS"\r
+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release_TS"\r
+# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0\r
+# PROP Target_Dir ""\r
+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "php4apache2h_EXPORTS" /YX /FD /c\r
+# ADD CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /GX /O2 /I "...\..\include" /I "..\..\win32" /I "..\..\Zend" /I "..\.." /I "..\..\..\bindlib_w32" /I "..\..\main" /I "..\..\TSRM" /D ZEND_DEBUG=0 /D "NDEBUG" /D "ZTS" /D "ZEND_WIN32" /D "PHP_WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "WIN32" /D "_MBCS" /D "_WINSOCK2API_" /D "_MSWSOCK_" /YX /FD /c\r
+# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32\r
+# ADD MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32\r
+# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x407 /d "NDEBUG"\r
+# ADD RSC /l 0x407 /d "NDEBUG"\r
+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo\r
+# ADD BSC32 /nologo\r
+# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /machine:I386\r
+# ADD LINK32 php4ts.lib libhttpd.lib libapr.lib libaprutil.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /machine:I386 /libpath:"..\..\Release_TS" /libpath:"..\..\TSRM\Release_TS" /libpath:"..\..\Zend\Release_TS"\r
+!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "php4apache2h - Win32 Release_TS_inline"\r
+# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0\r
+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0\r
+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release_TS_inline"\r
+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release_TS_inline"\r
+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""\r
+# PROP Use_MFC 0\r
+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0\r
+# PROP Output_Dir "..\..\Release_TS_inline"\r
+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release_TS_inline"\r
+# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0\r
+# PROP Target_Dir ""\r
+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "php4apache2h_EXPORTS" /YX /FD /c\r
+# ADD CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /GX /O2 /I "...\..\include" /I "..\..\win32" /I "..\..\Zend" /I "..\.." /I "..\..\..\bindlib_w32" /I "..\..\main" /I "..\..\TSRM" /D ZEND_DEBUG=0 /D "ZEND_WIN32_FORCE_INLINE" /D "NDEBUG" /D "ZTS" /D "ZEND_WIN32" /D "PHP_WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "WIN32" /D "_MBCS" /D "_WINSOCK2API_" /D "_MSWSOCK_" /YX /FD /c\r
+# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32\r
+# ADD MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32\r
+# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x407 /d "NDEBUG"\r
+# ADD RSC /l 0x407 /d "NDEBUG"\r
+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo\r
+# ADD BSC32 /nologo\r
+# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /machine:I386\r
+# ADD LINK32 php4ts.lib libhttpd.lib libapr.lib libaprutil.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /machine:I386 /out:"..\..\Release_TS_inline/php4apache2h.dll" /libpath:"..\..\Release_TS_inline" /libpath:"..\..\TSRM\Release_TS_inline" /libpath:"..\..\Zend\Release_TS_inline"\r
+!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "php4apache2h - Win32 Debug_TS"\r
+# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0\r
+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1\r
+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Debug_TS"\r
+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Debug_TS"\r
+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""\r
+# PROP Use_MFC 0\r
+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1\r
+# PROP Output_Dir "..\..\Debug_TS"\r
+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug_TS"\r
+# PROP Target_Dir ""\r
+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "php4apache2h_EXPORTS" /YX /FD /GZ /c\r
+# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /I "...\..\include" /I "..\..\win32" /I "..\..\Zend" /I "..\.." /I "..\..\..\bindlib_w32" /I "..\..\main" /I "..\..\TSRM" /D "_DEBUG" /D ZEND_DEBUG=1 /D "ZTS" /D "ZEND_WIN32" /D "PHP_WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "WIN32" /D "_MBCS" /D "_WINSOCK2API_" /D "_MSWSOCK_" /YX /FD /GZ /c\r
+# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32\r
+# ADD MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32\r
+# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x407 /d "_DEBUG"\r
+# ADD RSC /l 0x407 /d "_DEBUG"\r
+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo\r
+# ADD BSC32 /nologo\r
+# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept\r
+# ADD LINK32 php4ts_debug.lib libhttpd.lib libapr.lib libaprutil.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept /libpath:"..\..\Debug_TS" /libpath:"..\..\TSRM\Debug_TS" /libpath:"..\..\Zend\Debug_TS"\r
+!ENDIF \r
+# Begin Target\r
+# Name "php4apache2h - Win32 Release_TS"\r
+# Name "php4apache2h - Win32 Release_TS_inline"\r
+# Name "php4apache2h - Win32 Debug_TS"\r
+# Begin Group "Source Files"\r
+# PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat"\r
+# Begin Source File\r
+# End Source File\r
+# Begin Source File\r
+# End Source File\r
+# Begin Source File\r
+# End Source File\r
+# End Group\r
+# Begin Group "Header Files"\r
+# PROP Default_Filter "h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl"\r
+# Begin Source File\r
+# End Source File\r
+# End Group\r
+# End Target\r
+# End Project\r
--- /dev/null
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | PHP Version 4 |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Copyright (c) 1997-2003 The PHP Group |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license, |
+ | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
+ | available at through the world-wide-web at |
+ | http://www.php.net/license/2_02.txt. |
+ | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
+ | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
+ | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Author: Sascha Schumann <sascha@schumann.cx> |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ */
+/* $Id$ */
+#ifndef PHP_APACHE_H
+#define PHP_APACHE_H
+#include "httpd.h"
+#include "http_config.h"
+#include "http_core.h"
+/* Declare this so we can get to it from outside the sapi_apache2.c file */
+extern module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA php4_module;
+/* A way to specify the location of the php.ini dir in an apache directive */
+extern char *apache2_php_ini_path_override;
+/* The server_context used by PHP */
+typedef struct php_struct {
+ int state;
+ request_rec *r;
+ conn_rec *c;
+ apr_bucket_brigade *bb;
+ /* Length of post_data buffer */
+ int post_len;
+ /* Index for reading from buffer */
+ int post_idx;
+ /* stat structure of the current file */
+#if defined(NETWARE) && defined(CLIB_STAT_PATCH)
+ struct stat_libc finfo;
+ struct stat finfo;
+ /* Buffer for request body filter */
+ char *post_data;
+ /* Whether or not we've processed PHP in the output filters yet. */
+ int request_processed;
+} php_struct;
+void *merge_php_config(apr_pool_t *p, void *base_conf, void *new_conf);
+void *create_php_config(apr_pool_t *p, char *dummy);
+char *get_php_config(void *conf, char *name, size_t name_len);
+void apply_config(void *);
+extern const command_rec php_dir_cmds[];
+#define APR_ARRAY_FOREACH_OPEN(arr, key, val) \
+{ \
+ apr_table_entry_t *elts; \
+ int i; \
+ elts = (apr_table_entry_t *) arr->elts; \
+ for (i = 0; i < arr->nelts; i++) { \
+ key = elts[i].key; \
+ val = elts[i].val;
+#endif /* PHP_APACHE_H */
--- /dev/null
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | PHP Version 4 |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Copyright (c) 1997-2003 The PHP Group |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license, |
+ | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
+ | available at through the world-wide-web at |
+ | http://www.php.net/license/2_02.txt. |
+ | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
+ | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
+ | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Author: Sascha Schumann <sascha@schumann.cx> |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ */
+/* $Id$ */
+#include "php.h"
+#include "ext/standard/php_smart_str.h"
+#include "ext/standard/info.h"
+#include "SAPI.h"
+#include "apr_strings.h"
+#include "apr_time.h"
+#include "ap_config.h"
+#include "util_filter.h"
+#include "httpd.h"
+#include "http_config.h"
+#include "http_request.h"
+#include "http_core.h"
+#include "http_protocol.h"
+#include "http_log.h"
+#include "http_main.h"
+#include "util_script.h"
+#include "http_core.h"
+#include "php_apache.h"
+static request_rec *php_apache_lookup_uri(char *filename TSRMLS_DC)
+ php_struct *ctx;
+ if (!filename) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ctx = SG(server_context);
+ return ap_sub_req_lookup_uri(filename, ctx->r, ctx->r->output_filters);
+/* proto bool virtual(string uri)
+ Perform an apache sub-request */
+ zval **filename;
+ request_rec *rr;
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &filename) == FAILURE) {
+ }
+ convert_to_string_ex(filename);
+ php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_ERROR,
+ "Virtual Function is not implemented in Apache2Handler '%s' "
+ "use SSI instead http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.0/mod/mod_include.html",
+ Z_STRVAL_PP(filename));
+ ap_destroy_sub_req(rr);
+ /* ### this function is unsafe until PHP becomes re-entrant
+ * as running virtual('foo.php') from inside another php script
+ * can cause bad things to happen.
+ * Workaround:
+ * Use <!--#include virtual="filename" --> instead, and add the INCLUDES filter
+ */
+#ifdef NEVER
+ if (!(rr = php_apache_lookup_uri(Z_STRVAL_PP(filename) TSRMLS_CC))) {
+ php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Unable to include '%s' - URI lookup failed", Z_STRVAL_PP(filename));
+ }
+ if (rr->status == HTTP_OK) {
+ if (ap_run_sub_req(rr)) {
+ php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Unable to include '%s' - request execution failed", Z_STRVAL_PP(filename));
+ ap_destroy_sub_req(rr);
+ }
+ ap_destroy_sub_req(rr);
+ }
+ php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Unable to include '%s' - error finding URI", Z_STRVAL_PP(filename));
+ ap_destroy_sub_req(rr);
+/* */
+#define ADD_LONG(name) \
+ add_property_long(return_value, #name, rr->name)
+#define ADD_TIME(name) \
+ add_property_long(return_value, #name, rr->name / APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
+#define ADD_STRING(name) \
+ if (rr->name) add_property_string(return_value, #name, (char *) rr->name, 1)
+ request_rec *rr;
+ zval **filename;
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &filename) == FAILURE) {
+ }
+ convert_to_string_ex(filename);
+ if (!(rr = php_apache_lookup_uri(Z_STRVAL_PP(filename) TSRMLS_CC))) {
+ php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Unable to include '%s' - URI lookup failed", Z_STRVAL_PP(filename));
+ }
+ if (rr->status == HTTP_OK) {
+ object_init(return_value);
+ ADD_LONG(status);
+ ADD_STRING(the_request);
+ ADD_STRING(status_line);
+ ADD_STRING(method);
+ ADD_TIME(mtime);
+ ADD_LONG(clength);
+#if MODULE_MAGIC_NUMBER < 20020506
+ ADD_STRING(boundary);
+ ADD_STRING(range);
+ ADD_LONG(chunked);
+ ADD_STRING(content_type);
+ ADD_STRING(handler);
+ ADD_LONG(no_cache);
+ ADD_LONG(no_local_copy);
+ ADD_STRING(unparsed_uri);
+ ADD_STRING(uri);
+ ADD_STRING(filename);
+ ADD_STRING(path_info);
+ ADD_STRING(args);
+ ADD_LONG(allowed);
+ ADD_LONG(sent_bodyct);
+ ADD_LONG(bytes_sent);
+ ADD_LONG(request_time);
+ ADD_LONG(mtime);
+ ADD_TIME(request_time);
+ ap_destroy_sub_req(rr);
+ return;
+ }
+ php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Unable to include '%s' - error finding URI", Z_STRVAL_PP(filename));
+ ap_destroy_sub_req(rr);
+/* proto array getallheaders(void)
+ Fetch all HTTP request headers */
+ php_struct *ctx;
+ const apr_array_header_t *arr;
+ char *key, *val;
+ array_init(return_value);
+ ctx = SG(server_context);
+ arr = apr_table_elts(ctx->r->headers_in);
+ APR_ARRAY_FOREACH_OPEN(arr, key, val)
+ if (!val) val = empty_string;
+ add_assoc_string(return_value, key, val, 1);
+/* */
+/* {{{ proto array apache_response_headers(void)
+ Fetch all HTTP response headers */
+ php_struct *ctx;
+ const apr_array_header_t *arr;
+ char *key, *val;
+ array_init(return_value);
+ ctx = SG(server_context);
+ arr = apr_table_elts(ctx->r->headers_out);
+ APR_ARRAY_FOREACH_OPEN(arr, key, val)
+ if (!val) val = empty_string;
+ add_assoc_string(return_value, key, val, 1);
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto string apache_note(string note_name [, string note_value])
+ Get and set Apache request notes */
+ php_struct *ctx;
+ zval **note_name, **note_val;
+ char *old_note_val=NULL;
+ int arg_count = ZEND_NUM_ARGS();
+ if (arg_count<1 || arg_count>2 ||
+ zend_get_parameters_ex(arg_count, ¬e_name, ¬e_val) == FAILURE) {
+ }
+ ctx = SG(server_context);
+ convert_to_string_ex(note_name);
+ old_note_val = (char *) apr_table_get(ctx->r->notes, Z_STRVAL_PP(note_name));
+ if (arg_count == 2) {
+ convert_to_string_ex(note_val);
+ apr_table_set(ctx->r->notes, Z_STRVAL_PP(note_name), Z_STRVAL_PP(note_val));
+ }
+ if (old_note_val) {
+ RETURN_STRING(old_note_val, 1);
+ } else {
+ }
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool apache_setenv(string variable, string value [, bool walk_to_top])
+ Set an Apache subprocess_env variable */
+ * XXX this doesn't look right. shouldn't it be the parent ?*/
+ php_struct *ctx;
+ zval **variable=NULL, **string_val=NULL, **walk_to_top=NULL;
+ int arg_count = ZEND_NUM_ARGS();
+ request_rec *r;
+ if (arg_count<1 || arg_count>3 ||
+ zend_get_parameters_ex(arg_count, &variable, &string_val, &walk_to_top) == FAILURE) {
+ }
+ ctx = SG(server_context);
+ if (arg_count == 3 && Z_STRVAL_PP(walk_to_top)) {
+ r = ctx->r;
+ while(r->prev) {
+ r = r->prev;
+ }
+ }
+ convert_to_string_ex(variable);
+ convert_to_string_ex(string_val);
+ apr_table_set(r->subprocess_env, Z_STRVAL_PP(variable), Z_STRVAL_PP(string_val));
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool apache_getenv(string variable [, bool walk_to_top])
+ Get an Apache subprocess_env variable */
+ * XXX: shouldn't this be the parent not the 'prev'
+ */
+ php_struct *ctx;
+ zval **variable=NULL, **walk_to_top=NULL;
+ int arg_count = ZEND_NUM_ARGS();
+ char *env_val=NULL;
+ request_rec *r;
+ if (arg_count<1 || arg_count>2 ||
+ zend_get_parameters_ex(arg_count, &variable, &walk_to_top) == FAILURE) {
+ }
+ ctx = SG(server_context);
+ r = ctx->r;
+ if (arg_count == 2 && Z_STRVAL_PP(walk_to_top)) {
+ while(r->prev) {
+ r = r->prev;
+ }
+ }
+ convert_to_string_ex(variable);
+ env_val = (char*) apr_table_get(r->subprocess_env, Z_STRVAL_PP(variable));
+ if (env_val != NULL) {
+ RETURN_STRING(env_val, 1);
+ } else {
+ }
+/* }}} */
+static char *php_apache_get_version()
+ return (char *) ap_get_server_version();
+/* {{{ proto string apache_get_version(void)
+ Fetch Apache version */
+ char *apv = php_apache_get_version();
+ if (apv && *apv) {
+ RETURN_STRING(apv, 1);
+ } else {
+ }
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto array apache_get_modules(void)
+ Get a list of loaded Apache modules */
+ int n;
+ char *p;
+ array_init(return_value);
+ for (n = 0; ap_loaded_modules[n]; ++n) {
+ char *s = (char *) ap_loaded_modules[n]->name;
+ if ((p = strchr(s, '.'))) {
+ add_next_index_stringl(return_value, s, (p - s), 1);
+ } else {
+ add_next_index_string(return_value, s, 1);
+ }
+ }
+/* }}} */
+ char *apv = php_apache_get_version();
+ smart_str tmp1 = {0};
+ int n;
+ char *p;
+ for (n = 0; ap_loaded_modules[n]; ++n) {
+ char *s = (char *) ap_loaded_modules[n]->name;
+ if ((p = strchr(s, '.'))) {
+ smart_str_appendl(&tmp1, s, (p - s));
+ } else {
+ smart_str_appends(&tmp1, s);
+ }
+ smart_str_appendc(&tmp1, ' ');
+ }
+ if ((tmp1.len - 1) >= 0) {
+ tmp1.c[tmp1.len - 1] = '\0';
+ }
+ php_info_print_table_start();
+ if (apv && *apv) {
+ php_info_print_table_row(2, "Apache Version", apv);
+ }
+ php_info_print_table_row(2, "Loaded Modules", tmp1.c);
+ smart_str_free(&tmp1);
+ php_info_print_table_end();
+static function_entry apache_functions[] = {
+ PHP_FE(apache_lookup_uri, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(virtual, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(apache_request_headers, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(apache_response_headers, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(apache_setenv, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(apache_getenv, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(apache_note, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(apache_get_version, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(apache_get_modules, NULL)
+ PHP_FALIAS(getallheaders, apache_request_headers, NULL)
+zend_module_entry php_apache_module = {
+ "Apache 2.0",
+ apache_functions,
+ PHP_MINFO(apache),
+ * Local variables:
+ * tab-width: 4
+ * c-basic-offset: 4
+ * End:
+ * vim600: sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker
+ * vim<600: sw=4 ts=4
+ */
--- /dev/null
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | PHP Version 4 |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Copyright (c) 1997-2003 The PHP Group |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license, |
+ | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
+ | available at through the world-wide-web at |
+ | http://www.php.net/license/2_02.txt. |
+ | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
+ | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
+ | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Authors: Sascha Schumann <sascha@schumann.cx> |
+ | Parts based on Apache 1.3 SAPI module by |
+ | Rasmus Lerdorf and Zeev Suraski |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ */
+/* $Id$ */
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include "php.h"
+#include "php_main.h"
+#include "php_ini.h"
+#include "php_variables.h"
+#include "SAPI.h"
+#include "ext/standard/php_smart_str.h"
+#ifndef NETWARE
+#include "ext/standard/php_standard.h"
+#include "ext/standard/basic_functions.h"
+#include "apr_strings.h"
+#include "ap_config.h"
+#include "util_filter.h"
+#include "httpd.h"
+#include "http_config.h"
+#include "http_request.h"
+#include "http_core.h"
+#include "http_protocol.h"
+#include "http_log.h"
+#include "http_main.h"
+#include "util_script.h"
+#include "http_core.h"
+#include "ap_mpm.h"
+#include "php_apache.h"
+#ifdef NETWARE
+#undef shutdown /* To avoid Winsock confusion */
+/* A way to specify the location of the php.ini dir in an apache directive */
+char *apache2_php_ini_path_override = NULL;
+static int
+php_apache_sapi_ub_write(const char *str, uint str_length TSRMLS_DC)
+ apr_bucket *b;
+ apr_bucket_brigade *bb;
+ apr_bucket_alloc_t *ba;
+ php_struct *ctx;
+ char* copy_str;
+ ctx = SG(server_context);
+ if (str_length == 0)
+ return 0;
+ copy_str = apr_pmemdup( ctx->r->pool, str, str_length+1);
+ b = apr_bucket_pool_create(copy_str, str_length, ctx->r->pool, ctx->c->bucket_alloc);
+#if 0
+ /* Add a Flush bucket to the end of this brigade, so that
+ * the transient buckets above are more likely to make it out
+ * the end of the filter instead of having to be copied into
+ * someone's setaside. */
+ b = apr_bucket_flush_create(ba);
+ if (ap_pass_brigade(f->next, bb) != APR_SUCCESS) {
+ php_handle_aborted_connection();
+ }
+ return str_length; /* we always consume all the data passed to us. */
+static int
+php_apache_sapi_header_handler(sapi_header_struct *sapi_header, sapi_headers_struct *sapi_headers TSRMLS_DC)
+ php_struct *ctx;
+ ap_filter_t *f;
+ char *val;
+ ctx = SG(server_context);
+ f = ctx->r->output_filters;
+ val = strchr(sapi_header->header, ':');
+ if (!val) {
+ sapi_free_header(sapi_header);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ *val = '\0';
+ do {
+ val++;
+ } while (*val == ' ');
+ if (!strcasecmp(sapi_header->header, "content-type"))
+ ctx->r->content_type = apr_pstrdup(ctx->r->pool, val);
+ else if (sapi_header->replace)
+ apr_table_set(ctx->r->headers_out, sapi_header->header, val);
+ else
+ apr_table_add(ctx->r->headers_out, sapi_header->header, val);
+ sapi_free_header(sapi_header);
+ return 0;
+static int
+php_apache_sapi_send_headers(sapi_headers_struct *sapi_headers TSRMLS_DC)
+ php_struct *ctx = SG(server_context);
+ ctx->r->status = SG(sapi_headers).http_response_code;
+static int
+php_apache_sapi_read_post(char *buf, uint count_bytes TSRMLS_DC)
+ int n;
+ int to_read;
+ php_struct *ctx;
+ apr_status_t rv;
+ apr_bucket_brigade *bb;
+ apr_bucket *bucket;
+ char *last=buf;
+ int last_count=0;
+ int seen_eos=0;
+ ctx = SG(server_context);
+ bb = apr_brigade_create(ctx->r->pool, ctx->c->bucket_alloc);
+ if ((rv = ap_get_brigade(ctx->r->input_filters, bb, AP_MODE_READBYTES, APR_BLOCK_READ, count_bytes)) != APR_SUCCESS) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ APR_BRIGADE_FOREACH(bucket,bb) {
+ const char*data;
+ apr_size_t len;
+ if (APR_BUCKET_IS_EOS(bucket)) {
+ seen_eos = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* We can't do much with this. */
+ if (APR_BUCKET_IS_FLUSH(bucket)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ apr_bucket_read(bucket, &data, &len, APR_BLOCK_READ);
+ if (last_count +len > count_bytes) {
+ ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, ctx->r,
+ "PHP: Read too much post data raise a bug please: %s", ctx->r->uri);
+ break;
+ }
+ memcpy( last, data, len);
+ last += len;
+ last_count += len;
+ }
+ /*
+ ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, ctx->r,
+ "PHP: read post data : %s %*s len %ld", ctx->r->uri, last_count, buf, last_count);
+ return last_count;
+static struct stat*
+ php_struct *ctx = SG(server_context);
+ ctx->finfo.st_uid = ctx->r->finfo.user;
+ ctx->finfo.st_gid = ctx->r->finfo.group;
+ ctx->finfo.st_ino = ctx->r->finfo.inode;
+#if defined(NETWARE) && defined(CLIB_STAT_PATCH)
+ ctx->finfo.st_atime.tv_sec = ctx->r->finfo.atime/1000000;
+ ctx->finfo.st_mtime.tv_sec = ctx->r->finfo.mtime/1000000;
+ ctx->finfo.st_ctime.tv_sec = ctx->r->finfo.ctime/1000000;
+ ctx->finfo.st_atime = ctx->r->finfo.atime/1000000;
+ ctx->finfo.st_mtime = ctx->r->finfo.mtime/1000000;
+ ctx->finfo.st_ctime = ctx->r->finfo.ctime/1000000;
+ ctx->finfo.st_size = ctx->r->finfo.size;
+ ctx->finfo.st_nlink = ctx->r->finfo.nlink;
+ return &ctx->finfo;
+static char *
+ php_struct *ctx = SG(server_context);
+ const char *http_cookie;
+ http_cookie = apr_table_get(ctx->r->headers_in, "cookie");
+ /* The SAPI interface should use 'const char *' */
+ return (char *) http_cookie;
+static char *
+php_apache_sapi_getenv(char *name, size_t name_len TSRMLS_DC)
+ php_struct *ctx = SG(server_context);
+ const char *env_var;
+ env_var = apr_table_get(ctx->r->subprocess_env, name);
+ return (char *) env_var;
+static void
+php_apache_sapi_register_variables(zval *track_vars_array TSRMLS_DC)
+ php_struct *ctx = SG(server_context);
+ const apr_array_header_t *arr = apr_table_elts(ctx->r->subprocess_env);
+ char *key, *val;
+ APR_ARRAY_FOREACH_OPEN(arr, key, val)
+ if (!val) val = empty_string;
+ php_register_variable(key, val, track_vars_array TSRMLS_CC);
+ php_register_variable("PHP_SELF", ctx->r->uri, track_vars_array TSRMLS_CC);
+static void
+php_apache_sapi_flush(void *server_context)
+ php_struct *ctx;
+ apr_bucket_alloc_t *ba;
+ apr_bucket *b;
+ /*
+ * XXX: handle flush
+ * this has issues has PHP is not re-entrant, and can introduce race issues
+ * so until PHP is reentrant don't flush.
+ */
+ return;
+#ifdef NEVER
+ ctx = server_context;
+ /* If we haven't registered a server_context yet,
+ * then don't bother flushing. */
+ if (!server_context)
+ return;
+ /* Send a flush bucket down the filter chain. The current default
+ * handler seems to act on the first flush bucket, but ignores
+ * all further flush buckets.
+ */
+ ba = ctx->c->bucket_alloc;
+ b = apr_bucket_flush_create(ba);
+ if (ap_pass_brigade(r->output_filters, ctx->bb) != APR_SUCCESS) {
+ php_handle_aborted_connection();
+ }
+static void php_apache_sapi_log_message(char *msg)
+ php_struct *ctx;
+ ctx = SG(server_context);
+ /* We use APLOG_STARTUP because it keeps us from printing the
+ * data and time information at the beginning of the error log
+ * line. Not sure if this is correct, but it mirrors what happens
+ * with Apache 1.3 -- rbb
+ */
+ if (ctx == NULL) { /* we haven't initialized our ctx yet, oh well */
+ 0, NULL, "%s", msg);
+ }
+ else {
+ 0, ctx->r, "%s", msg);
+ }
+static int
+php_apache_disable_caching(ap_filter_t *f)
+ /* Identify PHP scripts as non-cacheable, thus preventing
+ * Apache from sending a 304 status when the browser sends
+ * If-Modified-Since header.
+ */
+ f->r->no_local_copy = 1;
+ return OK;
+extern zend_module_entry php_apache_module;
+static int php_apache2_startup(sapi_module_struct *sapi_module)
+ if (php_module_startup(sapi_module, &php_apache_module, 1)==FAILURE) {
+ return FAILURE;
+ }
+ return SUCCESS;
+static sapi_module_struct apache2_sapi_module = {
+ "apache2hook",
+ "Apache 2.0 Hook",
+ php_apache2_startup, /* startup */
+ php_module_shutdown_wrapper, /* shutdown */
+ NULL, /* activate */
+ NULL, /* deactivate */
+ php_apache_sapi_ub_write, /* unbuffered write */
+ php_apache_sapi_flush, /* flush */
+ php_apache_sapi_get_stat, /* get uid */
+ php_apache_sapi_getenv, /* getenv */
+ php_error, /* error handler */
+ php_apache_sapi_header_handler, /* header handler */
+ php_apache_sapi_send_headers, /* send headers handler */
+ NULL, /* send header handler */
+ php_apache_sapi_read_post, /* read POST data */
+ php_apache_sapi_read_cookies, /* read Cookies */
+ php_apache_sapi_register_variables,
+ php_apache_sapi_log_message, /* Log message */
+static apr_status_t
+php_apache_server_shutdown(void *tmp)
+ apache2_sapi_module.shutdown(&apache2_sapi_module);
+ sapi_shutdown();
+#ifdef ZTS
+ tsrm_shutdown();
+ return APR_SUCCESS;
+static void php_apache_add_version(apr_pool_t *p)
+ if (PG(expose_php)) {
+ ap_add_version_component(p, "PhP/" PHP_VERSION);
+ }
+static int php_pre_config(apr_pool_t *pconf, apr_pool_t *plog, apr_pool_t *ptemp)
+#ifndef ZTS
+ int threaded_mpm;
+ ap_mpm_query(AP_MPMQ_IS_THREADED, &threaded_mpm);
+ if(threaded_mpm) {
+ ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_CRIT, 0, 0, "Apache is running a threaded MPM, but your PHP Module is not compiled to be threadsafe. You need to recompile PHP.");
+ return DONE;
+ }
+ /* When this is NULL, apache won't override the hard-coded default
+ * php.ini path setting. */
+ apache2_php_ini_path_override = NULL;
+ return OK;
+static int
+php_apache_server_startup(apr_pool_t *pconf, apr_pool_t *plog,
+ apr_pool_t *ptemp, server_rec *s)
+ void *data = NULL;
+ const char *userdata_key = "apache2hook_post_config";
+ /* Apache will load, unload and then reload a DSO module. This
+ * prevents us from starting PHP until the second load. */
+ apr_pool_userdata_get(&data, userdata_key, s->process->pool);
+ if (data == NULL) {
+ /* We must use set() here and *not* setn(), otherwise the
+ * static string pointed to by userdata_key will be mapped
+ * to a different location when the DSO is reloaded and the
+ * pointers won't match, causing get() to return NULL when
+ * we expected it to return non-NULL. */
+ apr_pool_userdata_set((const void *)1, userdata_key,
+ apr_pool_cleanup_null, s->process->pool);
+ return OK;
+ }
+ /* Set up our overridden path. */
+ if (apache2_php_ini_path_override) {
+ apache2_sapi_module.php_ini_path_override = apache2_php_ini_path_override;
+ }
+#ifdef ZTS
+ tsrm_startup(1, 1, 0, NULL);
+ sapi_startup(&apache2_sapi_module);
+ apache2_sapi_module.startup(&apache2_sapi_module);
+ apr_pool_cleanup_register(pconf, NULL, php_apache_server_shutdown, apr_pool_cleanup_null);
+ php_apache_add_version(pconf);
+ return OK;
+static void php_add_filter(request_rec *r, ap_filter_t *f)
+ int output = (f == r->output_filters);
+ /* for those who still have Set*Filter PHP configured */
+ while (f) {
+ if (strcmp(f->frec->name, "PHP") == 0) {
+ 0, r->server,
+ "\"Set%sFilter PHP\" already configured for %s",
+ output ? "Output" : "Input", r->uri);
+ return;
+ }
+ f = f->next;
+ }
+ if (output) {
+ ap_add_output_filter("PHP", NULL, r, r->connection);
+ } else {
+ ap_add_input_filter("PHP", NULL, r, r->connection);
+ }
+static apr_status_t php_server_context_cleanup(void *data_)
+ void **data = data_;
+ *data = NULL;
+ return APR_SUCCESS;
+static int php_handler(request_rec *r)
+ int content_type_len = strlen("application/x-httpd-php");
+ const char *auth;
+ php_struct *ctx;
+ zend_file_handle zfd;
+ if (!r->content_type) {
+ return DECLINED;
+ }
+ if (strncmp(r->handler, "application/x-httpd-php", content_type_len -1)) {
+ return DECLINED;
+ }
+ r->allowed |= (AP_METHOD_BIT << M_GET);
+ r->allowed |= (AP_METHOD_BIT << M_POST);
+ if (r->method_number != M_GET && r->method_number != M_POST ) {
+ return DECLINED;
+ }
+ /* XXX not sure if we need this */
+ if (r->finfo.filetype == 0) {
+ ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r,
+ "File does not exist: %s", r->filename);
+ return HTTP_NOT_FOUND;
+ }
+ /* Initialize filter context */
+ SG(server_context) = ctx = apr_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(*ctx));
+ /* register a cleanup so we clear out the SG(server_context)
+ * after each request. Note: We pass in the pointer to the
+ * server_context in case this is handled by a different thread. */
+ apr_pool_cleanup_register(r->pool, (void *)&SG(server_context),
+ php_server_context_cleanup,
+ apr_pool_cleanup_null);
+ ap_add_common_vars(r);
+ ap_add_cgi_vars(r);
+ SG(sapi_headers).http_response_code = 200;
+ SG(request_info).content_type = apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "Content-Type");
+ SG(request_info).query_string = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, r->args);
+ SG(request_info).request_method = r->method;
+ SG(request_info).request_uri = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, r->uri);
+ r->no_local_copy = 1;
+ r->content_type = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, sapi_get_default_content_type(TSRMLS_C));
+ /*
+ * XXX handle POST data
+ */
+ SG(request_info).post_data = NULL;
+ SG(request_info).post_data_length = 0;
+ /*
+ SG(request_info).post_data = ctx->post_data;
+ SG(request_info).post_data_length = ctx->post_len;
+ */
+ apr_table_unset(r->headers_out, "Content-Length");
+ apr_table_unset(r->headers_out, "Last-Modified");
+ apr_table_unset(r->headers_out, "Expires");
+ apr_table_unset(r->headers_out, "ETag");
+ apr_table_unset(r->headers_in, "Connection");
+ if (!PG(safe_mode)) {
+ auth = apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "Authorization");
+ php_handle_auth_data(auth TSRMLS_CC);
+ } else {
+ SG(request_info).auth_user = NULL;
+ SG(request_info).auth_password = NULL;
+ }
+ /* setup standard CGI variables */
+ ctx = SG(server_context);
+ if (ctx == NULL) {
+ ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR|APLOG_NOERRNO, 0, r,
+ "php failed to get server context");
+ }
+ ctx->r = r;
+ ctx->c = r->connection;
+ php_request_startup(TSRMLS_C);
+ ctx->bb = apr_brigade_create(r->pool, ctx->c->bucket_alloc);
+ zfd.filename = r->filename;
+ zfd.free_filename = 0;
+ zfd.opened_path = NULL;
+ php_execute_script(&zfd TSRMLS_CC);
+ {
+ char *mem_usage;
+ mem_usage = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%u", AG(allocated_memory_peak));
+ AG(allocated_memory_peak) = 0;
+ apr_table_set(r->notes, "mod_php_memory_usage", mem_usage);
+ }
+ php_request_shutdown(NULL);
+ * handled by APR
+ if (SG(request_info).query_string) {
+ free(SG(request_info).query_string);
+ }
+ if (SG(request_info).request_uri) {
+ free(SG(request_info).request_uri);
+ }
+ APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(ctx->bb, apr_bucket_eos_create(ctx->c->bucket_alloc));
+ r->status = SG(sapi_headers).http_response_code;
+ return ap_pass_brigade( r->output_filters, ctx->bb);
+ * XXX: check.. how do we set the response code ?
+ return SG(sapi_headers).http_response_code;
+ */
+static void php_register_hook(apr_pool_t *p)
+ ap_hook_pre_config(php_pre_config, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
+ ap_hook_post_config(php_apache_server_startup, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
+ /*
+ ap_hook_insert_filter(php_insert_filter, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
+ ap_hook_post_read_request(php_post_read_request, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
+ */
+ ap_hook_handler(php_handler, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
+ /*
+ ap_register_output_filter("PHP", php_output_filter, php_apache_disable_caching, AP_FTYPE_RESOURCE);
+ ap_register_input_filter("PHP", php_input_filter, php_apache_disable_caching, AP_FTYPE_RESOURCE);
+ */
+AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA module php4_module = {
+ create_php_config, /* create per-directory config structure */
+ merge_php_config, /* merge per-directory config structures */
+ NULL, /* create per-server config structure */
+ NULL, /* merge per-server config structures */
+ php_dir_cmds, /* command apr_table_t */
+ php_register_hook /* register hooks */
+ * Local variables:
+ * tab-width: 4
+ * c-basic-offset: 4
+ * End:
+ * vim600: sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker
+ * vim<600: sw=4 ts=4
+ */
--- /dev/null
+./" +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+./" | PHP Version 4 |
+./" +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+./" | Copyright (c) 1997-2003 The PHP Group |
+./" +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+./" | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license, |
+./" | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
+./" | available at through the world-wide-web at |
+./" | http://www.php.net/license/2_02.txt. |
+./" | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
+./" | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
+./" | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
+./" +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+./" | Author: Marcus Boerger <helly@php.net> |
+./" +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+./" $Id$
+.TH PHP 1 "Feb 2003" "The PHP Group" "Scripting Language"
+.TP 15
+.B php
+PHP Command Line Interface 'CLI'
+.B php
+[options] [
+.B \-f ]
+.IR file
+.IR args.\|.\|. ]
+.B php
+.B \-r
+.IR code
+.IR args.\|.\|. ]
+.B php
+[options] [\-B
+.IR code ]
+.B \-R
+.IR code
+.IR code ]
+.IR args.\|.\|. ]
+.B php
+[options] [\-B
+.IR code ]
+.B \-F
+.IR file
+.IR code ]
+.IR args.\|.\|. ]
+.B php
+[options] \-\- [
+.IR args.\|.\|. ]
+is a widely\-used general\-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for
+Web development and can be embedded into HTML. This is the command line interface
+that enables you to the following:
+You can parse and execute files by using parameter \-f followed by the name of the
+.IR file
+to be executed.
+Using parameter \-r you can directly execute PHP
+.IR code
+simply as you would do inside a .php file when using the
+.B eval()
+It is also possible to process the standard input line by line using either
+the parameter \-R or \-F. In this mode each separate input line causes the
+.IR code
+specified by \-R or the
+.IR file
+specified by \-F to be executed.
+You can access the input line by \fB$argn\fP. While processing the input lines
+.B $argi
+contains the number of the actual line being processed. Further more
+the paramters \-B and \-E can be used to execute
+.IR code
+(see \-r) before and
+after all input lines have been processed respectively.
+If none of \-r \-f \-B \-R \-F or \-E is present but a single parameter is given
+then this parameter is taken as the filename to parse and execute (same as
+with \-f). If no parameter is present then the standard input is read and
+.TP 15
+.B \-a
+Run interactively
+.B \-c \fIpath\fP|\fIfile\fP
+Look for
+.B php.ini
+file in the directory
+.IR path
+or use the specified
+.IR file
+.B \-n
+.B php.ini
+file will be used
+.B \-d \fIfoo\fP[=\fIbar\fP]
+Define INI entry
+.IR foo
+with value
+.IR bar
+.B \-e
+Generate extended information for debugger/profiler
+.B \-f \fIfile\fP
+Parse and execute
+.IR file
+.B \-h
+This help
+.B \-H
+Hide script name (\fIfile\fP) and parameters (\fIargs\.\.\.\fP) from external
+tools. For example you may want to use this when a php script is started as
+a daemon and the command line contains sensitive data such as passwords.
+.B \-i
+PHP information and configuration
+.B \-l
+Syntax check only (lint)
+.B \-m
+Show compiled in modules
+.B \-r \fIcode\fP
+Run PHP
+.IR code
+without using script tags
+.B '<?..?>'
+.B \-B \fIcode\fP
+Run PHP
+.IR code
+before processing input lines
+.B \-R \fIcode\fP
+Run PHP
+.IR code
+for every input line
+.B \-F \fIfile\fP
+Parse and execute
+.IR file
+for every input line
+.B \-E \fIcode\fP
+Run PHP
+.IR code
+after processing all input lines
+.B \-s
+Display colour syntax highlighted source
+.B \-v
+Version number
+.B \-w
+Display source with stripped comments and whitespace
+.B \-z \fIfile\fP
+Load Zend extension
+.IR file
+.IR args.\|.\|.
+Arguments passed to script. Use
+.B '\-\-'
+.IR args
+when first argument starts with
+.B '\-'
+or script is read from stdin
+.TP 15
+.B php\-cli.ini
+The configuration file for the CLI version of PHP.
+.B php.ini
+The standard configuration file will only be used when
+.B php\-cli.ini
+cannot not be found.
+.TP 5
+\fIphp -r 'echo "Hello World\\n";'\fP
+This command simply writes the text "Hello World" to stabdard out.
+\fIphp \-r 'print_r(gd_info());'\fP
+This shows the configuration of your gd extension. You can use this
+to easily check which imag formats you can use. If you have any
+dynamic modules you may want to use the same ini file that php uses
+when executed from your webserver. There are more extensions which
+have such a function. For dba use:
+\fIphp \-r 'print_r(dba_handlers(1));'\fP
+\fIphp \-d html_errors=1 \-i | php \-R 'echo strip_tags($argn)."\\n";'\fP
+This example uses PHP first to generate a HTML output. This is
+meant to be replaced with any tool that displays HTML (for instance
+you could use 'cat file.html'). The second php command now strips off
+the HTML tags line by line and outputs the result.
+\fIphp \-E 'echo "Lines: $argi\\n";'\fP
+This command shows the number of lines being input.
+\fIphp \-R '$l+=count(file($argn));' \-E'echo "Lines:$l\\n";'\fP
+This commands expects each input line beeing a file. It counts all lines
+of the files specified by each input line and shows the summarized result.
+You may combine this with tools like find and change the php scriptlet.
+\fIphp \-R 'echo "$argn\\n"; fgets(STDIN);'\fP
+Since you have access to STDIN from within \-B \-R and \-F you can skip certain
+input lines with your code. But note that in such cases $argi only counts the
+lines being processed by php itself. Having read this you will guess what the
+above program does: skipping every second input line.
+You can use a shebang line to automatically invoke php
+from scripts. Only the CLI version of PHP will ignore
+such a first line as shown below:
+.PD 0
+ // your script
+.PD 1
+For a more or less complete description of PHP look here:
+.PD 0
+.B http://www.php.net/manual/
+.PD 1
+A nice introduction to PHP by Stig Sæther Bakken can be found here:
+.PD 0
+.B http://www.zend.com/zend/art/intro.php
+.PD 1
+You can view the list of known bugs or add any new bug you
+found here:
+.PD 0
+.B http://bugs.php.net
+.PD 1
+The PHP Group: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Lerdorf, Sam Ruby, Sascha Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei Zmievski.
+Additional work for the CLI sapi was done by Edin Kadribasic and Marcus Boerger.
+A List of active developers can be found here:
+.PD 0
+.B http://www.php.net/credits.php
+.PD 1
+And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount of
+contributors all around the world.
+This manpage describes \fBphp\fP, version @PHP_VERSION@.
+Copyright \(co 1997\-2003 The PHP Group
+This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license,
+that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is
+available at through the world-wide-web at
+.PD 0
+.B http://www.php.net/license/2_02.txt
+.PD 1
+If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to
+obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to
+.B license@php.net
+so we can mail you a copy immediately.